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Pura Desa Batuan sebagai Media Pendidikan Multikultural Melalui Pariwisata Karmini, Ni Wayan
Publisher : Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar

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Bali tourism dynamics are reflected by the use of the village temple as a tourist attraction. This paper discusses the Impact of Development of Tourism activity in Pura Desa Batuan to the socio-economic life of the local community, and cultural tourism object “pura desa batuan” as media of multicultural education. This paper is the result of qualitative research. The process of data collection is done by observation, literature study and in-depth interviews with 10 informants manager Pura Desa Batuan and tourists who visit the attraction Pura Desa Batuan. Data analysis was performed by descriptive, qualitative and interpretative by applying the theory of commodification of tourism development. The results showed that Pura Desa Batuan has become a tourist attraction in Bali that selected by travelers, the travel commodity to benefit local communities. The presence of tourists has raised entrepreneurship and supporting development manners Batuan Village People. In addition, a cultural attraction Pura Desa Batuan is also as a medium of multicultural education. Tourist activity in Pura Desa Batuan village that is capable of generating economic activity and strengthen the cultural traditions of local communities and raise awareness of this multicultural needs to be maintained and developed.
Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25078/ijhsrs.v5i1.2109


Subordination of women becomes a question in carrying out the household dish, especially the care for children who are born, which is the responsibility of husband and wife. It is impossible for the Sukhinah family to be formed if the burdens, both domestic and social, are not matched equally between men and women. Like a pillar in a house, if the load is not the same, not only will one of the pillars be destroyed but the house itself will collapse, if that is the case then the sukhinah family is the goal of every Hindu marriage, namely a happy and prosperous marriage that will not be realized. In fact there are divorce cases that have occurred in Denpasar City, divorce cases for Hindu couples in general have increased, namely in 2013 as many as 297 cases, in 2014 as many as 326 cases, 2015 as many as 315 cases, in 2016 as many as 418 cases, in 2017 as many as 495 cases , and in 2018 there were 566 cases. Based on the above phenomena, the author wants to explore the potential problems faced by Balinese Hindu women when carrying out domestic, public and social roles (traditional krama) in building a sukhinah family. It seems that women have problems adapting well to their husband's family environment because of differences in paradigms, different parenting styles and differences in habits. The factors causing the challenges faced by Balinese Hindu women in Denpasar City actually arise from the vertical relationship between women.
Model Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Bagi Generasi Melenial Pada Era 4.0 (Kasus Pengelolan Hutan Di Desa Adat Tenganan) Ni Wayan Karmini
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This scientific work discusses the discussion of the implementation of local wisdom of the Tenganan Village indigenous people in managing forests and their meaning in environmental education for millennials in the 4.0 era. As a form of qualitative study, research data were obtained through observation, literature study, and in-depth interviews with 11 informants, namely observers of Balinese cultural tourism and customary interpreters of Tenganan Pegringsingan Village. The collected data were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The assessment results show that customary law forms awig-awig applied to the management of Tenganan Pengingsingan village tourism forest. The local Balinese community strongly agrees and implements these awig-awig, among others considered as part of the local nature, does not damage the potential of forest flora and fauna, and utilize forest products in an adaptive manner. The application of local wisdom (awig-awig) in managing the Tenganan forest is compatible with the direct application of growing protection that supports environmental preservation. The attitude and problems of the Tenganan community in forest management are adjusted to the model of direct education for local children in efforts to preserve the environment.
Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Tari Dewa Ayu Di Desa Pemuteran, Kecamatan Gerokgak, Kabupaten Buleleng Ni Wayan Karmini; I Wayan Diana
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Special Issue Budaya & Pendidikan
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (641.234 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/jpah.v0i0.1627


This scientific work aims to discuss the procession of the dewa ayu dance and it’s value of Hindu religious education contained in this dance. This scientific work is the result of qualitative research whose data was collected through observation, documentation studies and in-depth interviews with Pemuteran village traditional leaders and observers of Balinese culture. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively descriptive by applying a number of eclectic theories, namely aesthetic theory, symbol theory and constructivism theory. The results of the study show that the indigenous people of Pemuteran Village are trying to preserve the Dewa Ayu Dance as an offering to Hyang Widi Wasa at the Panca Yadnya Ceremony. In general, the procession of the god ayu dance can be divided into three parts (1) canang sari and incense offerings by stakeholders; (2) ngurek, which is the stage of the dancers who are accompanied by stakeholders who experience a disturbances by stabbing themselves with a dagger they carry; (3) the dancers' awareness stage from distress to the normal situation. Pemangku took a keris from a dancer to be given a tirta and brought to its place (innards). Dewa Ayu dance has educational values, including: the value of togetherness education, the value of tattwa education, the value of moral education, ceremonial education, and the educational value of appreciation of art and culture. As part of efforts to preserve guardian dance (sacred), the tradition of Dewa Ayu dance performances in the life of Pemuteran Village community needs to be preserved.
Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25078/ijhsrs.v5i1.2109


Subordination of women becomes a question in carrying out the household dish, especially the care for children who are born, which is the responsibility of husband and wife. It is impossible for the Sukhinah family to be formed if the burdens, both domestic and social, are not matched equally between men and women. Like a pillar in a house, if the load is not the same, not only will one of the pillars be destroyed but the house itself will collapse, if that is the case then the sukhinah family is the goal of every Hindu marriage, namely a happy and prosperous marriage that will not be realized. In fact there are divorce cases that have occurred in Denpasar City, divorce cases for Hindu couples in general have increased, namely in 2013 as many as 297 cases, in 2014 as many as 326 cases, 2015 as many as 315 cases, in 2016 as many as 418 cases, in 2017 as many as 495 cases , and in 2018 there were 566 cases. Based on the above phenomena, the author wants to explore the potential problems faced by Balinese Hindu women when carrying out domestic, public and social roles (traditional krama) in building a sukhinah family. It seems that women have problems adapting well to their husband's family environment because of differences in paradigms, different parenting styles and differences in habits. The factors causing the challenges faced by Balinese Hindu women in Denpasar City actually arise from the vertical relationship between women.
Objek Wisata Pura Tirta Empul Sebagai Media Pendidikan Multikultural Bagi Generasi Milenial Pada Era 4.0 Ni Wayan Karmini; Ni Putu Dyatmikawati; Gusti Ayu Ayu Suasthi; Ni Ketut Srie Kusuma Wardhani; Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana
Ganaya : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 2 No 2-3 (2020)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This scientific work discusses the existence of the tourism object Tirta Empul as a venue for the economic development of local communities, as well as a multicultural education media for millennials in the 4.0 era. This paper is the result of qualitative research. Data was collected through observation, literature study and in-depth interviews with 11 informants managing Tirta Empul attractions, observers of Balinese culture and tourists visiting Tirta Empul attractions. Data analysis was conducted descriptively-interpretative by applying the theory of tourism development and the theory of commodification. The results of the study show that through promotion in the 4.0 era cybermedia network, the tourism objects of Tirta Empul are increasingly known by local and foreign tourists. Commodification of tourism objects Tirta Empul has aroused manners of entrepreneurship and supports the development of the local Indigenous Village. In addition, the cultural tourism object of Tirta Empul is also a special multicultural education media for millennials. Tourism activities in Tirta Empul that are able to generate social-economic activities and foster multicultural awareness need to be maintained and developed.
Reinterpretasi Makna Budaya Sungkem Sebagai Ajaran Budi Pekerti Dalam Sloka Sarasamuccaya A. A. Kade Sri Yudari; Ni Wayan Karmini; Desak Nyoman Seniwati
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.01 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/jpah.v6i3.1672


Bali’s an island that’s closely related to various local wisdoms including the procedures for behavings including through sungkem. The values of hospitality and morality in tradition are characteristic of culture the archipelago. The concept of sungkem Hinduism means respect for the catur guru. In everyday life it’s implemented as a tradition that a noble meaning but is now rarely applied, especially in Bali. This research aims to examine and reinterpret the meaning of sungkem as the application of the teachings character as stated in the Sarasamuccaya Sloka. Writing research using qualitative methods with descriptive-interpretative exposure techniques. Through the paradigm of social behavior, supported by a literary anthropological approach as an analytical tool, it shows a more transparent description of the object in a narrative manner. The results of the study found that the sungkem tradition research carried out in the Sugeng Wiyosan ritual at the Mancawarna Palace has an implementation meaning as an ethical teaching for millennial youth who are allegedly prone to moral degradation. The Sungkem culture is also an effort to protect the environment and strengthen family ties. By reviving and preserving ancestral traditions full of positive values, it can shape the character and maintain the dignity of the younger generation from an early age as mentioned in several verses of the Sarasamuccaya Sloka. Recommendations adrresed to the wider community regarding the internalization of the meaning of mutual respect among God’s creature as Tri Hita Karana should always be echoed both individually and in groups to prevent exposure to the negative currents of globalization among young people.  
DHARMASMRTI: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol 18 No 2 (2018): Dharmasmrti: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.893 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/ds.v9i2.151


Di antara gejala sosial destruktif mewarnai era globalisasi dewasa ini, adalah menguatnya faham Individualisme, merosotnya moralitas, dan budaya kosumerisme yang cenderung tidak menguntungkan bagi masa depan generasi penerus. Berbagai masalah ini bisa diantisipasi melalui penyelengaran pasraman. Makalah ini akan membahas (1) mengapa pasraman diperlukan dalam membangun karakter kepribadian generasi muda Bali? (2) bagaimana penyelenggaraan pasraman itu bisa efektif dalam membangun karakter kepribadian generasi muda Bali. Makalah ini merupakan hasil dari kajian evaluatif deskripstif yang datanya diperoleh dari studi dokumentasi dan wawancara dengan 12 informan peserta dan penyelengaraan Pasraman Yuana Bhuana Giri, di Perumnas Bukit Sanggulan, Tabanan. Hasil kajian membuktikan bahwa pertama, pasraman diperlukan untuk membentuk watak dan kepribadian generasi penerus yang memiliki budi pekerti (moralitas yang baik), tidak terjebak ke dalam budaya konsumerisme, memiliki etos kerja keras, dan memiliki motivasi untuk maju, siap bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa maju lainnya. Kedua, penyelanggaraan Pasraman Yuana Bhuana Giri Tabanan selama ini sudah dilengkapi dengan beberapa materi dasar yang diperlukan untuk generasi muda Bali, termasuk materi budaya dasar, kepemimpinan, nasionalisme, motivasi untuk maju, patologi sosial, kesehatan, dan peduli lingkungan. Beberapa kalangan memandang penting atas penyampaian beberapa materi untuk pendidikan pasraman tersebut, namun belum ada evalusi khusus tentang dampak penyelenggaraan pasraman. Untuk itu, upaya evaluative atas tujuan luhur penyelenggaraan pasraman amat diperlukan.
DHARMASMRTI: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol 19 No 2 (2019): Dharmasmrti: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.238 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/ds.v19i2.419


Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan membahas bentuk pengelolaan hutan, serta implikasi dan maknanya dalam pendidikan lingkungan hidup bagi generasi milenial pada era 4.0.Sebagai bentuk kajian kualitatif, data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mendalam dengan 11 informan, yakni pemerhati pariwisata budaya Bali dan pemuka masyarakat adat Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif.Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk pengelolaan hutan di Desa Adat Tenganan diperkuat dengan implementasi kearifan lokal (awig-awig). Komunitas Bali aga setempat melaksanakan awig-awig tersebut. Mereka tidak merusak potensi flora dan fauna hutan, serta memanfaatkan hasil hutan secara adaptif. Penerapan kearifan lokal (awig-awig) dalam mengelola hutan Tenganan secara adaptif memiliki implikasi langsung dalam menumbuhkan perilaku yang mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Pengelolaan hutan secara adaptif memiliki makna bagi pendidikan lingkungan hidup untuk generasi milenial. Pelibatan generasi milenial dalam upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup perlu terus dikembangkan.
DHARMASMRTI: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol 21 No 1 (2021): Dharmasmrti: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/ds.v21i1.1662


Wacana Ratu Adil Satria Piningit dan Zaman Edan, tidak pernah hilang dari benak dan relung hati masyarakat Indonesia. Tulisan ini hanyalah sebagai ungkapan rasa keprihatinan atas fenomena carut marut yang sedang terjadi di bumi pertiwi ini. Tujuannya, memaknai secara tersurat naskah warisan para leluhur yang penuh dengan perlambang sehingga masyarakat luas dapat memahami mengapa istilah Ratu Adil Satria Piningit dan Zaman Edan selalu diwacanakan ketika bumi pertiwi sedang mengalami berbagai masalah. Tulisan ini juga merupakan reinterpretasi beberapa sumber pustaka salah satunya adalah serat Kalatidha karya Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita. Bahwa, serat Kalatidha merupakan kepustakaan sastra Jawa yang berisi kritik social, nilai keagamaan, tradisi kapujanggaan, prediksi masa depan/ futurology dan kemunculan Satria Piningit sang Ratu Adil. Pada akhirnya, ‘Serat’ yang mengisyaratkan zaman edan menjadi pembicaraan klasik populer dikalangan masyarakat luas. Ketika keadilan yang diharapkan belum memenuhi semua komponen, seperti terjadi ketimpangan social yang berkepanjangan maka wacana Ratu Adil terus dielukan. Faktanya, istilah yang melegenda itu pun hanyalah merupakan gambaran kondisi zaman yang dirasakan masyarakat disertai dengan harapan datangnya seorang pemimpin yang adil, bijak dan lebih memihak kepada rakyat.