Jurnal Ruas (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)
Vol 19, No 2 (2021)

Perbedaan Kegiatan Penghuni di Ruang Makan dengan Ruangan lain berdasarkan ketersediaan Ruang Makan pada Hunian

Sarah Heriyanti Putri (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Sofia Pamela (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Hanson Endra Kusuma (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Annisa Safira Riska (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Dec 2021


The existence of a dining room is now rarely found in some residences. Some people who do not have a dining room will be forced to use a room to carry out eating activities. In comparison, other people use the dining room to do other activities. It shows that the existence of space reflects the behaviour of the occupants in living. This study will compare community activities with residential conditions with a dining room and those without a dining room. This study aims to reveal the differences and activities most often carried out in the two conditions. Then all these activities will be classified based on the theory of affordance. This research method uses a sequential mixed-method approach by distributing online questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using principal component analysis and analysis of the mean latent variables to find the most dominant variable. Based on the study results, the most dominant activity carried out in residential areas that have a dining room is only eating activities. Meanwhile, residential areas that do not have a dining room include learning, working, relaxing and household activities. 

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Earth & Planetary Sciences


RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) is a scientific publication for widespread research and criticism topics related to urbanism and architecture studies. RUAS is published twice a year since 2011 by the Department of Architecture of Universitas Brawijaya. ...