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Prima Suci Rohmadheny
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Prima Suci Rohmadheny
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JECCE (Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education)
ISSN : 26151413     EISSN : 26151413     DOI : 10.26555
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) is a scientific journal of PG PAUD Universitas Ahmad Dahlan with ISSN: 2615-1413 (online) that publishes scientific and non research articles with 80% research result, 20% non research. JECCE is published in electronic form twice a year in March and October. Provided printed publication in the form of reprint. Receive scientific articles from researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners, and other professionals with relevant scholarship. This journal is published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with APS PG-PAUD PTM and APGPAUD, Indonesia
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)" : 5 Documents clear
Exploratory study: the impact of implementing “you and me” sexual education program in the family Ellya Rakhmawati; Dita Permata Aditya; Adhitya Riska Yunita; Inga Markiewicz
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jecce.v4i2.4799


In recent years, there was news about sexual violence experienced in early childhood. Sexual violence becomes public health issue in many countries, which has negative consequences for the victims. The impact of sexual violence can affect children psychologically, physically, psychosocially, and etc. The study aims to determine the impact of implementing the sexual education “You and Me” program in the family. Rutgers WPF and PKBI Central Java have provided the “You and Me” program since 2017, but the several schools have adjusted the implementation of sexual education based on the learning theme. This study used the qualitative descriptive approach method. The research subjects consist of 5 participants of parents who have children at the age of 2-6. Data analysis techniques are carried out into four stages: data reduction, descriptive data presentation, data classification or coding categorization, and concluding. The result stated that the impact of the sexual education “You and Me” program on children has various effects and aligns with sexual education. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of sexual education from five participants is quite effective. The results showed that the participants had a positive impact on children's behavior and thoughts while delivering sexual education. Although not all participants told their experiences in applying sexual education, most of them showed the positive impact of the children’s behaviour and thoughts.
The role of alphabet book in improving preschool children’s letter recognition Nurbaeti Syam; Ahmad Afiif; Eka Damayanti
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jecce.v5i1.3991


Letter recognition is the first stage in developing children’s reading skills. It is hence important to optimize the stimulus for letter recognition, either in terms of methods or media. One of the media helpful for improving children’s letter recognition is the alphabet book. The present study aims to depict the role of the alphabet book in improving preschool children's letter recognition. This qualitative library research garnered articles and books using two keywords: alphabet book and letter recognition. The data were collected using documentation and analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s descriptive analysis. The result showed that Alphabet Book improved children’s letter recognition. Alphabet book could improve children’s ability to recognize letter shapes and sounds and write the letter. This improvement appears to be accounted for by the book’s various themes, attractive illustrations, and words representing each letter. The alphabet book is also interesting when used together with storytelling and play methods. Alphabet book also plays a role in improving children's learning interest and enriching their vocabulary.
Teachers’ perception towards early childhood literacy development methods in ‘aisyiyah bustanul athfal (ABA) kindergarten Rany Maylani; Ega Asnatasia Maharani
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jecce.v5i1.5006


The literacy ability of early childhood is inseparable from their teacher’s role in teaching literacy for children. The knowledge and methods used by the teacher are expected to be able to improve children's skills to comprehend the content of text and become active readers in the future. This research aims to find out teacher's perception towards early childhood literacy development methods in ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Kindergarten in Depok Sub-district. The research method employed in this research is qualitative descriptive. The sampling technique is purposive sampling in order to obtain 8 participants out of 4 kindergartens in Depok Sub-district.  The research data were analyzed by thematic analysis technique using NVivo 12 software. The findings revealed that: (1) teachers’ perception towards early childhood literacy development is mostly defined as the skill to reading and writing. (2) Teacher implementation on the early childhood literacy is carried out through activities involving printed learning media. (3) The development method for early childhood literacy learning is still limited to storytelling and writing. (4) School support for early childhood literacy development methods consists of providing facilities and infrastructures, and supporting teachers create published story books. However, the problems and obstacles faced by teachers are the lack of availability of reading books and inadequate infrastructure.
Family support for young Ḥāfiẓ Al-Qur’ān Muthmainah; Abur Hamdi Usman
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jecce.v5i1.5974


No children can develop without the support of the family. Family support is one of the contributing factors to children's success. This study aims to illustrate family support for young Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān . This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects are five children, Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān since they were seven years old, their teachers, and their parents. Data collection was done through interviews and observation, followed by an analysis using the interactive model by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The research findings show that family support for young Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān includes emotional support, appreciation, instrumental support, information, and spiritual support. Future studies should focus on the parents' spiritual support for children's success, as it requires more theoretical studies. This research is expected to inspire and motivate parents to accompany their children, especially in memorizing the Qur'an.
Developing encyclopedia book of traditional games in Gresik City on learning my cultural theme in kindergarten Nenny Chanidatus Shofiyah; Kartika Rinakit Adhe; Eka Cahya Maulidiyah; Nurhenti Dorlina Simatupang
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jecce.v5i1.6185


Grass motor skill and culture knowledge is important for early childhood development, however in the North Gresik Region found that children have never been introduced to local culture, lack of games variety, and there is no development of books that can support children's knowledge of children's culture and gross motor skills.  So that, this study aims to develop an encyclopedia of traditional games. This development research uses the ADDIE model with involved PGRI Dalegan and Muslimat NU 41 Kindergarten (n=30) which are divided into two classes. Data collected using questionnaires and observation. This research produces a product in the form of a traditional game encyclopedia of Gresik City which is feasible and effective to be applied to the learning of my culture theme with a material validation percentage value of 95.83%, media validation of 88.63% which is classified as very good category. Data analysis used independent sample t-test with the value of = 0.000 that there was a difference in gross motor skills between the experimental class and the control class. The results obtained after applying the traditional game encyclopedia of Gresik city, children can understand and carry out activities playing various traditional games of Gresik city. This book is useful for improving children's gross motor skills and introducing local culture to early childhood, especially traditional games

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