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Studi Arab
ISSN : 20869932     EISSN : 2502616X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal ilmiah Studi Arab ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan dengan masa terbit dua kali dalam setahun. Jurnal ini berisi kajian-kajian kearaban, baik terkait pemikiran, pendidikan, hukum, politik, ekonomi, sosial, maupun budaya Arab
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Articles 107 Documents
The Effectiveness of Written Arabic Method Based on Contextual Learning on Arabic Education Student at The Islamic Institute of Jember Bambang Irawan

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.662 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i1.2151


Over several years, the researcher noted that the students in the Arabic Education of State Islamic Institute of Jember were bored with teaching and learning writing skills, and the competence of this skill is low. This research aims to: (1) produce a module in Arabic Writing Teaching Based on The Contextual Teaching Learning that called "al-Kitabah al-Muyassarahlil-Mubtadi'in", (2) find out the level of appropriateness of the use of the module to improve students the competence, (3) describe the effect of the module for students motivation. This research used a method named research and development with the Borg and gall's model. The data were collected through observation, interviews, tests, questionnaires, and document studies. The researcher's analysis was done descriptively for qualitative and statistical information for quantitative data. This research resulted in (1) product in a module based on five characteristics: vocabularies writing, illustrated sentences are writing, pattern sentences, expressions writing, Structures, paragraphs writing, and reflection (2) the module is invalid to improve students' writing competence, and (3) the module based on Contextual Teaching Learning can improve student's motivation.
Pengaruh Media Crossword Puzzle dalam Meningkatkan Maharah Qira’ah Siswa SMA Islam Sabilillah Malang Boarding School Apri Wardana Ritonga

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2354


Maharah qira'ah is one of the Arabic language skills that students must have. Teaching maharah qira'ah should be done in a variety of interesting media so that learning becomes fun and enjoyable. Crossword puzzles are an option that can be used as a medium in teaching maharah qira'ah to students. This study aims to determine the effect of the crossword puzzle media in learning maharah qira'ah. The experimental method with the form of pre-experimental research design is the method used in this study. The population that became the object of the study was 125 students of class XII SMA Islam Sabilillah Malang Boarding School consisting of 5 classes, two female classes and three male classes. Based on the results of data analysis, the pre-test mean score was 79.83 (80), and the post-test average score was 85.43 (85). With the results of the analysis of tcount 91.539 and ttable 2.001, it means that tcount ˃ ttable. So Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted with a significance level of 0.2%. So, it can be concluded that there is an effect of using crossword puzzle media in improving maharah qira'ah for XII grade students of SMA Islam Sabilillah Malang Boarding School.
Penggunaan Media Spinning Wheel Dalam Pembelajaran Qawaid Nahwu Nisa Fahmi Huda

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2390


It feels familiar to us with one of the Arabic subjects. Moreover, Arabic learning has existed at the school level from elementary to tertiary education. Arabic learning must stand and cannot be separated from several kinds of language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, apart from the four language skills, we must pay attention to one of the important aspects of language and this is also not separated because without this aspect, language will not be organized. These important aspects are the nahwu rules that we must learn and cannot be separated from the four skills of Arabic. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective the use of the spinning wheel media was in learning Arabic, especially in the subject of qawaid nahwu. Data collection methods used observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The approach used is quantitative with the type of research Quasi Experimental One Group Pretest Posttest. The result of this research is that the use of the spnning wheel media can improve the qawaid nahwu learning process in the seventh grade training of the students of the Darul Qur'an Wal Islamic Boarding School, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.
المقارنة بين طريقة الإيحائية و طريقة المغناتيسي في تعليم اللغة العربية Qiya Khaira Hikmatillah

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2463


This study is a comparison of the suggestopedia method and the hypnoteaching method. Sugestopedia is a method that has been initiated for a long time, while hypnoteaching is a method of updating. This research was conducted to determine the advantages and disadvantages of both, so that the updating of the method with the hypnoteaching method can provide learning convenience for students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The main data sources from this study are the books related to suggestion supported articles and magazines that are in line with the research topic. Therefore this article will explore where the suggestopedia is. In addition to suggestopedia, there is also a hypnoteaching method that uses suggestions and motivation so that students can receive lessons well. Then what is the difference between the two methods. Both of these methods have differences in terms of implementation, but the time required is still the same, which requires a long process to be able to provide suggestions and enjoyment while learning. From a long process and a series of techniques from these two methods it can be seen that these two learning methods are not at all suitable for students who need to learn in a short time, but with a class with a few students, their ability and achievement will be more monitored.
Persepsi Siswa Tentang Profesionalisme Guru Ditinjau Dari Kompetensi Pedagogik Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Zera Ilhami

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2464


This research aims to explain the importance of teacher professionalism in terms of pedagogy owned by an educator. By mastering pedagogical competencies, educators or teachers can achieve learning objectives perfectly. With this challenge, an educator must complete all aspects of learning, methods, strategies, techniques and models into a complete unity. The type of research used in this research with quantitative descriptive approach, data collection that researchers use is observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. to master pedagogical competencies there are several that we must know including: (1) Able to know the practicality and potential of learners (2) Able to understand the theory and principles of effective learning (3) Able to design and develop curriculum (4) able to carry out educational learning (5) utilizing learning technology (6) Able to communicate effectively to learners (7) able to evaluate the results of teaching and learning. From the pedagogical competencies above, it is expected that teachers can apply all in Arabic language learning, thus the learners will indirectly be motivated to learn Arabic. With the results of research conducted in pondok Tahfidz Hidayatul Qur'an Puding Besar class IX there is a linear relationship between students' perception of teacher professionalism reviewed from the competence of pedagogic teachers to the motivation of learning Arabic by 51.4%.
Pengaruh Metode Tebak Kata Terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Arab Di Madrasah Diniyah Al-Hidayah Gempol Pasuruan Mufidatul Munawaroh; Syarifuddin

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2474


Based on observation, students of Madrasah Diniyah Al-Hidayah Gempol Pasuruan are not good enough in mastering Arabic language, especially in speaking skill. Researchers tried to solve the problemby using the Word Guess method. Researchers use the method is to know the influence of the method in speaking skill of students in Madrasah Diniyah Al-Hidayah Gempol Pasuruan. This research is quantative research. The population of this research is all of the 3rd grade students of Madrasah Diniyah Al-Hidayah Gempol Pasuruan. The data collection techniques in this study use observations, interviews, documentation and tests. This study shows that there is influence of the Word Guess method in improving students’speaking skill in Madrasah DiniyahAl-Hidayah Gempol Pasuruan based on the number paired samples statistic of the pretest and the post-test using T-Test.
Penggunaan Media Instagram @Nahwu_Pedia dalam Mahārah Al Qira’ah dan Mahārah Al Kitabah Mahasiswa Bahasa Arab Salimatul Fuadah

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v11i2.2513


This study aims to open new innovations for online learning period in Mahārah al Qira’ah and Mahārah al Kitabah learning for arabic language students. The Instagram which has been only for posting photos, both fascinating and unique benefit stories and videos have creatived, effectively used as a learning medium for Mahārah al Qira’ah and Mahārah al Kitabah. Shows a positive response from students on the use of Instagram media. Researcher focused on using the Instagram account @Nahwu_Pedia which contains mufrodzat, mahfudzot and Qowaid Nahwu. Research method uses descriptive qualitative, with data gathered through observation, interviews and documentation. The study showed the results indicate that the @Nahwu_Pedia Instagram account media is very interesting and the material posted is very easy to understand, so that students are motivated and find it easier to hone their Mahārah al Qira'ah and Mahārah al Kitabah learning. Inadequate in the Mahārah al Qira’ah and Mahārah al Kitabah learning only uses the material in the account, if wanting to follow the learning has to learn from existing materials, and wants to learn by following the online handouts from @Nahwu_Pedia.
Hakikat Bahasa dan Budaya Melalui Tinjauan Tafsir al-Qur’an Surat al-Baqarah: 31-33, ar-Raḥmān: 1-4, dan Yūsuf: 2 Hasan Syaiful Rizal

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v12i1.2552


Language has a very close relationship with human thought and culture. Some argue that the relationship of language with thought and culture is a subordinate relationship, i.e. language becomes part of human thought and culture. There are also those who argue that the relationship of language with human thought and culture is a coordinated relationship, i.e. language influences both, or vice versa that thought and culture influence language. Language and culture are two things that will be discussed in this study. Both will be studied through the views of experts on the interpretation and analysis of sura al-Baqarah verses 31-33, surah ar-Raḥmān verses 1-4, and surah Yūsuf verse 2, and various views of linguists. This research is literature research using content analysis techniques to formulate conclusions. The main data of this study is the literature of interpretation and linguistics. The conclusion of the data analysis is that language can be a deal and sometimes it is inspiring, and sometimes it is imitating the sounds of nature. While culture is the result of human thought that is very closely related to language. The relationship between culture and language can be sub-ordinative or coordinated.
تطبيق ترتيب أسئلة الاختبار على مهارة اللغة الاستقبالية (الإستماع والقرأة) في مدرسة الإبتدائية المتكاملة إقرأ 2 بنجكولو Agustian Rahmadi; Rahmadani Lubis; Romy Aria Pranata

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v12i1.2706


This study discusses 1) the preparation of open-minded ability questions (Istima and Qiraah) in grade 1 students of SDIT Iqra 2 Bengkulu city. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection is conducted by interview and observation by telephone directly to the teacher concerned. After the collected data is done using: a) reduction of data, b) presentation of data, c) withdrawal of conclusions. From this study can be known that 1) the evaluation system on the receptive language skills of grade 1 students at SDIT Iqra 2 Bengkulu city was conducted during the teaching and learning process and midterm assessment and final semester assessment. The evaluation implementation model was driven by (1) reciting the vocabulary listened (2) identifying the sound (3) the game consisting of: games that attract focus, number games, and guess words. In the student reading evaluation, the teacher presents the assessment with (1) matching the sound and reading (2) assessing the student's reading ability. Evaluation activities carried out by teachers for grade 1 students still need to be developed, such as textbooks that are not adequate for assessing listening and reading skills and the lack of teacher innovation in developing receptive language skills.
The Independent Learning (Nature-Based Learning): Outdoor Study Arabic Learning Nature School Jambi City Muhammad Sobri; Eva Iryani; Mulyadi

Publisher : Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/sa.v12i1.2709


This study describes nature-based learning as an offer of new learning outside the classroom for Arabic learning at the Jambi City Natural School to implement independent learning in Indonesia. Field research used a qualitative approach rooted in natural settings as data integrity. Well, interviews, observations, and documentation as a comprehensive data collection technique. The findings of the research, which located at the al-Fath natural school in Jambi, show that nature-based fig language learning is carried out by (1) an integrative curriculum of three curricula: Nature, Integrated Islam, and the National Education by applying the spirit of independent learning and make nature. 2) outdoor class based on contextual approach with the application of the saung mode backpacker and live-in. Program career days and Quran week used active learning methods Implemented in Arabic learning. 3). Supporting factors: open learning places and teachers applying various variations of teaching methods. Furthermore, the inhibiting factors: the use of big themes, combining Arabic language material with other materials, teacher competence, and parental cooperation. Arabic based on an integrative curriculum is a new paradigm in outdoor class-based Arabic learning, which is currently primarily taught in class as a unit of mainstream language learning theory.

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