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Pemanfaatan Pekarangan untuk Budidaya Tanaman Olerikultura sebagai Pendukung Ketahanan Pangan Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Petudua Juniaty Arruan Bulawan; Hasbiadi Hasbiadi; La Mpia; Fitrianti Handayani
Mitra Mahajana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Flores

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/mahajana.v3i1.1537


The people of Petudua Village on average have a large yard of land, but it has not been used properly. Therefore, the village government facilitates the community by providing various types of olericultural plant seeds or vegetables, to help meet daily nutritional needs, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the community does not yet know how to cultivate plants properly, so it is necessary to provide assistance in the use of the yard. This service activity aims to assist the Petudua village community to increase knowledge about good plant cultivation, and provide motivation to the community to be able to use their yards to support the availability of family food. The stages of the activities carried out included counseling on the benefits of plant cultivation in the yard, training on how to sow seeds, and training in making organic fertilizers and pesticides from onion skins. The result of this activity is an increase in public knowledge about how to cultivate plants, good nurseries, and how to make organic fertilizers and pesticides from onion skins and can be applied to their respective yards. It is hoped that the Petudua Village government will continue this program, to support food security and improve community welfare.
AGRIBIOS Vol 20 No 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/agribios.v20i1.1903


Kabupaten Kolaka merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil tanaman pangan padi, salah satu lumbung padi Kolaka khususnya wilayah selatan adalah Kecamatan Tanggetada yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan, namun yang menjadi dilema saat ini sekaligus hal yang umum dijumpai bahwa petani padi sawah memiliki tingkat kesejahteraan yang rendah dibandingkan dengan profesi lainnya. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga petani padi sawah di Kabupaten Kolaka. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kelompok Tani Muda di Desa Lamedai, Kabupaten Kolaka. Pemilihan tempat penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive), polulasi penelitian yaitu keseluruhan petani padi sawah selaku anggota Kelompok Tani Muda yang berjumlah 25 orang. Metode analisis menggunakan metode Good Service Ratio (GSR) dan pendekatan teori Sajogyo. Hasil penelitian nilai rata-rata GSR Petani Padi Sawah Kelompok Tani Muda tergolong kurang sejahtera, Sedangkan Penggolongan tingkat kemiskinan dengan teori pendekatan Sajogyo yaitu sebagian besar petani termasuk kategori hidup cukup 68%, kategori hidup layak 12% dan hanya 20% Petani yang berada pada kategori nyaris miskin.
Sea Urchen (Echinoidea) Diversity in the Coastal Area at Mawasangka District, Central Buton Regency Maretik Maretik; Yanti Yanti; Fitrianti Handayani
Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram Vol 10, No 2: April 2022
Publisher : IKIP Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (924.815 KB) | DOI: 10.33394/j-ps.v10i2.4848


Sea urchins are marine invertebrates that are grouped in the Echinoidea class and Echinodermataphylum. Mawasangka is a district that has a large coastal area with a fairly good seagrass and coral reef ecosystem that plays an important role in the life cycle process of marine organisms, for instant as a habitat and food source for sea urchins. However, until now, information about the diversity of sea urchins in the coastal areas in Mawasangka District has not been reported. Thus, this research is very important. This research began with a location survey, field observation, and sampling. Supporting data such as temperature, pH, brightness, depth and salinity were also measured. The results showed that the number of species in 3 research locations in the coastal area of Mawasangka District was 5 species, consisting of 3 species from the genus Diadema, namely Diadema cytosum, Diadema antillarium, and Diadema savignyi, and 2 species from the Echinotrix genus, namely Echinothrix calamaris and Echinothrix diadema. The highest number of species diversity was found on the Pasi Kobungi beach. This happened because the habitat and environmental conditions at Pasi Kobungi Beach were very compatible for 5 species found. The species with the greatest abundance was sea urchins from the species of Diadema cytosum. It was found out that the coral reef substrate and seagrass in three research locations were important habitats for the growth of Diadema setosum and were easy to adapt to the environment. Due to the abundance of sea urchins from the Diadema cytosum species as well as many benefits of it for the environment, it can be concluded that the condition of the coastal area of Mawasangka District is still classified as healthy and well preserved.
The potency of Mentega Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Variety Peels Waste as Raw Material for Bioethanol by Enzymatic Hydrolisis Essa Annisa Syadiah; Fitrah Adelina; S Sudarmin; Fitrianti Handayani; Juniaty Arruan Bulawan
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri, UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edufortech.v7i2.50966


Cassava peel waste can be used as an energy source in the form of bioethanol. The need for bioethanol is increasing both asalternative energy to replace fuel oil (BBM). Ethanol (C2H5OH) is the result of conversion from the sugar fermentation process using the help of microorganisms. This study aims to determine the levels of bioethanol produced from cassava peel obtained from Ibun sub-district, Bandung Regency through enzymatic treatment. The research procedure started from the pretreatment of cassava peel waste as a substrate, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation. Enzymatic hydrolysis using Trichoderma viride isolates with 3 variations in inoculum concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%. As for the fermentation process using Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates. The highest reducing sugar of 21.28 mg/L was produced by treatment with hydrolysis time of 60 hours and inoculum concentration of 10%. The highest bioethanol content was 4.9 mg/L with a fermentation time of 96 hours.
The Growth Response and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fertilizing in Various Doses Fitrianti Handayani; Maretik; Djunarlin Tojang; Mustafa R
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): January - March
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i1.4341


Cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.) is a vegetable plant that has many ingredients which can be used as vegetables, fresh vegetables, salads, or pickles and also cucumber plants can be beneficial for health. Production of cucumber plants in Indonesia from year to year has always decreased. The cause of the low production of cucumber plants in Indonesia is due to several factors, namely environmental factors, cultivation methods and also due to pests and diseases. This study aims to determine and understand the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and production of cucumber plants. The research design used was a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 5 treatments repeated 3 times, namely 6 kg of goat manure/polybag (P0), 3 kg of goat manure/polybag + 2.5 g of NPK fertilizer/polybag (P1 ), 4.5 kg goat manure/polybag + 1.25 g NPK/polybag (P2), 1.5 kg goat manure/polybag + 3.75 g NPK fertilizer/polybag (P3), 5 g NPK fertilizer/ polybag (P4). The results of the analysis of the variety of application of organic fertilizer at a dose of 6 kg gave optimal results on plant height and number of fruit on cucumber plants but not on the number of leaves, age at the start of flowering, and fruit weight on cucumber plants.
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Dari Limbah Cair Tahu Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea L.) Maretik Maretik; Mursida Mursida; Yanti Yanti; Fitrianti Handayani; Sutrisnawati Mehora
Biopedagogia Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/biopedagogia.v5i1.3570


This study aims to determine the effect of tofu liquid waste on the growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.). The method used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RAK) which consisted of 5 treatment levels and 3 replications to obtain 15 experimental polybags. The results of the ANOVA test for the group showed that the height growth of the mustard greens did not have a significant effect, namely FCount (0.52) FTabel (4.46) and for the treatment did not have a significant effect, namely FHitung (0.27) FTabel (4,46), It is suspected that excess nitrogen will produce young shoots that are soft/weak and vegetative, acidify soil reactions, lower soil pH, and be detrimental to plants because it will bind other nutrients so that it will be difficult for plants to absorb them and fertilization will become less effective and inefficient. The results of the ANOVA test on the number of leaves showed that the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer from tofu liquid waste for groups had a significant effect, namely FHitung (5.39) FTabel (4.46), it was suspected that the amount of nutrients absorbed by plants had an effect on the process of leaf formation because the process of forming new cells is very closely related to the availability of nutrients needed by plants. the results of the ANOVA test on the fresh weight of mustard greens showed that the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer from tofu liquid waste for the group had a significant effect, namely (7,69) FTabel (4,46), as well as treatment had a significant effect (22,83) FTabel (4,46), It is suspected that fertilizer is absorbed optimally so that it can support plant metabolic processes and have a good effect on the growth of fresh weight in mustard greens.
Response of Cocoa Seed Growth Received by Bio-priming Technique Treatment Fitrianti Handayani; Mustafa R; Maretik Maretik
Journal of Biological Science and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Journal of Biological Science and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1106.388 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/jbse.v3i2.1702


Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the people's plantation crops with promising prospects because it can flower and bear fruit throughout the year. One of the efforts to improve the quality of cocoa seeds is by increasing the viability and vigor of seeds through seed invigoration techniques. This study aimed to determine the effect of biopriming invigoration treatment techniques in increasing cocoa seeds' viability, vigor, and growth. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Agronomy Unit of the Faculty of Agriculture of Halu Oleo Kendari from April to May 2019. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments: Control (B0), Bio-priming Bacillus sp. CKD061 (B1), Bio-priming Pseudomonas flourescent (B2), a combination of Bio-priming Bacillus sp. CKD061 with Pseudomonas fluorescent. Each treatment was repeated three times, so there were 12 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and continued using the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD). Based on the results of research that biopriming treatment using rhizobacteria has the best influence on the viability, vigor and growth of cocoa seeds. Keywords: Biopriming, cocoa seeds, rhizobacteria, seed growth