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Toni Supriadi
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ISSN : 26141221     EISSN : 2579860X     DOI : -
Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan (JEP) merupakan suatu jurnal nasional yang secara khusus mempublikasi artikel-artikel dari hasil penelitian yang relevan dengan inovasi dan kreativitas dalam pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA). Ruang lingkup inovasi dan kreativitas hasil penelitian yang dipublikasi mencakup perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi pembelajaran, pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, pengembangan pembelajaran, pengembangan evaluasi pembelajaran, dan kebijakan pendidikan dalam bidang pendidikan MIPA. JEP diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Padang secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulai Mei dan November.
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Etnomatematika pada Makanan Tradisional Melayu Daik Lingga Sebagai Sumber Belajar Maghfiroh Sa Adatul Muk Minah; Nur Izzati
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/552


The purpose of this study was to find mathematical activities in the Daik Lingga culture. This research focuses on the ethnomatematic exploration of the traditional Malay food of Daik Lingga which can be used as a source of learning mathematics. Daik's traditional food is generally made from sago. This research is a qualitative type and uses an ethnographic approach. The data collection technique was carried out by interviewing related sources and documentation. The data analysis technique was based on the design of Miles and Huberman by reducing data, presenting data, and concluding/ verification. Based on the results of data collection, there are several mathematical elements in the traditional Malay food of Daik Lingga. The mathematical elements contained include shapes (circles and right triangles), space shapes (cones), folding symmetry, reflection, rotation, acute angles, right angles, and parallel lines. Therefore, Daik Lingga's traditional food can be used as a source of interesting mathematics learning for students so that learning becomes meaningful.
Pendahuluan Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan Vol 5 No 1 Mei 2021 Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pendahuluan Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan Vol 5 No 1 Mei 2021
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Problem Solving pada Materi Gerak dan Gaya Kelas VIII SMP El Arni Deti; Husna Husna; Megasyani Anaperta
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/546


This study aims to develop a physics learning module based on problem solving that is valid and practical on the material of motion and style for grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Kerinci. The research method used is the development of a 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Dessiminate). The define stage consists of syllabus analysis, textbook analysis, literature review analysis, student and educator interviews. At the design stage, the product design is carried out, namely the module, then at the develop stage, the module validation test is carried out by 2 validators. Practicality test by 1 physics educator and 24 class VIII B students of SMP Negeri 16 Kerinci. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that the average value of the module validity test by three validators was 97.03% with the very valid category. While the practicality test with respondents consisting of one educator and class VIII B students totaling 24 people was obtained 91.63% with the very practical category. So it can be concluded that the physics learning module based on Problem Solving on the motion and style material of the VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 16 Kerinci which is produced has been categorized as valid and practical.
Pengembangan Media Berbasis Hologram 3D Dalam Pembelajaran Tanaman Kelapa Fauziah Eka Safitri; Djuniadi Djuniadi
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/577


In recent years, the application and development of 3D hologram technology expanded in many areas, including to develop learning media. This research aimed at knowing the development, feasibility, effectiveness, practicability of usefulness and easiness of 3D hologram-based learning media on coconut plant theme lesson. The research has been carried out at kindergarten education with a sample of 24 students from TK Islam Al Madina Semarang. The method used is R&D with ADDIE development model, there are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The result reported that: the media 3D hologram for learning coconut plant has been developed by obtaining input from validator media and validator material, the developed media was considered feasible based on the media validator's assessment with score of 87% and the validator's material with a score of 80%, the developed media was effective, evidenced by mean score of post-test student's answers was 99,3, which is increase 24% compared to the pre-test 75; and the developed media was considered useful and easy to use by teacher and parents with their respective scores 82% and 92%. The overall result shows that the developed media hologram is feasible, effective, useful, and easy as a learning media.
Efektivitas Pengembangan E-Book Fisika Berbasis Discovery Learning Tema Gempa Bumi untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Sikap Tangguh Peserta Didik Fitrah Ayu; Ahmad Fauzi
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/567


The problem in this research is that the attainment of competence attitudes of students is still not optimal, namely the tough attitude of students in facing earthquake disasters. This development research aims to determine the level of effectiveness of using the integrated Physics e-book material for earthquake disaster mitigation in physics learning to improve the competence of students' resilient attitude. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). The development model used is the Plomp development model which consists of three stages, namely the preliminary research phase, the development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. This study only describes the results of the assessment phase, namely the competence of students' attitudes. The method used in this research is descriptive method with data collection instruments, namely self-assessment in the form of questionnaires filled out by students. This research was conducted at 14 Padang Senior High School for the 2019/2020 Academic Year on wave material. The results of this study indicate that the integrated physics e-book earthquake mitigation material is effectively used in the learning process with the average percentage of students' attitudes for three meetings, namely 81% in the very effective category.
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Laju Reaksi Di SMA Indonesia Muda Laurelia Lusiana; Eny Enawaty; Rahmat Rasmawan
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/569


This study aims to determine the feasibility of student worksheet media based on guided inquiry on the reaction rate material and to describe the chemistry teacher's response to the developed student worksheets. This research is a research and development (R&D) using the 4-D model which is limited to the develop stage. The subject of this research is the response to 3 teachers who teach chemistry lessons in SMA. The instruments in this study were the feasibility assessment sheet and the teacher response assessment sheet. The results of data processing showed that the student worksheets media obtained material feasibility of 91.67%, language feasibility of 90.62%, and graphic feasibility of 93.75% with very feasible categories. the results of the calculation of the percentage of teacher response questionnaires of 89.39% with the high category. This shows that the teacher's response to the student worksheets media is very high. so that the LKPD media can be used as a complementary teaching material on the reaction rate material.
Validitas E-Modul Fisika SMA Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Etnosains untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik Cici Dwi Tisa Haspen; Syafriani Syafriani; Ramli Ramli
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/548


The creative thingking ability of students in high school is still very low. This is due to the ina dequate use of teaching materials. The teaching used are still using printed modules and do not contains steps in the learning model that direct students to be able to improve their creative thingking skills. One of the solutions to improve student’s creative thinking skill in physics learning is to use –electronic mod- ule (e-module). The e-module which is equipped with a Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Integrat- ed Ethnoscience is a suitable combination to increase creative thinking skills. Through the e-module, students are able to learn independently with the help of ethnoscience in their neighborhood. This study aims to determine the level of validity of the e-module physics based Guided Inquiry Integrated eith Ethnoscience to improve student’s Creative Thinking Skills. The type of research is Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE development model. But, in this research is limited to the devel- opment stage. Because, this research only to see the validity of the product. The instrument used was a validation sheet in the form of an assessment questionnaire by three validators. The data analysis technique used is Aiken V formula. The result validation of e-module an average of 0,83 with the valid category. From the validation results it can be said that Physics e-modul based on guided inquiry in- tegrated with ethnoscience to improve students creative thinking skills meets the valid criteria.
Desain dan Uji Coba Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Videoscribe Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pada Materi Bentuk Molekul Kelas X IPA SMA Astari Shakina; Neti Afrianis
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/550


This research was instigated by the importance of technology-based learning facilities for students in learning Chemistry. This research aimed at knowing validity and practicality levels of the media designed. It was conducted to the tenth-grade students of MIA 2 of State Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru in the Academic Year of 2019/2020, and they were 12 students.It was Research and Development (R&D) with Borg and Gall modification model. The subjects of this research were who tested the validity (the experts of media and material) and practicality (teachers and students). Interview and questionnaire were used to collect the data. The final product was in the form of a valid learning media. Videoscribe-based learning media on Molecular Shapes lesson developed was tested valid by the experts of media and material with 91.87% mean percentage (very valid) and it was tested practical by 2 Chemistry subject teachers and 12 students with 91.02% mean percentage. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that Videoscribe-based learning media on Molecular Shapes lesson was valid and practical, sothe testcould be done at thefurther stage.
Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Laboratorium Biologi SMAN/MAN se-kecamatan Godean Tri Erna Romadhoni; Much. Fuad Saifuddin
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/566


The laboratory has an important role in the implementation of learning, especially in the form of practicum. The use of school laboratories needs to be evaluated as a form of running school management. This study aims to determine: 1) the Principal's carrying capacity (contexts); 2) Resources support (input); 3) Laboratory utilization and constraints (process); 4) The percentage of students' interest in studying in the laboratory (product). This evaluation research uses the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) model. The research subjects were school principals, laboratory heads in SMA/MA Negeri in Godean sub-district, laboratory assistants at SMA N 1 Godean, two biology teachers from each school, and students SMA N 1 Godean 89 people and MAN 1 Sleman 80 people using proportionate stratified random sampling. The research object is the use of biological laboratories. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is in the form of qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The evaluation results by CIPP obtained: 1) Context, the support capacity provided by the Principal by facilitating laboratory utilization activities; 2) Input, the availability of infrastructure suggestions is used to support learning through practicum and demonstrations. Management is carried out by laboratory personnel. Management includes planning, arrangement, arrangement, monitoring, and evaluation; 3) Process, the laboratory is used based on its function. The obstacles faced are infrastructure, limited time, and human resources; 4) Product, the percentage of student interest in learning in the laboratory of SMA N 1 Godean is 94.01% and MAN 1 Sleman is 91.39%.
Analisis Literasi Kimia Peserta Didik di SMAN 1 Batam pada Topik Hukum-Hukum Dasar Kimia dengan Model Rasch Nyak Mutya Aulina Khairul Fajri; Eka Yusmaita
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol5-iss1/576


This study aims to analyze the SMAN 1 Batam students’ chemical literacy level on the fundamental chemical laws topic according to the scientific literacy framework adapted by Shwartz. This research is a quantitative study with a sample of 50 XI grade science students from SMAN 1 Batam. Data is obtained from a chemical literacy test on the fundamental chemical laws topic answered by students; the data is analyzed with the Rasch model. The results showed students with the highest ability have a true answer with explanations that unrelated to the text of the items and students with the lowest ability have a wrong or a blank answer. Thus, it was concluded, students with the highest ability have a conceptual scientific literacy level on the hardest item, meanwhile, students with the lowest ability categorized as scientific illiteracy.

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