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Pemanfaatan LRTMJ (Limbah Rumah Tangga Minyak Jelantah) Melalui Kepul Online di Aisyiyah Ranting Pasar VII Tembung Rahmayati; Siti Mujiatun; Maya Sari
Jurnal SOLMA Vol. 10 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/solma.v10i3.7257


Background: Penggunaan minyak jelantah lebih dari dua kali tidak baik bagi kesehatan manusia, sehingga diperlukan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat agar tidak mengkonsumsi sisa pakai penggorengan lebih dari dua kali karena perlu diketahui bahwa ketika minyak terjadi proses oksidasi maka minyak tersebut dapat menjadi radikal bebas dan senyawa berbahaya, dimana dapat memberikan pengaruh saat di konsumsi karena memberikan dampak kepada kesehatan secara cepat maupun lambat dirasakan bagi tubuh. Tujuan PKM ini diharapkan memberikan transfer knowledge untuk tidak menggunakan minyak jelantah, tidak hanya itu saja, para peserta yaitu Ranting Aisyiyah Pasar VII Tembung diberikan pemahaman limbah minyak jelantah dapat didistribusikan kepada perusahaan start-up yaitu Kepul Online. Metode: Identifikasi permasalahan melalui wawancara kepada ibu-ibu rumah tangga agar diketahui bahwa minyak jelantah sebagai limbah dan selanjutnya memberikan edukasi kepada para peserta tentang limbah tersebut dari narasumber dengan capaian agar para peserta tidak lagi menggunakan limbah minyak jelantah, kemudian memberikan transfer knowledge kepada lingkungan para peserta dan pengumpulan limbah minyak jelantah pada Kepul Online. Hasil: Bahwa minyak jelantah dapat didistribusikan kepada Kepul Online sebagai perusahaan yang peduli pada lingkungan sehingga minyak jelantah bernilai ekonomis. Kesimpulan: Para peserta terbuka wawasannya karena sudah memperoleh informasi dan pemahaman dari narasumber dan diuraikan tentang pengumpulan minyak jelantah menjadi peluang bekerja sama dengan Kepul Online dalam hal pemanfaatan nilai ekonomis dari limbah minyak jelantah.
Pengembangan Model Penyaluran Kredit Bagi UKM Untuk Mengantisipasi Perkembangan Lembaga Keuangan Informal : (Studi Kasus : Pada UKM di Kabupaten Deli Serdang) Siti Mujiatun; Julita Julita; Rahmayati Rahmayati; Edisah Putra Nainggolan
Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Artikel Volume 6 Issue 4 Periode Oktober 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/owner.v6i4.1016


The classic problem that cannot be denied and that continues to plague some Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), is the problem of capital, which results in not achieving the expected goals. Some SMEs that can meet the requirements can use banking services (banks) to meet their business capital needs and not a few SMEs also use informal financial institutions, which in this case are loan sharks for their business capital, although we know the interest expense set is relatively higher than Banks, because the procedures and requirements are easy, some SMEs use informal financial institutions or loan shark services. This study aims to provide input and develop the most relevant credit distribution model that can help some SMEs in fulfilling their business capital in Deli Serdang Regency, and it is hoped that in the future the government and other stakeholders will have to focus on solving these problems. However, the SME sector is one of the supporters of economic growth in an area, especially in Deli Serdang Regency. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. Data collection techniques generally use field studies with the distribution of research instruments (questionnaires) to the sample, in this case, SMEs in Deli Serdang Regency. Data analysis The research instruments that have been collected will be analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Of the 70 entrepreneurs who became respondents, only 10.9% believed that the capital they had was sufficient to develop their business, 64.6% said they still needed injections even though they already owned them and 24.6% even stated that capital injections were a very urgent need for survival his efforts.
Pengaruh Besaran Premi Terhadap Minat Menjadi Nasabah Asuransi di PT. Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Muhammad Farhan Abdillah Lubis; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of premium on interest in becoming an insurance customer at PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia Insurance in Medan City. The importance of this research is because there are many insurance companies that compete with each other with intense competition with the same premium amount. A total of 60 respondents is the number of samples used in analyzing data using T test, F test, validity test, reliability test and R2 test. The results of this study state that the premium amount has a positive and significant effect on the interest in becoming an insurance customer tested at PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia Insurance.
Factors Affecting The Trust Of Fintech Users In The State Saving Bank Of The Sharia Branch Office Medan Winri Asrika; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Al-Muhtarifin: Islamic Banking and Islamic Economic Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there is an influence of convenience, security, service on the trust of fintech (financial technology) users, this type of research is associative. The location of this research was conducted at the State Savings Bank (Persero) Medan Syariah Branch Office which is located at Jalan Haji Juanda No.48, Medan Maimun, Suka Damai, Kec. Medan Polonia, Medan City, North Sumatra, the population is all customers at PT. State Savings Bank (Persero) Medan Syariah Branch Office taken as many as 261 customers, the sample in this study was 72 people, the analytical technique used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis, In this study the Ease of Variable affects the use of Fintech at BTN Syariah because the value t count t table (2.6951.994) and the significance level is lower than 0.05, namely 0.009 (0.009 0.05). In this study, the security variable affects the use of Fintech at BTN Syariah because the value of t count t table (3.7721.994) and a significant level lower than 0.05, namely 0.001 (0.001 0.05). BTN Syariah due to the value of t arithmetic t table (7.6951.994) and a significant level lower than 0.05, namely 0.000 (0.000 0.05), There is an effect of service on fintech users at the State Savings Bank (Persero) Medan Syariah Branch Office, , Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah continues to improve services using fintech. In this study, convenience, security, and services together affect fintech users at the State Savings Bank (Persero) Medan Syariah Branch Office as seen from f count / f table (51.110 2.74) and the significantlevel which is 0.000 is less than 0.05 (0.000 0.05).
Peran Koperasi Unit Desa Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Anggota Amruh Amruh; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Jurnal AKMAMI (Akuntansi Manajemen Ekonomi) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : CERED Indonesia Institute

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The essence of cooperatives is cooperation, namely cooperation between members and administrators in the context of realizing the welfare of members and the community, as well as building the national economic order. This study aims to determine the role of cooperatives in improving the welfare of members of the Kuala Tunak Tabuyung Cooperative and to determine the factors that hinder the welfare of members of the Kuala Tunak Tabuyung Village Unit Cooperative, as well as to determine the plasma core partnership as a means of impetus in improving the welfare of the members of the Kuala Tunak Tabuyung Cooperative so that it can be distributed equally. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Kuala Tunak Tabuyung Village Unit Cooperative in improving the welfare of members produces positive results. Because with the plasma core partnership that exists between KUD Kuala Tunak Tabuyung and PT Sawit Sukses Sejati, it has a good impact on the welfare of members. With plasma management, it can open new jobs for the community and open up opportunities to open new businesses for members and the community in Tabuyung Village.
Peranan Dewan Pengawas Syariah Dalam Pembiayaan Mudarabah Pada Pt. Bprs Gebu Prima Miftahul Isror; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Jurnal AKMAMI (Akuntansi Manajemen Ekonomi) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : CERED Indonesia Institute

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Apart from the establishment of Islamic banks in Indonesia, private banks also follow sharia principles, including PT. BPRS (Islamic People's Credit Bank) Gebu Prima. PT. BPRS Gebu Prima is one of the Rural Banks (BPR) in the city of Medan. BPR is a bank that serves business activities conventionally or based on sharia principles which in its activities does not provide services in payment traffic. BPR Syariah Gebu Prima. PT offers services for saving time deposits or savings, credit and loans, financing and placement of funds based on sharia principles. Immediately visit the nearest Rural Bank (BPR) on opening days and hours. You can also contact the telephone contact for other information. The increase in Islamic banking and BPR in Indonesia or more precisely in Medan, North Sumatra, cannot be separated from the Sharia Supervisory Board. The Sharia Supervisory Board is an extension of the National Sharia Council (DSN) to straighten transactions carried out. With good supervision, forms of application of sharia products will be created that have been determined by the National Sharia Council.
Pengaruh NPF Dan NOM Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Bank Umum Syariah Yang Terdaftar Di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Periode 2015-2019 Henna Habibillah; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/liabilities.v5i2.10513


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan NPF dan NOM terhadap profitabilitas setiap tahunnya apakah mengalami dampak yang positif atau negatif terhadap bank syariah dan cara bagaimana perbankan syariah dalam mengatasi hal tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian secara parsial terhadap Non Performing Financing dengan tingkat signifikan 0,005 0,05 maka Ha ditolak (H0 diterima) berarti berpengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel NPF terhadap profitabilitas pada Bank Umum Syariah. Hasil penelitian secara parsial pengaruh Net Operating Margin dengan menggunakan taraf signifikansinya diperoleh 0,002 0,05 maka H0 diterima (Ha ditolak) yang berarti NOM secara parsial tidak berpangaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia. Hasil pengujian secara simultan anatara Non Performing Financing dan Net Operating Margin terhadap profitabilitas bahwa Fhitung Ftabel yaitu 3.481 2,03452 maka Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak yang artinya bahwa Non Performing Financing dan Net Operating Margin berpengaruh terhadap ROA, sedangkan nilai signifikannya diperoleh nilai 0.001 yang bila dibandingkan dengan alpha yaitu 0,05 menunjukkan 0,001 0,05 yang artinya bahwa secara signifikan Non Performing Financing (NPF) dan Net Operating Margin (NOM) berpengaruh positif terhadap Profitabilitas.Kata kunci : Non Performing Financing (NPF), Net Operating Margin (NOM), Profitabilitas (ROA).
Empirical Study: Quality of Islamic Banking In Medan City Rahmayati Rahmayati
Jurnal Masharif al-Syariah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 8 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jms.v8i1.18307


However, the problem in Sharia Banking that affects the quality of Islamic banks is various things, including the absence of product differentiation and literation. Of course, this reality is a challenge for Islamic banks to improve and develop both internally and externally. This reality is the idea of the idea of making a new paradigm for Islamic banks as also conveyed in the Sharia Banking Development Road Map issued by the OJK for 2022-2025. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the quality of Sharia Banking due to the current reality of Sharia Banking that does not support the quality in Islamic banks, so that it can be improved both in terms of products, community paradigms, and Islamic financial literacy which has increased, especially in Medan City by using variable testing techniques that affect the quality of Sharia Banking in Medan City. The results of this study show that the quality of Sharia Banking has an effect. The results of this study show that the quality of Sharia Banking has a significant effect on the quality of Islamic banks in Medan City from customer perceptions generated through product differentiation and literacy.
Analisis Pembiayaan Murabahah Untuk Kesejahteraan Karyawan Di BMT LKK UMSU Ratih Namira Sari; Rahmayati Rahmayati
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing murabahah financing in the welfare of employees at BMT LKK UMSU. This research is obtained on the assumption that with murabahah financing can improve employee welfare. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the result of research and analysis of Key data that with this murabahah financing can improve the welfare of employess at BMT LKK UMSU.
Determinant Analysis of The Role of Islamic Banking in Micro Small Medium Enterprises in The New Normal Period Rahmayati Rahmayati; Siti Mujiatun; Fadhli bin Wan Mahmud Khairi
IKONOMIKA Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/febi.v8i1.16563


The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the role of Islamic banking in MSMEs in the new normal period because Islamic banking is a financial intermediary institution that has a role in economic development and in this case the focus of research on MSMEs can drive economic activity. Problems in research due to this new normal period need to be studied whether MSMEs increase their income during the new normal period and whether Islamic banking has played a role. This research methodology was conducted using primary data obtained through a survey of 116 business actors engaged in the food business and other businesses located in the city of Medan. The results of this study indicate that MSMEs survive from their own capital in the form of assets and savings owned, even though the interest and desire of MSME actors is very dominant in wanting to transact to obtain assistance in the form of capital from Islamic banking, which is equal to 86%. 52.6% of MSMEs have capital problems in this new normal period. Thus it can be concluded that Islamic banking has not provided assistance to MSMEs in the new normal period and Islamic banking has the potential to increase its role as a financial intermediary institution in the future.