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Proses Kreatif Tari Eling Bhumi Di Sanggar Pancer Langit Desa Kapal Kabupaten Badung Ni Komang Ari Andayani; I Kt. Suteja; Kompiang Gede Widnyana
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Terbitan Kesatu Bulan Juni tahun 2023
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v3i1.2380


ABSTRAK Tujuan penciptaan berjudul Proses kreatif tari Eling Bhumi di Sanggar Pancer Langit adalah untuk kreatifitas karya tari kontemporer. Sanggar Pancer Langiit merupakan salah satu sanggar yang terletak di Desa Kapal Kabupaten Badung, yang juga memiliki makna sebagai pusat atau sumber dari segala kekuatan dan langit/lelangit yang berarti leluhur simbol pelindung yang abadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif, karena data yang diperoleh berupa wawancara yang kemudian hasil dari wawancara tersebut dideskripsikan melalui tulisan dengan kalimat yang detail serta menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan teknik studi pustaka. Tari kontemporer Eling Bhumi menggambarkan atau menanggapi fenomena pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia saat ini, fenomena ini juga membuat segala sektor kehidupan menjadi terdampak. Konsep garap Eling Bhumi ini mencoba untuk mengolah secara kreatif beberapa unsur gerak tubuh dalam tari dan musik serta mengolahnya dengan memadukan aspek visual permainan properti lontar sehingga menjadi karya seni yang utuh. Kata Kunci: Proses Kreatif, Tari Eling Bhumi, Pancer Langiit
The Concept of Kelakat: Character Forming of Artists and Concepts of Art Creation I Ketut Suteja
International Journal of Social Service and Research Vol. 3 No. 8 (2023): International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/ijssr.v3i8.508


The concept of Kelakat is Balinese local wisdom made of woven bamboo in the shape of a square loaded with unique symbols and is interesting to study, because it contains the meaning of the combination of the + (Dik) sign. and the × (Widik) sign, the work rotates with each other. Dik symbol of the earth rotates to the left, and Widik symbol of the sky rotates to the right, its function is to maintain the balance of the world. The phenomenon is that the Balinese people make kelakat very skilled, but its value and meaning are not yet known. To prove cultural values ??in the concept of kelakat, it is necessary to research, philosophical theory, using qualitative descriptive methods, towards the formation of the character of the artist and the concept of creating works of art.
AMERTHA SANJIWANI Ni Putu Ayu Aneska Rastini Dewi; I Kt. Suteja; Ni Wayan Suartini
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Terbitan Pertama Bulan Juni
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v1i1.798


Purana Pura Luhur Tirta Mas Manik Muncar tells the story of the sacrifice of Ida Ratu Ayu Mas Membah who is willing to change her form from beautiful to old grandmother. The meaning of this story is symbolic of water which has an important role in human life. The phenomenon of this story is very unique and aesthetically raised into a creative dance work, because in the story water flows from upstream to downstream or from clean to dirty things. Departing from this, then created a dance work entitled Amertha Sanjiwani. The process of creating Amertha Sanjiwani's dance works, using the creation method of Creating Through Dance by Y. Sumandiyo Hadi, includes assessment, experimentation and formation. To clarify the results of this creation, transformation theory is used, namely transferring the essence of the Puranas story into a dance work, as well as interpreting the values contained in the story. Amertha Sanjiwani's dance work is a creative dance work that interprets the philosophy of holy water of faith-affirming life, and is implemented in the form of a goddess' sacrifice by changing her form from a beautiful goddess to an old grandmother in order to carry out a good mission.Keywords: Amertha Sanjiwani, water, sacrifice
Tari Ngalebar I Putu Agus Ari Yana; I Kt. Suteja; I Wayan Budiarsa
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Terbitan Pertama Bulan Juni
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v1i1.818


The Mabuu - buu tradition is a cultural event, carried out every year in the context of Nyepi in the Panjer Traditional Village, Denpasar. The event has the meaning Nyomya sekala - niskala which means neutralizing, balancing Bhuana Agung and Bhuana Alit. The understanding of Nyomya is controlling oneself through good thoughts, words and deeds. In this day and age, the understanding ofNyomya is often ignored, seen from the behavior of modern society which always vents emotion. Through this phenomenon, the creators are interested in creating dance works that express unrestrained thought fluctuations, which are implemented into contemporary expressions of kerawuhan motion with the title Ngalebar. The process of creating this dance, using the method of Creating Through Dance by Y Sumandiyo Hadi, describes exploration (exploration), improvisation (experimental), and composition (formation). To ensure the creation of this work, using the theory of Imagination whichmeans the formation of motion from the results of images or imagining the meaning of Nyomya, and the theory of Aesthetics ngunda bayu which is the distribution of energy in the body. The theme of thiswork is spiritualization (formation of the soul) danced by seven dancers using the gamelanaccompaniment Gong Gede Saih Pitu in collaboration with the keyboard. Ngalebar Dance is a contemporary dance work depicting human reflection, trying to exercise self-control or introspection to achieve sekala - niskala harmony and to end it returned according to its position.Keywords: Ngalebar, Mabuu - buu, Skala - niskala and Contemporary
Bagaimana Seniman Bali Berkreatifitas Pada Ajang PKB 2021 Dalam Situasi Covid ? Ni Komang Sri Wahyuni; I Kt. Suteja
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Terbitan Pertama Bulan Juni
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v1i1.833


The Bali Arts festival ini 2021 is starting to rise again in a different form, the 43rd PKB as a forum for artists’ creativity was held virtually, due to the fluctuating covid-19 pandemic in Bali. The creativity produced by the artists is focused and contextual in translating the PKB theme “Purna Jiwa, Prananing Wana Kerthi” or “Plenary Soul, the breath of life. Staging is done virtually and only a few are done offline with the implementation of health protocols. The phenomenon of covid-19 is very motivating for innovation and the spirit of Balinese artists, this can be seen from the appearance of the works which on averageare very interesting. There are 2 (two) interesting works to discuss, namely, the Kreasi Kekebyaran Mimba neem creation dance from the Denpasar city ambassador and the Classical Arja Perfomance from the Singapadu Suara Kanti, Gianyar. The method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods which emphasize more on the quality side of the entity under study. Using qualitative research methods to make it easier to criticize things that exist in the Kreasi Kekebyaran Mimba neem dance performance and gthe Classical Arja Performance both in terms of technique, form, uniqueness and taste, as well as interpreting the values contained in the work. The Kreasi Kekebyaran Mimba neem dance depicts the balance of masculine and feminine symbols in one dancer’s character, this concept is inspired by the Intaran leaf and the Ardhanareswari concept. Classical Arja performance from the Suara Kanti Studio with the title “Taru Urip” which tells the story of matchmaking through the Urip dance given by Galuh Daha which was later won by Prabhu Jenggala, Raden Dharma Sentana. Keywords: PKB, Covid, Kreatifitas, Seniman
Tari Kreasi Bebarisan Bala Maya, Sebuah Kisah Prajurit Kupu-kupu I Wayan Wira Arimbawa; I Kt. Suteja; Ni Nyoman Manik Suryani
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Terbitan Pertama Bulan Juni tahun 2022
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v2i1.1577


Reading a book Kupu Kupu Kuning Yang Terbang Di Selat Lombok, tell about history of struggle the kingdom of Karangasem defeating the Selaparang kingdom Lombok. The victory of the kingdom of Karangasem blessing from yellow butterfly troops which can be seen or invisible, panugrahan (Grace) from Ida Bhatara Alit Sakti at Pura Bukit Karangasem. The meaning of the struggle is very phenomenal, if it is related to the concept sekala and niskala, that is devotion of forefather and human relationship with universe. Oriented from the phenomenon came up with an idea to create a work creation dance with the title Bala Maya in bebarisan creation. In the creation of this dance, using theory image and imagination by Tetdjoworo,H, that is can imagining and manifest in the motive of movement.The process uses the method Mencipta Lewat Tari by Y.Sumadiyo Hadi translation of the book Creating Through Dance by Alma M.Hawkins consists of three step that is, exploration, improvisation, and forming step.   Bala Maya is a bebarisan dance creation have a heroism theme, tell about Laskar Karangasem troops which interpreting the yellow butterfly attack Seleparang Lombok Kingdom. Invisible soldier is the character and characteristic of yellow butterfly called Bala Maya. Keywords : Bebarisan dance, Bala Maya, sekala-niskala, creating.
Ki Mina Ayung I Ketut Ari Susana; I Kt. Suteja; Anak Agung Ketut Oka Adnyana
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Terbitan Kedua Bulan November tahun 2022
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v2i2.1876


Sumber kreatif berasal dari Purana Bendesa Gerih, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Badung. DalamPurana Bendesa Gerih terdapat kisah tentang Ki Jagul Tua, merupakan raja wongsamar dengan wujud ikan jeleg putih (ikan gabus putih), yang memiliki kesaktian bernama mustika maniksekecapatausinonim dari kepala ikan jeleg putih yang dapat memenuhi segala keinginan. Ki Jagul Tua yang hidup di Sungai Ayung memiliki makna bagi kehidupan manusia untuk melestarikan keberadaan sungai beserta isinya.Berarti kaitan Purana Bendesa Gerih dengan sungai ayung tujuannya melestarikan keberadaan sungai, namun pada kehidupan sekarang ini, sungai ayung banyak yang membuang sampah sembarangan, meracuni ikan, dan pencemaran limbah pabrik. Fenomena alam ini perlu mendapat perhatian dari kehidupan masyarakat jaman sekarang, karena sungai merupakan sumber kehidupan bagi semua makhluk yang memerlukan air. Maka dari itu, pencipta berkeinginan untuk menuangkan inspirasi tersebut ke dalam sebuah karya tari kontemporer berjudul Ki Mina Ayung. Pada proses penciptaan karya ini penata bekerjasama dengan mitra kerja Sanggar Seni Pancer Langiit dalam program Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka, dengan mengambil bentuk pembelajaran studi/proyek independen. Penciptaan karya Ki Mina Ayung menggunakan metode Anggripta Sasolahan yang terdiri dari ngarancana(eksplorasi), nuasen(upacar mengawali penciptaan), makalin(improvisasi), nelesin (pembentukan), dan ngebah(pertunjukan perdana untuk evaluasi karya).Teori yang digunakan dalam penciptaan ini adalah teori Imaji dan Imajinasi yang menunjang daya imajinasi penata dalam memunculkan gambaran mental seputar konsep karya. Karya Tari Ki Mina Ayung adalah karya tari berbentuk kontemporer yang ditarikan oleh tujuh orang penari. Tari ini dikemas secara dramatik dan menggunakan gerak-gerak simbolik sebagai implementasi imajinasi penata. Tata rias yang digunakan adalah tata rias fantasi dengan tata busana yang dikembangkan. Harapan penata dengan terciptanya karya ini adalah dapat mengenalkan kisah lokal tradisi kemasyarakat, guna meningkatkan kreativitas berkarya lewat kisah-kisah lokal.   Kata kunci : Ki Jagul Tua, Purana Bendesa Gerih, Kontemporer, Proses Penciptaan
Proses Kreatif Tari Eling Bhumi Di Sanggar Pancer Langit Desa Kapal Kabupaten Badung Ni Komang Ari Andayani; I Kt. Suteja; Kompiang Gede Widnyana
Jurnal IGEL : Journal Of Dance Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Terbitan Kesatu Bulan Juni tahun 2023
Publisher : UPT Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59997/journalofdance.v3i1.2380


Tujuan penciptaan berjudul Proses kreatif tari Eling Bhumi di Sanggar Pancer Langit adalah untuk kreatifitas karya tari kontemporer. Sanggar Pancer Langiit merupakan salah satu sanggar yang terletak di Desa Kapal Kabupaten Badung, yang juga memiliki makna sebagai pusat atau sumber dari segala kekuatan dan langit/lelangit yang berarti leluhur simbol pelindung yang abadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif, karena data yang diperoleh berupa wawancara yang kemudian hasil dari wawancara tersebut dideskripsikan melalui tulisan dengan kalimat yang detail serta menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan teknik studi pustaka. Tari kontemporer Eling Bhumi menggambarkan atau menanggapi fenomena pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia saat ini, fenomena ini juga membuat segala sektor kehidupan menjadi terdampak. Konsep garap Eling Bhumi ini mencoba untuk mengolah secara kreatif beberapa unsur gerak tubuh dalam tari dan musik serta mengolahnya dengan memadukan aspek visual permainan properti lontar sehingga menjadi karya seni yang utuh.   Kata Kunci: Proses Kreatif, Tari Eling Bhumi, Pancer Langiit