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E-Structural is a scientific journal that is managed and published by the English Department of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia. It is committed to publishing studies in the areas of English linguistics, literature, translation, and culture. E-Structural is published twice a year, in June and December. The articles published in E-Structural undergo a peer-review process by local and international reviewers
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Synchronizing between Lasswell’s Communication Model and Abram’s Critical Orientation as a Sophisticated Concept of Literary Communication and Its Associated Studies Sarif Syamsu Rizal
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 2, No 02 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.524 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v2i2.3263


Abstract. This scientific article is entitled "Synchronizing between Lasswell's Communication Model and Abrams' Critical Orientation as a Sophisticated Concept of Literary Communication and Its Associated Studies". By using a multidisciplinary study, one study in solving a problem using various points of view of many relevant sciences in this case, such as literature and communication science, the research question of this article is synchronizing between Lasswell’s Communication Model and Abrams' Critical Orientation as a Sophisticated Concept of Literary Communication and Its Associated Studies. The literature review used as a scientific foundation in conducting this theoretical review, among others, is Nature of Literature and Literary Works, Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic: Mind Structure and Topography, Intertextuality Act, Mayer Howard Abrams’ Critical Orientation, and Harold Dwight Lasswell’s Communication Model. The design of this article represents a theoretical review of a comparative study between communication science and literary studies. The technique of data analysis used is Lasswell's model to describe components of literary communication and its associated studies. The results of this article are the components of literary communication consisting of the source as the ideas, the artist as the communicator, the main idea in literary work as the message, the figurative language as media, and the audience as the receiver, and impact as the effect. The studies of each component are that mimetic, expressive, objective, and pragmatic studies.Keywords: communication, component, model, studies, synchronizingAbstrak. Artikel ilmiah ini berjudul "Sinkronisasi antara Model Komunikasi Lasswell dan Orientasi Kritis Abrams sebagai Konsep Canggih Komunikasi Sastra dan Studi Terkait". Dengan menggunakan studi multidisiplin, satu studi dalam memecahkan masalah menggunakan berbagai sudut pandang banyak ilmu yang relevan dalam kasus ini, seperti sastra dan ilmu komunikasi, pertanyaan penelitian dari artikel ini adalah sinkronisasi antara Model Komunikasi Lasswell dan Orientasi Kritis Abrams sebagai Konsep Canggih Komunikasi Sastra dan Studi Terkait. Tinjauan literatur yang digunakan sebagai landasan ilmiah dalam melakukan tinjauan teoretis ini, antara lain adalah Sifat Karya Sastra dan Sastra, Psikoanalitik Sigmund Freud: Struktur dan Topografi Pikiran, Tindakan Antartekstualitas, Orientasi Kritis Mayer Howard Abrams, dan Model Komunikasi Harold Dwight Lasswell . Desain artikel ini merupakan tinjauan teoritis studi banding antara ilmu komunikasi dan studi sastra. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Lasswell untuk menggambarkan komponen komunikasi sastra dan studi terkaitnya. Hasil dari artikel ini adalah komponen komunikasi sastra yang terdiri dari sumber sebagai ide, artis sebagai komunikator, ide utama dalam karya sastra sebagai pesan, bahasa kiasan sebagai media, dan audiens sebagai penerima, dan dampak sebagai efek. Studi masing-masing komponen adalah studi mimesis, ekspresif, objektif, dan pragmatis.Kata kunci: komunikasi, komponen, model, studi, sinkronisasi
Reading Theories and Reading Comprehension; Review and Discussed Herri Susanto
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 2, No 02 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.868 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v2i2.3231


Abstract. In this article, several reading theories need to be reviewed in their relationships to read understanding educators and English lecturers. Three other Reading Models, Bottom-Up, Top-Down, and Interactive, are discussed in the Schema Theory at the theoretical stage. The history of reading training, kinds and purposes of reading, and cognitive reading abilities will be discussed in checking the reading understanding. Finally, it reviews six variables that are engaged in understanding English texts.Keywords: comprehension, models of reading, schema theoryAbstrak. Dalam artikel ini, beberapa teori bacaan perlu ditinjau dalam hubungannya untuk membaca pemahaman para pendidik dan dosen bahasa Inggris. Tiga Model Membaca diantaranyamodel Bottom-Up, Top-Down, dan Interactive dibahas dalam Schema Theory pada tahap teoretis. Rentetan uji coba, jenis dan tujuan membaca, serta kemampuan membaca kognitif dibahas dalam memastikan pemahaman membaca. Akhirnya, terdapat review terhadap enam variabel yang terlibat dalam memahami teks bahasa Inggris.Kata kunci: membaca, model membaca, teori schema
The Comparative Analysis of Affect’s Realisation in The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat Short Stories (Approach: Appraisal System) Abd. Rahman Zain
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 2, No 02 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.166 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v2i2.3269


Abstract. This study aims to investigate the realisation of affect in Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories entitled The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat. The short stories were analyzed using appraisal system adapted from Martin and White (2005). This study used qualitative method. The data are collected by using content analysis. The data were validated by 3 raters through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The result shows that the most category of affect in The Tell-Tale Heart short story was “Insecurity: Disquiet” (33,33%). Meanwhile, in The Black Cat short story, the most category of affect was Unhappiness: Antiphaty (22,09%), Insecurity: Disquiet (18,60%), and Inclination: Desire (15,11%).Keywords: affect, appraisal, Edgar Allan Poe, short storiesAbstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti realisasi Affect pada cerita pendek Edgar Allan Poe yang berjudul The Tell-Tale Heart dan The Black Cat. Cerita pendek dianalisis menggunakan sistem Appraisal yang diadaptasi dari Martin dan White (2005). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan analisis isi. Data divalidasi oleh 3 penilai melalui Focus Group Discussion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori Affect terbanyak pada The Tell-Tale Heart adalah “Insecurity: Disquiet” (33,33%). Sementara pada The Black Cat kategori Affect terbanyak adalah Unhappiness: Antiphaty (22,09%), Insecurity: Disquiet (18,60%), dan Inclination: Desire (15,11%). Kata kunci: Affect, Appraisal, Edgar Allan Poe, cerita pendek
English Competence of Generation Z: A Study at IAIN Kudus Azizah Maulina Erzad; Lusi Ardanisa Mei Clarita; Yunita Salma
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 2, No 02 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.984 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v2i2.3249


Abstract. Industrial revolution 4.0 era which is also called as disruptive era gives many benefits for several aspects especially in education. It becomes easier for the teacher to use any kinds of media for teaching English and for the students to find English materials by themselves. The recent students of English Education Department IAIN Kudus belong to generation Z students. As generation Z students who live in 4.0 era, they are able to access many kinds of information or knowledge and improve their English competences from any resources easily. This paper aims to identify the way of the generation Z learn English, the difficulties encountered by them in learning English, and the solutions or suggestions to overcome the difficulties. This study employed mixed methods research. In conducting this research, the researchers used observation, open-ended questionnaire and documentation to collect the data. The participants were 39 students of English Education Department at IAIN Kudus. The results showed that 60% students use gadgets to study English, 15% use books, and 25% use both of them. Meanwhile, 50% students have difficulties in speaking, 10% in listening, 6% in reading, 17% in writing, and 17% in those four competences. Some solutions or suggestions were revealed to resolve the difficulties. The solutions were extended for each language competence.Keywords: English Competence, Generation Z, IAIN KudusAbstrak. Era revolusi industri 4.0, yang juga dikenal dengan era disruptif, memberikan banyak keuntungan dalam berbagai aspek khususnya dalam pendidikan. Hal ini akan memudahkan guru untuk menggunakan berbagai jenis media untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris dan juga bagi mahasiswa untuk mencari materi Bahasa Inggris sendiri. Mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Kudus juga termasuk mahasiswa generasi Z. Sebagai mahasiswa generasi Z yang tinggal di era 4.0, mereka mampu mengakses berbagai macam informasi atau pengetahuan untuk memperbaiki kompetensi mereka dari berbagai sumber dengan mudah. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi cara bagaimana generasi Z belajar Bahasa Inggris, kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi mereka, dan solusi atau saran untuk menghadapi kesulitan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed methods), dan dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan teknik observasi, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Peserta penelitian ini adalah 39 mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Kudus. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa cara mereka belajar 60 % menggunakan gawai, 15 % menggunakan buku, dan 25 % menggunakan dua-duanya. 50 % mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, 10 % mendengarkan, 6 % dalam membaca, 17 % dalam menulis, dan 17 % mengalami kesulitan dalam keempat-empatnya. Beberapa solusi ditawarkan untuk menghadapi masalah tersebut, terutama di masing-masing keahlian berbahasa.Kata kunci: kompetensi bahasa Inggris, generasi Z, IAIN Kudus
The Language and Identity of Agueda in Nick Joaquin's May Day Eve: An Analysis of Linguistic Features and Stances Kay Tepait Juanillo; Seregena Ruth Labastida-Martinez
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 01 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (580.576 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i01.3524


Language is an important device in the construction of an individual’s identity. However, Language not only identifies any particular individual but also sets its position inside the society. As a form of social behavior, language like other social behaviors, also distinguishes gender differences. This study investigates the linguistic features and the personal identity of Agueda in Nick Joaquin’s May Day Eve. This study can be used to apprehend how women were influenced by the society and the culture of the Philippines during the 1800s. The researchers use Lakoff’s Theory of Linguistic Features, and the Indexicality Principle by Bucholtz and Hall (2005) to analyze the language and identity of Agueda. Qualitative Content Analysis and descriptive research design are used to analyze thoroughly the utterances of Agueda which consist of linguistic features and stances.  Based on the linguistic features and the stances analyzed, Agueda uses emphatic stress more to show assertiveness through her utterances, she also uses disalignment more, and she likes to position herself along the affective scale. The result of the study shows that Agueda is an assertive and strong willed young woman, who likes to do whatever she wants. Her utterances also show how resentful she has become after her marriage with Badoy. The conclusion can be drawn that language is an important factor in creating an identity of a person, and this identity can be formed through the stances and linguistic features, which are greatly affected by the society, culture, and people that surround an individual.
Appraisal Analysis of Tempo’s and Kompas’ Editorials on Papua Cases Hanna Latifani Daniarsa; Sri Mulatsih
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 01 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i01.3636


This study is entitled Appraisal Analysis of Tempo’s and Kompas’ Editorials on Papua Cases. This research aims to find what kind of appraisal items used in Tempo’s editorial entitled “Misunderstanding Papua” and in Kompas’ entitled “Exodus and Urgent Action”, as well as to describe the differences between them in term of appraisal. Descriptive qualitative were used as the research method. Martin and White (2005) and Martin and Rose (2007) theories regarding appraisal are used as the theoretical framework. Firstly, the editorials that talked about Papuan demonstration in September 23, 2019 were collected from Tempo’s and Kompas’ website. The data obtained were analyzed by identifying the appraising items in each clause. Then, the clauses containing appraising items were classified into the appropriate kind of appraisal items. After that, each appraisal items found were explained and the meaning behind were interpreted. And the last, drew the conclusion. The result reveals that in term of attitude, Tempo’s editorial uses more negative judgement and the appraised item is mostly the government. It shows that Tempo is not afraid to criticize the government. Meanwhile Kompas uses more negative affect and the appraised items are mainly Papuan people and the condition in Papua. It shows that Kompas chooses to express their sympathy more to those affected by the riots. In term of graduation, both editorials use more force than focus, especially intensification, to raise/emphasize their evaluation. As for engagement, Tempo and Kompas use more monogloss than heterogloss. This shows that opinions from both editorials mostly come from the writer only.Keywords: Appraisal, Attitude, Graduation, Engagement, Editorial
Strategies in Teaching Speaking used by Teachers of Young, Junior High School, Senior High School, and University Students Heidy Wulandari
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 02 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i02.4225


Abstract. This study aims at describing strategies in teaching speaking adopted by teachers of different student levels. The method used was descriptive qualitative method with 32 participants. The instrument was interview in the form of focused group discussion. The data were analyzed using open coding and categorization. The result shows that teachers of all levels tend to consider students’ needs, the components of teaching speaking, and the media. For young learners, the teachers use discussion, story-telling, speech, guessing game, problem solving, and simulation. Games, modeling, electronic media, and instruction are suggested by the teachers as additional strategies. Meanwhile the strategies used for teaching speaking to junior high school students are discussion, story-telling, guessing game, and role play. Direct speaking is suggested as additional strategy. Moreover for teaching speaking to senior high school students, the teachers choose strategies such as discussion, story-telling, speech, guessing game, role play, problem solving, simulation, information gap, and jigsaw. Additional strategies suggested by the teachers are building sentences from root, talking stick, team game tournament, think pair and share, snowball throwing game, think, discuss and share, talking English directly, give and take model, time token model, repeat pronouncing words, and media and teacher as model. Then for teaching speaking to university students, the strategies chosen are role play, discussion, story-telling, problem solving, speech and simulation, guessing game, and information gaps. The additional strategies suggested by the teachers are hot seat and presentation. Finally, it is recommended that the further research will take time limitation, and the strategies strengths and weaknesses into account. Keywords: speaking, strategies, teaching Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang strategi mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris yang dipakai guru dalam mengajar siswa dengan level berbeda. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan 32 partisipan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah wawancara dalam bentuk fokus grup diskusi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan koding dan kategorisasi. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa guru cenderung mempertimbangkan kebutuhan siswa, komponen dalam mengajar speaking, dan media. Untuk mengajar anak-anak guru menggunakan strategi diskusi, bercerita, berpidato, tebak-tebakan, penyelesaian masalah, dan simulasi. Permainan, model, media elektronik dan instruksi disarankan oleh para guru sebagai strategi tambahan. Sementara itu untuk mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris pada siswa SMP, strategi yang digunakan adalah diskusi, bercerita, tebak-tebakan, dan bermain peran. Berbicara langsung disarankan sebagai strategi tambahan. Selain itu, untuk mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris pada siswa SMA, guru memilih strategi seperti diskusi, bercerita, pidato, tebak-tebakan, bermain peran, penyelesaian masalah, simulasi, gap informasi ,dan jigsaw. Strategi tambahan yang disarankan oleh para guru adalah membuat kalimat dari akar kata, tongkat berbicara, turnamen tim, berpikir, berpasangan, dan berbagi, lempar bola salju, berpikir, berdiskusi, dan berbagi, berbicara langsung bahasa Inggris, memberi dan menerima, model token waktu, dan mengucapkan kata berulang. Kemudian untuk mengajar mahasiswa, strategi yang dipilih adalah bermain peran, diskusi, bercerita, penyelesaian masalah, berpidato dan simulasi, tebak-tebakan, dan gap informasi. Strategi tambahan yang disarankan oleh para guru adalah kursi panas dan presentasi. Penelitian ini tidak mempertimbangkan kekurangan dan kelebihan dari setiap strategi. Oleh karena itu aspek kekurangan dan kelebihan dari strategi mengajar speaking di level berbeda sangat direkomendasikan bagi penelitian selanjutnya. Kata kunci: berbicara bahasa Inggris, mengajar, strategi
The Use of the Six English Tenses in Students’ Daily Conversation Maulana Yusuf Aditya; Chairuddin Chairuddin
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 02 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i02.4229


Abstract. For English learners, there are important aspects to consider such as vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar to master their speaking skills. Speaking is used to express people’s ideas and feelings in daily life or to communicate with others both personal talks and transactional conversation.  The objective of the study is to figure out how the students of SMKN 2 Bangkalan can use the six English tenses in daily conversation. The research was done within two weeks starting from 22th April to 06th May 2019. Observation and interview were performed to collect the data. Observation was made to see what was going on in the class, focusing on the students’ conversation. On the other hand, Interview was carried out to know the students’ problems in using the correct tenses in conversation, and to find out how the students solve the problems. The observation shows that in using the six English tenses, the students likely found it hard to apply the correct tenses in the conversation with their friends and the teacher. The students tended to use one tense in all situations and the tense mostly used was the simple present one. From the interview, it is found that the students do not really understand what tenses are, either the meaning or the uses.Keywords: daily conversation, tenses, observation, interview, contexts of situationAbstrak. Bagi pembelajar Bahasa Ingggris, terdapat aspek penting seperti kosakata, pengucapan dan tatabahasa yang harus diperhatikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggrisnya. Kemampuan berbicara khususnya digunakan untuk menyampaikann semua yang ada dalam benak kita seperti misalnya ide dan perasaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik itu berupa perkataan pribadi atau pun percakapan transaksional. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana murid dapat menggunakan enam kala (tenses) dalam percakapan sehari-hari sesuai dengan kontek situasi, di SMKN 2 Bangkalan. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 minggu dimulai tanggal 22 April s/d 06 Mei 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 2 langkah seperti observasi dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui yang terjadi dalam selama proses pembelajaran dan fokus pada cara murid bercakap. Wawancara dilakukan oleh peneliti untuk mengetahui permasalahan pada murid dalam menggunakan tenses yang benar dan bagaimana murid mengatasi masalah penggunaan kala yang benar tersebut. Dari hasil observasi dapat diketahui bahwa penggunaan enam kala dalam percakapan sehari-hari dari murid adalah buruk, mereka tidak bisa mengaplikasikan kala yang sesuai dalam percakapan, baik dengan teman dan guru. Mereka cenderung menggunakan satu kala dalam  percakapan dalam konteks situasi yang berbeda dan tense yang digunakan adalah Simple Present Tense.Kata kunci: percakapan, kala, observasi, wawancara, konteks situasi
Techniques of Translating Interjection in the Novel “Looking For Alaska” in Terms of Functions, Meanings, and Categories Muhammad Izzul Wahid; Achmad Basari
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 01 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i01.3854


The objective of this research is to find out the functions, meanings, and categories of interjections, and the translation technique practiced by the Indonesian translator to translate English interjection found in the novel Looking for Alaska or Mencari Alaska in Indonesian. This research is adopting a descriptive qualitative, with the novel of Looking for Alaska and Mencari Alaska as the primary source of the data. Since the data collection of interjections is found in the book, it can be classified as content analysis. The researchers found out that there are six translation techniques used by the translators to translate interjections, six kinds of interjections in terms of functions and meanings, and three kinds of interjections in terms of categories found in the novel. Those six translation techniques are 164 interjections (41,21%) for literal translation technique, 49 interjections (12,31%) for translation by using an interjection with similar meaning and form technique, 61 interjection (15,33%) for translation by using an interjection with different forms, but the same meaning, 11 interjections (2,76%) for partly deleted omission technique, 9 interjections (2,26%) for total deleted omission technique, 8 interjections (2,01%) for addition technique, 58 interjections (10,80%) for pure borrowing technique, and 53 interjections (13,32%) for naturalized borrowing technique. From the research finding of the interjection regarding functions and meanings, there is a total of 419 types of English interjections where the researchers divided into six classes. Those types of function are: 5 (1,19%) data of interjection are used to greet, 35 (8,35%) data of interjection are used to express joy, 57 (13,37%) data of interjection are used to get attention, 169 (40,33) data of interjection are used to express approval, 120 (28,64%) data of interjection are used to express a surprise, and 34 (8,11) data of interjection used to express sorrow. Then from the research finding of interjection regarding category, there is a total of 419 data of English interjections where the researchers divided into three classes, those classes are 72 (17,18%) data of primary interjection, 336 (80,19%) data of secondary, and 11 (2,63%) data of onomatopoeic interjection. The findings of this study show that the translation techniques mostly used by the translators to translate an English interjection is translation by literal translation and translation by borrowing technique. In contrast, the least used translation technique is the addition technique that the translators rarely used it to translate the interjection.Keywords: Interjection, Interjection Translation, Looking for Alaska, Mencari Alaska, Translation Technique.
The Correlation between Students’ Performance in Integrated Exercises and Their Academic Achievements in English Course for Non-English Department Qorinta Shinta
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 3, No 02 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/es.v3i02.4171


Abstract. The English Course in Public Health Faculty of Diponegoro University is expected to develop the reading skills of the students through various exercises. However, its main goal is to help students identify simple, complex and compound sentences and how to organize them into good paragraphs. As in the Faculty of Public Health, the English Course is only given once in the first Semester, the exercises in each of the lesson is very compact which consists of Reading Text, Comprehension Questions, Word Study, Grammar and Usage, and Writing, in short these are called integrated exercised. Some students did very well on the exercises while others did not. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the students’ performance in integrated exercises and their academic achievements of Diponegoro University Students majoring in Public Health who took English Course. The academic achievements in this study refer to their Mid-Term test Scores. Method of the Study: in the study of Diponegoro University Freshmen majoring in Public Health, a descriptive qualitative method was used to determine whether or not there is a correlation between reading and writing exercises and their academic achievements. The instruments used are the scores of 3 taken from exercises in unit 1, 2 and 3 and 1 Mid-Term test. The population of this research is 73 Public Health students of Diponegoro University taking English 1 Course. The data analysis result shows that Sig score is 0,000 < 0,05 therefore Ho is declined and Ha is accepted, which means there is a correlation between reading and writing practices scores and mid test scores 0.403 which is positive. Therefore, it can be concluded that the higher their writing scores are, the higher mid test scores will be.Key words: correlation, English course, integrated exercises, mid-term testAbstrak.  Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat diharapkan mampu mengembangkan ketrampilan membaca mahasiswa memalui berbagai Latihan soal-soal. Namun, tujuan utama dari mata kuliah ini adalah membantu para mahasiswa menindentifikasi kalimat – kalimat sederhana, kompleks dan majemuk serta bagaimana membentuk kalimat – kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk paragraph. Karena mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris hanya disajikan satu kali, maka latihan-latihan soal pada setiap unit dibuat sangat padat yang terdiri dari Teks Bacaan, Pertanyaan tentang bacaan, Kosakata, Grammar dan fungsinya, serta Latihan writing. Ada mahasiswa yang bisa mengerjakan Latihan soal dengan sangat baik tetapi ada juga yang kesulitan. Tujuan dari peneltian ini adalah untuk melihat korelasi antara Nilai dari Latihan soal reading dan writing serta prestasi akademik dari Mahasiwa baru Universitas Diponegoro jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Prestasi akademik dalam hal ini adalah nilai Mid-term test mereka. Dalam penelitian pada mahasiswa baru Universitas Diponegoro jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menetukan apakah ada atau tidak ada korelasi antara Latihan soal reading dan writing dengan prestasi akademik mereka. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini  adalah 3 nilai yang diambil dari 3 latihan soal Unit 1, 2 dan 3. Jumlah populasi adalah 73 Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro yang mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris 1. Hasil dari data analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig  0,000 < 0,05  sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, yang berarti ada korelasi antara nilai Latihan writing dengan nilai ujian tengah semester 0.403 positif. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai mereka pada Latihan writing akan semakin tinggi juga nilai mereka dalam Ujian Tengah Semester.Kata kunci: korelasi, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris, nilai latihan soal terpadu, nilai Ujian Tengah Semester