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Jurnal Fish Protech
Published by Universitas Halu Oleo
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Jurnal Fish Protech (JFP) (Journal of Fisheries Processing Technology) adalah jurnal penelitian ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi terkait hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengembangan dibidang Teknologi Hasil Perikanan. JFP terbit sejak tahun 2018 dan dikelola oleh Jurusan/Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Halu Oleo. JFP menerbitkan artikel dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober, dalam lingkup aspek karakteristik bahan baku hasil perikanan, pengolahan dan pengembangan produk perikanan, mutu dan keamanan produk hasil perikanan, penanganan hasil perikanan, biokimia hasil perikanan, mikrobiologi dan bioteknologi hasil perikanan, serta penanganan dan pengolahan limbah hasil perikanan. Penulis dan pembaca adalah ilmuwan dan pakar dari sektor akademik maupun non akademik. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasi di jurnal ini telah melalui proses review oleh mitra bestari.
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Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21755


ABSTRACT          The aims of this study was to determine the quality characteristics of sensory, chemical and PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon) compounds of smoked black marlin fish using the smoking house and smoking cabinet methods in Toolawawo Village. This study used descriptive data analysis with three times replication. The parameters analyzed were sensory (appearance, aroma, taste, and texture), chemical (moisture, ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate content), and PAH compound analysis. The best result of sensory analysis of appearance was found from the  house smoking methods with value 8,9, while for the aroma, texture, and taste was found from the smoking cabinet method were 8,5; 7,3 and 8,5 respectively. The best result of Chemical analysis (moisture, ash, and protein content) was found from smoking cabinet method were 63,1%; 2,4% and 30,1%, while for the fat and carbohydrate content was found from house smoking method were 3,7% and 2,3%. The best result of  PAH benzo(a)phyrene was found from house smoking method with value 6,18 ppm. The result of the sensory and chemical analysis (ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrate) from the two smoking methods have suitable of quality standard SNI.2725:2009 and 2013, while the value of moisture and PAH banzo(a)phyrene have not suitable of quality standard SNI.2725:2013.Keywords: Black marlin (Istiompax indica), chemical composition, Toolawawo village, smoking, PAH compoundsABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu sensorik, kimia dan senyawa PAH ikan marlin hitam asap menggunakan metode rumah pengasapan dan lemari pengasapan di Desa Toolawawo. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data deskriptif dengan tiga kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu analisis sensori (kenampakan, aroma, rasa dan tekstur), kimia (kadar air, abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) dan senyawa PAH. Hasil penelitian terbaik dari nilai analisis sensori parameter kenampakan diperoleh dari metode rumah pengasapan dengan nilai 8,9, sedangkan untuk analisis sensori aroma, tekstur dan rasa yang terbaik diperoleh dari metode lemari pengasapan dengan nilai masing-masing yaitu 8,5; 7,3 dan 8,5. Perlakuan terbaik pada analisis kimia (kadar air, abu dan protein) diperoleh menggunakan metode lemari pengasapan dengan nilai masing-masing yaitu 63,1%; 2,4% dan 30,1%, sedangkan untuk nilai analisis kimia (kadar lemak dan karbohidrat) terbaik diperoleh menggunakan metode rumah pengasapan dengan nilai masing-masing 3,7% dan 2,3%. Hasil analisis senyawa PAH jenis benzo(a)phyrene terbaik diperoleh menggunakan metode lemari pengasapan dengan nilai 6,18 ppm. Hasil analisis mutu sensori, kimia (abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) dari kedua metode pengasapan masih memenuhi persyaratan mutu SNI.2725:2009 dan 2013, sedangkan nilai kadar air dan senyawa PAH jenis benzo(a)phyrene belum memenuhi standar mutu SNI.2725:2013.Kata kunci: Desa Toolawawo, ikan marlin hitam (Istiompax indica), kandungan kimia, pengasapan, senyawa PAH.
SAMBAL BERBASIS HASIL PERIKANAN SELURUH INDONESIA Indriani, Indriani; Asnani, Asnani; Sadimantara, Muhammad Syukri
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21751


ABSTRACT          The origin of sauce  itself  is native to Indonesia. Sauce is a processed product from chili basic ingredients that are mashed and cooked like porridge and usually added with other ingredients such as salt, shallots and garlic. Sauce has a variety of flavors according to the level of spiciness. The benefits of consuming chili sauce are to increase the immune system, lose weight, nourish the heart because it prevents blood clots and also the capsaicin content in chili can inhibit or even kill cancer cells without damaging other healthy cells. As for the various kinds of chili sauce, there are many kinds, such as shrimp paste sauce, roa fish sauce, anchovy sauce, scad fish sauce, stingray sauce, tuna fish sauce (SAUNA), yellow fin tuna belly sauce and various other chili preparations. The addition of different raw materials creates a unique taste. Sambal with additional raw materials for fishery products, both of high economic value and those that have become waste, can be utilized and processed into food ingredients such as fish sauce with high chemical content and long shelf life.Keywords: Chili sauce, Benefits of chili sauce, Fish sauce.ABSTRAKAsal mula sambal sendiri merupakan asli dari negara Indonesia. Sambal merupakan produk olahan dari bahan dasar cabe yang dihaluskan  dan dimasak menyerupai bubur dan biasanya ditambah bahan-bahan lain seperti garam, bawang merah dan bawang putih. Sambal memilki cita rasa bervariasi menurut tingkat kepedasannya. Manfaat dari mengkonsumsi sambal adalah meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, menurunkan berat badan, menyehatkan jantung karena mencegah adanya pembekuan darah dan juga kandungan capsaicin pada cabai dapat menghambat atau bahkan mematikan sel-sel kanker tanpa merusak sel sehatnya lainnya. Sedangkan untuk aneka sambal sudah sangat banyak macamnya seperti sambal terasi, sambal ikan roa, sambal ikan teri, sambal ikan layang deles, sambal ikan pari, sambal ikan tuna (SAUNA), sambal perut ikan tuna sirip kuning dan anekan olahan sambal lainnya. Tambahan bahan baku yang berbedah menciptakan rasa yang unik. Sambal dengan tambahan bahan baku hasil  perikanan  baik yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi maupun yang sudah menjadi limbah dapat dimanfaatkan dan diolah menjadi bahan pangan seperti sambal ikan dengan kandungan kimia yang tinggi dan juga daya simpan yang lama.Kata kunci: Sambal, Manfaat sambal, Sambal ikan.
KARAKTERISTIK MUTU IKAN CAKALANG (Katsuwonus pelamis) ASAP YANG DIPERDAGANGKAN DI PASAR TRADISIONAL WOLASI KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN Azzis, Muhammad Abdul; Isamu, Kobajashi Togo; Suwarjoyowirayatno, Suwarjoyowirayatno
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21756


ABSTRACT          This study aims to determine the effect of quality characteristics of smoked skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) traded in the Wolasi traditional market, South Konawe Regency. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of three treatments (P1 = trader/manufacturer 1, P2 = trader/producer 2, and P3 = trader/manufacturer 3) and each treatment was carried out with three times replications. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the results of the analysis showed a significant difference, the Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test was carried out with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). The results showed that the sensory values based on panelist data showed no significant effect on appearance, mold, and mucus had a significant effect on smell, taste and texture. The value of the proximate test results tended with value to be varied, based on the order of treatment, the protein content 38.28%, 34.34%, and 43.85% respectively, water content of P1, P2, and P3 52.35%, 58.11%, and 43.85% respectively, Fat of P1, P2, and P3 4.24%, 3.91%, and 5.63% respectively, ash of P1, P2, and P3 1.78%,  1.72%, and 2.27% respectively, Carbohydrates of P1, P2, and P3 3.35%, 1.92%, and 1.03% respectively. The value of the results of microbiological tests using the TPC (Total Plate Count) is percentagely lower than the maximum limit for total bacteria, based on the order of treatment, (P1) 2.7 x 103; (P2) 2.2 x 103; and (P3) 1.4 x 103.Keywords: Proximate, sensory, skipjack tuna, smoking, smoked skipjack tuna, TPC (Total  Plate Count)ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik mutu ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) asap yang diperdagangkan di pasar tradisional Wolasi Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan (P1= pedagang/produsen 1, P2= pedagang/produsen 2, and P3= pedagang/produsen 3) dan masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan dengan 3 kali ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA), jika hasil analisis menunjukkan beda nyata maka dilakukan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai sensori berdasarkan data panelis menunjukkan berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kenampakan, jamur, dan lendir berpengaruh nyata terhadap bau, rasa dan tekstur. Nilai hasil uji proksimat secara presentatif cenderung variatif, berdasarkan urutan perlakuan yaitu kandungan Protein P1, P2, dan P3 berturut-turut (P1) 38,28%; (P2) 34,34%; (P3) 43,85%, Kadar air (P1) 52,35%; (P2) 58,11%; (P3) 43,85%, Lemak (P1) 4,24%; (P2) 3,91%; (P3) 5,63%, abu (P1) 1,78%; (P2) 1,72%; (P3) 2,27%, Karbohidrat (P1) 3,35%; (P2) 1,92%; (P3) 1,03%. Nilai hasil uji mikrobiologi dengan menggunakan metode TPC (Total Plate Count) secara presentatif nilai yang diperoleh lebih rendah dari batas maksimal total bakteri, berdasarkan urutan perlakuan yaitu (P1) 2,7 x 103; (P2) 2,2 x 103; dan (P3) 1,4 x 103.Kata kunci: Ikan cakalang, ikan cakalang asap, pengasapan, proksimat, sensori, TPC (Total Plate Count)
Cover, Kata Pengantar, Daftar isi Suwarjoyowirayatno, Suwarjoyowirayatno
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21747


Cover, Kata Pengantar, Daftar isi
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21752


ABSTRACT          The aim of this study was to determine the proximate analysis, phytochemical, and antioxidant value of keling sea cucumbers with different processing methods (steaming at 100oC and drying at 60oC). The parameters tested were proximate analysis (water, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrate content), phytochemicals test (alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, triterpenoids and saponins), and antioxidant activity. The results of this study obtained that the highest proximate values of water and carbohydrate content were found in the treatment of fresh sea cucumbers with values of 69.52% and 16.39%, respectivelly. For ash, protein and fat content, were found in the treatment of dried sea cucumbers with values of 10.94%, 53.54%, and 35.07% respectivelly. Phytochemical test of ethanol extract of sea cucumber (Holothuria atra) containing saponins, steroids and triterpenoids. The antioxidant activity test of sea cucumbers contained IC50 values ranging from 4616.35 ppm-3785.92 ppm, the best IC50 value was found in the fresh treatment with a value of 3785.92 ppm.Keywords: Antioxidant, keling, phytochemical, processing, proximate.ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai proksimat, nilai fitokimia dan nilai antioksidan teripang keling dengan cara pengolahan yang berbeda (pengukusan suhu 100oC  dan pengeringan 60oC). Parameter yang diuji yaitu proksimat (Kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak dan kadar karbohidrat), fitokimia (Alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, steroid, triterpenoid dan saponin), dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh nilai proksimat tertinggi kadar air dan kadar karbohidrat terdapat pada perlakuan teripang segar dengan nilai 69,52% dan 16,39%. Kadar abu, kadar protein dan kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan teripang kering dengan nilai 10,94%, 53,54%, dan 35,07%. Uji fitokimia ekstrak etanol teripang keling (Holothuria atra) mengandung senyawa saponin, steroid dan triterpenoid. Uji aktivitas antioksidan teripang terdapat nilai IC50 berkisar antara 4616,35 ppm-3785,92 ppm, nilai IC50 terendah terdapat pada perlakuan segar dengan memiliki nilai 3785,92 ppm.Kata kunci: Antioksidan, fitokimia, pengolahan, proksimat, teripang.
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21757


ABSTRACT          The aims of this study was to determine the infuence of differents producers on the sensory analysis, proximate analysis, and total microbial values of dried stingray (Dasyatis sp.) in Tiga Village, Bero Island, North Tiworo District. The parameters tested were organoleptic analysis, proximate analysis (water content, ash content, fat content, and protein content), and total microbial (TPC) dried stingray. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of three treatments (Producer I, Producer II, and Producer III), with there times replications. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the results of the analysis showed significant differences, then Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was conducted to determine the significant difference between treatments with a 95% confidence level (= 0.05). The results obtained showed that dried stingrays from different producers had a significant effect on the organoleptic value of appearance and texture, while smell, and taste showed very significant results. The best results for sensory analysis were found in producer II which had a value of appearance of 8.13, odor 8.33, taste 7.26 and texture 8.26. The best treatment in the proximate analysis was found in the Producer II with a water content value of 14.41%, an ash value of 9.75%, a protein value of 40.42%, and a fat value of 0.62%, while the total bacterial value (TPC) showed the best value in Producer II 4.0 x 105 CFU/ml.Keywords: drying, producer, stingray (Dasyatis sp.)ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh produsen yang berbeda terhadap nilai sensori, nilai proksimat, dan total mikroba ikan Pari (Dasyatis sp.) kering di produksi di Desa Bero Pulau Tiga Kecamatan Tiworo Utara. Parameter yang diuji yaitu uji organoleptik, uji proksimat (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein), dan total mikroba (TPC) ikan Pari kering. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancanagan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yaitu Produsen I, Produsen II, dan Produsen III. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh jumlah satuan percobaan sebanyak 9 unit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA), jika hasil analisis menunjukan beda nyata maka dilakukan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (a=0,05). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ikan pari kering dari produsen yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai organoleptik kenampakan dan tekstur sedangkan bau dan rasa menunjukkan hasil yang berpengaruh sangat nyata. Hasil terbaik untuk penilaian organoleptik terdapat pada perlakuan produsen II dimana memiliki nilai kenampakan 8,13, bau 8,33, rasa 7,26 dan tekstur 8,26. Perlakuan terbaik pada uji proksimat terdapat pada perlakuan Produsen II dengan nilai kadar air 14,41%, nilai kadar abu 9,75%, nilai kadar protein 40,42%, dan nilai kadar lemak 0,62%, sedangkan nilai total bakteri (TPC) menunjukkan nilai terbaik yaitu perlakuan Produsen II dengan nilai 4,0 x 105 CFU/ml.Kata kunci: ikan pari (Dasyatis sp.), pengeringan, produsen.
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ENZIM PAPAIN TERHADAP MUTU TERASI KEPALA UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei) Karmin, Karmin; Asnani, Asnani; Suwarjoyowirayatno, Suwarjoyowirayatno
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21748


ABSTRACT          The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of papain enzymes to sensory values, testing the pH of shrimp head shrimp paste and the proximate value of vaname shrimp head shrimp paste.The study design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The addition of papain enzymewere 0%, 4%, 6% and 8%. sensory analysis value showed that the highest addition of 4% papain enzyme. Chemical analysis of the highest water content at 0% is 39.37%, the highest ash content at 8% is 23.36, the highest protein content at 0% is 28.89% and the highest total fat content at 0% is 2.52%. Keywords: papain enzyme, shrimp head, shrimp pasteABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan enzim papainterhadap nilai sensori, pengujian pH terasi kepala udang dannilai proksimat terasi kepala udang vaname.Rancangan penelitianmengunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 pelakuan dan3 kali ulangan.Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah 0%, 4%, 6%  enzim papain dan 8%. Berdasarkan nilai analisis sensori (kenampakan, bau, rasa, tekstur) menunjukan bahwa penambahan enzim papain 4% yang tertinggi. Analisis kimia kadar air tertinggi pada 0% yaitu 39,37%, kadar abu tertinggi pada 8% yaitu 23,36, kadar protein tertinggi pada  0% yaitu 28,89% dan kadar lemak total tertinggi pada 0% yaitu 2,52%.Kata kunci: enzim papain, kepala udang, terasi
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21753


ABSTRACT          This study aims to determine the effect of using vacuum and non-vacuum packaging on room temperature storage on organoleptic values, chemical values and tpc values of smoked tembang fish produced in Lalimbue Village, Kapoiala District, Konawe Regency. The parameters tested were organoleptic, moisture content, fat content, phenol content, and total bacteria count (TPC) of smoked tembang fish. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments, vacuum packaging (Polypropylene), non-vacuum packaging (Aluminum foil) and without packaging. Each treatment was repeated 3 times and 1 observation so that the number of experimental units was 9 units. Organoleptic data will be analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) if the results of the analysis show a significant difference, then Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) is performed to determine the significant difference between treatments with a 95% confidence level (a = 0.05), while the chemical test data and total bacterial test (TPC) were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the effect of using vacuum and non-vacuum packaging had an insignificant effect on appearance and odor, while the organoleptic values of texture and fungus gave a significant effect. The best results for organoleptic assessment were found in treatment P1 where the value of appearance was 7.1, odor was 5.8, texture was 6.6, and fungus 9. The chemical test results showed the best treatment at P1 with a water content value of 17.33%, fat content 6 ,68, the phenol content was 157.25 mg/kg and the total number of bacteria (TPC) was 1.4 x 105 CFU/ml.Keywords: Smoked tembang fish (Sardinella fimbriata), smoking, vacuum and non-vacuum packaging, storage at room temperature, total plate count (TPC) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan kemasan vakum dan non vakum pada penyimpanan suhu ruang terhadap nilai organoleptik, nilai kimia dan nilai tpc ikan tembang asap yang diproduksi di Desa Lalimbue, Kecamatan Kapoiala, Kabupaten Konawe. Parameter yang diuji yaitu organoleptik, kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar fenol, dan jumlah total bakteri (TPC) ikan tembang asap. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan yaitu kemasan vakum (Polyprophylene), kemasan non vakum (Aluminium foil) dan tanpa kemasan. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan 3 kali ulangan dan 1 kali pengamatan sehingga diperoleh jumlah satuan percobaan sebanyak 9 unit. Data organoleptik akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA) jika hasil analisis menunjukan beda nyata maka dilakukan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test(DMRT) untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (a=0,05), sedangkan data uji kimia dan uji total bakteri (TPC) dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh penggunaan kemasan vakum dan non vakum memberikan pengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kenampakan dan bau sedangkan nilai organoleptik tekstur dan jamur memberikan hasil pengaruh nyata. Hasil terbaik untuk penilaian organoleptik terdapat pada perlakuan P1 dimana nilai kenampakan 7,1, bau 5,8, tekstur 6,6, dan jamur 9. Hasil uji kimia menunjukkan perlakuan terbaik pada P1 dengan nilai kadar air 17,33%, kadar lemak 6,68, kadar fenol 157,25 mg/kg dan nilai jumlah total bakteri (TPC) 1,4 x 105 CFU/ml.Kata kunci: Ikan tembang asap (Sardinella fimbriata), pengasapan, pengemasan vakum dan non vakum, penyimpanan suhu ruang, total jumlah bakteri (TPC).
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21749


ABSTRACT          The aim of this study was to determine the milkfish which were packaged by 3 methods, namely: vacuum packaging method, non-vacuum packaging, and without packaging. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 3 treatments, namely: vacuum packaging, non-vacuum packaging, and without packaging. Each treatment was repeated three times, in order to obtain 9 units of experimental units. Based on the test results, the content of TVB in milkfish sausage without thorn in the unpackaged treatment (21.026 mgN / 100g) was significantly different from the vacuum packaging treatment (19.398 mgN / 100g) and non-vacuum packaging (19.900 mgN / 100g). In the vacuum packaging treatment showed that the milkfish sausage without thorns can inhibit the deterioration of quality in fish sausage. The best packaging method is found in the vacuum packaging treatment with a Ph value (5.946 mgN / 100g), TVB value (18.398 mgN / 100g), and TMA value (6.383 mgN / 100g).Keywords: thornless milkfish, tvb, tma, vacuumABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai kesegaran sosis ikan bandeng tanpa duri yang dikemas dengan 3 metode yaitu : metode kemasan vakum, kemasan non vakum, dan tanpa kemasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan yaitu : kemasan vakum, kemasan non vakum, dan tanpa kemasan. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pengulangan, sehingga diperoleh jumlah satuan percobaan sebanyak 9 unit. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, Kandungan TVB pada sosis ikan bandeng tanpa duri pada perlakuan tanpa kemasan (21,026 mgN/100g) berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan kemasan vakum (19,398 mgN/100g) dan kemasan non vakum (19,900 mgN/100g).  Pada perlakuan kemasan vakum menunjukkan bahwa sosis ikan bandeng tanpa duri dapat mengambat kemunduran mutu pada sosis ikan. Metode kemasan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan kemasan vakum dengan nilai Ph (5,946 mgN/100g), nilai TVB (18,398 mgN/100g), dan nilai TMA (6,383 mgN/100g).Kata kunci: ikan bandeng tanpa duri, TVB ,TMA, vakum
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 4 No. 2 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v4i2.21754


ABSTRACT          The aims of this study was to determine the quality characteristics of organoleptic, chemical and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds of smoked stingray using traditional smoking method and smoking cabinet. This study used descriptive data analysis with three times replication. The parameters analyzed were organoleptic analysis, chemical and PAH compounds. The best result for organoleptic analysis of appeareance was found in the traditional smoking method with value of 8,70 while for the aroma, taste and texture was found from the smoking cabinet method were 8.66, 8.63 and 7.33 respectively. The best result for chemical analysis such as water content, ash and protein was found from smoking cabinet method were 62.54%, 1.77% and 33.46% respectively, while for the fat content and carbohydrates were 2.03% and 1,14% was found from smoking cabinet method. The best result of PAH benzo(a)phyrene was found from smoking cabinet method with value of 8,21 ppm. Based on SNI 2725:2013, the organoleptic (appearance, aroma, taste and texture) and chemical composition (ash, fat, protein and carbohydrat) have suitable the quality standards, except for the water content, while for the PAH benzo(a)phyrene have not suitable the quality standards from the traditional smoking method and smoking cabinet.Keywords: PAH compounds, toolawawo village, proximate analysis, smoking, stingray (Neotrygon kuhlii)ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu organoleptik, kimia dan senyawa Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) ikan pari asap yang diasapi menggunakan metode pengasapan tradisional dan smoking cabinet. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data deskriptif dengan tiga kali ulangan. Parameter yang diuji yaitu uji organoleptik, kimia dan senyawa PAH. Hasil terbaik untuk nilai organoleptik kenampakan diperoleh dari pengasapan tradisional dengan nilai 8.70, sedangkan nilai terbaik untuk aroma, rasa dan tekstur diperoleh dari smoking cabinet dengan nilai masing-masing yaitu 8.66, 8.63 dan 7.33. Hasil terbaik untuk analisis kimia seperti nilai kadar air, abu dan protein diperoleh dari smoking cabinet dengan nilai masing-masing yaitu 62.54%, 1,77%, dan 33.46%, sedangkan hasil terbaik untuk kadar lemak dan karbohidrat diperoleh dari pengasapan tradisional dengan niai masing-masing yaitu 2.03% dan 1.14%. Hasil terbaik untuk nilai senyawa PAH benzo(a)piren diperoleh dari smoking cabinet dengan nilai 8.21 ppm. Berdasarkan SNI 2725:2013, nilai organoleptik (kenampakan, aroma, rasa, tekstur) dan komposisi kimia (kadar abu, lemak, protein, karbohidrat) telah memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan, kecuali untuk nilai kadar air, sedangkan untuk analisis senyawa PAH benzo(a)piren belum memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan dari kedua metode pengasapan yang digunakan.Kata kunci: Desa Toolawawo, ikan pari (Neotrygon kuhlii), pengasapan, proksimat,  senyawa PAH

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