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Published by Universitas Medan Area
ISSN : 19798164     EISSN : 2541593x     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
AGRICA Journal of Agribusiness Agriculture which aims to container for researchers in the field of agribusiness agriculture to publish the results of research. Coverage of AGRICA includes agricultural economics, agricultural policy, marketing and banking, agribusiness entrepreneurship. AGRICA Journal of Agricultural Agribusiness is published by Magister Agribisnis Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia.
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Articles 348 Documents
Analisis Program Badan Usaha Milik Desa di Desa Melati II Kecamatan Perbaungan Sasmita Siregar; Bagus Setiawan; Desi Novita
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.7802


Not all BUMDes go well and some even walk on the spot. Quality human resource skills are needed in the development of BUMDes programs. This research aims to analyze the development of BUMDes and what are the businesses carried out by BUMDes in Melati II village, Perbaungan Subdistrict. The location of this research is in Melati II Village perbaungan subdistrict. Determination of the number of samples using sampling quota with the sample number of 36 people. Data analysis methods use descriptive analysis. The results showed that when viewed in terms of economic dimensions showed that as many as 69.4% of respondents rated that BUMDes in Melati II village were going very well. This is proven by the management of irrigation saluraan into the agricultural tourism sector, so that the condition of rice fields becomes more well organized. It can be concluded that the development of BUMDes in Melati II village is relatively good. This is seen from respondents' answers about several indicators of bumdes development, namely social dimension, environmental dimension, economic dimension and management dimension is in the category of good - very good.In carrying out its program, BUMDes utilize th
RISET PASAR PUPUK KASGOT Rifki Andi Novia; Purwanto; Loekas Susanto; Budi Prakoso; Ismangil; Muhammad Rif'an; Ratri Noorhidayah; Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan; Hidayat Sulistyo; Aditya Hani
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.8562


Pupuk Kasgot merupakan pupuk organik berasal dari budidaya maggot Black Soldier Fly (BSF) yang perlu dikembangkan dan dipasarkan kepada petani. Tahap awal pengembangan pasar pupuk Kasgot melalui riset pasar sebagaimana dalam tujuan penelitian, yakni menentukan target pasar, mengetahui sikap petani dan informasi pasar, serta potensi pasar pupuk Kasgot. Metode analisis deskriptif digunakan dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara. Data riset pasar dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, dengan uji validitas dan uji realibilitas. Data dianalisis menggunakan lembar kerja sebagai alat untuk merepresentasikan apa yang ingin diketahui dan diteliti. Hasil analisis lembar kerja dapat disimpulkan bahwa target pasar pupuk Kasgot yakni petani usia produktif, luas lahan kurang dari 5.000 meter persegi, status lahan milik sendiri, jenis lahan merupakan lahan basah dengan komoditas yang ditanam yakni padi dan hortikultura. Dalam aspek sikap, pemahaman petani terhadap pupuk Kasgot tergolong rendah, namun setelah adanya sosialisasi, aspek perasaan dan kecenderungan bertindak petani untuk mencoba sangat besar. Pupuk Kasgot juga memiliki potensi pasar untuk dapat bersaing dengan pupuk organik lainnya. Salah satu strategi pemasarannya berupa sosialisasi dan pengenalan kepada petani melalui pertemuan kelompok tani dan dipraktekan pada lahan percontohan (demplot).
Tingkat Keberhasilan Program Sustainable Farming in Tropical Asian Landscape (S-FITAL) Kakao Di Kecamatan Sabbang, Luwu Utara Khusnul Khatifha; Muh Zainal S; Anggra Alfian
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9241


The North Luwu Regency is a significant cocoa-producing region in South Sulawesi, and the government recognizes cocoa as one of the country's leading commodities. Various programs have been implemented by the government, private sector, and communities to enhance cocoa quality and productivity. The Sustainable Farming in Tropical Asian Landscapes (S-Fital) program is one such initiative aimed at advancing cocoa plantations and promoting sustainable agricultural land management to improve global market competitiveness. The research examines individual farmer characteristics, program assistant roles, communication processes, and the S-FITAL program's success rate. The study used purposive sampling from November to December 2022, analyzing data through descriptive and correlational analyses via the Spearman rank test. The results indicate a positive correlation between individual characteristics, program assistant roles, communication processes, and program success. Farmers benefit from this research through improved companionship and communication processes.
Integrated Reporting Sebagai Upaya Mendorong Industri Kelapa Sawit yang Berkelanjutan Riantri Barus; Diana Chalil
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9500


According to Law No. 40 of 2007, companies in Indonesia must only make annual reports containing directors' reports, management reports, analysis and discussion reports, or operational and financial performance reports. However, this information is still insufficient to meet report users’ needs in making a decision. In 2011, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) issued an Integrated Reporting reporting system that provides complete information on company activities, including activities related to social, environmental, and financial aspects. Through this reporting system, companies can provide complete and reliable information to all stakeholders, including investors, and restore investor confidence. In Indonesia, this reporting system is still voluntary and has not become an obligation. This reporting system will be very relevant to plantation companies, especially oil palm, given the many negative issues about unsustainable oil palm plantation entrepreneurs causing investors to lose confidence in investing in companies in the plantation sector, resulting in a decline in the share price of the plantation sector. This research was conducted on plantation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, using data from all company reports from 2014 to 2020. The analytical method used is content analysis, average difference test, and simple regression analysis. The results show that no companies have implemented integrated reporting; companies are still limited to issuing annual reports. However, several companies have issued sustainability reports. The information disclosed is also limited to general matters rather than detailed information, as per the GRI standards. This is because oil palm plantations do not produce finished products sold directly to consumers, causing many aspects to not meet the standards.
Faktor-Faktor Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Penyadap Tanaman Karet di PT. Atjeh Raya Corpindo Kebun Alur Buluh Muhammad Hamdani Muhammad Hamdani; Rozalina; Kiagus Muhammad Zain Basriwijaya
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9658


Aceh Province has the potential for extensive rubber plant development, where in 2020 the area of rubber plants in Aceh reached 121,551 Ha with a production of 63,854 tons. Rubber plantations in Aceh Province are spread in most districts in Aceh Province, one of which is East Aceh District where the rubber land area in East Aceh reaches 22,520 Ha. High and low productivity is caused by several factors, one of which is the employee tapping the rubber plant itself. This study aims to determine what factors affect the productivity of the performance of rubber plant tapper employees at PT Atjeh Raya Corpindo Kebun Alur Buluh, Birem Bayeun District, East Aceh Regency. The sampling technique uses the Simple Random Sampling technique. To find out what factors affect the productivity of the performance of employees tapping rubber plants used statistical analysis with multiple linear methods. The results of this study indicate that the variables of work environment, supervision, and premium partially have a significant effect on the productivity of the performance of rubber plant tappers. The experience variable partially has no significant effect on the productivity of the performance of rubber plant tappers.
Ketersediaan Modal Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango Risti Fadilah Umar; Yuliana Bakari; Supriyo Imran; Muhammad Zubair Hippy
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9741


Capital has an important role in farming,  because  making production more efficient and increasing income effectiveness. This research aims to determine the source and availability of  capital as well as the effect of the source of capital on the income of rice field farming in the Tilongkabila Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency. Samples are determined using the Nomogram Harry King for as many as 120 respondents, using the non-probability sampling method by accidental sampling. Research data types and sources are primary and secondary. The method of  analyzed descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis. Research results show that, 93% of the availability of rice field farming capital in the Tilongkabila Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency, can be fulfilled Furthermore, the research also indicates that the source of personal capital had no positive effect on rice field farming income. It is similar to the source of loan capital having no positive impact on rice field farming income. The R square results, the variables owncapital and loan capital have a proportion of influence on rice farming income in Tilongkabila District of 6,9%, while the remaining 93,1% is influenced by other variables that are not in the multiple linear  regression model.
Opportunities for Food waste Behavior at the Household Level in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Dhika Cahyasita; Herdiana Anggrasari; Muhamad Ridwan
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9977


Food waste has become a serious concern due to the environmental damage and financial losses it causes. Leftover food at the consumption stage is a direct consequence of consumer buying behavior. Most of the food waste occurs at the household level. This makes analysis of the causes of food waste behavior at the household level an opportunity to prevent food waste problems. The aim of the study to determine the behavior of food waste at the household level in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data of 203 respondents were obtained from online and offline surveys and analyzed descriptively. The findings show that households have a very positive attitude (84.66%) to avoid food waste supported by a good level of knowledge (75.88%) and a level of food management skills which is included in the high category (74.66%). The level of household eating and shopping habits that support food waste is in the medium category (51.69%). These findings have practical implications for efforts to reduce household waste by increasing positive evaluation and skills in food management
Analisis Kecukupan Beras di Kabupaten Asahan abdur rasyid; Zulkarnain Lubis; Ahmad Rafiki
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/agrica.v16i2.9934


The standard area of paddy fields in Asahan Regency experiences degradation almost every year. Asahan District Government has made efforts to prevent the continuation of this problem. The aim of this study is to analyze the condition of rice sufficiency and the projection of rice sufficiency in Asahan District. This research is descriptive  used time series data for  years 2012-2021. The analytical method used is the calculation of rice availability based on the regulations of the minister of agriculture and projection analysis using Brown's Double Exponential Smoothing. The results showed that the availability of rice  tends to decrease throughout 2012-2021 and the need for rice  tends to increasing causes a deficit of sufficient rice every year in Asahan Regency. The projection of rice sufficiency in Asahan Regency until December 2024 show a deficit value meanwhile averages rice deficit every month reaches 3,129.27 tons/month.

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