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Kiryoku: Jurnal Studi Kejepangan
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Articles 204 Documents
Pengembangan Materi Intermediate English Berbasis Pariwisata Untuk Program Studi Bahasa Asing Terapan Konsentrasi Bahasa Jepang Lenggahing Asri Dwi Eko Saputri
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i1.79-84


Abstract Pada tahun 2019, Sekolah Vokasi Undip membuka beberapa program studi baru, salah satunya adalah program studi D4 Bahasa Asing Terapan. Program studi ini memiliki 2 konsentrasi yaitu Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Jepang. Pada semester ketiga, mahasiswa diarahkan untuk mengambil salah satu konsentrasi berdasarkan minat dan bakat mereka. Namun, tidak serta merta mereka hanya mempelajari bahasa yang ada di konsentrasi tersebut. Misalnya, mahasiswa yang memilih untuk mengambil konsentrasi Bahasa Jepang, mereka juga masih mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dalam beberapa sks yang sudah ditentukan oleh program studi. Untuk mahasiswa semester 4 konsentrasi Bahasa Jepang, mereka juga diharuskan mengambil mata kuliah Intermediate English. Mata kuliah ini sendiri nantinya akan berbasis pariwisata sesuai dengan visi program studi D4 Bahasa Asing Terapan yakni mencetak sarjana terapan yang memiliki kompetensi unggul dalam bidang Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Jepang untuk berbagai keahlian di bidang hospitality, pariwisata, penerjemahan dan komunikasi bisnis. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan materi pembelajaran Intermediate English berbasis pariwisata untuk prodi D4 Bahasa Asing Terapan Konsenrasi Bahasa Jepang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development sedangkan model yang peneliti gunakan adalah model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis-Desain-Develop-Implement-Evaluate). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah materi pembelajaran mata kuliah Intermediate English berbasis pariwisata untuk program studi D4 Bahasa Asing Terapan Konsentrasi Bahasa Jepang yang meliputi tema Hotel Staff, Planning and Booking Holiday, International Tourism (UK) and International Tourism (Europe)yang pembahasannya dikemas dalam empat aktivitas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris terintegrasi yang terdiri dari listening activity, speaking activity, reading activity dan writing activity.
Analysis of Filmmaking Projects for the Mirrorliar Competition at Nihon Go Gakko Maharani Patria Ratna; Makino Masanori; Lunarreza Suwandi
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i1.65-71


This article results from a fieldwork practice conducted at Nihon Go Gakko located at 999-2 Kamata, Ito, Shizuoka, 414-0054, Japan. The fieldwork practice was conducted online for four months, from January 2021 to April 2021. This article aims to explain the process of making short films involving various parties from several countries during the pandemic era in Nihon Go Gakko, who will be entered in the Mirrorliar. The methods of observation, literature study and interviews were used to analyse. The process of making films as a result of this research is the development, production process, post-production and distribution. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced during the process of making short films are weather, time, cost, etc
Penggunaan Dialek Nagoya pada Manga Yatogame Chan No Kansatsu Nikki Reny Wiyatasari; Vyan Restu Utomo
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i1.72-78


This study aims to determine the factors that underlie speakers using the Nagoya dialect, which is a dialect used in the city of Nagoya, the capital of Aichi prefecture. The research data is collected from the Japanese comics (manga) entitled YATOGAME CHAN NO KANSATSU NIKKI. The data collection method used is the referential method. The data were analyzed using the equivalent and descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of the analysis known that the factors underlying the use of the Nagoya dialect are group membership factors, age, and situation.
Dekonstruksi Peran Seme dan Uke dalam Manga Shishi mo Kobamazu Vanya Arisda Putri; Diana Puspitasari; Heri Widodo
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.106-116


This research is descriptive qualitative research with the object of research manga entitled "Shishi mo Kobamazu" (2014) by Kiriyu Kiyoi. This manga is a boy's same-sex love genre that generally has a formula for the roles of Seme and Uke. The role of seme will be considered to have all the masculine traits and the role of uke to have all the feminine traits. In the Shishi mo Kobamazu manga, the roles of Seme and Uke are given a different role concept from manga boy's love in general resulting in a deconstruction of the role concepts of Seme and Uke. The aim of this research is to describe the deconstruction that occurs and its depiction in literary works so that it can be seen that the construction of gender roles in same-sex love relationships does not have a patent provision and can change according to conditions and times. The method used is a literature study. The theory used in this research is Derrida's deconstruction theory and Butler's performativity. Both theories are used to analyze the form of deconstruction in the roles of seme and uke and to understand the concept of gender roles in same-sex relationships. The results show that the character in this manga can display and form a new identity in their seme and uke roles through the performativity of gender roles in same-sex relationships. The new identity in the form of Seme and Uke is not fixed on one gender trait. Seme can be described as having a petite body and characters like women and uke can be described as having a strong and masculine physique. The roles of Seme and Uke can change according to the identity shown by each character in the manga.
Penggunaan Metode dan Teknik Penerjemahan Pada Lirik Lagu "Mungkin Nanti" Karya Ariel NOAH ke dalam Bahasa Jepang Oleh Hiroaki Kato Ros Diana; Ana Natalia
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.85-94


This research is entitled "Analysis of Translation Methods and Techniques on the Song Lyrics of "Mungkin Nanti" by Ariel NOAH into Japanese by Hiroaki Kato". This study aims to find out the use of translation methods and translation techniques applied to the lyrics of Ariel NOAH's song " Mungkin Nanti" which was translated into Japanese by Hiroaki Kato. The theory used in this translation method is Newmark, and the translation technique used is the theory of Molina and Albir. This research methodology uses descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach, in other words, that is to describe or describe the data that has been obtained. This study uses data analysis techniques using the agih method and the direct element technique (BUL). Based on the results of the analysis can be obtained 18 data translation methods and techniques. According to the 8 translation methods proposed by Newmark, it was found that there were 4 translation methods used in the lyrics of the song " Mungkin Nanti",1 data literal translation, 2 data Semantic translations, 5 data free translations, and 10 data Communicative translations, and then the data were analyzed to determine the translation technique from Molina and Albir, there were 4 translation techniques used, 2 data common equivalents, 4 data modulations, 6 data reductions, and 6 data transpositions.
Konflik Sosial Tokoh Utama dalam Film Animasi Haikyuu!! Second Season (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra) Niken Sekar Ayu Nurfajriyati; Ayu Putri Seruni
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.95-105


 Social conflict was defined as a natural social symptom that occurs in social life. Coser divided conflicts into several parts, there are realistic, non- realistic, in- group and out- group conflicts. He argues that social conflict not only viewed from the negative side. This research focuses on social conflicts that occur the Japanese student environment then will analyze more deeply the social conflicts experienced by the main character also will look for the factors that occurs the conflicts.  Thie aim of this studies to explains and describing (1) realistic and non- realistic conflicts that occur (2) in-group and out-group conflicts that occur (3) functions of social conflicts. This study used content analysis of qualitative research methods with literary sociology approach. For data collecting technique this study used note- taking technique. The result of this research is (1) the occurrence of realistic conflicts due to a sense of disapproval of a demand (2) the occurrence of non- realistic conflicts due to the need to relieve tensions (3) the occurrence of in-group conflicts because those involved in the conflicts are between member in the same groups (4) the occurrence of out-group conflicts because those involved in the conflicts are between different groups.
Pemanfaatan Media Online Sebagai Sumber Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Dokkai Sakubun Shokyu Dwi Puji Asrini; Ai Sumirah Setiawati
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.117-126


The purpose of learning Dokkai Sakubun, is no longer just being able to read and understand vocabulary, kanji, bunkei, hyogen and also use them in sentences. Along with its development, this course aims to make students able to apply the knowledge gained from reading activities into writing that can be expressed in everyday life. In this digital era, teachers can take advantage of all the information available in cyberspace as a source of teaching materials. This research is a descriptive study with the aim of utilizing online media as a source of teaching materials in the Dokkai Sakubun Shokyu Course and compiling teaching materials with sources from online media. This research method is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and direct observation. Questionnaires were given to determine students' perceptions of the use of teaching language sources from online media in learning Dokkai Sakubun Shokyu. Direct observations were made to strengthen the results of the questionnaire regarding the benefits of media in learning and compiling learning materials. The results showed that online media can be used as a source of teaching materials in the Dokkai Sakubun Shokyu Course. Teaching materials are selected based on predetermined topics in the form of videos sourced from YouTube, leaflets, famlets, brochures, tickets, restaurant menus, conversations in email or chat  and so on, then arranged in the form of handouts.
Pemaknaan Onomatope dalam Manga “Yotsubato” Chapter 3 Karya Kiyohiko Azuma Nurrohmah Putri Wibawati; Alya Nadya Putri Andika; Auctio Graciano; Maulida Khodijah
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.127-133


Penggunaan onomatope Bahasa Jepang pada suatu manga atau komik Jepang adalah hal yang wajar dan sering dijumpai. Dengan melakukan translasi makna dan padanannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan onomatope yang terdapat dalam manga Yotsubato chapter 3 karya Kiyohiko Azuma, sehingga dapat diketahui jenis onomatope apa yang digunakan dalam manga tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yang kemudian dilanjutkan pengumpulan data dengan teknik simak catat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya banyak penggunaan onomatope dan beragam jenis onomatope yang digunakan dalam manga Yotsubato chapter 3 karya Kiyohiko Azuma tersebut yakni meliputi giongo, giseigo, giyougo dan gijougo.
Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBL) Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jepang (Penelitian dan Pengembangan di Kelas IX SMAN 75 Jakarta) Rita Agustina Karnawati
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.134-143


In the 21st century, the role of education is becoming increasingly important in preparing the next generation who have the skills to learn and innovate, the skills to use technology and information media so that the learning model needed is an active, innovative, creative, effective. One of the learning models that are considered appropriate to meet that educational objectives is the use of problem based learning (PBL) learning models in classroom teaching.The purpose of this study was to determine the Japanese language skills of class XI students of SMAN 75 Jakarta and whether the learning model to be developed for Japanese subjects in class XI of SMAN 75 Jakarta was effective compared to the learning model carried out before the development. The research method is student-based learning with the research design being Pre-Experimental Design with the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. The study included 39 students from SMAN 75 Jakarta's class XI. Data analysis in the study was carried out in several stages, namely the validity test, reliability test, normality test, and t test. The findings revealed that there was a difference after using problem-based learning model on Japanese language abilities acquisition when compared to before treatment. And the problem-based learning model is effective in developing Japanese language abilities.
Majas Dalam Lirik Lagu Answer Karya Bump of Chicken: Kajian Stilistika Ni Luh Yunda Anindyana; Made Henra Dwikarmawan Sudipa
KIRYOKU Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kiryoku
Publisher : Vocational College of Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/kiryoku.v6i2.144-151


This research discusses the figure of speech in the lyrics of the song Answer by Bump of Chicken. The data used is obtained from the lyrics of the song by Bump of Chicken with the title Answer. The purpose of this research is to analyze the figure of speech and meaning contained in the lyrics of the song Answer. The theory used in the research is the stylistic theory of Burhan Nurgiyantoro (2019). The method and technique of data collection used is the literature study method while the data collection technique uses listening and recording techniques. The data analysis method used is descriptive method with qualitative techniques. The method of presenting the results of data analysis uses informal methods. The result of this research is 1 hyperbole, 1 personification, 1 metaphor, 2 similes, 1 repetition, and 1 allegory.