Faaza Fakhrunnas
Department Of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta

Published : 22 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Effects of Macroeconomics Factors toward Efficiency in Banking Fakhrunnas, Faaza; Nahar, Faiza Husnayeni; Albana, Hilman Fikri
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 11, No 2 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v11i2.16059


The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of macroeconomic factors toward efficiency in Islamic and Conventional Banking. Banking as one of components in financial system that highly contributes to the growth and development of the economy in a country, especially after establishment of the first Islamic bank in Indonesia at the year of 1992. Afterwards, Islamic banking began to develop and start to compete with conventional banking. Hence, in order to survive and do fair competitiveness, Islamic and Conventional banking have to maintain its efficiency. This study uses the methodology of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This study also analyze the macroeconomics factors namely inflation, interest rate of Bank indonesia and the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which affects the bank efficiency. Our data is obtained from annual financial statement published by each islamic and conventional bank and Bank Indonesia starting from 2007 to 2016. This study shows that conventional banks have higher efficiency than Islamic banks, while crisis in 2008 had no significant effect on the efficiency of Islamic and conventional banking. However, a decrease in the level of efficiency that occurs in conventional banking indicates that conventional banking is more sensitive to the crisis.
The Effect of Macroeconomic and Bank-Specific Variables to Risk-Taking of Islamic Bank in Indonesia Fakhrunnas, Faaza
International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF) Vol 1, No 2 (2019): IJIEF Vol 1 (2), January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.393 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/ijief.129


This study aims to delineate the relationship between macroeconomic factors and bank-specific variables to risk-taking of Islamic bank. Adopting panel co-integration approach, this study posits macroeconomic and bank-specific factors as exogenous variables consisting to interest rate, exchange rate, inflation, bank size and equity to asset ratio. Risk-taking as endogenous variable has proxies non-performing loan or financing and bankruptcy risk. By using quarterly data from 2010-Q4 to 2017-Q4, this study finds the risk-taking behavior of all banks has long-term relationship with macroeconomic factors. In terms of bank specified characteristic, bank size becomes substantial factor for the bank’s risk mitigation. When the samples are grouped based on Islamic bank’s size, the big size of Islamic bank has no long-term co-integration to macroeconomic variables. As opposed to that, the middle and small size of Islamic bank have long-term relationship to macroeconomics factors and all macroeconomic variables affect the risk-taking of Islamic bank. It concludes that the medium and small size of Islamic banks are more vulnerable from external shock.
Total Financing of Islamic Rural Banks and Regional Macroeconomic Factors: A Dynamic Panel Approach Fakhrunnas, Faaza
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan JESP Volume 21 Nomor 1, April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jesp.21.1.5028


Islamic rural bank is a special purpose of Islamic banks, which finances Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. This research aims to investigate a long-run relationship of the influence of regional inflation and economic growth on the total financing of Islamic rural banks in Indonesia. By adopting panel dynamics approach, this study utilized a biggest Islamic rural bank in each Indonesian province from 2013 to 2017 based on quarterly data, which consisted of 420 observation period. The result of this study exhibited that a long-run relationship existed among regional inflation and economic growth to the total financing of Islamic rural banks. Specifically, the long-run relationship also appeared in big size Islamic rural banks, although it was not in small and medium size Islamic rural banks. Variance decompositions and Impulse response factors analysis’ result explained that the majority of all regional macroeconomic variables contributed to the influence of total financing on the Islamic rural bank. The directions of its influence were different from each sample group. According to the results, Indonesian central bank must maintain inflation rate in the safety level for financial industry by following determined inflation target through appropriate monetary policies. This recommendation for the central bank is aimed to maintain and boost Islamic rural banks’ financing that will give benefits for financial industry in Indonesia.
Board of Directors and Risk-taking Behavior of Islamic Banks in South East Asia Faaza Fakhrunnas; Zulkufly Ramly
Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM TAZKIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30993/tifbr.v10i2.107


Board of Directors (BODs)  and Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) have a pivotal role to manage Islamic banks in Southeast Asia. The decision made by the BODs and SSB will directly affect to the risk-taking behavior performed by Islamic bank. This study aims to investigate the relationship among BODs, SSB and risk-taking behavior of Islamic banks in Southeast Asia. Adopting random effect model, this research utilizes 24 Islamic banks in Southeast Asia which observe over six periods from 2009 to 2014. By using unbalanced panel data, the result of the study reveals that independent director influences the risk-taking behavior positively while Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) affects it negatively. In addition, Board size has positive effect to the credit risk but negative to z-score.
Macroeconomic effect and risk-taking behavior in a dual banking system Faaza Fakhrunnas; Wulan Dari; Mustika Noor Mifrahi
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 10 Issue 2, 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.vol10.iss2.art5


This study aims to analyze the relationship between macroeconomic factors and risk-taking behavior in a dual banking system. Adopting a panel cointegration approach, this research posits macroeconomic factors as exogenous variables and risk-taking behavior as endogenous variables. With having 468 quarterly-observations consisting of 18 banks in Indonesia during 2010-Q4 to 2017-Q1, it finds that the risk-taking behavior of the banks has a long-term relationship with macroeconomic factors. Moreover, conventional bank has long-term relationship to macroeconomic nonetheless it results inversely to Islamic bank. In terms of bank-specified characteristics, bank size and equity to asset ratio are substantial factors for the banks’ risk mitigation.
Islamic banks credit risk performance for home financing: Before and during Covid-19 pandemic MB Hendrie Anto; Faaza Fakhrunnas; Yunice Karina Tumewang
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 14 Issue 1, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.vol14.iss1.art9


Purpose ― This study aims to assess the home financing credit risk performed by Islamic banks in Indonesia. Methods ― A panel dynamic analysis is adopted to measure the bad loan performance before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The observation period started from January 2016 to September 2020 with 1,881 observation periods of monthly panel data from the province level. Findings ― The study finds a difference in bad loan performance before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Before this pandemic, inflation has a positive and significant influence on non-performing financing in real estate, rental business, and company service. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, a substantial and positive effect of inflation is found on the bad loan for personal flat and apartment ownership. On the other hand, a significant and negative impact of inflation is found on the bad home loan for personal business shop ownership. Implication ― This analysis could trigger the government to provide financial assistance for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis. In addition to that, an Islamic bank is also expected to give financing allowances for them by providing an option of debt restructuration and rescheduling. Originality ― This paper analyses the Islamic bank’s credit risk performance for home financing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. This issue has not been presented in the literature to the best of our knowledge.
Implikasi Faktor Makroekonomi Terhadap Kinerja Sistem Perbankan Ganda Di Indonesia Jannatul Liutammima Musta’in; Faaza Fakhrunnas
BALANCE: Economic, Business, Management and Accounting Journal Vol 15, No 01 (2018)
Publisher : UMSurabaya Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/blc.v15i01.1286


ABSTRACT  Since the implementation of Banking Regulation Number 10 year 1998, Indonesia has two banking systems that must be maintained and controlled, is conventional banking and Islamic banking. Indonesia as a developing country is very vulnerable to economic turmoil related to macroeconomic factors. The problematic crisis experienced by Indonesia in 1998 has been a proof of the weakness of the resilience of the banking system in Indonesia, especially in conventional banking. The condition of syariah banking in Indonesia which majority originated from the Islamic bank window has the potential to have a high degree of vulnerability during a crisis. Let's say in the management of liquidity management is still dependent on the parent company, namely conventional banking. If conventional banking is experiencing financial difficulties due to unfavorable macroeconomic conditions, then the management of subsidiaries' liquidity also has the possibility to be disturbed. Based on the results of data analysis that has been described previously shows that macroeconomic factors such as the interest rate of Bank Indonesia, inflation rate and GDP growth have a significant influence on the performance of banks both measured by the level of profit and risk. This shows that the banking industry in Indonesia should pay great attention to the dynamics of macroeconomic factors that are happening. This should be done by the bank to be able to respond appropriately to the macroeconomic conditions that are and will happen to the fore.Keywords                   : Macroeconomics, Dual Banking System, Panel Data EstimationCorrespondence to      : jannatul.mustain@ep.uad.ac.id, fakhrunnasfaaza@gmail.com ABSTRAK  Sejak diterapkannya Undang-Undang No.10 Tahun 1998, Indonesia memiliki dua sistem perbankan yang harus dijaga dan dikendalikan yakni perbankan konvensional serta perbankan syariah. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang sangat rentan terhadap gejolak ekonomi terkait faktor makroekonomi. Problematika krisis yang dialami oleh Indonesia ditahun 1998 menjadi bukti terkait lemahnya daya tahan sistem perbankan di Indonesia, terutama pada perbankan konvensional. Kondisi perbankan syariah di Indonesia yang mayoritas berawal dari islamic bank window berpotensi untuk memiliki tingkat kerentanan yang tinggi ketika terjadi krisis. Misalkan saja dalam pengelolaan manajemen likuiditas yang masih bergantung kepada perusahan induk, yakni perbankan konvensional. Jika perbankan konvensional sedang mengalami kesulitan keuangan karena kondisi makro ekonomi yang kurang baik, maka manajemen likuditas anak perusahaan pun memiliki kemungkinan untuk terganggu. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya menunjukan bahwa faktor makro ekonomi seperti tingkat suku bunga Bank Indonesia, tingkat inflasi dan pertumbuhan GDP memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja perbankan baik diukur dengan tingkat keuntungan maupun resiko. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa industri perbankan di Indonesia harus memberikan perhatian yang besar terhadap dinamika faktor makro ekonomi yang sedang terjadi. Hal tersebut harus dilakukan oleh bank untuk dapat memberikan respon secara tepat terhadap kondisi ekonomi makro yang sedang dan akan terjadi kedepan.Kata Kunci                 : Makro Ekonomi, Sistem Perbankan Ganda, Estimasi Data PanelKorespondensi             : jannatul.mustain@ep.uad.ac.id, fakhrunnasfaaza@gmail.com
Assessing Financial Risk and Regional Macroeconomic Influence to Islamic Rural Bank Performance Faaza Fakhrunnas; Mochamad Ali Imron
Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.762 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/grieb.2019.071-05


Islamic Rural Bank must deal with internal and external risks which will affect to the performance of the bank. This paper aims to assess the internal and external risks that influence to the bank performance. By adopting panel data analysis, the paper analyzes 21 biggest Islamic rural bank which as a representative of 21 provinces around Indonesia during 2013-2017 which result 420 observation period. Furthermore, Return on Asset (ROA) are utilized as dependent variable which represents Islamic rural bank’s performance. As independent variables, Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) are applied as internal risk in Islamic rural bank. To analyze external risk, regional macroeconomic factors, Regional Economic Growth (REG) and Regional Inflation (RInf) are employed then Total Asset of Islamic rural bank  (Size) is also used as complementary variable.  Based on the analysis, this study finds that SRB has robust risk management through internal and external risk. However, REG has significant ROA that explains the performance of Islamic rural bank will depend on regional economic growth in each province.
Fatwa on the Islamic Law Transaction and Its Role in the Islamic Finance Ecosystem Faaza Fakhrunnas
Al Tijarah Vol 4, No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.073 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/tijarah.v4i1.2372


Fatwa holds a pivotal role in determining the guidance of Islamic society especially in Islamic finance ecosystem. Moreover, fatwa will render the direction for Islamic finance and then it will impact to the stakeholders of Islamic finance ecosystem such as regulator, Islamic finance institution, investor, and the market performance. This paper will discuss about the role of fatwa on the Islamic law transaction and its effect to Islamic finance performance. By adopting content analysis as the method of the study, this paper finds that firstly there has several fatwa having any dispute among the Islamic scholars and Islamic fatwa institution such as sukuk nature, bay al-inah, the nature of interest, bay al-dayn, and screening methodology adopted by several indices. Secondly, the different fatwa issued by Islamic scholars and Islamic fatwa institution influence the performance of Islamic finance product in the market which affect the stakeholders of Islamic finance industry.
The performance of Islamic mutual funds, why is it not better than conventional? Faaza Fakhrunnas
Proceeding of Conference on Islamic Management, Accounting, and Economics CIMAE Volume 1, 2018
Publisher : Proceeding of Conference on Islamic Management, Accounting, and Economics

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The Islamic mutual funds objective tries to safeguard the moslem community from usury, masyir, and gharar. However, that product still has a problem which relates to the performance. Based on the literature review, Islamic mutual funds can not outperform the market benchmark and the conventional mutual funds. It happens because of some factors in the Islamic mutual funds product. Unskilled manager is the inside factor causing the lack of Islamic mutual funds performance. It is because the manager does not have many choices in making portfolio aligned with shariah. Then, the outside factor is about the regulation itself relating to the goverment policy. In this paper, the writer tries to offer the solutions. Firstly, Islamic mutual funds has to be bravely different to give clear identity as fully shariah compliance in purpose to attract moslem communities to invest. Secondly, the goverment has to promote Islamic funds market to make it more developed.