Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Vol 13, No 3 (2016): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian


Sri Usmiati (Unknown)
Djumali Mangunwidjaja (Unknown)
Erliza Noor (Unknown)
Nur Richana (Unknown)
Endang Prangdimurti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Feb 2018


Pengembangan teknologi ekstraksi pektin bermetoksil rendah terus dieksplorasi karena tanaman sumber yang relatif terbatas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh pektin bermetoksil rendah langsung dari ekstraksi kulit jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). Penelitian didahului oleh dua tahap penelitian pendahuluan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang masing-masing bertujuan memperoleh suhu ekstraksi (tahap pertama) dan lama waktu ekstraksi (tahap kedua) terbaik untuk digunakan sebagai kondisi proses ekstraksi pada penelitian utama. Desain penelitian utama menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah tipe pelarut (P): P1 (amonium oksalat+asam oksalat, asam sitrat) dan P2 (amonium oksalat+asam oksalat, asam klorida), dan faktor kedua pH (K): K1 (pH 1) dan K2 (pH 2), serta sebagai pembanding adalah menggunakan pelarut P0 [asam sitrat, asam klorida; pH 2,0]. Ekstraksi suksesif dua tahap menggunakan suhu 100oC dilakukan selama 45 menit dengan pelarut amonium oksalat+asam oksalat, dilanjutkan 10 menit menggunakan pelarut asam sitrat atau asam klorida. Parameter pengukuran meliputi rendemen, derajat esterifikasi (DE), kadar asam uronat, kadar metoksil, kadar air, kadar abu, serta berat ekivalen. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa interaksi tipe pelarut dan pH pada perlakuan P2K2 (amonium oksalat+asam oksalat, asam klorida) dapat langsung menghasilkan pektin bermetoksil rendah dari kulit jeruk nipis dengan nilai DE 45,77%, kadar metoksil 1,53% dan kadar abu 4,77%. Pelarut amonium oksalat+asam oksalat (t1) dan asam klorida (t2) (P2) pada kedua tingkat pH menghasilkan rendemen pektin 10,0%, kadar AUA 19,21%, dan nilai BE 1878,82. Kadar air pektin sebesar 7,91% dihasilkan dari tingkat pH 2 (K2) pada kedua tipe pelarut. Untuk memperoleh pektin bermetoksil rendah dari kulit jeruk nipis direkomendasikan menggunakan pelarut P2K2 (amonium oksalat+asam oksalat, asam klorida; pH 2) pada suhu ekstraksi 100oC.English Version AbstractSpontaneously production of low methoxyl pectin from peel of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle using solvent of ammonium oxalate and acidThe development of extraction technology of low methoxyl pectin/LMP continue to be explored caused by limited the plant source. The research objective was to obtain low methoxyl pectin directly from the pectin extraction of lime peel (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). The study was preceeded by a twostage preliminary researches using a completely randomized design, each of which was to obtain the best temperature (first stage) and duration of extraction (second stage) to be used as a condition of extraction process in the primary research. The primary research used factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was solvent type (P): P1 (ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid), citric acid) and P2 (ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid), and the second factor was pH (K): K1 (pH 1) and K2 (pH 2), as well as control was solvent P0 [citric acid (t1), hydrochloric acid (t2); pH 2.0]. Successive two-stage extraction on 100°C was done for 45 minutes using ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid followed by 10 minutes using citric acid or hydrochloric acid. Measurement parameters included yield, degree of esterification (DE), anhidrouronic acid/AUA levels, methoxyl content, moisture content, ash content, and equivalent weight. From the results of research, the interaction between solvent tipe and acidity level of P2K2 (ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid; pH 2) could directly produce LMP from extraction of lime peel characterized by DE of 45.77%, methoxyl content of 1.53% and ash content of 4.77%. Effect of solvent of ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid (P2) at both pH levels resulted pectin yield of 10.0%, AUA of 19.21%, and equivalent weight of 1878.82. The pectin moisture of 7.91% was produced from acidity of pH 2 (K2) on both type of solvent. To obtain LMP from peel of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle it was recommended to use the extraction solvent of P2K2 (ammonium oxalate+oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid; pH 2) on temperature of 100oC.

Copyrights © 2016

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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