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SYAMIL: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education)
ISSN : 23391332     EISSN : 24770027     DOI :
The journal is pursues the academic exploration on Islamic education discourses in Southeast Asian schools, colleges, universities, and other Islamic educational institutions such as pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools). The journal promotes empirical research and theory relevant to Islamic affiliated educational institutions. The topics of the journal cover the micro, meso, and macro levels of Islamic education such as the philosophy of Islamic education, Islamic school leadership, and the politics of Islamic education. The journal is published twice a year in June and December. It was firstly published in 2013 (printed edition). Since Vol. 3, Issue 2 (December 2015), it has migrated gradually to an electronic journal system (Open Access). It is now a fully online journal, and since Vol. 8, No. 2 (December 2019) it only accepts manuscript submissions written in English or Arabic.
Articles 247 Documents
Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Perspektif al-Ghazali Musfioh, Imroh Atul
SYAMIL Syamil, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2014
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v2i1.493


One of Moslems who have great ideas and was known as a reformer (mujaddid), among others, is al-Gazali. Socio-cultural conditions at the time, namely the emergence of political disstability that have an impact on the fragmentation of Muslims, the destruction of religion and morality. This situation makes him becoem a hero and Islamic Defenders Argumentator (hujjah al-Islam) as his responsibility to fix the blind thoughts and actions that shake the Muslims’ life. The purpose of education is to get closer to Allah SWT and not oriented only in world interests. So that, the curriculum presented should include three terms, called jasmaniyah, aqliyyah and akhlaqiyyah. The opinion is based on two approaches, Fiqh and Sufism. This thought seems systematic and comprehensive, and also consistent with the attitude and personality as a Sufi and Faqih. The concept of education offered, if applied in the present seems still appropriate. Beside,  the needs should be perfected in accordancing with local knowledge where the education implemented.
Evaluasi Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kutai Timur Syamsudin, Moh.
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2015
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v3i2.246


Teacher performance on learning process as one of the important in supporting the creation of effective education process especially in build discipline attitude and student learning result quality. However, when teacher failed to minimize student inappropriate behavior, it often make teacher lost its spirit and lazy to teach. Teacher performance has certain criterion. Their performance can be seen and measured based on competence specification or criterion that must be possessed by every teacher. In last few years many teachers that have certified, whereas their performance should be improve than before. Specifically, the purpose of research that was done : to find out the principal’s asessment to teachers performance elementary school level on kaubun sub dictrict Kutai Timur district. Method in this study apply statistic descriptive that conducted to describe certain phenomenon. Data collection performed to obtain information that related with phenomenon, condition, or certain variable and not intended to conduct hypothesist testing. This research conducted on elementary school of whole Kaubun District, East Borneo Province,. Variable in this research is principal’s asessment to teachers performance elementary school level on Kaubun sub dictrict Kutai Timur district.Based on the results of research on Teacher performance on learning process in Elementary School in on Kaubun sub dictrict Kutai Timur district be concluded that: 1) There are two (2) important component of the core activities, namely Planning evaluation of teacher performance and implementation of teacher performance evaluation 2) The performance evaluation conducted once a year by each school principal at the end of the school year between the months of May-June. Evaluations conducted simultaneously at all levels of both teachers and employees. Evaluating teacher performance in Kec. Kaubun means as an efforts to make professional teachers through performance evaluation.
Mutu Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Kutai Timur Hasanah, Siti Nur
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v5i1.913


This research is motivated by the quality of education in East Kutai District. It was not equally between infrastructure and suprastructure school developments in the rural and the urban areas. It also can be effect to the quality of educations in East Kutai District, especially in rural areas. The aims of this research are describes the quality condition of elementary schools in East Kutai District, discribes supporting factors and obstacle factors, and the efforts of goverment (ministry of education) to improve the quality education  of elementary schools in East Kutai District.This is descriptive qualitative research. It was located in education goverment office (ministry of education).The result of this research was indicated that the quality education of elementary school in East Kutai Distric is excellent. It shows from the increase accreditation result every year. At 2016 all of elementary schools in East Kutai District was accredited. It was good progress. Eight national education standarts have been achieved. The supporting factors to increase the quality education of elementary school in East Kutai District, such us:  qualified human resources, a lot of budget funds, between elementary schools and ministry of education has been mutual support, good infrastructure development, and good geographic location. Even while obstacle factors such us: small budget funds, the school locations are so far from the town, education policies always change every a new minister education, and different understanding about education mindset. The efforts from education department goverment (ministry of education)  to improve the quality education of elementary school in East Kutai District are: complete the database, reorganized institution, change mindset the teachers from teachers become educators, make a program training and coaching, adjusting teacher qualifications,  make a program one sub district one favorite school, make a curriculum development, strengthening of character education, make a programe one student one book of curriculum 2013, make a mapping and dissemination for all teachers, rolling teachers and head master, make a program rehabilitation of all facilities and infrastructure, do controling from UPT.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Al Qur’an: Kajian terhadap Tafsir Al-Azhar Karya Buya HAMKA Firman, Firman
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2016
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v4i2.712


Quran is life guidance and there is no doubt about it, it is also as a guidance of all human life problems in this world, including problems of multicultural conflicts which occur in the society. Quran which consists of 30 juz 114 surah has explored humanistic principles and values  in the interaction to other humans both of in group and inter group interaction need to be studied in order to solve all problems occurs in the society. Problems of this research are: (1) How are main themes of multicultural education values in tafsir Al-Azhar by Buya Hamka? (2) How is the perspective of Buya Hamka towards multicultural education values in tafsir Al-Azhar. This is a library research. Data collection technique is by using documents, the researcher collected and reviewed books, kitab, journals, and other writing materials which are connected to multicultural education and came up with the description. Data of this research was analyzed by using linguistics, sociological, and theological approach. Buya Hamka in interpreting verses about multicultural emphasizes on the concept of unity and similarity. According to Hamka, diversity is a starting points of the conflicts in the life of society. Unity and similarity concept by Buya Hamka can be viewed from two points. They are: (1) Unity and similarity of human origins from the same father and mother. (2) Unity and similarity of aqidah to make human becomes brothers and sisters.
Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Bahasa Arab bagi Penutur Bahasa Indonesia (Orang yang Berbahasa Indonesia) Rahmatullah, Syarifatur
SYAMIL Syamil, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2014
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v2i1.488


Curriculum development is a necessity for a teacher or an institutionwhere they work. Curriculum development is done in order to answerthe needs of learners that will be taught with materials they need. Thesame thing was also applied to the Arabic learning curriculum. Arabicthat used to be assumed as the language of religion, has turned into aninternational language that is not only synonymous with a religiontoday. Then, learning Arabic curriculum development should besuitable to answer the development of assumptions about the Arabiclanguage. This paper tries to provide a reference and guide for teachersor institutions in developing Arabic curriculum for Indonesian studentswho are not the native speakers of Arabic.
Strategi Pembentukan Karakter Keagamaan Peserta Didik di SMA Kota Tenggarong Alim, Nur
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v5i2.925


This study departs from the low religious character of learners is one of the problems that occur in schools. This is due to two factors, namely, internal and external. To overcome these obstacles required a strategy in the formation of a systematic religious character that can be ”ammunition” in shaping the religious character of learners so that it can make learners become our human beings. The purpose of this study wanted to know about the strategy of character formation, the implementation of character formation and inhibiting factors and solutions in the formation of religious character of learners in high school Tenggarong. Research method in this research use field research type (field work research) with qualitative approach. The data collection is observation, semi-structured interviews and documentation. While the technique of data analysis using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The result of research strategy of religious character formation of learners in Tenggarong High School is 1) Self-development which is not programmed include routine activity, spontaneous activity and exemplary already compatible with document of Ministry of National Education about character design of character education. 2) Implementation of religious character formation in routine activity shows significant similarity that is, class picket, worship, pray before and after learning in class and social service. As for spontaneous activity, that is, visiting the sick, throwing the garbage in its place, engulfing the argument. While the exemplary activities that is, by speaking polite, obey the order, dressed neatly and clean, and behave courteously. Although the spontaneous and exemplary activities have been implemented but not yet optimal. Due to the unavailability of all indicators on spontaneous and exemplary activities. 3) Factors inhibiting the formation of religious character that is, coming from the educators and education, the people who live around the school environment and the control of the competent. The solution in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of the formation of religious character is, by improving the quality of principals, educators and education, improvement of facilities and infrastructure, study appeal and cooperate with the competent.
Model Kurikulum Fullday School dengan Sistem Terpadu di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Islam Terpadu Cordova Samarinda Kadi, Titi
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2015
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v3i1.242


The appearance phenomenon of Integrated Islamic Elementary School (IIES) that recently sponsored by Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (JSIT) in the middle of merger trend of Elementary schools which are lack of student is interesting to observe. One of the Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda which applied the curriculum concept with full day school system is the Integrated Islamic Elemantary School of Cordova Samarinda. Cordova itself taken from the famous University name in the Turkish reign of Usmani, which the education of Muslim was growing faster at that time. Curriculum and learning in IIES of Cordova integrate the general learning with the religion learning equally, even they also add the Islamic values into all general learning subject  without decreasing the quality of learning value. The aim of this research are to observe: a) the curriculum model of full day school with integrated system in Integrated Islamic Elementary School of Cordova Samarinda, b) the curriculum development model of full day school with integrated system in Integrated Islamic Elementary School of Cordova Samarinda, c) the implementation of the curriculum model of full day school with integrated system in Integrated Islamic Elementary School of Cordova Samarinda is. This research utilizes the qualitative approach, where the data collecting technique used were observation, in depth interview, and document study. The analysis technique used was non statistic, which done by analyzing through the description of words or sentences in the form of explanation for the conclusion. In analyzing the data, the researcher used phasing which are as follows : (a) analyzing the data from all sources, (b) reducing the data, (c) arranging the data in units, (d) categorizing while conducting the coding, (e) checking the data validity. The finding of this research can be presented as follows : Curriculum model in IIES of Cordova is the integrated curriculum between KTSP, JSIT, character education, and local curriculum. Curriculum development model in IIES of Cordova Samarinda has the support of the stakeholders which called the “grass roots system” approach. The steps are (a) make the development group of KTSP in the school, (b) held the FGD between the development group and the stakeholders, (c) make the KTSP draft, (d) the school principle or the vice of curriculum need to make the validity to the school committee, and draft legalization to the education board, (e) the supervised KTSP draft has been through the process of validation and legalization, KTSP document is implementative for the school. Curriculum implementation model in IIES of Cordova Samarinda consists of the parenting integration : formal, nonformal, and informal design. Material integration : religion, general, talent and interest, also life skill. Field integration : cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Process integration are learning and hidden curriculum.
Otoritas Keagamaan Guru Ngaji Qudsiyyah Ubaidillah, Khasan
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2016
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v4i1.541


The Essence of guru ngaji is a teacher who teaches religion & religiosity. It means that   guru ngaji has full authority to teach the religious science and behavior. As a religious teacher, guru ngaji has more religious content. It is positively culminated in the theory (religion) and implementation of religiousness (religiosity).  These two key elements will determine the authority of guru ngaji in improving the productivity of santri’s learning process.  Even since the Dutch colonial era, guru ngaji, noted well as Kyai, has a very significant authority related to the transformation process of the religious science in shaping santri’s behavior that is sociable to civilization. Therefore, in this article, the author would critically and comprehensively examine a study of the religious authority on the North Coast of Central Java, especially in Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kudus.
Pentingnya Pendidikan Ekonomi untuk Terwujudnya Pengelolaan Keuangan Rumah Tangga yang Baik Nuryadin, Muhammad Birusman
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2014
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v2i2.495


An author had watched a phonemenon, that is a complaint of ladies community which was caused by their husbands’ misunderstanding in managing an economy household. Finally there was nervousness, commotion and misharmony in a family. Watching that phenomenon made the author think that economics education is very important to change a character and behavior in order to be able to manage the household economy well. There are some theories about a needs related to management of household economy, one of those theories is a theory of Maslow. According to this theory, a fulfillment of household needs must be done by priority scale. It is not suggested to fulfill a higher need while a lower need has not neen fulfilled. If that case can be implemented well, it wauld be a factor in forming a family of Sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah
Implementasi Model Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) di SMA Negeri 2 Unggulan Sangatta Utara Ali, Muhammad
SYAMIL SYAMIL, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2015
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sy.v3i2.247


School Based Management (SBM) is an effort to develop the education which roots from society, and also become inspired by the society, managed by the society and for society’s needs. School Based Management (SBM) gives school’s authority to the develop the polential. Institution it self dynamically and participatingly. Based on the result of study, there are three factors that make the education quality runs effectively anol it also improves evenly. The third factors are the education policy which concerns about education process, the implementation of education becomes regulative, innovative, and independent then the role of society through the instution of school committees which is participative oriented. In School Based Management (SBM), school has a greater authority to manage the school itself  because philosophically, school understands more how situation and conditional of school and also the expectation will be achieved. The purpose of School Based Management (SBM) program are the improvement of education quality includes school management, active learning, creative, effective, and fun (PAIKEM) and the participation of society. The purpose of this study are describing the implementation of School Based Management (SBM), the head master’s performance, teacher, and also the participation of society at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara including the supporting inhibiting factors. This study used descriptive qualitative methodology the technique of collecting data through interview, Observation, and documentation. The reverence sources are taken from principal, teacher, and society by using the instrument. The result show that firstly, school enables to use internal and external potential to interfere at every strategic activities of school. The next, the implementation of School Based Management (SBM) viewed by the principal’s performance with various duties and functions such as manager, administrator, supervisor, innovator, and motivator runs well. The third, the teachers also show good performance in doing their duties for instances preparation of teaching program, the presentation of the subject matter, evaluation, and the result of student learning analysis and remedial. The last, participation of society good cooperation with the school management. Thus, indicates that the performance of principal and teacher comprehensively the partipation of society through school committees runs in synergy, coordinative, and dynamic in the context of implementation school based management model at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara.

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