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Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains
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Validitas Logis Model Pembelajaran Eskalasi untuk Pembelajaran Fisika di SMA Sugiono Sugiono; Sudarti Sudarti; Sutarto Sutarto
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The core of learning science are two concepts: process and product. The process is a learning-based scientific approach. Studies have shown that the implementation of a scientific approach for learning physics in high school is not running well. Therefore, we need to develop the Eskalasi Learning Model (ELM) based scientific approach. The model of learning can be categorized as valid if the expert, user, and audience agree. The aim of the research is to analyze the validity of the ELM by the expert validators. The expert validators are three lecturers in science teaching. The expert validators will assess the validation instrument, which consists of characteristics of the model and learning tools. The final score is the average of three expert assessments, and it will be matched by the categories. Based on validation by experts, we can conclude that the characteristics of the ELM (rational models, supporting theory, syntactic, social system, the principle of the reaction, the supporting system, the instructional and nurturant effect) and learning tools are valid and can be implemented to physics learning in high school.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran RASI (Reading, Analyzing, Sharing, and Inferring) dalam Pembelajaran IPA di SMP Vivi Darmayanti; Jekti Prihatin; Joko Waluyo
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The learning process that provide an opportunity for learners to learn independently is a reading method such as Think, Talk, Write (TTW), Reading, Questioning, and Answering (RQA). Based on the disadvantages and advantages of TTW and RQA, syntaxs can be combined then it is known as RASI (Reading, Analyzing, Sharing and Inferring). The purpose of this research is to produce RASI learning model with valid criteria based on Borg and Gall development model. The preliminary field testing was conducted at the State Junior High School 4 Jember. RASI learning model is validated by lectures and teachers on March 2016. The data are analyzed by analysis of percentage. The result showed that validation of RASI is 88.61% with very valid criteria. Average of teacher response 81,67% and average of students response is 83,01% with very good critera. RASI learning model is valid and it can be used in main field testing.
Prototipe Model Pembelajaran REC (Reading, Exercise, and Clarification) untuk Pembelajaran IPA SMP Rachmawati Rachmawati; Indrawati Indrawati; Sutarto Sutarto
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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Efforts to increase the active learning that is centered on students in science learning process can be done through learning that emphasize reading skills, training, and clarification. The purpose of this study was to produce a prototype model of learning that can facilitate the role of teachers and students to achieve the purpose of active learning. REC prototype model of learning (reading, exercise, and clarification) for junior high school science teaching is designed to produce a model based learning students. This study design is a 4-D which consists of four main stages, namely; 1) Define (definition), 2) Design (Design), 3) Develop (Development) and 4) Disseminate (Deployment). The result of this research is a learning model prototype REC (reading, exercise, and clarification) for junior high school science teaching consists of sintakmatik, social system, the principle of reaction, support systems, instructional impact and impact accompanist.
Komponen Kelayakan Isi dan Bahasa Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Multirepresentasi SMK Kelas X Semester Genap Wachidah Putri Ramadhani; I Ketut Mahardika; Yushardi Yushardi
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The article of content feasibility and language feasibility component for physics SMK grade X even semester based on multirepresentation is aimed to describe feasibility of content and feasibility of language that module. The plan of research development used steps that suitable with design modification model 4D which spreading step wasn’t done. Feasibility of content of this modul can be seen from logic validator result that was feedback from three postgraduate lecturers of science education consentrate to physics for the content of physics based on multirepresentation, empiric validation by increasing student multirepresentation ability result. Language feasibility modul can be seen from logic validasi result that is feedback from three postgraduade lecturers of science education consentrate to physics for the language. That is used in that physics module based on multirepresentation, and empiric validation by student readable test. Based on the data got, content feasibility covers alignment with SK and KD, lesson, alignment with student development and society need, knowledge substance, and life skill, insight to advance and work out, and deverse of social value, it is seen from logic validation that has enough category. Being seen from empiric validation by student multirepresentation result ability encreasing development test, include in high category. Language feasibility that is readable, suitability with Indonesian rule, speaking logic, by seeing from logic validation that has valid category. Beeing seen from empiric validation by development test by using readable test that has high category.
Validitas Model Pembelajaran DOTISC (Direction, Organization, Tutoring, Implementation, Solution, and Confirmation) untuk Pembelajaran IPA di SMP Aulya Nanda Prafitasari; Sudarti Sudarti; I Ketut Mahardika
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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Science education learning isn’t passive only from teachers, but also students are required to be active with direct experience to develop their potential to gain a deep and long-term understanding. But the differences of student’s ability is one of problems in science learning. Teacher needs innovative learning model that can optimize the capabilities of each student and work together in achieving the learning objectives. Therefore, DOTISC (Direction, Organization, Tutoring, Implementation, Solution, and Confirmation) learning model needs to be develop. The purpose of this study to describe the validity of DOTISC learning model for learning science in junior high school. Data were analyzed descriptively based on the score sheet of expert validation, user validation, and audience validation. In addition to manually, audience validation using SPSS for Windows. The learning model DOTISC declared valid based on a percentage of expert validation is 79.17%, 80.36% from user validation, and audience validation is 80.40%.
Kelayakan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Proyek Untuk Pembelajaran IPA di SMP Yanti Nur Kholilah; I Ketut Mahardika; Sutarto Sutarto
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The study is a result of developmental research. The purposes of the research is to produce a project base worksheet that appropiate for science learning in junior high school. The design of the research is 4-D. The appropiatness of the worksheed is ditermined by four aspects: content, languistic, appearance, and layout (kegrafikaan). The appropiatness of content is determine by score of expert validators and the improvement of students’ cognitive achievement. The linguistic aspect is found through linguistic expert validator and legibility aspect is determined by legibility of worsheet and students’ responses to the worksheet. Aspect of layout (kegrafikaan) is obtained from score of expert validators and students’ responses through quitionair. The reseach was conducted to students class VII SMP Muhammadiyah Bondowoso, even semester year 2015-2016. Findings of the study shows that the appropiateness of four aspects are 85; 87,5; 87,5; 87,5 respectively. Most of the aspects are in very appropriate criteria. So, the study can be concluded that the worksheet model is very appropiate for science learning in junior high school.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran REQUEST (Resume, Question, Investigation, Solution and Presentation) dalam Pembelajaran IPA Jiniari Dewi Dewi; Suratno Suratno; Iis Nur Asyiah
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The innovation of curriculum field requires teachers to change the learning system of teacher centered become student centered. Therefore developing REQUEST learning model is necessary to develop students' activities during the learning process. The study refers to Borg and Gall development model. Validity, practicability and effectiveness of the REQUEST learning model obtained from the validation sheet and questionnaire. Validity and responses from the teachers and students changed to percentage then converted to descriptive qualitative data using the assessment criteria of validity. The results showed that REQUEST learning model has been valid with the validity value 80,77% and also supported by positive response from the teacher and students after using REQUEST learning model. REQUEST learning model consists of four stages, which is preparing a summary, find problems that are arranged in a questions, conducting investigations, and finding solutions to solve the problems then to be presented in front of the class.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran PDC (Preparing, Doing, Concluding) untuk Pembelajaran IPA Reni Nurhapsari; Sutarto Sutarto; I Ketut Mahardika
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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This study aims to describe PDC (Preparing, Doing, Concluding) model that valid for science learning in junior high School. The study is a developmental research. The research uses Borg and Gall model, that conducted to students class VIII SMPN 2 Umbulsari even semester year 2015-2016. Validity of the model is determined by the score validity of characteristics model, learning tools with using the model by science learning experts and practiciants (science teachers). Validity the model is also determined by questionnaire score to the model and obtained by students and teachers’ responses about the implementation of the model in learning process. Findings of the study are: (1) the average validity value of experts and users about model characteristics and learning tools are 84.18% (very valid) and 80,76% (valid) respectively; (2) the validity score of the questionnaire about the model is 80.47% (valid); and (3) teachers’ responses as user validity and students’ responses as audience validity to implementation the model are 82,71% (very valid) and 82.06% (very valid). Respectively. So, the research can be concluded that PDC model with its characters (syntax, social system, reaction principle, supporting system, and instructional and nurturant system) is valid for science learning in junior high school.
Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Model Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Rusmi Indriyani; Joko Waluyo; Jekti Prihatin
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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This research is aimed to produce science learning equipments of guided inquiry model for training student problem solving skill in environment pollution materials and to describe the validity base on validaty of by an educational expert, an material expert, and science teacher using validation of sheet. This research uses four-D model that consists of define, design, develop, and disseminate step. The result of this research are syllabus, lesson plane, student books, student work sheet, student tests. The average of validaty lesson plan 3,5, student books get average 3,5, student work sheets get average 3,5, and student tests get average 3,6.
Dampak Model Pembelajaran AGT Re-Con Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar dan Self Regulated Learning Siswa MTs Sri Hartatik; Wachju Subchan; Joko Waluyo
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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Learning model of AGT Re-Con (Auditory, Guiding, Testing, Repetition and Conclussion) is combined between learning model of GIL (Guided Inquiry Learning) and AIR (Auditory Intelectually and Repetiiton). The purpose this research is one of to description of final learning and self regulated learning students with using learning model of AGT-Con. The aim of this research is for first grade student of MTs Negeri Arjasa in academic year 2015/2016 that helding research for three times meeting. The learning result to analyze using N-gain. Analysis with N-gain to get the first meeting 0,50, second meeting 0,51 and third meeting 0,75, meanwhile self regulated learning the high percentage student for indicator Organizing and Transforming.

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