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Kandungan Gizi, Beta Karoten dan Antioksidan pada Tepung Pisang Tongka Langit (Musa troglodytarum L.) Ika Yohanna Pratiwi; Oki Krisbianto
agriTECH Vol 39, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.307 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.32335


Banana fruit cultivar Tongka Langit is a typical plant from Moluccas which has not widely used and observed just yet. It has been believed and used by locals to relieve body heat, clean the kidneys, and keep the health of the digestion tract, but without scientific proof. This study aims the nutrition content of Tongka Langit flour, along with its carotenoids, beta carotene, and antioxidant content. The banana fruit was dried at 60 oC for 2 hours. Banana flour had been analyzed for moisture content, levels of ashes, levels of protein, the fibers, carbohydrates, vitamin C, mineral, carotenoids and antioxidant. It had been found that Tongka Langit flour contained 331,03 calories, 4,66% protein, 83,72% carbohydrate and 16,59% dietary fibers. Tongka Langit flour contained 7,92 mg/ 100 mg carotenoid total which 18,56% was beta carotene. As much as 0.35 mg/kg flavonoid was also found, along with its high level of antioxidant activity.
Commercial, Cooking and Eating Quality Traits and Nutrient Values of Local Mixed Black and White Rice from Yogyakarta Mary Astuti; Sri Kanoni; Mega Mustika; Oki Krisbianto
Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Food Technologists

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ifnp.28952


Black rice has higher anthocyanin content and other nutritional values than white rice but is not preferable as staple food by Indonesian people especially for its aroma and texture. Mixing black rice with white rice was expected to increased its cooking and eating qualities but might be affected its commercial and nutritional qualities. Local cultivars of black rice Cempo Ireng and white rice Mentik Wangi were mixed at ratios 1:0 (S1), 3:1 (S2), 1:1 (S3), 1:3 (S4) and 0:1 (S5) w/w. The raw and cooked mixed rice were physically, chemically, physicochemically and sensorily analyzed to determined its commercial, cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. The addition of white rice increased the cooking and eating qualities of mixed rice but reduce its nutritional value. It had been suggested that the ratio of black rice and white rice must not lower than 1:1 to preserve its eating and nutritional qualities.
Types of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Columns: A Review Natashya Evangeline Fiorelia; Anthony Dharma Wibowo; Natanael Leonard Lae; Allison Ang; Oki Krisbianto
FoodTech: Jurnal Teknologi Pangan Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jft.v5i1.57334


Some chemical analysts, especially those working in the food sector, often find it difficult to choose the HPLC columns for their research. Every so often they tend to modify their method to fit whatever HPLC column available in their laboratory instead of looking for the column type best suited to their experiments. Other than that, HPLC column types are often very limited discussed in the class. This is particularly disadvantageous for those who have sufficient access to select the HPLC column they need for the best result. The lack of insight into the types of HPLC columns available in the market also influenced their decision to select the right column in their analysis to a large extent. This article briefly reviews the differences between the commonly used Particle-Packed Columns with the newer yet less frequently used Monolithic Columns. The types of HPLC columns based on polarity, molecular size, and the electrical charge will be described further, along with the working principle of the columns in brief and various examples of options available on the market. Lastly, the uses of HPLC columns in the food industries are also described. This review is expected to contribute to the field of chemical analysis, such as food analysis.
Comparison of gas chromatography detectors and its application in food analysis Yurika Sugiharto; Evelyn Natania; Sherlin Angelina Febriyanti; Oki Krisbianto
Journal of Food and Agricultural Product Vol 2, No 1 (2022): JFAP
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.589 KB) | DOI: 10.32585/jfap.v2i1.2250


Gas Chromatography (GC) is an instrument used for analyzing gaseous compounds based upon differences of boiling point and polarity. The mobile phase of GC is an inert (unreactive) gas. GC consists of several components, one of them is a detector. Detector provides an electronic signal that is recorded, and component concentration shown in the chromatogram. A detector has interrelated properties to the other. The properties of the detector are considered under three main headings: (1) types of detector, (2) sensitivity, and (3) ease of operation. Ideal detector for one application is not necessarily ideal for another application. Application of GC coupled with a detector in food analysis are also informed. Detectors that are discussed are Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Electron Capture Detector (ECD), and Mass Spectrometer (MS).
Research and Development on Galengdowo Village’s Tahu Walik Cracker Using Different Seasonings Hadassah Elisha Karsten; Emre Omar Khaled; Oki Krisbianto; Magnalia Isnina Madyaratri; Fika Fatimah
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/


Tahu walik is a snack product originating from Banyuwangi but has been developed in other areas such as Galengdowo Village, Jombang. To develop Galengdowo's tahu walik products that were able to compete inmarket, it was necessary to conduct research related to product sensory and consumer acceptance. The five sample variants used in this study were tahu walik without seasoning (T0), original seasoning (T1), balado seasoning (T2), salted pepper seasoning (T3), and commercial tahu walik (T4) for comparison. A total of 40 panelists conducted a hedonic analysis of the product's appearance in the packaging, shape, color, crispness, taste, and oily. The results showed that the highest purchase motivation was seen in T1 and T2, which were reddish, while the assessment of the packaging and sample's shape was not significantly different. The crispness value of T0 was the lowest compared to the other four samples which were not significantly different. Panelists most liked the taste of T3, T2, and T4 while T0 was the lowest, while the oily feeling was felt the most in sample T0 and the lowest in T2. Based on Simple Additive Weighting, T2 has the highest rank while T0 is the lowest. The difference in the type and color of the seasoning greatly influenced the panelists' preferences and their decision to buy tahu walik products. It can be concluded that the tahu walik processing industry in Galengdowo Village needs to develop its products to increase competitiveness in the market.
Edukasi dan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan untuk Penanggulangan Stunting di Kecamatan Made, Surabaya Etha Rambung; Janice Valencia; Fransisca Romana Titis Suniati; Oki Krisbianto; Imelda Ritunga
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v5i3.8397


Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra (Puskesmas Made Surabaya) adalah ada beberapa balita di wilayah kerja mitra yang menderita stunting. Penyebab stunting diantaranya adalah kurangnya tingkat pengetahuan orang tua tentang gizi sehingga makanan yang dikonsumsi balita tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizinya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi pencegahan stunting dan makanan tambahan agar balita stunting dapat mengejar ketinggalan pertumbuhannya. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode edukasi, pemberian makanan tambahan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan berlangsung dari Agustus 2021-Mei 2022 dengan sasaran ibu yang memiliki balita stunting. Edukasi diberikan melalui seminar berjudul Ayo Cegah Stunting pada hari Senin tanggal 14 September 2021 yang dihadiri oleh 24 orang Ibu. Pemberian makanan tambahan dan pendampingan dilakukan melalui kunjungan ke rumah-rumah balita stunting setiap minggu selama 3 bulan. Hasil kegiatan adalah peningkatan pengetahuan Ibu mengenai stunting (83,3%), semua anak menyukai dan menghabiskan nugget yang diberikan serta peningkatan lingkar lengan 1-2%, tinggi badan 1-3%, dan berat badan 0.1-0.6 % balita. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan edukasi pencegahan stunting melalui metode ceramah cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Ibu dan pemberian makanan tambahan yang mengandung protein hewani dapat membantu peningkatan tinggi badan anak.The problem faced by the partners (Puskesmas Made Surabaya) is that several toddlers in the partner's work area suffer from stunting. The causes of stunting include the lack of parental nutrition knowledge, so the food toddlers consume cannot meet their nutritional needs. This activity aims to provide stunting prevention education and additional food so toddlers can catch up on their growth. This activity uses educational methods to provide additional food and assistance. The activity takes place from August 2021 to May 2022, targeting mothers with stunting toddlers. Education was provided through a seminar entitled Let's Prevent Stunting on Monday, 14 September 2021, which 24 mothers attended. Additional food and assistance is provided through visits to homes for stunting toddlers every week for three months. The results of the activity were an increase in mothers' knowledge about stunting (83.3%), all children liked and ate the nuggets given, and an increase in arm circumference of 1-2%, height of 1-3%, and weight of 0.1-0.6% of toddlers. From these results, it was concluded that stunting prevention education through the lecture method was quite effective in increasing mother's knowledge, and providing supplementary food containing animal protein could help increase children's height.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Produk Kuliner Dengan Bahan Pangan Lokal Desa Ranu Pani, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur Hari Minantyo; Oki Krisbianto; Juliuska Sahertian; Christiana Kartika; Tabita Yunia Puspita; Lucilla Bilkis Syaiful
Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/jabdimas.v6i2.14723


Desa Ranu Pani merupakan desa wisata yang terletak di kawasan Bromo, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Pertanian dan pariwisata merupakan mata pencaharian utama penduduk desa Ranu Pani. Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan hilangnya pendapatan warga Desa Ranu Pani yang bekerja di industri pariwisata sehingga menyebabkan banyak industri makanan dan pariwisata yang harus tutup. Desa Ranu Pani menghasilkan berbagai macam hasil pertanian antara lain jagung putih, kentang dan semen (kailan). Bahan lokal tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai kreasi produk makanan yang dapat meningkatkan variasi kuliner di Ranu Pani. Oleh sebab itu, tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan pengabdian dengan membuat kreasi produk makanan dari bahan lokal Desa Ranu Pani, hasil kreasi produk makanan tersebut akan diajarkan kepada pelaku kuliner setempat. Metode yang dilakukan adalah survei lapangan, wawancara dengan tokoh masyarakat sebagai informan ahli, dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan pelatihan. Hasil dari pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat memperluas pengetahuan dan keterampilan pelaku kuliner dalam mengolah bahan pangan lokal menjadi produk kuliner yang inovatif dan meningkatkan nilai ekonomi, dapat mendukung industri pariwisata di bidang kuliner.
Potensi Industri Pangan dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Bromo: Persepsi Penduduk Desa Wonokitri Oki Krisbianto; Hari Minantyo; Juliuska Sahertian
Altasia Jurnal Pariwisata Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal ALTASIA (Agustus)
Publisher : Program Studi Pariwisata - Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/altasia.v5i2.7656


Pembangunan pariwisata di kawasan Bromo berpotensi merusak budaya Tengger akibat masuknya budaya asing yang dibawa wisatawan, seperti tergilasnya pangan warisan budaya Tengger oleh jenis makanan yang lebih populer dikenal wisatawan. Peran industri pangan penting untuk mendukung citra pangan warisan budaya Tengger, antara lain meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, sanitasi, keamanan, standar kualitas, umur simpan, dan penanganan limbah makanan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah kesiapan sumber daya manusia hingga teknologi masyarakat Tengger serta seberapa jauh kesediaan masyarakat Tengger dalam menyerap perkembangan zaman tanpa mengubah adat budaya tradisional mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Tengger yang tinggal di Desa Wonokitri, Pasuruan, terhadap potensi pengembangan industri pangan di sana. Metode penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian kuantitatif secara sampling kuota terhadap 400 orang penduduk Desa Wonokitri di Pasuruan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Ditemukan bahwa meskipun mayoritas responden berpendapat bahwa industri pangan sangat mungkin untuk didirikan di Wonokitri, kurangnya minat penduduk dan kurangnya keterampilan menjadi penghambat yang paling utama. Selain itu, kurang dari separuh responden terjangkau penyuluhan dan kurang dari seperempatnya terjangkau bantuan modal pemerintah. Temuan penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan pariwisata Bromo yang berkelanjutan, baik untuk konservasi alam maupun konservasi budaya Tengger.
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2021): APRIL 2021
Publisher : School of Tourism, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/jtce.v1i1.1800


Focus Group Discussions (FGD) is a renowned method for new food product development. This research used FGD followed by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) and Affective Test (AT) to identify the sensory parameters of pineapple wine. Based on FGD, five parameters were found to be crucial for panelists while testing the wine, i.e. distinctive pineapple aroma, sweetness, alcoholic flavor, alcoholic taste and appearance. These five parameters were then used in QDA and AT to understand the expectation of panelists on the sample which was served. It was found that FGD, QDA and AT were effective in identifying the sensory parameters of pineapple wine