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Confessing Love to the Nation: Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s Works and Identity Reconstruction Adji, Alberta Natasia; Arimbi, Diah Ariani; Setijowati, Adi; Wulan, Nur; Karnanta, Kukuh Yudha
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Journal of ASEAN Studies
Publisher : Centre for Business and Diplomatic Studies (CBDS) Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/jas.v6i1.4819


 This article addressed identity reconstruction through an analysis of two of the most prominent fictional works by one of the Chinese Indonesian young writers, Audrey Yu Jia Hui. In encompassing the idea of identity rewriting, I addressed Hui’s second and third novels respectively, Mellow Yellow Drama (2014) and Mencari Sila Kelima (Searching for the Fifth Principle, 2015), through the post-structural concepts of Derrida’s deconstruction, and also in relation to cultural studies views on identity. The works were analyzed through close-reading technique. The novels were published during the Reformation (Reformasi) era, where politics had served to be a profound aspect that directed the cultural identity and social attitude of the society. In a range of aspects, from narrative structure to their deeper themes, Hui’s literary works were found to draw on a distinguishable set of strategies which enabled Hui to establish her own identity as someone who was liberated, culturally accepted and free to embrace local colors. This article also showed that Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s narratives have served as an acceptance of an individual’s multiple identities, which often depends on the problem at hand as well as the context of choices.
Indonesian Women in Politics: Critical Analysis of Portrayal in Online News Sites Susilo, Daniel; Sugihartati, Rahma; Arimbi, Diah Ariani
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.327 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v16i2.1477


In 2004 Election, Indonesian government launched a policy mandatory 30 percent female representatives in the legislature. This is an effort to accelerate an increase of women’s representativeness in the parliament. This research describes the imaging of women as politicians in Indonesian online news sites: detikcom,, and Van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis was utilized as method of this research with feminist critical analysis as the  corresponding method. The result shows that the imaging of female politicians is in the domestic area. They are pictured as emotional and weak persons.
ATAVISME Vol 17, No 2 (2014): ATAVISME, Edisi Desember 2014
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.757 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v17i2.5.148-162


Sastra Indonesia modern dapat dikatakan lahir sekitar tahun 1920?an dengan publikasi karya sastra Indonesia modern oleh Balai Pustaka. Di antara karya yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Pustaka pada tahun 1920?an, terdapat karya yang paling populer seperti Sitti Nurbaya (1922), Azab dan Sengsara (1927), dan   Salah    Asuhan  (1928) yang mewakili suara produksi sastra tahun 1920-an. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat potret perempuan dalam tiga karya yang ditulis oleh penulis laki?laki dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Melalui teknik pembacaan yang mendalam (close reading  technique), penelitian ini menggunakan kritik sastra feminis untuk menelaah potret perempuan dalam tiga karya tersebut. Temuan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa di satu sisi perempuan masih terbelenggu oleh patriarkat, tetapi di sisi lain perempuan bukanlah korban  patriarkat  yang  pasif:  perempuan  tetap berupaya  untuk  keluar dari  belenggu ini dan memutus rantai penindasan patriarkat melalui kebebasan dan otonomi personal.Sastra Indonesia modern dapat dikatakan lahir sekitar tahun 1920?an dengan publikasi karya sastra Indonesia modern oleh Balai Pustaka. Di antara karya yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Pustaka pada tahun 1920?an, terdapat karya yang paling populer seperti Sitti Nurbaya (1922), Azab  dan Sengsara (1927), dan Salah Asuhan (1928) yang mewakili suara produksi sastra tahun 1920-an. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat potret perempuan dalam tiga karya yang ditulis oleh penulis laki?laki dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik sastra feminis. Melalui teknik pembacaan yang mendalam (close reading    technique), penelitian ini menggunakan kritik sastra feminis untuk menelaah potret perempuan dalam tiga karya tersebut. Temuan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa di satu sisi perempuan masih terbelenggu oleh patriarkat, tetapi di sisi lain perempuan bukanlah korban  patriarkat  yang  pasif:  perempuan  tetap  berupaya  untuk  keluar dari  belenggu ini dan memutus rantai penindasan patriarkat melalui kebebasan dan otonomi personal.
ATAVISME Vol 14, No 1 (2011): ATAVISME, Edisi Juni 2011
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v14i1.98.1-14


The fall of Soeharto?s authority in 1998 has indeed impacted numerous sides of Indonesian life: political, social and cultural. The shifting of authoritative government to the state of ?reformation? and ?democratization? has forced the nation to redefine its authority to its members. This paper aims to look at these public responses which are narrated in contemporary Indonesian fiction. Although fiction may be seen as imaginative production, discursive ideologies can be examined clearly. By examining thematic significant of the narratives about G30S/PKI and the killings aftermath in the literary writings published in post 1998 by contemporary Indonesia writers, who are known as the Generation 2000 writers (who were mostly born in 1970s at least five years after the 1965 incident: also known as the millennials), this paper will attempt to answer whether or not this generation presents shift and creates its own notions of the incident. Abstrak: Jatuhnya kekuasaan Soeharto pada tahun 1998 berdampak pada berbagai sisi kehidupan di Indonesia: politik, sosial, dan budaya. Pergeseran dari pemerintahan yang dulunya otoritatif menjadi pemerintahan yang sarat dengan "reformasi" dan "demokratisasi" telah memaksa negara untuk mendefinisikan kembali wewenangnya kepada para anggotanya. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat respons publik yang diceritakan dalam fiksi Indonesia kontemporer. Walaupun fiksi dapat dipandang sebagai produk imajinatif, ideologi diskursif dapat dilihat dengan je-las. Dengan memeriksa tema-tema yang secara signifikan dimunculkan dari narasi tentang G30S/PKI dan tragedi pembunuhan sesudahnya dalam tulisan-tulisan sastra yang diterbitkan pasca tahun 1998 oleh penulis Indonesia kontemporer, yang dikenal sebagai penulis Generasi 2000 (penulis yang kebanyakan lahir di tahun 1970-an setidaknya 5 tahun setelah 1965 kejadian: juga dikenal sebagai millenials), makalah ini berusaha menjawab apakah generasi baru mengalami pergeseran dalam memahami tragedi tahun 1965. Apakah mereka telah menciptakan sendiri arti peristiwa sejarah tersebut lewat karya mereka ataukah mereka mengukuhkan makna yang sudah ada adalah pertanyaan yang berusaha dijawab dalam makalah ini. Kata-Kata Kunci: ideologi; diskursus; tragedi tahun 1965; milenial
Simulacra in women’s majelis taklim based on Jean Baudrillard’s perspective Srinarwati, Dwi Retnani; Pratiwi, Pinky Saptandari Endang; Arimbi, Diah Ariani
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol 4 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i3.2677


This research aimed to discover the meaning of the Majelis Taklim for upper-middle-class worshipers and how simulacra-simulation and hyperreality processes occur in the Salafi Majelis Taklim. This research was a qualitative descriptive study which explored data through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data was analysed by Miles and Huberman’s analysis through three related sub-processes, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Jean Baudrillard’s simulation-simulacra theory was used as the primary research framework. The results of data analysis revealed that (1) Majelis Taklim became a mean of hijrah for the members. The hijrah referred here is the conversion from non-Salafi to a Salafi movement. It is an ideology that Muslims must return to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Apostles to become more religious, increase social piety, and stay away from restrictions (usury, photos, polytheistic acts, etc.). (2) With media’s support, Majelis Taklim became a simulacrum for the simulation process, which ultimately led to hyperreality, especially signs consumption practices (fashion, worship groups). (3) Hyperreality occurred in religious life.
Simulacra in women’s majelis taklim based on Jean Baudrillard’s perspective Srinarwati, Dwi Retnani; Pratiwi, Pinky Saptandari Endang; Arimbi, Diah Ariani
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i3.2677


This research aimed to discover the meaning of the Majelis Taklim for upper-middle-class worshipers and how simulacra-simulation and hyperreality processes occur in the Salafi Majelis Taklim. This research was a qualitative descriptive study which explored data through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data was analysed by Miles and Huberman’s analysis through three related sub-processes, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Jean Baudrillard’s simulation-simulacra theory was used as the primary research framework. The results of data analysis revealed that (1) Majelis Taklim became a mean of hijrah for the members. The hijrah referred here is the conversion from non-Salafi to a Salafi movement. It is an ideology that Muslims must return to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Apostles to become more religious, increase social piety, and stay away from restrictions (usury, photos, polytheistic acts, etc.). (2) With media’s support, Majelis Taklim became a simulacrum for the simulation process, which ultimately led to hyperreality, especially signs consumption practices (fashion, worship groups). (3) Hyperreality occurred in religious life.
Indonesian Women in Politics: Critical Analysis of Portrayal in Online News Sites Daniel Susilo; Rahma Sugihartati; Diah Ariani Arimbi
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol. 16 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.327 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v16i2.1477


In 2004 Election, Indonesian government launched a policy mandatory 30 percent female representatives in the legislature. This is an effort to accelerate an increase of women’s representativeness in the parliament. This research describes the imaging of women as politicians in Indonesian online news sites: detikcom,, and Van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis was utilized as method of this research with feminist critical analysis as the  corresponding method. The result shows that the imaging of female politicians is in the domestic area. They are pictured as emotional and weak persons.
Confessing Love to the Nation: Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s Works and Identity Reconstruction Alberta Natasia Adji; Diah Ariani Arimbi; Adi Setijowati; Nur Wulan; Kukuh Yudha Karnanta
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Journal of ASEAN Studies
Publisher : Centre for Business and Diplomatic Studies (CBDS) Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/jas.v6i1.4819


 This article addressed identity reconstruction through an analysis of two of the most prominent fictional works by one of the Chinese Indonesian young writers, Audrey Yu Jia Hui. In encompassing the idea of identity rewriting, I addressed Hui’s second and third novels respectively, Mellow Yellow Drama (2014) and Mencari Sila Kelima (Searching for the Fifth Principle, 2015), through the post-structural concepts of Derrida’s deconstruction, and also in relation to cultural studies views on identity. The works were analyzed through close-reading technique. The novels were published during the Reformation (Reformasi) era, where politics had served to be a profound aspect that directed the cultural identity and social attitude of the society. In a range of aspects, from narrative structure to their deeper themes, Hui’s literary works were found to draw on a distinguishable set of strategies which enabled Hui to establish her own identity as someone who was liberated, culturally accepted and free to embrace local colors. This article also showed that Audrey Yu Jia Hui’s narratives have served as an acceptance of an individual’s multiple identities, which often depends on the problem at hand as well as the context of choices.
Konstruksi perempuan dan gender dalam gerakan Tarbiyah di kampus-kampus universitas negeri di Surabaya: sebuah modalitas pembangunan karakter bangsa Diah Ariani Arimbi
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 29 No. 2 (2016): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.54 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V29I22016.90-105


The Tarbiyah (education) movement in Indonesia today is the best known and has the largest number of members amongst groups in the Dakwah (proselytising) movement that mostly work in Indonesian campuses. However, in contrast to other Islamic revivalist organizations, the Tarbiyah movement, is reformist, and relies heavily on modern interpretations of Islam concerned with democracy, civil society, human rights and equality of women, although these values are understood differently from common Western notions. The group has many female activists but unfortunately until today there has never been any study looking at the ways women has involved in this Tarbiyah movement. This paper aims to explore the numerous and varieties of women‟s activities in this movement, especially in relation the ways women see their rights, roles and sexual identities within their notion of piety. Female and male activists of Tarbiyah movement in Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya State University (UNESA) and Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) are respondents in this research. Participation observation and in-depth interviews will used as techniques of data collection. Some finding shows that the Tarbiyah movement‟s espousal of women‟s and gender issues in an Islamic setting complicates even more the dissemination of such issues to the Indonesian public. One important finding indicates that the Tarbiyah conceives that male and female are segregated in nature (biological construction) yet in that segregation lies irreplaceable equality in any sphere and any value. Although many female members of the Tarbiyah movement claim to reject feminism, in particular they reject liberation of women‟s (and men‟s) sexuality, as it is believed to be of Western origin, in fact they subscribe to concepts of sexual equality while maintaining sexual segregation. The rise of the Dakwah movement and its various groups has raised concern in Indonesian society that such groups may pose a threat to civil Islam. However, to see all groups in the Dakwah movement as militant, radical or even fundamentalist is wrong, the complexity of Islamic movements requires careful examination as within these movements groups are fragmented in terms of their interpretations of Islam and its application. Teaching of this Dakwah movement can also be an alternative to national character building as its teachings and morale are in accordance to the values of Indonesian national characters such as honesty, religiousness and others.
Priawan: Indonesian male transgenders Dwi Prasetyo; Diah Ariani Arimbi; Sharyn Graham Davies; Mein Woei Suen; Myrtati Dyah Artaria
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 32 No. 3 (2019): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.995 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V32I32019.303-311


There have been cases of male transgender in Indonesia, yet there is a small study about them. Why do some biological females claim their identity as male transgender? How do they think of themselves as male transgender? The researcher study their life history and how they see themselves as male transgender. We have a total of six research subjects who acknowledged themselves as male transgender. This research used the in-depth interview for gathering data within six months. The results found that they became transgender based on their desire rather than coercion from others. Some of them were comfortable in coming out to their family, but most were considering how the society would judge them, and how they might bring shame to the family. Three research subjects were not able to show their true identity as transgender, because of several considerations, such as the fear of being ostracized by the society and the fear to be eliminated from their family. They took the gender role according to what would be accepted by the current environment. We conclude that the existence of transgender, who is biologically females to become males are very reluctant to open their sexual identity because of this reason.