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IZDIHAR journal is a scientific research journal of Arabic teaching, linguistics, and literature. It is open for anyone who desires to develop knowledge based on qualified research in any field. Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees by double-blind peer review for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. The Editor shall inform you of the results of the review as soon as possible, hopefully within 4 - 8 weeks. The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer-reviewing process.
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Arabic-Java Writing System: How Javanese Language Adopts Arabic Script Fakron Jamalin; Asma Abdul Rahman
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.11337


Borrowing script happens throughout history of languages. Long before we know Latin script, Javanese has already adopted Arabic script. However, Java language deals with problematic adaptation due to distinctive sound system among those two languages, Arabic and Java. For that matter, this research aims to uncover 1) how Arabic-Java orthography represents Javanese’s consonants and vowel, and 2) how Arabic-Java orthography represents Javanese’s cluster. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data contain with the Javanese words which is written in Arabic script. Data are gained from eight different books which are inscribed by Arabic-Java orthography. After data are collected, the orthography method and grapheme-phoneme correspondence are used to analyze them. Grapheme-phoneme correspondence used to know how Arabic-Java orthography represents consonants and vocal phonemes. Finally, this research found that Arabic-Java orthography has 28 graphemes which are used to represent 23 consonants. Modification letters and digraph are used to represent missing sound in Arabic. Six Javanese vocals are represented with 9 graphemes. In another hand, cluster is written in two ways, first by adding Anaptyxis schwa [ə] in between sonorant-sonorant or obstruent-sonorant and vowel [a] in initial cluster nasal consonant and plosive consonant.
Factors Influencing Motivation in Online Arabic Learning of Indonesian Older Man Mahfuz Rizqi Mubarak; Noor Amalina Audina; Nurul Wahdah; Hamidah Hamidah; Aulia Mustika Ilmiani
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15270


Changes in the offline learning system to online learning have an effect on the demotivation of students to learn. However, this fact does not affect an elderly Indonesian male. This study aims to explore motivational factors for these elderly men in participating in an online Arabic learning program organized by an informal institution in Indonesia. A narrative research design was used in this study. The data was extracted through in-depth interviews. The results showed that there were several factors that influenced the motivation to learn Arabic online from elderly men, namely: Motivation to understand Al-Qur'an, motivation from friends, and presentation of interesting Arabic material. These findings suggest further research on the motivation to learn Arabic online by involving elderly participants of various genders.
Teacher’s Challenges in Implementing HOTS in Learning Arabic During Covid-19 Pandemic Apri Wardana Ritonga; Wildana Wargadinata; Nur Hasan; Bakri Mohammad Bkheet Ahmad
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15606


HOTS-based Arabic learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era experienced complex problems because the learning process carried out online had an impact on the implementation of HOTS which was not optimal. This research encourages the disclosure of the challenges faced by teachers when implementing HOTS in learning Arabic in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a qualitative approach with the case study method in Islamic senior high school (MAN) 3 Padang Panjang West Sumatera, Indonesia. Collecting data was through an in-depth review of observations, interviews, and documents. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique was based on Miles and Huberman's theory by reducing data, presenting data, and concluding field findings. The data obtained were validated with data triangulation techniques and data sources. This study shows that the challenges faced by teachers stem from three main factors, namely; a) from the students' lack of Arabic language skills and uneven internet connection problems in the areas where students live; b) from the teachers' low understanding of the HOTS concept and its application in learning Arabic and; c) from school rules that have not set HOTS standards as a reference in learning. The test of the effectiveness of the application of HOTS skills in Arabic learning needs to be done through an online learning system.
Comparative Analysis of Kaba, Al-’Ashri and Al-Bisri Dictionaries (Lexicography Studies) Anisatu Thoyyibah; Ahmed Mohamed Eltoukhy
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15792


Dictionaries are one of the means of finding vocabulary, especially in foreign languages. Besides, the dictionary also provides other information related to phonology, syntax, semantics, maps, profiles of a person, and others. Although not all dictionaries collect all the information needed by the user. But with a dictionary, it becomes easier to understand a word. The purpose of this study was to compile Kamus Akbar Bahasa Arab (KABA), Al-'Ashri, and Al-Bisri seen from the point of view of lexicography through comparative scalpels by looking at the aspects of the purpose, content, and shape of the three components of the dictionary. Besides, the author also described the similarities and differences among the three dictionaries. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. This type of research is a library research with research objects were Kamus Akbar Arabic (KABA), Al-'Asri, and Al-Bisri. Data collection used of this study was documentation and recording techniques. The data were analyzed using comparative methods. The results of this study showed that the three dictionaries had their advantages and disadvantages. However, observers or Arabic learners can choose one of these three dictionaries according to their purpose
Brainstorming and Methapor Patterns in Creativity, Insya Hurr, Through Online Learning on Instagram hashtags Ade Destri Deviana; Lailatul Mubaarokah
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15810


Creative thinking is one of the learning objectives proclaimed by the Indonesian government. Creativity includes four aspects, namely flexibility, originality, fluency and elaboration. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of these two patterns in learning insya hurr with Instagram hashtags. The research method used was descriptive qualitative of 98 active students (classes A, B, C) in semester II of the Department of Arabic Language Education STIQ Amuntai South Kalimantan for the period 2019-2020. The results of the study were the implementation of learning in 4 stages, namely: (1) the stage of brainstorming on creativity criteria on flexibility and originality by generating new ideas as story titles; (2) the brainstorming stage of fluency and elaboration creativity criteria with developing ideas into stories with the help of 5W1H and pictures; (3) metaphor on connect, relate, explore, and analyze with the review process; (4) metaphor the transform and experience with the publication and appreciation process (verbal and extrinsic motivation). Students could develop ideas that are varied and different from the writings of their peers, have the confidence to publish their own work with a good sentence structure. Students got motivation, support and direction for writing improvements because the lecturer in this pattern was the motivator and reviewer without giving an assessment in the form of numbers and without rejecting student ideas (all ideas are considered to be correct with improvements). In the process of implementing learning, students couldn’t know the results of the achievements in the form of numbers.
Strategy for Writing Scientific Research among Students in Department of Arabic Latifatul Mahbubah; Sutaman Sutaman; Syuhadak Syuhadak
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15840


Based on the existing data and studies, it was found that the rate of college students in Indonesia finishing their study on time is below 70%. Even in some universities, the rate of college students in Indonesia finishing their study on time did not reach 65%. Conversely, the rate of finishing study of students at IAIN Madura, East Java, Indonesia was quite high, especially students of the Department of Arabic. From the results of interviews and observations, it was found that they have a special strategy in thesis writing so that they can finish the study on time. Therefore, the aim of this research was to uncover the thesis writing strategy among the students of the Department of Arabic at IAIN Madura. This research was a qualitative case study which reveals the thesis writing strategy among the students of the Department of Arabic at IAIN Madura. The results showed that the student thesis writing strategy consisted of six strategies, namely: planning, data collection, content preparation, translation, evaluation, and revision.
The Quality Improvement of Interaction Indicators in Arabic Language Learning for Higher Education Uril Bahruddin; Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan; Halomoan Halomoan; Diaya Uddeen Deab Mahmoud Alzitawi; M Abdul Hamid
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.15919


The success of learning Arabic is largely determined by the quality of interaction in learning. This article aims to describe (1) Increasing speaking skills through Arabic learning interactions, (2) Increasing cooperation through learning interactions, and (3) Increasing solidarity through learning interactions. So far, this aspect has been neglected in existing studies. This research approach is qualitative with the type of case study research. The research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis starts from data collection to concluding. The results showed that the improvement of speaking skills was carried out by selecting interesting topics, using familiar vocabulary among students, and giving them motivation. In terms of increasing cooperation, this is done by giving joint assignments, joint corrections, making videos, and playing roles. Meanwhile, in the context of increasing solidarity, the activities carried out are by instilling a sense of brotherhood, group work, and giving responsibility to help each other.
Arabic Language Representation in Naming Children: A Case of Shift Naming of Melayu Children Novi Ulfa Safitri; Moh. Fery Fauzi
Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature
Publisher : Arabic Education Department, Islamic Studies Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jiz.v4i1.16144


The phenomenon of the shift in the naming of Melayu children, which used to use naming from the Arabic language, has recently shifted in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia. It has an effect on how parents perceive the Arabic language. This study aimed to 1) analyze the trend of naming Melayu children in Palembang, 2) analyze the influence of the Arabic language on parents in naming Melayu children, and 3) analyze the naming transformation of Melayu children. The methodology used by researchers was a qualitative method using a socio-onomastic approach. The population was taken from students of STIKES Siti Khadijah Palembang and students of MTs.N 2 Palembang. Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory model. The results showed: 1) there were three trends in naming Melayu children: a) hereditary (using bebangso); b) Arabic language; and c) modern trends. 2) Arabic language influences parents in naming children in various ways: a) on community construction; b) resistance; and c) the influence of public figures. 3) the transformations of the naming of Melayu children in Palembang were: a) naming transformation of children from the descent, Arabic language, and modern to westernized; b) shift in the referential system; and c) the cause of this transformation is a modernization factor that caused parents to transform in naming their children from Arabic language names transformed into modern names. Currently, naming children using Arabic language names is less represented rather than in the early 2000s. This transformation gives birth to a global society, not a local community, which is marked by the names of modern and westernized children.

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