JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Vol 6, No 3 (2022): Juni


Evi Zulida (Universitas Samudra)
Baihaqi Baihaqi (Universitas Samudra)
Agus Putra AS (Universitas Samudra)
Muhammad Jamil (Universitas Samudra)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jun 2022


Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan citra diri produk ekonomi kreatif wilayah Kota Langsa melalui sistim e-commerce. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan seperti koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tergambarkan melalui lembar monitoring yang dilakukan sewaktu sosialisasi memperlihatkan sebanyak 28 peserta sangat memahami materi pencatatan produk berbasis digital, 43 pelaku ekonomi kreatif memahami dengan baik materi jenis-jenis marketplace pada sistim e-commerce dan 51 pelaku ekonomi kreatif cukup memahami materi pengenalan tentang google my business.Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 16 pelaku ekonomi sangat paham dengan materi pengenalan potensi eksport dan 33 pelaku ekonomi kreatif cukup memahami materi sosial media copywriting. Disimpulkan bahwa penciptaan brand image ekonomi kreatif melalui sistim e-commerce diharapkan mampu menjadikan Kota Langsa sebagai smart city dalam usaha ekonomi kreatif.Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to create a self-image of creative economy products at Langsa City through the e-commerce system. The method used is an educational approach and technology transfer through a series of activity stages such as coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activities described through the monitoring sheet during socialization shown that as many as 28 participants really understand the material for recording digital-based products, 43 creative economy actors understand well the material on the types of marketplaces in the e-commerce system and 51 creative economy actors understand quite well the introduction material about google my business. The results of the mentoring show that 16 economic actors are very familiar with the introduction of export potential materials and 33 creative economic actors are quite familiar with copywriting social media materials. It is concluded that the creation of a creative economy brand image through an e-commerce system is expected to be able to make Langsa City a smart city in creative economy efforts.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info







JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) is a journal published by the Mathematics Education Departement of Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) aims to disseminate the results of conceptual thinking and ideas, especially the results of educational research ...