Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering
Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023

Implementation of hygiene and sanitation in processing food products for catering businesses in Ciora Village, Cilegon

Akbar Gunawan (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Dhena Ria Barleany (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Erlin Filiandini (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Shera Dwi Andini (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Rifan Maulana (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Retno Sulistyo Dhamar Lestari (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)
Denni Kartika Sari (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Oct 2023


Jasaboga merupakan kegiatan usaha yang melayani pemesanan berbagai macam makanan untuk keperluan jamuan acara tertentu. Usaha ini semakin banyak peminatnya, salah satunya adalah usaha jasaboga di Desa Ciora Kecamatan Grogol Kota Cilegon yang berkembang sangat pesat. Unsur higiene dan sanitasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting tetapi belum menjadi perhatian khusus bagi pemilik industri jasaboga, “Dapoer Umi Ewi” memiliki beberapa permasalahan yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya adalah tata letak rumah produksi dan penempatan peralatan belum memperhatikan unsur higiene dan sanitasi sehingga masih dimungkinkan terjadinya kontaminasi produk makanan dan dapat merugikan konsumen. Modifikasi yang dilakukan pada “Model Rumah Produksi Bersih” di desa Ciora diantaranya terdiri dari “Ruang Pengolahan” yang berguna untuk melakukan proses produksi, dan “Area Pencucian Peralatan dan Bahan Baku” untuk membersihkan alat masak dan bahan baku yang memerlukan air bersih dan tempat yang jauh dari kamar mandi serta tetap terjaga kebersihannya. Dalam hal ini faktor manusia atau unsur penjamah makanan juga sangat krusial karena manusia sebagai pelaku dalam proses rumah produksi tersebut. Faktor manusia sebagai tenaga kerja wajib dalam keadaan bersih. Perubahan tata letak ruang, dimana ditambahkan area penyimpanan bahan mentah yang berada di sebelah tempat cuci piring. Area ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas seperti rak penyimpanan dengan ketinggian minimal 15 cm dari lantai dan 60 cm dari langit-langit ruangan. Catering services are business activities that order food for certain banquet events. More and more people are interested in this business, one of which is the food service business in Ciora Village, Grogol District, Cilegon City, which is multiplying. Hygiene and sanitation elements are essential but have not been given special attention to food service industry owners, "Dapoer Umi Ewi" has several problems that need to be considered, including the layout of the production house and placement of equipment that has not paid attention to the elements of hygiene and sanitation. Hence, it is still possible for this to occur. Contamination of food products can harm consumers. Modifications made to the "Clean Production House Model" in Ciora village include a "Processing Room," which helps carry out the production process, and an "Equipment and Raw Material Washing Area" for cleaning cooking utensils and raw materials which require clean water and a suitable place. Away from the bathroom and keep it clean. In this case, the human factor or the element of food handlers is also crucial because humans are the actors in the production house process. The human factor as a workforce must be clean. Changes to the space layout, where a raw material storage area was added next to the dishwasher. This area has facilities such as storage shelves with a minimum height of 15 cm from the floor and 60 cm from the ceiling.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





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Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) publishes articles on community service and empowerment results that are problem-solving, comprehensive, meaningful, and sustainable, with clear goals. Community service and empowerment activities must have novelty, innovation, and ...