Abstrak: Pertanian di perkotaan semakin dieksplorasi seiring berkembangnya teknik budidaya lahan sempit, serta berbagai alternatifnya. Microgreen merupakan salah satu alternatif bertanam di lahan sempit yang masih belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Kota Salatiga. Introduksi microgreen dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang manfaat dan teknik budidaya microgreen yang diharapkan mendukung kualitas pangan rumah tangga, materi edukasi bagi generasi muda, dan menjadi alternatif berwiusaha pertanian di lahan sempit. Kegiatan dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2022 dengan metode penyuluhan dan demonstrasi kepada masyarakat umum. Sejumlah 27 peserta terdiri dari guru, anak muda (SMA dan mahasiswa) menyatakan respon, berminat mencoba sendiri (78,9% peserta), merasa relevan diajarkan lebih lanjut pada sekitarnya (78,9%), dan perlunya pelatihan lanjutan (94,7%). Abstract: Agriculture in urban areas is increasingly being explored along with the development of narrow land cultivation techniques, as well as various alternatives. Microgreen is an alternative to planting on narrow land which is still not widely known by the people of Salatiga City. The introduction of microgreens is carried out to increase understanding of the benefits and cultivation techniques of microgreen which are expected to support the quality of household food, provide educational materials for the younger generation, and become an alternative for entrepreneurship in agriculture on narrow land. The activity was carried out in February 2022 with the method of counseling and demonstrations to the general public. A total of 20 participants consisting of teachers, young people (high school and university students) expressed a response, were interested in trying it themselves (78.9% of participants), felt it was relevant to be taught further in their surroundings (78.9%), and needed further training (94.7%).
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