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Jurnal Bisnis dan Pembangunan
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urnal Bisnis dan Pembangunan published by Master Program of Business Administration Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Lambung Mangkurat University as a media of publication of ideas or ideas and scientific studies in the framework of science development in the field of business and development. This publication contains various scientific papers in the form of research results, theoretical and conceptual studies, as well as practical applications from both academics and business practitioners. The published writings have been through the editor without altering the original substance. Content writing is the responsibility of the author and does not reflect the publisher's income.
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Articles 136 Documents
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transforrmasional Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Dan Komitmen Organisasi Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Bank Panin, Tbk Banjarbaru Dora Vicky Permatasari; Saladin Ghalib; Irwansyah Irwansyah
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Januari 2017
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v6i1.2768


This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment through employee satisfaction PT.Bank Panin, Tbk Banjarbaru. This type of research is explanatory. Population and sample in this study were employees of PT. Bank Panin Tbk branch Banjarbaru with a sample of 32 people and using sampling techniques saturated. The method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that 1) the transformational leadership significantly influence organizational citizenhip behavior, 2) Transformational leadership is a significant effect on job satisfaction, 3) Transformational leadership is a significant effect on organizational commitment, 4) Job satisfaction did not significantly affect organizational citizenship behavior, 5) Satisfaction work significant effect on organizational commitment, 6) commitment to the organization significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, 7) transformational leadership has no effect on organizational citizenship behavior through job satisfaction, 8) transformational leadership is a significant effect on organizational commitment with job satisfaction, 9) job satisfaction influential significantly to organizational citizenship behavior through organizational commitment.Keywords: transformational leadership, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), organizational commitment, job satisfaction
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Komitmen Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk KCP Puruk Cahu Eka Puji Riastuti; Saladin Ghalib; Irwansyah Irwansyah
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v7i1.4740


This study aims to identify and analyze the partial and simultaneous the style of transformational leadership and employee commitment to employee performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk KCP Puruk Cahu simultaneously or partially.The study population was 31 respondents in which the sample of the study was determined by saturation sampling so that all members of the population became the research sample. Data were collected by questionnaire which then the result was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis.The results showed that partially transformational leadership (X1) on employee performance (Y) showed that the value of t arithmetic of 0.482 with probability of 0.634. The test results prove transformational leadership (X1) have a significant effect on employee performance (Y) with a large influence of 10.3%. In addition, partially employee commitment (X2) to employee performance variable (Y) shows that the value of t arithmetic of 2.782 with a probability of 0.010. The test results proved employees' commitment (X2) has a significant effect on employee performance (Y) with a large influence 59.5%. It also makes employee commitment (X2) to be the dominant variable in influencing employee performance. Simultaneously, transformational leadership (X1) and employee commitment (X2) have an effect on employee performance (Y) equal to 41,9%. The remaining 48.1% is influenced by other variables outside the research model. The regression equation formed is Y = 0.811 + 0.125 (X1) + 0.716 (X2) + e.Keywords   :          Transformational Leadership, Employee Commitment, Employee Performance
Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada PT. Maritim Barito Perkasa Banjarmasin Refli Sinus Tumbio; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Taharuddin Taharuddin
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Januari 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v3i1.1312


The purposes of this study were to determine the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) conducted by PT. Maritim Barito Perkasa Banjarmasin and some constraints encountered by the company.This was a qualitative research method. A qualitative research is used to describe, express and understand the issues arisen from the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at PT. Maritim Barito Perkasa Banjarmasin.The results of this study were the implementation of Corporate Responsibility (CSR) conducted by PT. Maritim Barito Perkasa Banjarmasin in which the company conduct some strategic management to determine CSR programs, procedures and budgets. The Programs are: 1). Scholarship program; 2).Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (also known as SMEs) programs; 3).Early childhood/ kindergarten teacher straining program; 4). Apprentice ship Student Program; 5).General Program, which consist of: a). MPB “Baelang”; b).Fasting break during Ramadhan for 100 Orphans; c). Provide livestock for “Qurban”; d).Giving support for Christmas; e). Renovation of Worship Place; f).School Renovation; g). Mass circumcision; h). Maternal and child health services in IHC; i). Blood donors; j). Giving some donation for surrounding area of the company primarily to educational institutions. The procedure is by receiving proposals from “Pamswakarsa” around the company area, surveying, conducting FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and socialization.eywords: Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility
Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Menabung Simpeda pada Bank Kalsel Unit Gambut Noor Imansyah; Emy Rahmawati; Maryono Maryono
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v4i1.1331


This research aims to examine partially and simultaneously influence of the promotion mix such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, and direct marketing on customer decision to save in Simpeda at Bank Kalsel Unit Gambut.The type of this research is explanation with survey method trough questionnaires and interviews. The Population in this study were all active customer accounts owner Simpeda were data on 30 September 2015 at Bank Kalsel Unit Gambut, with sample selection technique uses accidental sampling. The method of sampling was using Slovin formula, with a total sample of 207 people. Data were processed and analyzed using multiple linier regression.The result of this research shows the influence of advertising is 35,7% and the influence of publicity is 25,9%, which these variables have significant influence on decision to save. While the influence of personal selling is 7,4%, the influence of sales promotion is 1,3%, and the influence of direct marketing is -11,3%, which these variables have not significant influence on decision to save. Then the promotion mix (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, and direct marketing) simultaneously has significant influence on customer decision to save in Simpeda at Bank Kalsel Unit Gambut. With Adjusted R Square of regression model value is 0,246 which means that decisions to save variable are influenced by promotion mix variable at 24,6 percent. And the rest is 75,4 percent are influenced by other variables that are not mentioned in this research.Keywords: promotion mix, decision to save
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Kompetensi, Kompensasi Finansial Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT Telkom Cabang Banjarmasin, Kantor Grha Witel Kalsel) Yizreel Junus Kende; Hairudinor Hairudinor; Nurul Wahyuni
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v5i2.2779


This study aims to examine how much influence Transformational Leadership, Kompensi and Financial Compensation Against Employee Motivation and Performance. Each organization is always in need of employees to run its operations. Given the organization's employees is an important asset, so many things that need to be associated with an increased performance. The good performance is one of the objectives of the organization in achieving high productivity. Thus achieving a good performance can not be separated from human resource quality is also good. As with any other organization, PT Telkom Branch of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Witel Office requires qualified human resources in order to support, to realize the vision and mission of the organization's goals. The conclusion of this study are: the performance of employees of PT Telkom Branch of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Witel Grha Office. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Competencies, Financial Compensation, Employee Motivation and Performance.
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Program Corporate Social Responsibility PT. Arutmin Nort Pulau Laut Coal Terminal Kotabaru (Studi Tentang Program Koperasi Serba Usaha Madani Kotabaru) Muhdar Muhdar; Jamaludin Jamaludin; Irwansyah Irwansyah
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Januari 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v1i1.784


In addition to contributing businesses, companies should also contribute socially through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Many notions of CSR, but the essence is the company's commitment to positively impact and reduce the negative impacts of the company for the welfare of society and the environment by taking into account aspects of the triple bottom lines. PT Arutmin NPLCT is one company in Indonesia which is committed in implementing CSR. One of them is through the KSU Madani program.This study used a qualitative approach is supported with quantitative data. The strategy used in this study is to describe a program by conducting interviews, observation and document analysis.Selection of survey respondents do intentionally (purposive sampling), the number of respondents who are involved in the process of formation of KSU Madani is 21man. While the key informants is CD ComDev Dept. Officer.Results showed that the image of the KSU program Madani at the planning stage (decision-making) in the KSU Madani program has been realized with the participation of civil society in the meetings. It is clearly visible and has been implemented in this KSU Madani program, participants had a high level of presence in each meeting so that they can take decisions together by consensus. During the implementation phase KSU Madani program participants not only participate in but also contribute ideas embodied in the form of initial equity cooperatives, and participation in the management of KSU Madani program. While on stage monitoring has been realized in the form of participation of the majority of participants in a cooperative supervisory position or not all participants can conduct surveillance or monitoring directly because of limitations in terms of duties and powers that have been agreed upon.Level of community participation in the Program KSU Madani generally is high in planning and implementation, but at the stage of monitoring is low. Participation in planning and implementing high because in the process of planning the training program is conducted and decided by a meeting forum for dialogue with participants and communities involved in decision-making. While on stage due to lower monitoring not all participants can conduct surveillance program because of limited authority.Keywords: Public Participation, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Pengaruh Budaya Korporat terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Komitmen Karyawan dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan Adwin Tista; Saladin Ghalib; Hairudinor Hairudinor
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v4i1.1325


The research objective is to prove the effect of 1). Budaya Corporate (X), Against the Employee Commitment (Z1), Job Satisfaction (Z2) and Employee Performance (Y2),2).Job Satisfaction (Z2) Agaiant Commitment (Z1) and EmployeePerformance (3).Employee Commitment (Z1) on employee performance (Y). The study population were all employees of the 100 people with a total sample of 94 employees chosen by proportional random sampling. Gathering data using questionnaires designed using a Likert scale levels 1-5. Analysis of data using the structural model SmartPLS.The test results prove 1).Corporate culture (X), a significant effect on Employee Commitment (Z1) and job satisfaction (Z2), with much influence respectively 38.95% and 48.82%, but no significant effect on employee performance (Y2) with the influence 6.7%. 2).Job Satisfaction (Z2) significantly affects Employee l Commitment (Z1) with a 38.67% and did not influence significantly influence employee performance (Y) with great effect (-13.55%), 3). Employee Commitment (Z1) Significantly the Employee Performance (Y) with the influence 56.72%.Keywords:Corporate Culture, Employee Commitment, Job SatisfactionAnd Employee Performance
Pengaruh Kemampuan Teknis, Kemampuan Manajerial, Kemampuan Perilaku dan Kemampuan Konseptual Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Telkom Cabang Kuala Kapuas Marlina Kasyfiatie; Rasyidi Rasyidi; Taharuddin Taharuddin
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Januari 2016
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v5i1.2774


The aims of the study ware to identify and analyze how much the influence of Technical Ability, Managerial Ability, Conceptual Ability and Behavioural Ability which partially and simultaneously measured to the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Kuala Kapuas Branch.This research used quantitative approach with associative research type and the location for the research was is at. PT. Telkom Kuala Kapuas Branch. The population was all employees of the company with a total sample of 26 respondents. The research applied multiple linear regression techniques for data analysis with a significant level of 0:05.The results of this study demonstrated that partially, there was a significant effect of technical ability to the employee performance at 0,121; the managerial ability at 0.332; the behavioural ability at 0.519; and the conceptual ability at 0.187; to the employees performance. Meanwhile, simultaneously, there was a significant effect of technical ability, managerial ability, conceptual ability and behavioral ability to the employees performance of PT. Telkom Kuala Kapuas Branch of 0.575. Keywords: Performance, Ability, Technical, Managerial, Behavioral, Conceptual.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Disiplin Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Kantor Pos Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah Etty Herawaty; Hairudinor Hairudinor; Irwansyah Irwansyah
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v6i2.4746


This study aims to examine and analyze the partial whether (1) Transformational Leadership Style significant effect on employee performance, (2) discipline Job significant effect on employee performance, (3) Cultural Organization significant effect on employee performance (4) and test and analyze together (simultaneously) whether Transformational leadership, Discipline Work and Organizational Culture influence on employee performance at the Post Office Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan.The study population were employees of the Post Office of Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan numbered as many as 34 people and also became samples taken by sampling saturated. Methods This study uses a quantitative approach. This study uses data analysis techniques Regression. Validity and reliability test using SPSS 21.0 softwere assistance.The results showed that: (1) The test result is known that there is no significant influence of Transformational Leadership Style (X1) on employee performance (Y) partially, by 0.042. (2) The test result is known that there are significant effect Work Discipline (X2) the Employee Performance (Y) partially, by 0.279. (3) The test result is known that there are significant effect Cultural Organization (X3) on employee performance (Y) partially, by 0.634. (4) From the test results it is known that there is no significant influence Transformational Leadership Style (X1), Work Discipline (X2) and Cultural Organization (X3) on employee performance (Y) simultaneously, 0.776. (5) Interpretation of the results of this testing is the constant of 10.225 Keywords: Transformational Leadership Style, Work Discipline, Organizational Culture and Employee Performance.
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah ( Studi pada Nasabah Tabungan Simpeda Bank Kalsel Cabang Ahmad Yani ) Azis Nurhakim; Yudi Ferianta; Setio Utomo
JURNAL BISNIS DAN PEMBANGUNAN Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jbp.v2i1.1320


The purpose of the research is to investigate and analyze the quality of service which is measured based on the people and physical aspectswhich have a partial and simultaneous influence on the customer satisfaction;moreover, from these two aspects, it is investigated which aspect is more dominant on the customer satisfaction for Simpeda Savings at Bank Kalsel Branch Ahmad Yani.The research approach used is quantitative one with explanatory research type, and the research location is Bank Kalsel Branch Ahmad Yani. The population of the research is customers of Simpeda Savings at Bank Kalsel Branch Ahmad Yani with a total sample of 302 respondents. Analysis of the data used Multiple Linear Regression analysis techniques; to test the simultaneousinfluence F Test is used and to test partial influence T Test is used at significance level of 0.05.The results of the research proved that the quality of service which is measured based on the people and physical aspects have a partial effect where the result of data processing using the t test found that the t count for the people aspect is 5,048 and t count for the physical aspect is 3,792 while the t table known 1.6499 or if it compared to the t count > t table which can be concluded that there is a partial influence of both aspects on customer satisfaction at Bank Kalsel Branch Ahmad Yani. People and physical aspects also influence simultaneously on customer satisfaction which is proved by the results of the F test–from the data processing– it is obtained the value of F count is 273.173 and the F table is at 3,03, so F count > F table or it can be concluded that the people aspect and physical aspect have a simultaneous influence on customer satisfaction. The people aspect is the dominant aspect on the customer satisfaction because it has the value coefficient of beta β0,467 which is higher than coefficient of beta β forthe physical aspect which is 0,351.This research discovered that the people aspect is the dominant aspect that gives an influence on the customer satisfaction; it is different from results of previous research by FitriHernadi (2013) conducted at Bank Kalsel Branch Tanjungin which the physical aspect is a more dominant aspect in influencing the customer satisfaction.Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction

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