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JETL (Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning)
Published by STKIP Singkawang
ISSN : 24775924     EISSN : 24778478     DOI : -
Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed scientific open access, with e-ISSN : 2477-8478 and p-ISSN 2477-5924 published by Institute for Managing and Publishing Scientific Journals at STKIP Singkawang, Indonesia in 2015. In Last 2016 Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning has built Organization and Editorial team to publish scientific paper
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Content Gradation OF Sundanese Textbooks for Junior High School and Senior High School (Review Of Facts, Concepts, Principles, and Procedures in The Field of Sundanese Language Study in 2013 Local Content Curriculum Revised 2017) Dingding Haerudin; Dedi Koswara; Amanda Puspanditaning Sejati
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.688 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.1535


The main reason for conducting this research is that Sundanese textbooks do not describe the material gradation standards according to the needs and background of students at each level of Education, in addition to not presenting a systematic material structure. In connection with the reason above, the purpose of this study is to examine the gradations and structure of the material contained in the Sundanese textbook for Junior High School/MTs and Senior High School/Vocational/MA students. The method used in this research is the description method. While the data collection technique used in this research is library research techniques. The technique is used to describe data based on gradations and structure of subject presented in Sundanese textbooks based on education levels. The data processed in this study is Sundanese language learning materials including 1) literary forms of poetry: poetry, circumcision, wawacan, satire, pupujian, sawer, and kawih; 2) literary forms of prose: fairy tales, short story, novels, puppet story, and drama; 3) non-literary texts: speeches, writers, letters, reports, debates, interviews, and reports reading. As for, the source of the data is Sundanese textbooks for Junior High School/MTs and Senior High School/Vocational/MA students based on the 2013 Local Content Curriculum Revised 2017. The finding of this study is that the composition of Sundanese textbook material for Junior High School/MTs and Senior High School/Vocational/MA students in accordance with the 2013 Local Content Curriculum Revised 2017, nevertheless, not paying attention to the gradation of the material. Things that unintentionally missing from the authors are 1) gradation of writing indicators from competencies achievement or learning objectives, 2) scope of material presentation and depth of material, and 3) variations of operational verbs on the writing tasks. This research can be used as a consideration in compiling the material presented in the textbook, so that the content presented ca be in accordance with students' needs and background based on their level of education.
Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes of 4th Grade Students Through Discovery Learning Model Wahyu Rizaldi; Mawardi Mawardi
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.915 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2348


Lack of critical thinking skills in students is a problem faced in thematic learning at SD Negeri 2 Kedungrejo. Therefore, it had an impact on low learning outcomes. From this problem, this study aims to improve critical thinking skills and learning outcomes through discovery learning model. Classroom Action Research (PTK) was used in this study. While the data collection instruments included observation sheets, test questions, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used a comparative descriptive technique. The subjects of this study were 22 4th grade students of SD Negeri 2 Kedungrejo. The results of this study indicated an improvement of critical thinking skills and students’ learning outcomes. This can be proven by the average value of students' critical thinking skills in cycle I of 54.67% and increased again in cycle II by 69.84%. Whereas for students’ learning outcomes, in cycle I showed students’ average score of 70. Moreover, it increased by an average value of 80 in cycle II. To sum up, these results showed that applying discovery learning model in the online learning process were able to improve students’ critical thinking skills and learning outcomes.
Online Learning Management in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era Herry Sanoto
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.658 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2358


Learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic has undergone a fundamental change from a face-to-face learning process to online-based learning to minimize the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Online learning is basically a learning model with internet technology media, so that the learning process can be carried out even though it is in different places. The research method in this research is qualitative research by describing the online learning management process that is carried out at SMP LAB UKSW. The instruments in this research include observation sheets, student opinion questionnaires, and interview guides. The results showed that the online learning process applies management principles which include planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. The results of student and teacher opinions show that online learning has a positive perception of 83%. The results of the interview showed that the students felt that they were well facilitated by the online learning process that was conducted at SMP LAB UKSW.
Exploring Determinant Factors Contributing to Students’ Choices in Selecting English Study Program (A Study at English Study Program of FKIP Tanjungpura University in Pontianak) Clarry Sada
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.541 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2294


This study aims at exploring the determinant factors contributing to students’ choice in selecting English Study Program (A Study on English Study Program at FKIP Tanjungpura University in Pontianak). It has been noticed that some of the students have a low qualification of English skill, therefore, it has become a problem for those students to follow the lesson. It has assumed that the students do not have sufficient information on their selection of choosing English Study Program. The problems of this study are: (1) What are the determinant factors influenced the students’ choice in selecting the English study program of FKIP University of Tanjungpura in Pontianak ?. And (2) What are the dominant determinant factors influenced the students’ choice in selecting the English study program of FKIP at the University of Tanjungpura in Pontianak ?. The purposes of the study are: (1) to find out the determinant factors influenced the students’ choice of selecting the English study program, (2) to identify the dominant determinant factors influenced the students’ choice in selecting the English study program,  and (3) to identify the deviation attitudes of the students in selecting English study program.  The method uses questionnaires which contain some information to be answered by the students.  There are 30 respondents as a sample of this research. The findings show that (1) the determinant factors are: a personal choice, the reputation of faculty, the reputation of the study program, teachers and parents, and a location. Meanwhile, the dominant determinant factors are (1) a personal choice (137), the reputation of the study program (119), teachers (111) and parents (107).
The Importance of Self-Esteem to Students Learning Responsibilities and Group Learning Commitment of Physical Education Students Jusuf Blegur; Zuvyati A. Tlonaen; Andreas J. F. Lumba; Julian J. Leko
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.365 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2355


This study aims to examine the relationship between self-esteem and learning responsibility and group learning commitment of physical education students. We used a quantitative approach, with a correlation design. During the research, there were 88 physical education students from semester VI involved. In collecting the data, we used the State Self-Esteem Scale from Heatherton and Polivy (1991), the Personal Responsibility Questionnaire from Mergler (2007), and the Organization Commitment Scale from Allen and Meyer (1990). The research data were analyzed descriptively and used Pearson correlation with the assistance of SPSS. The descriptive test revealed that self-esteem is quite good (67%), responsibility for learning is relatively good (54.6%), and students’ group learning commitment is quite good (65.9%). Whereas, the Pearson test indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between self-esteem and learning responsibilities (0.468) and the students’ group learning commitment (0.282). This study emphasizes that lecturers and peers need to support, maintain, and develop positive self-esteem through supportive feedback to encourage students’ learning behavior, such as being responsible and committed to group learning in completing various learning tasks.
Investigating Literary Terminologies to Accomplish Literary Research and Enjoyment: A Corpus Study Agista Nidya Wardani; Adityo Adityo
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.846 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2317


In relation to producing, enjoying, and especially criticizing literature, some literary terminologies are used frequently.  Thus, corpus in the field of Literature is urgently needed to compile. This study aims to compile literary terminologies found in Literature and Language Teaching by Gillian Lazar and Literary Movements for Students by Ira Mark Milne books. In addition, it also tries to find the frequency, meaning (in context), and examples of the use of the terminologies. The method used in this research was document analysis, the data of which was obtained from predetermined documents, such as books of general literature, and books of theory and literary criticism. While the stages carried out were data collection, data selection, and presentation. From the books studied, it is found that the terminologies that appear could be categorized into terminologies related to (1) authors, (2) readers of literary works, (3) literary work itself, and (4) literary theory and criticism. Additionally, there is an interesting fact from the data found that the books have different frequencies of literary terminologies. The terminologies that appeared in Literary Movements for Students are more frequent.
A Mentoring-Coaching to Improve Teacher Pedagogic Competence: An Action Research Ina Fatina Dewi
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.707 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2270


The purpose of this research is to boost teacher pedagogic competence using a mentoring-coaching approach. Three SMPK Immanuel Pontianak teachers participated in the two cycles of action research conducted in the year academic of 2014-2015. This recent research inspects the impact of principal’s approaches on teacher pedagogic competence changes and its hindering factors. The principal’s approaches toward teachers were decided using a Glickman’s diagram, and teacher performance was measured using a rubric to measure their teaching performance. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings indicated that teacher pedagogic was able to rise using this combined technique, although not all subjects were successful in being improved. The other significant findings were (1) the principal’s consistency in applying chosen approach, (2) teachers’ ability to identify their need for improvement. This recent study’s limitations were the minimal number of participants, teacher motivation as the overlooked factor, and the supervisor’s ability to consistently apply the chosen approaches.
Internalization of Living Value Education Program (LVEP) as A Based of Developing Conflict Resolution Model Wasis Suprapto; Bunyamin Maftuh; Helius Sjamsuddin; Elly Malihah
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.44 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2305


Violence become a serious problem in this country. All parties including students have been involved in this swirl of problems. The phenomenon of violence in the educational environment can be minimized by internalizing the Living Value Education Program (LVEP) in learning activities. LVEP internalization is carried out as a reference basis in developing resolution models in social studies learning. This article focuses on examining (1) the process of internalizing values in social studies learning, (2) the importance of including LVEP in the learning process, and (3) making LVEP the basis for developing a conflict resolution model. Articles are reviewed using literature study. The results showed that (1) the process of internalizing values in social studies learning was carried out in order to prepare students to become good citizens. (2) LVEP contains universal values such as peace, respect, love, cooperation, happiness, honesty, humility, responsibility, simplicity, tolerance, freedom and unity which can be used as a reference in classroom learning activities. (3) LVEP can be used as a reference in developing a conflict resolution model because it contains values of peace-loving, tolerance, and upholds the value of national unity and integrity
Identification Of KOLB’S Learning Style In Seventh Grade Students and The Effect On Misconception In Science Learning Fitria Izza Tazkiah; Sri Mulyani; Sentot Budi Rahardjo
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.382 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2297


The purpose of this study is to identify Kolb’s learning style of seventh-grade students. Learning style is a combination of the way how the student absorbs then processes the information. Kolb's learning style, developed by David Kolb, combines students' learning tendency and produces four learning styles; they are diverger, assimilator, converger, and accommodator. Learning style is one of the factors can cause misconceptions. A misconception is a difference between a student's conceptions and the expert. Usually, the concepts are difficult to correct. This misconception will affect a student's achievement and disturb in understanding and developing a student's knowledge. The method applied in this study was a survey method with describtive qualitative technique. The data were collected using Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (KLSI) 3.1 version. The subjects were 78 students in three schools with high, medium, and low grades The results indicated that from 78 students, there were 40 divergers (51%), 12 assimilators (15%), ten convergers (13%), and 16 accommodators (21%). Each kind of learning style affects a student's misconception. This research benefits in identifying misconceptions probably faced by students in certain subjects of science learning.
Facing Challenges of Covid-19: The Perspective of China and Ethiopia Educational Institutions Chen Chang; Getaye Aytenew
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Volume 6 Number 1 March 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.89 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v6i1.2288


Concerning the fast spread of COVID-19, countries all over the world have closed academic institutions to stop the pandemic. It is now apparent that students and teachers require other options that have to be more versatile, easily accessible, and support the current technologies and conditions to face the unpredictable future. From the review, literature disclosed that universities throughout the globe are establishing and implementing electronics learning platforms as a basic need in academic institutions. This manuscript aimed to assess the status of electronics learning in China and Ethiopian educational institutions to counter the challenges of the closure of schools because of the outbreak of the pandemic. The paper highlights concerning e-learning in the sense of China and Ethiopia, e-learning challenges, and successful experiences. This review paper also suggests educators use e-learning and distance learning as a necessity to advance learning, particularly during this pandemic season.

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