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AEGIS : Journal of International Relations
Published by President University
ISSN : 25411373     EISSN : 25484532     DOI : -
AEGIS Journal of International Relations is a biannual journal which publishes articles on issues, events and discourses in International Relations on the bases of the broadening scope in the discipline.
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AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 2 (2017): March - August 2017
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.524 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v1i2.240


Cosmopolitanism understands human not just merely a member of particular social cultural community, but as the citizens of the world. This notion is deeply embedded in the history of various civilizations in the world, and one of them is in ancient Greek, namely the Stoic philosophical tradition. The Stoic philosophers connect the idea of cosmopolitanism with the idea of universal law, universal justice and universal reason. All of this ideas are based on their notion of nature, which is very important for human to achieve good life. Cosmopolitanism based on this tradition can shine a new light on various global challenges, such as the refugee crisis that happened in various parts of the world. 
Water Security in the Mekong River and Regional Stability in Southeast Asia Ribka, Michelle
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 1 (2017): September 2017 - February 2018
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.554 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v2i1.274


One of the main issues in international relations today is about the security of (natural) resources. Water is now increasingly viewed as one of strategic resource that has to be secured. In this context, water security and international relations are often intertwined. It can lead to either interstate cooperation and even conflict. This paper discusses the importance of water management in the Mekong river. This river flows from China, to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and ends in Vietnam. Mekong river is also one of the world’s greatest and resource rivers. This paper argues that the water security management in the Mekong River is not only crucial for the above countries but it is also playing a very significant role in the regional stability in Southeast Asia.
The Importance of Integrating Environmental Security to Human Security Based Policy in Managing Humanitarian Crisis: The Case of the Lake Chad Basin Kusumawardani, Natasya
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 1 (2017): September 2017 - February 2018
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.006 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v2i1.281


Humanitarian crisis is one of the critical problems in international relations which threaten the security. Humanitarian crisis could be caused by many factors, either originated by human activities or environmental degradations. It changed the idea that threat could only be state related, but it could also directly be impacting the people. This article argues that in order to manage this problem, there is the need to shift the perspective in seeing security from traditional (state-centric) to non-traditional (people-centred) to build effective policy. It also argues that environmental security is a part of human security, both have close linkage of action and reaction. The case in the Lake Chad Basin shows that there is a threat to human security from the environment, either it is coming from the water crisis in the lake and the impact of climate change.
From Stockholm to Rio: Critical Reading of Global Environmental Governance Robertua, Verdinand; Bainus, Arry
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 2 (2018): March - August 2018
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.86 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v2i2.429


Global environmental governance is deeply undermined due to the problem of overlapping function and lack of funding. It is then important to trace the history of the construction of global environmental governance as an institution. This article would like to understand the dynamics of global environmental governance from Stockholm Conference in 1972 to Rio Conference in 1992. The changes between Stockholm Conference and Rio Conference will be analyzed using English School theory. English School theory has the potential to critically engage with the taken-for-granted norms and institutions. Pluralism and solidarism as the normative wings of English School can elaborate the key driver of global environmental governance. It is expected that this article can contribute to development of environmental studies of English School theory and the formulation of global environmental governance.Keywords: global environmental governance, English School theory, Rio Conference, Stockholm Conference, sustainable development
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 1 (2016): September 2016 - February 2017
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.297 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v1i1.84


The global competition has become a mandatory phenomenon faced nowadays. Both the emerging economic country and the advanced economic country are competing each other to create and produce something different by maximizing their potentials and performances to obtain more profit that will be impacted to the politic and the economic aspects. Tourism sector is one of the country‟s potentials which has a big role to support the national interests by attaining benefit immensely. Tourism is an efficient industry to earn financial profit and enhance country reputation especially for nations who have abundant of natural resources. As tropical countries, Indonesia and Malaysia government has set up tourism policy which has been outlined into several strategies. The strategies include marketing and promotion activity which purpose to establish public trust towards related countries by inviting more foreign visitors and investors. In responding to this, both countries are branding their nations by doing a public diplomacy in domestic and overseas through tourism activity. This paper will examine the tourism strategy of Indonesia and Malaysia in attempt to increase country image in international community by emphasizing the implementation of public diplomacy in branding the nation through tourism industry during 2010-2015 time frameworks. Thus, we will apply a comparison method in exploring the strengths and weaknesses of tourism strategy in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The Failure of the Washington Consensus, the Need for a New Reform and the Rise of the Beijing Consensus Arifin, Bustanul
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 2 (2017): March - August 2017
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.043 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v1i2.235


Global economic policy dominated by the influence of the Washington Consensus during the past few decades has led to many upheavals in the global economic order. The term Washington Consensus is associated with three major institutions located in Washington, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the US Treasury Department, and it has become a neoliberal economic agenda also called as the western economic agenda. The debates are increasing significantly regarding the effectiveness of policies that are sourced from the World Bank, IMF and the US Treasury Department in encouraging development. Where in reality, those countries that adopt the recommendations derived from the Washington Consensus, mostly bring them to experience economic problems. The last example is believed to be the 2008 global financial crisis.In this journal, the author will explain and analyse the definition and the recommendations offered by the Washington Consensus in order to promote global development. It will also present various criticisms that have emerged from the various parties to the Washington Consensus. Various analysis will also be given to understand that the Washington Consensus is already less suitable and appropriate for use to encourage the global development today. Then this journal confirms the need for a new reform of the global economic order, namely with the policy recommendations for the new global economy through a new consensus. The rapid development of globalization has changed characteristic of many countries, especially developing countries, so that many developing countries begin to look for new formulas to boost their economies. Because the Washington Consensus is seen only benefit developed countries, while developing countries and least developed countries are experiencing a lot of problems of development. Thus, due to the demand and push for a reformation of the global economic order, China and the countries of the region have established the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), based in Beijing, and it is now often called as the Beijing Consensus. Then, it now becomes a real sign of resistance to the Washington Consensus.
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 2 (2017): March - August 2017
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.43 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v1i2.242


China needs energy to sustain its economic growth. However the amount of energy resources in China are insufficient while the energy consumption grows rapidly. Recently, China is the second largest energy consumer. In order to achieve energy security and reduce carbon emissions to save environment, China is actively increasing the consumption of natural gas. China imports natural gas from overseas such as from Middle East, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and others. About half of China’s energy resources import from foreign sources. However, Import natural gas from these countries come with risks. The instability of politic in those areas influences the natural gas price, insecurity of travelling the natural gas via sea can reduce the amount natural gas come to China, and so on. China then looks alternative countries that closer to China to supply and secure its energy demand. In doing so, in 2008 China signed agreement with Myanmar to build oil gas pipeline. The gas pipelines have operated in July 2013. However, China-Myanmar gas pipelines project do not come without risk. This paper examines potential risks of China-Myanmar gas pipelines. This paper argues there are security, environmental, and cyber, and other issues that can be potential threat to China Myanmar gas pipeline project
Exploring the Contribution of Islam towards Global Governance Locating Ethics within the Discourse of Policy Siyech, Mohammed Sinan
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 1 (2017): September 2017 - February 2018
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.094 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v2i1.275


This paper aims to tackle the problem that Global Governance is currently encountering: the absence of ethics within the framework of policy making. It seeks to fill this gap by discussing how Islamic thought can contribute positively towards the making the notion of ethics central in governance. The paper will begin with an overview of Global Governance and the historical and current intellectual trends within this field. It will then provide an overview of the knowledge gaps that currently exist in global governance. From there, the paper will discuss the role of ethics in directing governance across the world. To do so, it will explore the literature on International Relations and Religion that critiques Max Weber’s ‘Secularization Thesis’. The paper then takes forward the discussion of Islam in international relations by examining the ethical principles that underpin the design of Islamic law. This is known as ‘Objectives of Islamic Law’ (‘Maqasid ash Shariah’). It then uses these principles to understand how Islam can contribute to two major aspects of global governance: (1) the environment and (2) human mobility specifically focused on refugees.  
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 3, No 1 (2018): September 2018 - February 2019
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.954 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v3i1.611


Serangkaian serangan teror yang terjadi di Prancis sejak deklarasi kekhalifahan ISIS pada tahun 2014 telah membuktikan bahwa ruang lingkup operasi ISIS tidak lagi terbatas pada wilayah mereka, melainkan telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, dengan dasar rencana Vigipirate, Perancis telah berusaha untuk memaksimalkan upaya mereka dalam menanggapi serangan, mulai dari persatuan nasional dalam menghadapi masalah terorisme, intervensi langsung terhadap pangkalan utama ISIS, operasi di dalam negeri, dan bahkan memproklamirkan keadaan darurat negara. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan keamanan nasional Prancis dalam menanggapi ancaman tersebut. Meskipun serangan teror masih terjadi hingga saat ini, tetapi analisis fokus kepatuhan ini hanya terbatas pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Francois Hollande dari tahun 2014 - 2016. Dalam temuan tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa selama pemerintahan Presiden Francois Hollande, upaya sekuritisasi Perancis tidak menjadi penghalang bagi militan ISIS dalam meluncurkan aksi mereka di tanah Prancis.
Political Parties in Indonesia and the Internet: A comparative analysis Muhammad Sigit Andhi Rahman; Ella S Prihatini
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations Vol 3, No 2 (2019): March - August 2019
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (684.25 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/aegis.v3i2.711


This is the first such study of the use of Internet by political parties in Indonesia. It also documents parties’ websites performance index and online popularity for campaigning in 2019. The purpose of this comparative study is to look at how the Internet was used by Indonesian political parties approaching the 2019 elections. Internet campaign consists of two parts: online presence through political party website, and political marketing through social media. Total of 16 parties participating the elections next year were examined for how they are utilizing official websites and social media platforms. We created an index based on list of website features (scoring system) and then classify it into 4 variables (information provision, mobilization, engagement, and technological sophistication) containing 43 features. We also visualise the descriptive statistical analysis on parties’ social media accounts using RStudio software. The study found that despite half of Indonesian national population is using the Internet, political parties were not yet achieving their maximum potential in using the digital media to disseminate political messages and propaganda. The quality of most of the websites have been subpar. In addition, the quality seems to have no relationship with the financial resources and the current parliamentary size of political parties. On average, official social media accounts run by parties has only been used in the last 3.25 years. Well-established older parties in Indonesia continue to engage with their constituents without heavily relying on social media. Yet, this situation is very likely to change in the future as parties’ elites are now beginning to look into this platform as they seek out to the millennials for electoral support.