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Jurnal Nusa Sylva
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Jurnal Nusa Sylva dikelola oleh Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Nusa Bangsa. Jurnal ini memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan review (ulasan) dalam bidang kehutanan yang orisinil dan belum dipublikasikan dalam media lain. Jurnal Nusa Sylva terbit 2 kali dalam 1 tahun (Juni dan Desember)
Articles 97 Documents
DAMPAK PERALIHAN FUNGSI KAWASAN HUTAN TERHADAP KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus: Kampung Lembur Pasir, Desa Ginanjar, Kecamatan Ciambar, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat) Aldo Pratama; Poltak BP Panjaitan; Abdul Rahman Rusli
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 15, No 1 (2015): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.795 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v15i1.127


Change region switch the function of limited production forest area of the reserve has implications for the shape of people's activities in the region are limited. This study aims to determine the impact of the transition Perhutani office production forests into conservation forest area of the National Park on the socioeconomic conditions of rural communities around the area hutan. Metode research is a case study where data collection is done by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews and analysis of descriptive data. The results showed the impact of transfer of forest land to the socio-economic conditions of rural communities around the forest area, the social aspects of a decline in the number of pengarap land and increasing types of livelihood (of 6 types to 13 types of livelihood) and from the economic aspect, noticeable decrease in the use of firewood by the head of each family as well as a decline in revenue on each head of family who make their livelihood as this penggarap. Implications for the various issues that arise in the community where it takes an intensive development program.
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 13, No 2 (2013): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.751 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v13i2.147


People's lives around the Nature Reserve (CA) has a very close interaction with the natural resources around them. One of them is the interaction associated with the use of plants (ethnobotany). Documenting knowledge society CA Dungus Iwul ethnobotany essential to keep the knowledge society CA Dungus Iwul in the utilization of the plant is not lost. This study aims to determine the potential of useful plants in the region CA Dungus Iwul and examine the use of plants by people around CA Dungus Iwul (ethnobotany). Ethnobotany study conducted by interview and to determine the potential of plants useful in the CA Dungus Iwul done with vegetation analysis. The number of plant species that are found from the analysis of the vegetation in the area Dungus Iwul CA acquired as many as 43 species of 25famili. Most useful plant species are as many as 21 species of medicinal plants. While the study of ethnobotany identified as many as 30 species of 21 families and each has been grouped into 11 groups of usefulness, where the species is found mostly serves as a group of as many as 25 species of medicinal plants. Habitus most dominating of the results of the analysis of seedling and plant vegetation is under the most dominating family is Arecaceae, while on the study of ethnobotany is habitus of shrubs with family Zingiberaceae. Based on the percentage of habitat types, the plant most widely used by the public is a plant cultivated 20 species (67%) and 10 species (33%) is a wild plant, which used only a small portion of the area CA Dungus Iwul about 7 species. Their use of plants that originate from within the CA Dungus Iwul indicate that there has been interaction, ie interaction in the form of plant utilization. However, the interaction is still relatively low so that the possibility of damage to a small area.
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 12, No 2 (2012): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.896 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v12i2.138


Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) can be propagated vegetative using Coppice System, with the addition ofBioton Liquid Organic Fertilizer. This study aimed to determine the effect of concentration on the growth Coppice Systemof JUN useful Bioton Liquid Organic Fertilizer to expectations providing information enrichment Coppice System of JUN regeneration techniques. Required 25 JUN stump and Bioton as an ingredient and requires a machete/knife, phi band, milli meter scrup, measuring ruler (cm), label, beakers, volumetric pipette, water spray, rubber gloves, tally sheets, stationery and computer processing of the data as a tool. Five levels of concentration treatments given in this study is 1). concentration of 0%(0ml /l) as control, 2). concentration of 5%, 3). concentration of 10% (10 ml / l), 4). concentration of 15% and 5). concentration of 20% with five repetitions at each concentration. Sampling was purposive sampling method and analyzed using a randomized block design (RBD). Average maximum height occurs at a concentration of 5 % ( 300.67cm ) , then 20 % ( 290.90 cm ) , 15 % ( 270.90 cm ) 10 % ( 270.30 cm ) and 0 % ( 265.17 cm ) . Coppice maximum height reached by the end of the observation 375cm at concentrations of 5 %, while the minimum height is 170cm trubusan reached at concentrations of 0 %. Average maximum diameter occurs at concentrations of 5 % with the achievements of diameter 4.29 cm, followed by a concentration of 20 % with the achievements of diameter 4.26 cm, the concentration of 15 % with the achievements of 4.16cm diameter, the concentration of 10 % with the achievements of diameter 3.91 cm and average performance the average minimum diameter is 3.87 cm occurred at concentrations of 0 % or control. Reaches a maximum diameter of 5.63 cm were artifacts at concentrations of 5 %, while achieving a minimum diameter of 2.86 cm at a concentration of 10 %, and there were no coppice disease, but there are leaf-eating caterpillar pests.
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 15, No 1 (2015): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.948 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v15i1.129


A watershed is a natural resource management unit, in which there are resources that are managed by the government, private, and community. The role of the various stakeholders, helped influence on changes in the physical characteristics of the watershed. The existence and role of the various stakeholders in a watershed to be important in restoring watershed ecosystem function and maintain watershed conditions. For that, this study aims to examine the role of stakeholders and power relations that exists in the management of Hulu Cisadane subzone. Data was collected by in-depth interviews and field observations and study of literature. Analisisi data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the position and role of stakeholders kepentigan namely Instasi government, private and Peoples, which is categorized as a group decision (appropriator), providers and the producent, where the role of these stakeholders still overlap led to weak policies interference with the watershade function.
Kajian Ketersediaan Pakan Lebah Madu Lokal (Apis Cerana Fabr.) Mulyono Mulyono; Tun Susdiyanti; Bambang Supriono
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 15, No 2 (2015): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.331 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v15i2.3


Manfaat budidaya lebah madu dalam bidang ekologis yaitu bagi kelestarian flora melalui penyerbukan tanaman maupun keuntungan ekonomis bagi peternaknya dengan produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi ketersediaan pakan lebah madu lokal (Apis cerana Fabr.) di PUSBAHNAS Parungpanjang Bogor.Metode penelitian mengidentifikasi jenis, kerapatan, frekuensi, dominansi dan INP analisis vegetasi di bawahnya melalui observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ditemukan 9 jenis tanaman kehutanan (25 %), 7 jenis tanaman industri (19,44 %), 15 tanaman buah-buahan (41 %), 2 tanaman sayuran (5,5 %), dan 3 tanaman gulma (8,30 %). kerapatan tertinggi yaitu pada jenis tanaman randu dengan nilai kerapatan 43.75 pohon. Perbedaan nilai kerapatan masing-masing spesies tersebut disebabkan adanya perbedaan kemampuan reproduksi, penyebaran dan daya adaptasi terhadap lingkungan. Nilai frekuensi tertinggi ditemukan pada jenis randu yaitu sebesar 0.75 yang berarti dari total 8 plot yang diamati di lokasi penelitian, 6 plot di antaranya terdapat jensi randu. Jenis lain dengan nilai frekuensi yang relatif tinggi adalah kayu putih yaitu sebesar 0,63 atau ditemukan pada 4 plot dari 8 sampel plot yang diamati, Dominansi tertinggi sebesar 5.79 ditemukan pada jenis randu, sedangkan dominansi terendah sebesar 0.01 terdapat pada jenis pinang.
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 14, No 2 (2014): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.936 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v14i2.152


One work program of the Central Management Forest ParkIr. H.Juandain 2013 is the empowerment of communities through activities Apismellifera bee keeping and mushroom cultivation tim berintended forrural communities around Forest ParkIr. H.Juandathe Village Langensari and Ciburial. The purpose of this researchis to find out the perceptions and attitudes offarmers' groups towards community empowerment programs around Forest Park. The results of the study explained that the perception of farmers' group is to agree with the holding of beekeeping program, where they already understand the importance of beekeeping for environmental conservation and increase their income. However, for the attitude of farmers' groups in the running in the category of low because farmers are not motivated to do beekeeping. due to limited feed, difficulties in the herd of bees, funding, technical assistance and efforts to address the threat.
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 12, No 2 (2012): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.127 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v12i2.134


Collaborative forest management Training Central Jampang by involving the local community, is one alternative in the management of the Forest Training. Where the Forest Training functions as a means of supporting education and training conducted by the Forestry Training Centre can be run in accordance with the vision , mission and goals without ignoring the existence of the people residing in the vicinity. The purpose of the study is to determine the condition and potential of Forest Training Central Jampang to organize and conduct an evaluation of Training Forest neighborhood becomes a means of integrated practice models in the context of forestry and agricultural land rehabilitation, soil and water conservation as well as identify and implement forest management activities collaboratively Training Jampang Tengan between forest managers and local residents, especially farmers. Training Forest Middle Jampang condition is quite alarming because many suffered damage, such as physical buildings and plots and the current instance has been partially improved. Forest Development Training Central Jampang done through empowerment and community development activities around the Forest Training form of collaborative activities such as beekeeping, forest utilization patterns so as to provide benefit agroforestry economic, social, and technology to communities around the Forest Training.
IDENTIFIKASI AKSES MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN SUMBERDAYA ALAM (Studi kasus di Desa Karang Tengah Kecamatan Babakan madang Kabupaten Bogor) Teddy Arief F Ramadhan; Tun Susdiyanti Susdiyanti; Messalina L Salampessy
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 15, No 2 (2015): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.139 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v15i2.123


Conservation areas have an important role for the preservation of the surrounding ecosystem. Nature Park is one of the areas Conservation Areas which have an important function for life support system, preserve the diversity of plant and animal species and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems. The existence of the community around the region have an important role for the preservation of the region. This study aims to identify the access made public in obtaining, control and manage access to the use of natural resources around the area. The method used is a case study, in which data collection is done through in-depth interviews and participant observation. Data were analyzed using the access theory results show that the public has access to the processing area where the land around Region Natural Park of Mount Pancar has a level of encroachment or work area without permission is still quite high. Public access and utilization of acquiring land is before the area designated as TWA and ruled for generations, land control is not done specifically and communities manage the land and the potential that exists with the mastery of the blocks that have a high potential of natural resources. Seen most percentage of land cultivated by the community that is in the block of Mount Pancar as much as 24.41% and at least at the block Paniisan only 5:08%.
KAJIAN LUAS KAWASAN HUTAN SESUAI SK 2357/MENHUT-II/2004 DENGAN RENCANA TATA RUANG WILAYAH PROVINSI TAHUN 2010-2030. (Studi Kasus Di Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan Wilayah XIII Pangkalpinang) Wirahadi Wilya; Mulyadi AT; Ina Lidiawati
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 14, No 2 (2014): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.388 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v14i2.148


The purpose of this study is to compare the extent of forest area by map designation of forest areas SK.357 / Menhut-II / 2004 with Proposed map RTRWP years 2010-2030 as well as the intentions and objectives of the Local Government proposing changes to the designation and functions of forest areas. This study was conducted in Bangka Belitung Province from July 2015 through August 2015. The research method using the map data are from BPKH XIII Lists Pinang Forest Service Bangka Belitung Province and using purposive method to determine the intent and purpose of making provincial spatial plan The activities undertaken in this study include: interviews, as well as data processing and data analysis. Data collected in the form of primary data (vector data) and secondary data (general conditions of the location and study legislation on forestry and spatial). The technique of collecting primary data through interviews with respondents (staff BPKH and the Forest Service Bangka Belitung Province) while secondary data is done through the study of literature. Based on the research results, the calculation of the percentage of forest area with SK.357 / Menhut-II / 2004 in the amount of 40.54% and forests 39.35% RTRWP proposal. A reduction in forest area of 1.19%. Although the forest area was reduced, but it does not violate the laws - laws which mandate a minimum area to be preserved as a forest area is 30% of the land area. Counties that experienced the greatest changes that Belitung district while the districts with the fewest changes are Bangka Barat district.
POTENSI KAYU PERTUKANGAN DAN BAHAN SERPIH DI AREAL BEKAS TEBANGAN HUTAN RAWA (Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Kayu untuk Penyiapan Lahan HPHTI, Riau) Wesman Endom; Tb. Unu Nitibaskara
Jurnal Nusa Sylva Vol 15, No 1 (2015): JURNAL NUSA SYLVA
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.112 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jns.v15i1.130


The potency of Log Over Forest (LOF) of swamp forests concession had been supplied woods for raw materials of pulp and paper industries in Riau. It potency is classified into Group Diameter (KD). Fist, the average of KD less than 30 cm is about 41.05 m3/ha. It potency is used as raw material for pulp and paper industry which is familiar called as ‘Bahan Baku Serpih’ (BBS). Second, it is KD 30-49 cm which has potency about 32.84 m3/ha. Mostly it is used for carpeting industries. Third, it is KD bigger than 50 cm which has potency about 39.16 m3/ha include of decaying logs with holes. 20% of it is used for BBS and 80% others for carpeting industries. The total potency is about 112.76 m3/ha.

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