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Getsempena English Education Journal
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Getsempena English Education Journal (e-ISSN 2502-6801) is a periodical scientific publication dedicated to lecturers, students and educational observers to disseminate relevant research, thought and research results in the field of English. Any visitor to this site can browse abstracts, read journal contents and download PDF files.
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Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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Early childhood is a child in the age of 0-6 years. In this age, the development and growth of physical and mental of children develop rapidly. Meanwhile, the aspects developed in early childhood education are: religious and moral values, physical (consisting of gross motor, fine motor and physical health), cognitive (consisting of general knowledge and science, concepts, shapes, colors, sizes and patterns, number concepts, symbols of numbers and letters), language (consisting of accepting language, expressing language and script) and emotional social. Language skills are one of the aspects which are developed at this age. Therefore, researchers intend to examine the level of mastery of the language of children through the song. This study aims to improve the vocabulary of early childhood, where this result affects the children’s ability to speak a foreign language in the future. This study is a Classroom Action Research, which aims to improve the ability of children English by using songs on the student group B TK Takrimah Tungkob Aceh Besar. This classroom action research is conducted in three cycles; each cycle consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Moreover, in analyzing the data, the researcher used descriptive method, that is analyzed data implemented since learning and developed during the process of reflection until process of report preparation. Data collection techniques used in this study include: interview, and observation of teaching and learning activities. Data analysis techniques consisted of three activities, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that 64% of students can mentioned correctly alphabet in English in the first cycle. Furthermore, 80% of students have known and can properly name a few nouns in English in the second cycle. Furthermore, in the third cycle, 88% of students have been able to use the noun in the form of a simple sentence. Based on the results of this study, it is very important for Kindergarten teachers to create an atmosphere of learning that makes students motivated and eager in learning such as the use of video media in learning so that automatically can improve students abilities and achievement. Keywords: Early Childhood, English Vocabulary
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The way to respond to students’ drafting is still a controversial topic in Second Language Writing training and premise.  Giving written corrective feedback in the process of teaching writing is a common practice by writing teachers because it is believed to be able to help students write better. The feedback may be given directly or indirectly. The feedback may be given in the form of comments, questions, suggestions, and or corrections. It seems to be no dispute about the first three kinds of feedback. But for the corrections as the feedback in the process of teaching writing, there are two opposing views; one view believes that correction is counter-productive while the other view believes that correction is helpful. This Study aimed to explore English Department Students’ perception, beliefs, and attitude toward Written Corrective Feedback in writing classroom. Data were obtained from questionnaire and from follow up interview. The findings of an investigation on English Department Student of UIN Ar-Raniry showed that students’ preferences for feedback and error correction on their writing. Most students wished their teacher to mark and correct errors for them and believe that Written Corrective Feedback was primarily the teacher’s responsibility. Written Corrective Feedback definitely help the students in writing academic pieces better and more easily as they go through the writing process. Keywords: Corrective Feedback,  Writing
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media poster terhadap hasil belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDIT Amal Mulia Tapos Kota Depok menggunakan metode eksperimen yang dilakukan kepada 40 siswa. Tujuan pembelajaran ini adalah untuk (1). Mengetahui hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa yang di ajar dengan tidak menggunakan media Poster; (2). Mengetahui hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa yang di ajar menggunakan media Poster; (3). Mengetahui secara empiris pengaruh penerapan Media Poster terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Inggris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 20 orang, yang diambil menggunakan teknik random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah intrumen tes berbentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 soal. Uji persyaratan analisis data yang dilakukan adalah uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas, sehingga analisa komparasi dapat dilanjutkan dengan statistik parametrik. Hasil analisis dan uji hipotesis diperoleh (1). Hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelompok eksperimen atau siswa yang di ajar dengan media Poster berada pada kategori tinggi, telihat dari hasil yang diperoleh: nilai rata = 83,15; median = 85,5; modus = 88,92; dan simpangan baku = 8,6 (2). Hasil belajar bahasa Inggris kelompok kontrol atau siswa yang di ajar tidak menggunakan media Poster berada pada kategori sedang terlihat dari hasil yang diperoleh: nilai rata = 67; median = 73; modus = 64,9;  dan simpangan baku = 12,8  (3). Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukan bahwa nilai thitung  = 4,68 dan nilai ttabel  = untuk α = 0,05 dan db = 38 sebesar 1,6866; yang berarti terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris antara siswa yang di ajar menggunakan media pembelajaran Poster  dengan siswa yang diajar dengan  tidak menggunakan media pembelajaran Poster. Untuk selanjutnya disarankan agar guru menggunakan media pembelajaran berupa poster sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran yang lain sehingga proses belajar mengajar berlangsung efektif dan efisien. Kata Kunci :  Media Pembelajaran Poster, Hasil Belajar Kosakata Bahasa Inggris AbstractThis research aims to know the influence of media posters against the results of learning vocabulary United Kingdom. This research was conducted in the SDIT Noble Charity Tapos Depok method using experiments to 40 students. The purpose of this study is to (1). Find out the results of language-learning United Kingdom students in learning by not using the media Poster; (2) know the United Kingdom language learning results of students in learning using media Posters; (3) find out empirically the influence of the application of Media Posters against the United Kingdom language learning results. The research method used was an experiment, with the number of samples of each group as many as 20 people, drawn using random sampling techniques. The instruments used are the instruments the test multiple choice shaped as much as 20 items. Test data analysis requirements does is test its homogeneity and normality test, so that comparisons can proceed with the analysis of statistical parametric. Analysis results and test hypotheses obtained (1). United Kingdom language learning results students experimental groups or students in learning with media Posters are on a high category, evident from the results obtained: median value = 83.15; median = 85.5; mode = 88.92; and raw Byway = 8.6 (2). Language learning outcomes United Kingdom control group or students who are in the lead, does not use the media Poster is on the category are visible from the results obtained: the median value = 67; median = 73; mode = 64.9;  and raw Byway = 12.8 (3). Hypothesis test results show that the value of thitung = 4,68 dan nilai ttabel = 4.68 and the value for α = 0.05 and db = 38 of 1.6866; which means that there is a difference between United Kingdom language learning results of students in learning using learning media posters with students who were taught by not using the media learning posters. For further recommended that teachers use learning media in the form of posters as an alternative to other learning media so that teaching and learning take place effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Learning Media Posters, Vocabulary Learning Outcomes United Kingdom
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article describes about Critical Reading Strategy in teaching English, especially in reading comprehension. Critical Reading is a strategy that provides students with instructional support before, during, and after reading process. The students with critical reading skills have the ability to evaluate the credibility of a piece of writing. All writers have a purpose when they write, and usually a writer will choose or emphasize facts and details which support his or her purpose, and ignore facts which dont. As readers make sense of what they read, they use various relationships of ideas to aid recognition and fluency. Critical reading includes the ability to evaluate ideas and synthesize what one reads. They are the ability to see relationships of ideas and use them as an aid in reading. Key Words: Critical Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The aims of this study were to analyze the process of lexical borrowing in Acehnese. The subjects of the study were 30 textbooks in Acehnese language of Language Centre of Aceh. Qualitative method is the way to find the data with useful the interactive model as its analyzing done. The finding of lexical process of borrowing in Acehnese was found three types, they are loan-words which adopt 57 lexicons, loan-blend adopts 101 lexicons, and loan-translation adopts the 19 lexicons.  The adoption of Acehnese lexical has 177 lexicons where percentage of lexical borrowing of noun (78.53%), adjective (15.25%), verb (5.09%), and adverb (1.13%) similarly that the noun is the largest count in borrowing process of any aspect such politic, industry, or religion.Keywords: lexical process, borrowing, Acehnese.
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The objective of this research is to find out the most typical words which are made by the students in writing. Based on the objective of the research, the writer uses a narrative method. In collecting the data, the writer administers a kind of writing test to students. The research is conducted to first semester of Economics and business faculty of Malikussaleh University. The writer took the correspondent on in 40 students by random sampling. The material is tested based on the English syllabus. Then, the writer analyzes the writing errors done by students. The results of research show that errors on word choice are the most typical errors made by students with 37 or 19.2% and then word order with 32 or 16.6%, followed by verb tenses with 29 or 15.0%. From the results of the research, the writer can conclude that the most typical errors on student’s narrative writing skill at first semester of Economics and Business is errors on word choice. It indicated that the most students need more treatment and remedial teaching from the lecturer towards their errors on English writing right away and it implies that the students still need more practice in order to develop their writing skill. Key Words: Error Analysis, Narrative Writing
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The objective of this article is to describe how childrens language is developed. The development of childs language actually begun when a child was born with language or a simple talk. First language is the language that is the primary language that is acquired which is called native language or mother tongue. This study is intended to childrens language development and their social interaction. To get the data, four children asked to speak about everything of their interest. The process of recording was made as naturally as possible. All the data obtained were then used to facilitate the researcher in describing childrens talk. As the result, children direct his attention to thing that language is easy to understand and they used primary interest to help them learn the language related to their interest. They also enjoyed the repetitive events of their life and used it strategies to help them in learning a language. Children can quickly acquire new words if they always heard a new language around them and automatically the development of their language will increased faster. Children learn language through their natural desire to call an object by its name and almost all of the words their produced were not clear enough. They often used a piece of dismembered words. Key words: Children, Language Development
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This study which was conducted at SD Islam Laboratorium Neuhen, Mesjid Raya is intended to figure out how the implementation of visual printed media in English language teaching to the six levels. The study was conducted case study research design. The population was 44 and the sample was taken by using nonprobability sample that is convenience sampling was 22 students and 1 English teacher. The research problems are: (1) what kinds of visual printed media are used by the teacher in teaching English? (2) how does the teacher implement visual printed media in teaching English? (3) what are the obstacles faced by the teacher in teaching English by using visual printed media The data were collected by using instruments, namely: observation checklist sheets, interview guidelines, and documentations. Based on the data analysis, it was found that (1) the English teacher at SD Islam Laboratorium used book, magazine and newspaper as printed media. (2) the teacher did three phases in using visual printed media. They are: (a) preparation; learning curriculum and syllabus, the teacher matches the basic competences with appropriate visual printed media, preparing the visual printed media, bring the media to the class, recognizing the types of the students (b) core activity; students’ question about media, student-centered in learning process while using media, good interaction in using visual printed media, cognitive-affective-psychomotor of the student in using visual printed media (c) closing; summarization of using visual printed media, motivation/moral value of using visual printed media, giving homework. In addition the teacher did positive performance in using visual printed media (3) some difficulties faced by the teacher in the implementation of visual printed media in English language teaching, they are: designing lesson plan and preparing appropriate teaching materials as visual printed media. So, it is suggested that English teacher should use the visual printed media, because they are the effective tools in English teaching-learning process. Key words: English Language Teaching, Visual Printed Media
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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AbstractNarrative text is one of reading texts should be mastered by the students in learning English. Reading skill is considered as a skill that needs a strong comprehension. Thus, this paper aimed to find out to what extend students understand reading of narrative text; to identify the items of reading skill mastered well by the students in comprehending narrative text; and to examine the method used by the teacher in teaching reading narrative text. The worksheet and interview were applied to analyze the data. The result showed that students’ ability in understanding reading of narrative text is very good. The first aspect of reading which mastered by the students is main idea with 84,44%, the second is reference with 83,89%, the third is detail with 81,11%, the fourth is inference with 80,33% and the last aspect is vocabulary with 66,67%.  It concludes that the aspect that mastered well by the students is main idea and the most difficult aspects for the students in reading is vocabulary. Pertaining to interview, teacher taught the students by using many methods in order to avoid the students’ boredom in learning. Keywords: Reading Skill, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The objective of this study is to investigate whether the improving students’ ability in writing English teaching by using portfolio assessment. The method is used in this research is pre-experimental with one-group pre-test and post-test design. The population of this research was all grade X SMKN 1 Blangpidie. However, the sample of this research consisted of 30 students of the grade using purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in this study were test. The data of the research were collected through tests (Pre-Test and Post-Test). The pre-test was given before treatment and post-test was given after treatment. The data collected from pre and post-tests were analyzed  by using t paired sample test through SPSS 16.00 shown that sig (0.000 < 0.05). The results found implementation portfolio assessment improve students’ writing skill. Therefore, the hypotheses of this study were accepted. There were significant improvement of students’ writing skill by using portfolio assessment.  It can be concluded that the used of portfolio assessment increase students’ writing skill. Keywords : Writing and Portfolio Assessment.