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Kolaborasi Polije dan Desa Kemuning Lor Optimalkan Program Desa Wisata dengan Konsep Natural Study Life Balance Kamal, Mushthofa; Sari Mahanani, Retno; Putu Yudhia Kurnia, Bagus; Hariono, Budi; Tri hertamawati, Rosa; Adha Anrosana Pongoh, Ida; Agustianto, Khafidurrohman; Kautsar, Syamsiar; Galushasti, Andarula
J-Dinamika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 9 No 1 (2024): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Kondisi existing Desa Wisata Kemuning Lor saat ini termasuk kategori desa rintisan dengan nilai 228 didasarkan pada 8 kriteria penilaian desa wisata dari Kemenparekraf.  Pada tahun 2022 dan 2023 pihak desa mengupayakan melengkapi fasilitas wahana rekreasi (pujasera indoor outdoor, wahana atv dan flying fox), sedangkan Tim Pelaksana Polije melaksanakan pelatihan pengelolaan desa wisata dan penggunaan teknologi informasi.  Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah mengembangkan Desa Wisata spesifik KL Nature Park dengan konsep Natural Study Life Balance secara terintegrasi melalui pelatihan dan pengembangan setiap produk dari daya tarik wisata yang melibatkan Pemerintah Desa, Pokdarwis (kelompok sadar wisata), pelaku UMKM, Karang Taruna, PKK, dan juga ditambah dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti MBKM. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah bahwa kolaborasi Polije dan Desa Kemuning Lor berupaya menjadikan KL Nature Park di samping sebagai wahana rekreasi juga sebagai sarana belajar perkuliahan, praktikum, dan studi independen untuk mahasiswa Polije berdasarkan MoU kedua belah pihak.  Program MF diharapkan dapat meningkatkan link and match sehingga berdampak peningkatan daya tarik sebagai kesatuan produk desa wisata.
Indonesian Language Teaching Model for Foreign Speakers Cross Generations Suharsono, Degita Danur; Kamal, Mushthofa; Wicaksono, Julien Arief; Widianto, Eko
KREDO : Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 7, No 2 (2024): JURNAL KREDO VOLUME 7 NO 2 TAHUN 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/kredo.v7i2.8797


The development of technology and communication has given birth to the Baby Boomers generation, generation X, generation Y, generation Z, and generation Alpha. Each generation has different characteristics in learning activities. Bahasa Indonesia for foreign speakers (BIPA) can be learned from the Baby Boomers generation to the Alpha generation. Characteristic differences among generations in learning BIPA should be adjusted regarding the learning model used. The suitable learning model for each generation’s characteristic makes the learning BIPA easier for the students and teachers to achieve the learning goals. This study aims to describe the BIPA learning model based on the characteristics from each generation of students. The research method used is literature study. The results of this study are producing BIPA learning model across generation which is consisting of (1) BIPA learning procedure, (2) learning environment, and (3) supporting system in learning. The BIPA learning procedure is the teaching phases developed by BIPA teachers based on the characteristics of the BIPA student’s generation with the purpose of achieving the competency standards. The learning environment is created based on the social system and the characteristics of the BIPA students’ generation. The support system for the across generations BIPA learning model consists of learning resources, learning media, and teaching materials that are adjusted to the characteristics of the generation of BIPA students.
Developing English Learning Application Model for Vocational High School Students Taufan, Gullit Tornado; Suharsono, Degita Danur; Kamal, Mushthofa
Journal of English in Academic and Professional Communication Vol 10 No 2 (2024): (July)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jeapco.v10i2.5032


This is a research and development (R&D) with the aim of developing a vocational-themed English application model for SMK in Jember. There were three steps carried out to complete this study including categorizing the areas of expertise offered at State Vocational Schools (SMKN) in Jember, analyzing the use of information technology in learning English at SMKN in Jember by distributing questionnaire to the English teachers and interview, and designing a vocational-themed English learning application model. The result of the study is a model of an Android-based application for English learning specific for SMK under seven vocational expertise fields covering four English skills and two components. Those are reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Moreover, the application also covers grammar and vocabulary materials specific for SMK students. The application model is the basis of developing the prototype of the vocational-themed English learning application. From the model, an English learning application which is specifically designed for students of vocational high schools can be created based on 7 areas of expertise, as found through the study, including: 1) Technology and Engineering, 2) Information and Communication Technology, 3) Agribusiness and Agro-technology, 4) Maritime Affairs, 5) Business and Management, 6) Tourism, and 7) Arts and Creative Industries.