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Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya
ISSN : 25799037     EISSN : 25798944     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 1 (2021)" : 7 Documents clear
Fungsi Bahasa dalam Wacana Ungkapan Hikmah di SD Se-Karesidenan Surakarta Eko Purnomo; Agus Budi Wahyudi; Joko Santoso
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.8383


Surakarta Elementary Schools use many discourse expressions of wisdom as a medium for increasing literacy to students. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach, because the data used is written discourse. The object of this research is the function of language in the expression of wisdom. The data source of this research is the expression hikamh which is located in SD Se-Karesidenan Surakarta. The data collection techniques were observation, listening and documentation, the researcher first conducted observations at SD Se-Karesidenan Surakarta, then observed the existing discourse of wisdom expressions and then recorded every wisdom expression that had a language function. The data analysis technique used the referential equivalent method. The data validation technique uses theoretical triangulation. The analysis results show that the wisdom expression contains 5 language functions, namely (1) instrumental function, (2) description function, (3) interaction function, (4) individual function, and (5) heuristic function. 
Learning Machine System (LMS) SPADA untuk adaptasi pengajaran online Muhlis Fajar Wicaksana; Nurratri Kurniasari; Titik Sudiatmi
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9455


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan dan menguraikan sistem pengajaran online berbasis Learning Machine System (LMS) SPADA Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. Metode penelitian melalui pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik penarikan sampel menerapkan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian terfokus pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui analisis dokumen, observasi, dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menyimpulkan data. Adapun Teknik keabsahan data dilakukan melalui triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) interaksi komunikasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa dalam sistem pengajaran online melalui LMS SPADA perlu dioptimalkan; 2) bahan ajar yang digunakan dalam sistem pengajaran perlu disiapkan dengan seksama; 3) media pengajaran yang banyak digunakan oleh dosen melalui powerpoint, aplikasi obs, dan melalui whatsapp group; 4)  kendala sistem pengajaran online dialami oleh dosen terkait penguasaan teknologi terbarukan, sedangkan bagi mahasiswa terkendala sinyal  internet, kuota internet, dan kurang disiplin dalam mengerjakan tugas; 5) sistem penilaian dalam pengajaran online masih terabaikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dosen harus membangun interaksi komunikasi yang baik dengan mahasiswanya, salah satunya memberikan informasi terkait system pengajaran. Bahan ajar dan media pengajaran yang akan diterapkan dalam sistem online hendaknya juga memperhatikan faktor ketertarikan bagi mahasiswa, disusun yang kreatif, menantang, dan terpola pada suatu aktivitas. Penilaian pada sistem pengajaran online dapat dilakukan melalui penilaian teman sejawat dengan menerapkan teknik portofolio. Selain itu, untuk mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi oleh dosen dan mahasiswa perlu dilakukan diskusi online secara periodik dan terarah.
Problems faced by EFL students in learning to write Yeni Vara Sasmita; Lestari Setyowati
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9404


Writing in English is not an easy task for students. Many of the foreign language learners (EFL) find writing is a challenging activity and for some of them, writing is stressful. This paper is intended to describe the students’ writing problems when they are joining a writing course. The study uses a descriptive quantitative design. The participants were eighteen students from the English department of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, and the rest were students who were interested in ESL from several universities. The instrument used in the study was a Likert Scale questionnaire, distributed by using a google form. Participants were asked to answer the questions listed in the questionnaire about problems in writing by choosing one of four options (strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree) for the close-ended question, a short text answer for open-ended questions, and several choices regarding the types of writing errors. The finding shows that there are four main problems experienced by EFL students in learning to write in the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, such as writer’s block (43.5%), difficulty in expressing ideas (17.4 %), feeling less confident (21.7%), and afraid of making mistakes (17.4 %). The finding also shows that most errors and mistakes made by the students in their writing are the content of the writing (the unity and coherence), the organization, and the grammar. The study implies that the internal factors play an important factor in the students’ success to accomplish the writing task. Thus, the writing instructors/lecturers need to give positive reinforcement to the students so that they have more confidence to write.
Politeness strategies and the effort to build the pragmatic competence through Cinderella Rosita Ambarwati; Elin Tri Susilo
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9657


This research is conducted to analyze the politeness strategy used by characters in Cinderella movie to strengthen pragmatic competence.  The objective of this research is to identify, (1) types of speech act used by characters of Cinderella movie in conveying politeness strategies (2) types of politeness strategies that are depicted by characters in Cinderella movie, and (3) to describe the relation of politeness strategy and pragmatic competence. The study is designed as descriptive qualitative research. The object of the study is a movie entitled Cinderella. Documentation and observation are the techniques to collect the data. This research is analyzed by using Spreadley Theory which includes four stages of analysis namely domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The result of the analysis are (1) there are five types of speech acts used by the main characters of Cinderella movie in conveying politeness strategies. They are assertive, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative. Directive speech act is becoming the most frequently used  by the main characters of this movie in conveying politeness strategies. (2) There are four types of politeness strategy that are depicted by the main characters in Cinderella movie. Those types are bald on – record strategy, positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy, and finally off – record strategy. The result shows that bald on – record strategy becomes the most frequently used strategy compared to the others. Politeness and pragmatic competence have a very close relationship. The importance of pragmatic competence can be strengthened through the choice of politeness strategies. Film as a mirror of a society is a good medium to analyze the sociocultural background of the utterance so that the purpose of the speaker's meaning can be realized appropriately.
Student’s voices on Kahoot at tertitary level in East Kalimantan Dedi Rahman Nur
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9464


The learning experience that motivates students can be created where competence is quantitatively assessed using gamification technology. A survey of students' opinions of gamification was conducted to determine the best practices of its use, the environmental conditions necessary for its success, and the manner in which the application should proceed. The effects of gamification on math achievement were examined using quantitative methods. The Kahoot application was found to be the preferred method of gamification in this study. These 80 English students took part in the experiment and studied at the Department. The findings revealed that adding gamification to the course increased the overall interest of students and boosted the aspirations of students to succeed in the course. This method also has a strong impact on the motivation of students. What this study found was that Kahoot can be used to successfully gamify lessons. In my research, the gamification method led to greater engagement by students.
The implementation of online learning in teaching english for athlete students Khusnul Khatimah; Rani Herning Puspita; Dzul Rachman; Waladdin Panggabean
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9470


The development of information technology that can be used as a learning medium is ICT (information and communication technologies). This learning model is an innovation that can be implemented in the learning process, not only in the delivery of learning material but also changes in the abilities of various competencies of students. In fact, some universities have athlete student who cannot attend in class because of his activities such as championship or matches. Based on the situation, the researcher should have a solution, so that the athlete students still can follow the lesson Based on the problem formulation that has been described, the research objectives to be achieved are 1). Increase motivation to learn English athletes at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan through online learning; 2). Improving the results of learning English athletes of Muhammadiyah University students in East Kalimantan through Online learning. With learning using online learning students can facilitate them in accessing their courses, completing assignments without having to be present in class. Learning using open learning has been proven to increase the ability to understand basic English in athlete students
Kesalahan gramatikan pada teks terjemahan (Indonesia-Arab) siswa MA At-Taufiq Diwek Jombang Akhmad Sauqi Ahya
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/linguista.v5i1.9420


Kesulitan mencari padanan dalam menerjemah merupakan permasalahan yang sulit di pecahkan dalam kajian ilmu terjemahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bentuk kesalahan gramatikal pada terjemahan Arab-Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif berupa kata-kata yang ada dalam teks terjemahan siswa MA At-Taufiq. Sumber datanya berupa teks terjemahan yang dikumpulkan melalui teknik dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif. Pengidentifikasian tipe kesalahan, digunakan format analisis kesalahan bahasa yang mengelompokkan kesalahan berdasarkan taksonomi kategori linguistik yaitu kesalahan fonologis, morfologis, sintaksis dan leksikon. Identifikasi kesalahan juga didasarkan pada jenis-jenis kesalahan menurut Ellis. Ellis membagi kesalahan berbahasa menjadi empat jenis kesalahan yakni Omission, Addition, Misformation, Misordering. Temuan penelitian adalah, 1). penghilangan Al- yang ditemukan pada dua teks terjemah siswa; 2) Penghilangan an masdariyah yang ditemukan pada enam teks terjemahan; 3) Kesalahan dalam kaidah penyusunan huruf; 4). Kesalahan bentuk deklinasi ditemukan pada lima teks terjemah; 6) kesalahan letak pola urutan sintaksis pada kaedah Na’at Man’ut dan tamyiz yang  ditemukan pada tiga teks terjemahan.

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