This journal contains researchers' scientific papers related to computer science in the fields of informatics engineering, information technology, computer systems and information systems. This journal is published twice a year, namely June and December. This journal is managed by the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Asahan University.
Articles / scientific papers that will be published on JurTI is a related article / scientific work in the field of Computer Science or Informatics, Information Systems, Computer Systems, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Networking, Security Systems, Intelligent Systems, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Multimedia and Animation, Data Mining and Robotics.
261 Documents
Hambali Hambali;
Feri Hari Utami
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i2.292
Abstrack - Scheduling of national examination supervisors is done by crossing, the crossing is done by applying a genetic algorithm approach. Genetic algorithm is one way to solve a fairly large problem with a fairly good solution even though the problem requires a long execution time if done manually. Genetic algorithms are good enough to be used in scheduling supervisors in a junior secondary school. Based on the results of the discussion and testing it can be concluded as follows: National Examination Schedule Simulation Program Using Genetic Algorithms using PHP-Mysql can find out information systems and reports for each National Examination Monitoring Schedule, National Exam Schedule Simulation Using Genetic Algorithms Using PHP-MySql, can be used by Education and cultural services with evaluation data. Keywords - Scheduling, PHP-Mysql, Genetic Algorithms
Yessica Siagian
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i1.107
Abstract - The rapid growth of housing in Asahan has actually caused business competition among unhealthy housing developers. Problems that often arise due to unfair competition between developers are developers trying to market their housing without taking into account the quality and legality of the housing to be built. The choice of housing can provide convenience to consumers in determining housing choices from the value of the comparison of each housing chosen by the community. The problem to be discussed in this study is how to choose the right housing using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Keywords - SPK, Housing, Election
Muhammad Dedi Irawan
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i1.21
Abstract - This research was conducted to create a cryptographic implementation of vigenere ciphers. This system is designed by analyzing the descriptive method, and the comparative method. After analysis, modeling is done with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and the design of vigenere cipher cryptography system with text encryption and decryption can be programmed using PHP software. The results of this study are an implementation of the vigenere cipher cryptographic system with PHP. Keywords - Cryptography, Vigenere Cipher, Encryption - Decryption, Text, PHP.
Dharyana Suryadijaya
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i2.301
Abstrack - The application of a Decision Support System (SPK) can help someone make accurate and well-targeted decisions. Many problems can be solved by using SPK, one of which is to analyze the determination of the best theater performances. The method that can be used for this Decision Support System is to use the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. In determining the best theater performances in a performing arts festival, there are a lot of criteria that theater groups must have as a requirement to be the best theater group chosen by the jury. The jury has the criteria to determine who will be chosen to receive the award on the night of the best theater group awarding with the aim of getting quality quality artwork from a training process from the creators of art and the process of artistic creativity from a director. In this study, a case will be raised, namely finding the best alternative based on the criteria determined by the theater performance committee using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The research was conducted by looking for the weight values for each attribute, then a ranking process was carried out that would determine the optimal alternative, namely the right theater group to get the best theater award from a theater of theater performances. Keywords - Simple Additive Weighting, Theater Festival, Decision Support System, Best Theater Show, Ranking.
Muhammad Dedi Irawan;
Laila Hasni
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i2.286
Abstrack - Many agencies and companies are required to modernize management management from manual systems to computerized systems. LKP Grace Education Center is an institution that stands in the field of education where its main activity is to serve and provide the best service, and also employs quite a number of employees, the payroll system currently running at LKP Grace Education Center still uses traditional / manual methods. Delays often occur in processing employee salaries due to the accumulation of salary payment processing that is still done traditionally / manually, because data must be recorded or processed repeatedly in an effort to compile employee salary reports. With the existence of a computerized system it is expected to improve work efficiency, speed, and accuracy in a decision making. In an effort to prevent fraud that might occur to payroll to the workforce it is necessary to have a payroll information system, where there are forms, records and procedures used to determine the salary that must be given to the workforce. Keywords - Systems, Payroll, Employees.
Masitah Handayani
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i1.43
Abstract - During this time in the village of Mekar Sari in making decisions for Raskin revenue still using manual methods. The problem is the difficulty in storing or searching the archives that have been stored, as well as the problem of making late reports that also hamper the delivery of information. Many families should not get Raskin but receive raskin too, on the contrary for poor families who should get Raskin but not get it. this research was conducted with the aim of developing a decision support system application that facilitates the parties to make decisions in the selection of poor families who are entitled to receive Raskin in Mekar Sari Dusun Village. The method used in system development is the TOPSIS method, where the topsis method is is one of the decision making methods where the chosen alternative is the best alternative that has the closest distance from the positive ideal solution and the farthest from the negative ideal solution. Keywords - Raskin, decision support system, TOPSIS.
Reno Supardi
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i2.293
Abstrack - Information and communication technology has developed rapidly, giving a great influence to human life. The development of network and internet technology allows everyone to exchange data, information, or messages to others without limitation of distance and time. Security and confidentiality are important aspects needed in the process of exchanging messages / information. The author uses steganography with the Bit Matching method that will hide information in the form of text into other digital image media. After being analyzed and implemented using the Visual Basic 2010 programming language, it was found that the text that was inserted into the image still looked normal so that it did not raise suspicion for those who saw it. The size of the capacity of a digital image affects how many characters a text message can be hidden. The greater the number of text message characters that will be hidden, the greater the size of the digital image. It is expected that this application of steganography can be useful in the fields of education and science especially in concealing text messages and can be continued for future research. Keywords - Digital Image, Bit Matching, Visual Basic 2010
Melda Panjaitan
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i1.108
Abstract - The numerical method is a powerful mathematical problem solving tool. With numerical methods, we get a solution that approaches or approaches a true solution so that a numerical solution is also called an approximate solution or solution approach, but almost the solution can be made as accurately as we want. The solution almost certainly isn't exactly the same as the real solution, so there is a difference between the two. This difference is called an error. the solution using numerical methods is always in the form of numbers. The secant method requires two initial estimates that must enclose the roots of the equation. Keywords - Numerical Method, Secant Method
Khairul Saleh
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JUNI 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i1.22
Abstract - In the world of education to achieve the level of success, of course, they have a benchmark for the success of students, one of them is the Grade Point Average (GPA). The purpose of this study is to determine the final GPA so that later it can be used as a reference to predict the success rate of students. The issue of decision-making systems using Fuzzy systems is very suitable for definite reasoning or estimation, especially for systems with strict mathematical models that are difficult to get a definite decision. Fuzzy logic can be used to describe a system of chaotic dynamics, and fuzzy logic can be useful for complex dynamic systems where solutions to common mathematical models cannot work well. The Mamdani method computes efficiently and works well with optimization and adaptive techniques, which makes it very good in control problems, especially for dynamic non-linear systems. Keywords - Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA), fuzzy system, decision making system, mamdani information
Khairul Saleh;
Tini Fitriani
(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Asahan
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DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v1i2.302
Abstrack - The application of information technology at this time is very closely related to everyday life. Komunikas which at first was only conveyed in a very simple way, namely "mouth by mouth" (coming directly between one human and another). In addition, the speedy internet network security system is also used as a process to prevent and identify unauthorized users (intruders) from the internet network. The aim is to anticipate the risk of internet networks that can be either physical or logical threats. What is meant by physical threat is that can damage the physical part of the computer or computer hardware while the threat of logic is in the form of theft of data or intruders who break into someone's account. Keywords - Security System, Speedy Network