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Journal : Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)

Efektifitas Waktu Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Rekonstruksi Jalan Wolo –Batas Kota Kolaka – Rate Rate Ahmad, Ahmad; Lakawa, Irwan; Rachmat, La Ode Musa
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.186 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i1.50


By analyzing the implementation of this project work is expected to know the comparison between the plan and the realization, the effectiveness of the time executor and factors affecting the effectiveness of implementation on road reconstruction work. The medhod used in this research is to take data in the form of curve S, RAB, back up data, weekly report, montly report and questonnaire data for factors that influence the implementation of extreme weather factors, coordination factor between agencies, factors of delay in material testing, experience of executor and tool availability factor with analysis using SPSS mean rank application. Based on the result of reviewing and data analyzing, the time that occurs in the implementation of the road reconstruction work has been delayed due to get minus deviation value, than is in February – 0,225 %, March – 4,855 %, April -10,118 %, May – 20,606 %, June – 37,379 %, July – 57,111 %, August – 55,379 %. Data for the value of the effectiveness of work on aggregate class B in April 0,4 months Mei 0,87, June 0,90, July 0,87, August 0,87. Aggregate of class A in May 0,13, June 0,17, month of July 0,35, month of August 0,90 and work of asphalting AC-BC its effectiveness value is 0,4. The data for factor affecting effectveness of implementation based on mean rank analysis ie extreme weather 3,0, coordination between intances 3,30, material testing delay 2,90, execution experience 2,90, availability of tools 2,90s
Pengaruh Kebisingan Lalu Lintas Terhadap Ketergangguan Pegawai Kantor Bkd Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Basri, M; Lakawa, Irwan; sulaiman, Sulaiman
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.467 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i1.51


Noise is unwanted sound, which can impair the health and comfort of the environment, have a source and propagates through a medium. Provincial Civil Service Agency of Southeast Sulawesi’s Office is located at the intersection of Drs. H. Abdullah Silondae Street, Laute Street and Malik Raya street with dense vehicle traffic, which Drs. H. Abdulah Silondae Street is the route of public transportation to the downtown to UHO Campus. The purpose of this research is to analyze the noise level due to the activities of the traffic in the area of Provincial Civil Service Agency of Southeast Sulawesi’s Office, analyzing the annoyance perception employees due to the traffic noise and the characteristics of respondents, and analyze the influence of noise level against the employees annoyance level. Data analysis of obtained that the average noise level in the area of Provincial Civil Service Agency of Southeast Sulawesi’s Office has passed the quality standards of noise to the office area. The perception of employees due to interference noise is 44% of the respondents who stated not bothered by noise in the area, 24% of respondents who stated a bit distracted, 24% stated quite disturbed, and 8% declared disturbed. As for the noise have significant influence towards employees level of annoyance.
Evaluasi Kinerja Trayek AKDP Dari Terminal Baruga Ke Berbagai Jurusan Di Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Sumariyani, Sumariyani; Lakawa, Irwan; Magribi, La Ode Muh
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.618 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i1.54


This study aims to evaluate the current performance of urban transportation within the province and analyze the need for urban transportation modes within the province. The data analysis technique uses mathematical equations with the help of Microsoft Excel Software. The observation point is at the Baruga Terminal of Kendari City. The results showed that the return trip time of the 8 study routes was only 6 routes that met World Bank standards, namely Torobulu, Andoolo, Lainea, Tinanggea, Palangga and Motaha routes. For vehicle frequency, only 4 routes meet World Bank standards, namely Bambaea, Lainea, Tinanggea and Palangga routes. From the aspect of the loading factor, the highest is on the Torobulu, Lainea and Palangga routes, while the lowest is on the Boepinang route. From the aspect of time difference, none of them meet the World Bank's standard values. From the aspect of cycle time, only 1 route does not meet the standard, namely the Boepinang route. The need for city-in-province transportation modes at the Baruga Terminal has not met the standard because the number of vehicles operating is far less than the number of vehicles set by the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Transportation Service.
Korelasi Nilai CBR Dengan kepadatan Lapangan Subbase Course Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Tugu munajah Kabupaten Bombana Hayadi, Hayadi; Lakawa, Irwan; Sulaiman, Sulaiman
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (943.15 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.140


The durability of the road flexural pavement structure is largely determined by the performance of each layer. One of these factors is the strength and resilience of the subbase. Compaction in accordance with applicable standards will produce roads with good quality so that the road life is longer and there is less damage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the carrying capacity using CBR, the value of the field density with the sand cone test and the correlation of the CBR value and the Sand cone value of the B grade foundation layer on the Tugu Munajah network. The research method used is laboratory and field testing combined with a descriptive statistic approach. The results of the study indicate that the carrying capacity using the CBR amounted to 55.02% <60%, the density value field with sand cone test of 72.50% <90%. Correlation of CBR and Sand cone value at the base layer (sub base course) is very strong at 0.998.
Pengaruh Penambahan Admixture Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Dari Berbagai Merek Semen Fitrawansyah, Dian; Lakawa, Irwan; Sulaiman, Sulaiman
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1129.216 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.142


Tonasa cement, Bosowa cement, and Tiga Roda cement have diffenrence characteristic from procedure to produce and composition of ingredients, the difference are probably reach the diffenrence respond or effected from three brands are mixed from admixture to be a mix concrete. One of the commonly admixture and easy to find is Damdex Brand that can increase the strengthness of the concrete. The aimed of this investigation to analyse the effect of admixture (Damdex) variation toward concrete compressive strength by comparison the cement brands.The methodology of this investigation is experiment method or material test in laboratory. The concrete compressive strength will calculated during 28 days age, after giving an admixture (0%,1%, 1,5%,2%, 2,5% dan 3%) with different brands cement variation,but composition of Concrete such Agregat and Water are same from each treatment. The sample from each treatment totally 3 tested samples. The result of this investigation, Tonasa cement is increase with concrete compressive strength from highest of admixture (Damdex) from admixture level is 2% which gain compressive strength 385,24 Kg/cm2 or increasing amount 23,52% from normal concrete compressive strength. Bosowa brand is increase with concrete compressive strength from the highest admixture ( Damdex) the level is 2.5 % with compressive strength gain is 338,00 Kg/cm2 or increase amount 10,15% from Normal concrete compressive strength.Compressive strength of Tiga Roda brand also gain increase from admixture with highest level is 3% which 354,35 Kg/cm2 compressive or increase amount 18,60% from normal concrete compressive strength
Kajian Infrastruktur Transportasi Darat Dalam Pengembangan Wilayah Kecamatan Tongauna Kabupaten Konawe Juantoro, Eko Efendi; Magribi, La Ode Muhamad; Lakawa, Irwan; Sufrianto, Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (898.808 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.143


The development of rural areas from the agricultural base sector in the field of food through land transportation infrastructure is the main focus of this research. The location of the object of research was Tongauna District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. which is the background for site selection because the majority of the people in Tongauna are farmers and the Tongauna sub-district is the district with the largest production of lowland rice commodity in Southeast Sulawesi province which can be an agricultural base sector. Land transportation has become a very important media that supports the mobility, connectivity and accessibility of agriculture so as to increase the productivity of leading sectors of agriculture that have an impact on the development of the area of Tongauna District.
Analisis Banjir Faktor Penyebab Dan Prioritas Penanganan Sungai Anduonuhu Idati, La Ode Munawal Akbar; Magribi, La Ode Muhamad; Lakawa, Irwan
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1477.155 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.144


Anduonuhu Village is one of the areas in Kendari City that has been affected by flooding in the last 10 years. Data of fload events occurred in 2013 and 2017. Based on the Data of the Kendari City Enfironmental Status Report in 2010, the distribution of potential areans prone to flooding in the city of Kendari, Anduonuhu sub-district was ranked 2 (two) with an area of 359.817 ha. The purpose of this sudy is to analyze extreme rainfall over the past 10 years, to analyze the factors that cause flooding and the priority of handling the anduonuhu river. In analyzing, the autors collect data by conducting field surveys and collecting data on gydrology, tophography and land use at the study site. The results of data analysis show that extreme rainfall in the last 10 years at the study site occurred in 2013 amounted to 191.6 mm. factors causing flooding at the study site were caused by extreme rainfall inundating the Anduonuhu watershed and land use change. The priority handling is done by modeling scenarios with normalization and river embankments.
Analisis Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Pada Simpang PLN Di Wua-Wua Kota Kendari Saputra, Arsum Rheza Djaya; Lakawa, Irwan; Rachmat, La Ode Musa
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1332.583 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.145


This study aims to analyze the degree of saturation of the signaled intersection at the intersection of PLN Wua-Wua Kendari, the long queue condition based on the Manual Capacity Road Indonesia (MKJI, 1997) method with direct measurement in the field, traffic delay condition, and predict the performance of PLN intersection Wua- Wua at 5 and 10 years to come. Data analysis techniques use mathematical equations by using Manual Capacity Method of Indonesia (MKJI, 1997) with the help of Microsoft Excel. Traffic volume surveys and queue lengths are carried out together for 15 minutes each time for 12 hours of measurement. The long queuing condition based on MKJI 1997 method on the east approaches 42,62 meters, west approach 79,5 meter, North approach 47,1 meter and Southern approach 52,4 meter with average queue length 55, 4 meters. While based on the calculation directly in the field obtained value on the approach of the East of 33.51 meters, Western approach of 39.23 meters, Northern approach of 41.53 meters, South approach of 58.05 meters, with an average queue length of 43, 08 meters. The traffic delay on the Eastern approach was 56.2 seconds / smp, Western approach of 84.1 seconds / smp, North approach of 64.1 seconds / smp, and Southern approach of 69.0 seconds / smp. Predicted traffic volume for the next 5 years for the Eastern approach of the DS value of 0.94 with the LOS E, the western approach to the DS value of 1.29 with the LOS F, the North approaches the DS value of 1.20 with the LOS F, the Southern approach of the DS value of 1.27 with LOS F, while for the next 10 years on the Eastern approach the value of DS is 1.57 with LOS F, Western approach of DS value of 2.25 with LOS F, North approach of DS value of 2.00 with LOS F, South DS value of 2.12 with LOS F.
Evaluasi Kinerja Layanan dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Angkutan Penyeberangan Amolengo-Pure Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Rasyid, La Ode Ahmad; Lakawa, Irwan; Rahmat, La Ode Musa
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (942.669 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i1.162


Indonesia is a large country that is widespread with it’s islands and is a country traversed by the Equator, so sea transportation has an important role to play in connecting one area to another, considering that Indonesia has a very wide ocean. One of the means of sea transportation that is widely used by the community is the ferry. Ferry is a type of sea transportation that can be used as passenger and goods transportation using certain routes or routes. With the existence of the Ferry port, it can increase the acceleration of development in the area, especially Amolengo Village, Konawe Selatan Regency. The Amolengo ferry port is a port that serves the crossing of passengers and goods that connects the South Konawe mainland and its surroundings with Buton Island, where the destination port is Pure port. The quality of good service provided is one of the determining factors for the success of the company. The research method is arranged by interviewing respondents by answering the questions on the questionnaire. The analysis was performed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results of this study indicate that the consumer satisfaction index on the performance of the Amolengo - Pure Ferry Port, Southeast Sulawesi Province is 84.6% and is in the range 0.81 - 1.00 indicating that consumers are very satisfied with the service quality of the Amolengo - Pure Ferry Port, Southeast Sulawesi Province.
Pengaruh Cangkang Kerang Laut Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Rahmawati, Neti; Lakawa, Irwan; Sulaiman, Sulaiman
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1029.05 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i1.167


Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials today in terms of physical construction. Concrete is made from a mixture of fine, coarse aggregate, cement, and water with a certain ratio, as well as materials that are usually added to the concrete mixture during or during mixing, to changing the properties of concrete to make it more suitable in certain jobs and more economical, can also be added with certain other mixed materials as needed if deemed necessary. Seashells can be used to mix concrete. This study aims to determine whether the addition of shells aggregate shells in a concrete mixture can affect the mechanical properties of concrete. The specimens used are in the form of cubes with a size of 15cm x 15 cm x 15 cm, consisting of additional concrete coarse and fine aggregate with shell substitution percentage of 0%, 15%, 20% with a total sample of 45, with the planned concrete quality of K225. The use of sea shells in increasing the compressive strength of concrete is better used as fine aggregate than coarse aggregate. The use of sea shells as a substitute for fine aggregates achieves maximum results at 20% composition.