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Journal of Health Science and Prevention
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JHSP is an Open Access, double blind peer-reviewed, biannualy journal in the field of public health sciences and prevention. The aim of the journal is to stimulate dissemination of knowledge in the public health field in order to improve efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of public health interventions to improve health outcomes of populations. JHSP published by State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya in collaboration with PERSAKMI.
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Articles 27 Documents
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The Effect of Deep Breathing Therapy on the Blood Pressure of Hypertension Patients in Health Centre Rezkiyah Hoesny; Zainal Alim; Darmawati Darmawati
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.708 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.285


Hypertension is an increase in persistent blood pressure which can be at risk for cardiovascular diseases. An uncontrolled increase in blood pressure can cause damage to the, heart and blood vessels. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of deep breathing therapy on blood pressure in hypertension patients in the work area of Wara Health Centre. The research design used Quasi Experiment, one group pre-test and post-test design, to 22 respondents selected by accidental sampling. Respondent's blood pressure was measured (pre-test), then breathing therapy was carried out for 15 minutes, then the respondent's blood pressure was measured (post-test). This intervention was carried out for three consecutive days for each respondent. The results indicated the average value of systolic blood pressure before deep breathing therapy get the probability value of 0.000 showing 0.000 <0.05 and the average value of diastolic blood pressure before deep breathing therapy get the probability value of 0.000 showing 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that there is an effect of deep breath therapy on blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the working area of Puskesmas Wara. It is recommended to apply breath therapy in the treatment of hypertensive patients, carry out training for health workers, cadres, and also families, so that this therapy can be carried out independently by patients at home.
The Analysis of The Incidence of Depression and Risk of Suicide Using Buddy App on Teenagers in Makassar Mutmainnah Sari; Arbianingsih Arbianingsih; A. Adriana Amal
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.244 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.286


The data from the World Health Organization in 2017, suicidal behavior of teenagers Indonesia of 13-17 years old, as many 5.6% teens had made plans related to the way they committed suicide. The aim of this research is to find out the analysis of the incidence of depression and risk of suicide using Buddy App on teenagers in Makassar. This research was an analytic quantitative with cross-sectional study approach. As many 285 teenagers involved in this research recruited by simple random sampling. Data collected by using a of depression namely KADS that are provided through online form and questionnaire of risk of suicide, namely CSSRS using buddy apps. It is called Buddy App because of its function as an application that can be a close friend to users. The incidence of depression and risk of suicide is higher in the late adolescents. Mean of depression in early adolescent (4.78) and late adolescent (6.31). The statistical test results showed the significant differences between the incidence of depression (p-value 0,000) and the level of risk of suicide (p-value 0,022) in early adolescence and late adolescents. The next researcher is expected to examine the level of depression in each level of suicide risk by developing the questionnaire of depression.
Optimization of Fraud Potential Prevention in Implementation of National Health Insurance at Puskesmas Abeli Sartini Risky MS; Asbath Said
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.879 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.287


Fraud actions at institutions can catapult health costs. Globally, the potential loss due to fraud is estimated at 7,29% every year. Increasing the number of referrals in advanced health facilities FKTL is an indication of fraud behavior. In Southeast Sulawesi, the referral rate is high, reaching 17% with the maximum ideal standard for the average referral rate of first level health facilities(FKTP) to advanced health facilities(FKTL), not more than 5%. While in Kendari City in 2015, the referral rate from Puskesmas to Abunawas General Hospital was also still high at around 9.5% in 2015 and an increase of 15.3% in 2016. One of the puskesmas that provided referrals was Abeli ​​Community Health Center. This study aims to analyze the potential for fraud prevention in the implementation of National health insurance(JKN) at Abeli ​​Health Center. This study using observational analytic using one group pre test and post test design. Research was conducted at Abeli ​​Health Center and technique used was cluster random sampling with 28 respondents. From the statatistic test results obtained, there were differences in knowledge before and after the intervention with a mean gap value of 0, 21429 with a lower limit of 0.05226 and an upper limit of 37631 and a p value<α (0.011 <0.05). The suggestion in this study is to the health centers and hospitals to increase more understanding of fraud in the implementation of the JKN program by having socialization.
Effectiveness of Multimodal Interventions Play Therapy: Colouring and Origami Against Anxiety Levels in Toddler Ages Helmi Juwita
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.162 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.288


Anxiety is the most common feeling experienced by pediatric patients, especially toddler age (1-3 years) who are hospitalized. Anxiety behavior in toddler age children during hospitalization consists of crying, shouting, refusing to take action, expressing fear, unwillingness to be approached, not wanting to be left behind by parents and unwilling to be approached by nurses or health workers. One effort that can be done to reduce anxiety is through play therapy: colouring and origami activities. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of multimodal interventions play therapy: colouring and origami on anxiety levels in toddler age children. This research is a type of experimental research with a pretest-posttest one group design. Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 20 children which comprised 10 children in control group and 10 children treatment group. The research instrument used an observation sheet which was modified by Kurniawati.The data was analyzed using paired t test and independent test. The study shows there are significant differences in the level of anxiety scores between the intervention group and the control group, where level of anxiety in intervention group is lower than control group. Therefore, the study indicates that multimodal interventions play therapy: colouring and origami are effective against anxiety levels in toddler age children.
Relationship of Knowledge, Skills, and Cadre's Guidance with The Cadre's Activeness in Family Nutrition Support at Puskesmas Barana North Belopa in 2017 Wahyu Hidayat; Resty Ryadinency; Jumraini Jumraini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.972 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.289


Posyandu cadres are community members who are willing, able and have time to organize Posyandu activities in a voluntary way. Factors associated with the liveliness of Posyandu are cadre's knowledge, skills and supervision. These factors can determine the activeness of community helath center cadres (Posyandu) to family nutrition support. This study was observational with cross-sectional design, the population in this study were all cadres in 9 units Posyandu in the work area of Puskesmas Barana North Belopa Luwu Regency. Sampling was total sampling, which were 45 respondents. Data collection used questionnaires. The data collected were then processed and analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis chi-squre test using statistic program (SPSS) 20. The table was presented in a 2x2. An univariate analysis was to find frequency distribution, in which bivariate analysis showed a correlation between knowledge and cadre's liveliness in supporting family nutrition improvement (p = ,000). There is a relationship between skill and cadre's liveliness in family nutrition support (p =,000), there is a relationship between cadre's guidance and cadre's activeness in family nutrition support (p = ,014). There is a relationship of knowledge, skills, and cadre's guidance with the cadre's activeness in family nutrition support at Puskesmas Barana North Belopa in 2017
Factors Associated with the Selection of Contraception Devices in Fertile Age Couples in Tabang Village Bolong Village North Walenrang Districh Luwu Regency in 2016 Hera Wati Ramli
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.857 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.291


Factors Associated with the Selection of Contraception Devices in Fertile Age Couples in Tabang Village, Bolong Village, North Walenrang District, Luwu Regency, 2016. This study aims to analyze the factors related to respondents. Where the theory that explains there are several factors that can influence the selection of the tools that most influence are fundamental things. This research was conducted in Tabang Hamlet, Bolong Village, North Walenrang District, Luwu Regency using cross- sectional tudy method. The population in this study were 30 couples in the suburbs (PUS) who used contraception in Tabang Village, Bolong Village, North Walenrang District, Luwu Regency. The sampling technique in this study used total sampling. Data collection through data demographics and questionnaires, data analysis using Chi-Square Test. The results of the study showed that most respondents chose injectable contraceptive methods. There is a very effective relationship between the values ​​with contraceptive selection p value = 0.00 (5 0.05), there is a relationship between knowledge and with the choice of toxicity p value = 0.01 (5 0.05), and there is a relationship that means between education with contraceptive selection p-value = 0.01 (≤ 0.05). From this study, knowledge and education were the most effective factors in the factors related to the selection of contraception devices in fertile age couples (Pus) in Tabang Village, Bolong Village, North Walenrang District.
Nurses' Quality of Work Life Suaib Suaib; Syahrul Syahrul; Takdir Tahir
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.094 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.292


The nurse is a professional who has the ability, responsibility, and authority incarrying out nursing services/care at various levels of nursing services whose lives are fully influenced by the quality of work life (QWL) as a consequence of a dynamic change in the work environment. Therefore in order to increase the capacity of nurses in meeting the quality of health services, it is necessary to research the Quality of Work Life. The purpose of the literature study was to identify the nurses’ quality of work life in supporting the improvement of the quality of health services. The database used in the making of this literature review is Pubmed, Science Diret, and Google Scholar published in 2012-2018. There are 6 articles that meet the criteria with the results showing that the fulfillment of QWL nurses can affect organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover. Fulfillment of nurses’ QWL is important to do, where if the nurses’ QWL is fulfilled, it provides many benefits to the nurse and has a direct impact on the health services provided so that organizational attention is needed because QWL is seen as capable of increasing the participation of workers in the organization. The increase in QWL in the hospital can improve the professionalism of nurses and influence the effectiveness and organization productivity.
Factors Related to the Quality of Antenatal Care Based on The Complete Scope of the Examination of Pregnant Women in the Health Center at Palopo City Dian Furqani; Nuraerni Semagga
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (687.045 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.294


This study aims to see the factors that influence the quality of Antenatal Care in the City of Palopo; the type of design used is analytical descriptive with the Cross-Sectional Study approach. Samples from this study were all pregnant women based on 1, 2 and 3th-trimester pregnancy age, and 3 who were lived at the research location as many as 154 people who conducted inspection visits from January to March 2018. The results showed that the average age of the mother was 20 years. In the research statisticallly interconnected variables are maternal knowledge showed p-value (0.000). There are several variables have statistical significance, but there are differences in the percentage between the classification of each variabels as for the quality of Antenatal care associated with parity, maternal characteristics (age, education and occupation), antenatal care in each of the 1.2 trimester, and 3. Service access and economic welfare status, where each variable has a p-value> 0.005. The study expects that a health program should not look the quantity of maternal pregnancy visits, but pay attention to the examination checks received at each gestational age. We hope to encourage mothers to be more active in paying attention to the examinations that will be accepted based on their gestational age so that good health services and of recipients of services occur.
Family and Government Support for Health Community in To Balo and To Kribo Muhtar Lutfi; Nur Hidayah; Ummu Alfatimah; A Adriana Amal; Syamsiah Rauf
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.295


The purpose of this study was to find out family and government support to the community to Balo and to Kribo on health based on social factors and family attachments (kindship and social factors) in the Leininger sunrise enabler. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach and representative based sampling as a sampling technique. The subject of this research was the community of To Balo and To Kribo. How to collect data by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The techniques of data analysis and processing employedontent analysis with stages: making data transcripts, determining meaning units, summarizing and organizing data, doing data abstractions, identifying variables and relationships between variables qualitatively, and drawing conclusions. Validating data used source triangulation. The results show that obtained after conducting research on the community of to Balo and to Kribo stated that sickness and health were influenced by family and community support (local government). Both provide a large role in accessing health services.
The Influence of Gadget on Wards Social Interaction of Adolescents at SMK Gunung Sari 1 Makassar Musaidah Musaidah
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.252 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.296


Social interaction denotes adaptation with surroundings between individual and individual, individuals and groups, and groups and groups. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of gadget towards the social interaction of juveniles at SMK Gunung Sari 1 Makassar. The type of this research is quantitative descriptive using Simple Random Sampling with the number of 41 samples which means that the analysis of scientific method used number starting from data collection, data interpretation and its result. The purpose of this is to know the influence of independent variable, gadget (the intensity of use, communication and online game wich correlation wards dependent variable (social interaction of teenagers). Based on the statistical test by using Correlation test in this analysis used is the correlation with ameaningα= 0.05 an confidence interval, the intensity of gadget use was obtained by the value of p = 0.000 with the value of r = 0.615 which means that the result of the hypothesis mentioned that there was an effect of the intensity of the gadget use towards the social interaction of adolescents with moderate relationship and positive direction (unidirectional). The variable gadget as the means of communication to the variable of online game addiction obtained a value of p=0.000 with r=0.689. Thus, there is an influence of online game towards the social interaction of juveniles with strong relationships and unidirectional.

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