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Istighna : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam
ISSN : 19792824     EISSN : 26558459     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
his journal emphasizes aspects related to Islamic Education and Islamic thought, with special reference to applied research in Islamic education that can be focused on the components of learning including curriculum, methods, models, psychology, Islamic thought and several issues of Islamic education and its problems. The Journal Istighna is published twice a year in January and July.
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Articles 7 Documents
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Urgensi Teknologi Pendidikan : Analisis Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Teknologi Pendidikan Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Imroatul Ajizah; Munawir Munawir
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.93


Technology has penetrated various sides of human life, including in the field of education. Technology in education offers a variety of systematic ways to conceptualize planning, implementation, and evaluation in the educational process. In other words, educational technology helps learning using modern learning techniques. This study uses a research library research method by looking for references related to the title. The findings of this study are that the application of appropriate and ethically appropriate technology can improve performance and learning outcomes that have an impact on improving the quality of education. The author assesses that it is very important to apply technology in the field of education as a facilitator to facilitate all educational processes, so that educational needs can be met effectively and efficiently. Sophisticated technology does not necessarily have a positive impact, but also has a negative impact. So it is necessary to consider in selecting technology and finding solutions related to the use of educational technology so that it can function optimally. 
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.98


Abstract Abū ‘Ubaid al- Qasim ibn Sallam  was one of the early era scholars of ‘ulūm al-Qur’ān who lived in the 3rd Century of the Hijra. He live in the era Bani Abbasids reign who had the ideology of Mu’tazilah. Although Abbasid goverment carried out the mihnah, but Abū ‘Ubaid, who was an ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah cleric could survive the incient. This article discusses the dialectic of Abū ‘Ubaid’s  thought of  ulum al-Qur’an with the social and political situation  that occured at that time.  In his book Faḍāil al-Qur’ān, Abū ‘Ubaid acknowledged that the Qur’an is kalām Allah  and  narrated  the hadith and aṡar which told about syafā’at al-Qur’anfor its reader. Of course this is cotrary to Mu’tazilah  ideology, as the official mazhab of the state. Nevertheless Abū ‘Ubaid did not blame the goverment’s ideology that stated  the Qur’an was a creature (khalq al-Qur’ān).Keyword: Abū ‘Ubaid ‘ulūm al-Qur’ān, AbbasidAbstrakAbū ‘Ubaid al-Qasim ibn Sallam adalah salah satu ulama ‘ulūm al-Qur’ān generasi awal yang hidup pada abad ke 3 H. Ia hidup pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbasiyah yang berideologi Mu’tazilah. Meskipun pemerintah Abbasiyah saat itu melakukan mihnah, namun Abū ‘Ubaid yang merupakan ulama ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah yang selamat dari peristiwa tersebut. Artikel ini membahas pemikiran ‘ulum al-Qur’an Abū ‘Ubaid pada situasi sosial dan politik yang terjadi saat itu. Dalam kitabnya Faḍāil al-Qur’ān Abū ‘Ubaid mengakui bahwa al-Qur’an adalah kalām Allah dan meriwayatkan hadits serta aṡar yang menceritakan tentang syafā’at al-Qur’an bagi pembacanya. Tentu saja hal ini berseberangan dengan madzhab Mu’tazilah, sebagai madzhab resmi negara. Walaupun demikian Abū ‘Ubaid tidak menyalahkan ideologi pemerintah yang menyatakan bahwa Al-Qur’an adalah makhluk (khalq al-Qur’ān).
Peran Kecerdasan Spiritual Dan Kecerdasan Emosional Bagi Generasi Digital Native Irma Budiana
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.103


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah atau mengkaji peran kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional bagi generasi digital native. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan meneliti sejumlah buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang dibahas. Kajian peran kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional bagi generasi digital native ini bertujuan untuk menyadarkan generasi digital native bahwa bukan hanya kecerdasan intelegensi saja yang harus dikembangkan, namun  juga sadar akan pentingnya kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional, sehingga generasi digital native mampu menghadapi derasnya kemajuan teknologi dan mampu memfilter hal-hal yang positif bagi dirinya, karena dibekali kemampuan kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional yang baik. Karena  dengan  kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional hidup akan lebih bermakna. Dengan kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional akan memberi manusia rasa moral, memberi manusia kemampuan untuk membedakan yang baik dan buruk, dan memberi manusia kemampuan untuk  menyesuaikan dirinya dengan aturan-aturan yang baru. Generasi digital native tidak akan mampu memfilter atau membentengi dirinya dari dampak negatif kemajuan teknologi jika tidak memiliki kecerdasan spiritual yang baik. Dengan demikian kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional itu sangat penting dan harus ditanamkan sejak dini pada anak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa (1) kecerdasan spiritual merupakan kecerdasan memberi makna spiritual pada setiap perilaku dan kegiatan sehari-hari dalam kehidupannya (2) kecerdasan emosional adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk mengelola dan memilah-milah perasaan serta mengendalikan keadaan emosi di dalam dirinya, kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dan membina hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain. (3) generasi digital native adalah generasi yang mempunyai akses ke internet dan teknologi sejak mereka lahir (4) kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional mempunyai peran yang sangat penting bagi generasi digital native, oleh karena itu orang tua harus mampu menanamkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional pada anak karena dengan kecerdasan spiritual dan kecerdasan emosional yang baik akan membimbing anak untuk meraih kebahagiaan yang hakiki.
Ijtihad Nabi Saw: Sebuah Telaah Komparatif Persfektif Ahlusunnah dan Syiah sultan nur
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.82


AbstrakDalam Makalah ini, pertama mencoba mengungkapkan hakikat ijtihad dalam kacamata pakar bahasa dan sarjana ilmu Ushul Fikih dari kalangan Ahlusunnah dan Syiah. Setelah itu masuk pada inti pembahasan, yaitu mencoba memaparkan tentang seperti apa pandangan Ahlusunnah terkait Ijtihad pada Nabi Saw tentu dengan disertai dalil-dalil serta argumentasinya. Lalu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan tentang bagaimana dengan perspektif dari kalangan Syiah mengenai persoalan ijtihad Nabi Saw.Kata kunci: Ijtihad Nabi, Ahlusunnah, Syiah. Abstract In this paper, the first attempt is to reveal the nature of ijtihad in the view of linguists and scholars of Ushul Jurisprudence from Ahlusunnah and Shi'ites. After that, it goes to the core of the discussion, which is trying to explain what Ahlusunnah's view regarding Prophet's ijtihad, of course, accompanied by arguments. Then proceed with an explanation of how the perspective of the Shi’ites regarding the issue of the Prophet's ijtihad. Keyword: Prophet's ijtihad, Ahlusunnah, Shi’ites
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.104


The pesantren learning system is considered as an alternative system that is presented in overcoming the various moral problems that occur today. Pesantren Persatuan Islam 1-2 Bandung, as the first pesantren to give birth to other pesantren regulations, certainly has a unique model and education system. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study method in Islamic Boarding School 1-2 Bandung. The results illustrate that the education model of the Islamic Boarding School 1-2 Bandung has three educational paths, namely the Islamic boarding school education pathway, the school education pathway, and the out-of-school education pathway. The pesantren education pathway and the school education pathway are presented in the general curriculum and pesantren curriculum, both boarding and non-boarding, which are regulated at each level of education at the Islamic Boarding School 1-2 Bandung, namely the Tajhiziyyah, Tsanawiyyah, Diniyyah Wustha, and Mualimien levels. The learning system presented seeks to combine various disciplines with religious knowledge, thus giving birth to strong and solid Islamic values. Meanwhile, this pesantren also has an educational path outside the pesantren which is provided through family education activities, routine teaching activities, special recitation for mothers, special courses for religious studies, routine tadarus and various studies of PERSIS scholars broadcast through PERSISTV. Thus the various activities presented through this educational model and system are able to produce students who have graduates who are competent in all fields. These graduates are proven by the presence of entrepreneurs, scientists, well-known figures, education practitioners, and scholars who were born thanks to the education that has been organized by the Islamic Boarding School 1-2 Bandung.
Metode Pembelajaran Al-Quran Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunanetra Marhaban Aqil Afif; Unik Hanifah Salsabila; Amar Syaifullah; David Hariadi
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.92


The purpose of this research is to find out the methods and media used in the learning of the Quran for children with special needs of the visually impaired. The method used in this research is literature research which in conducting this research to obtain or collect compiling information using the help of internet applications to browse books, journals and other scientific works related to research topics. Then the data is summarized and focuses on the main thing only then arranged with the theme and pattern that has been determined. The result of the discussion in this study are that there are various methods of learning Al-Quran for children with special needs blind, including lecture methods, discussion methods, sorogan methods, bandongan methods, and drill methods. Learning media is needed to assist in the implementation of these methods. Some of media or tools used for learning the Quran for children with special needs blind, among others, the Quran braille, reglet and stylus, and Al-Quran audio. Learning the Quran in children with special needs visually impaired has the aim of making them become themselves skilled in understanding, reading, writing, studying or practicing the teachings of the content in the Quran.
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v4i1.105


Gadget usage among early adolescent is increasing rapidly in the last decade. Adolescent today, were born when gadget is already here and it becomes part of their daily life. Eventhough peer and school environment become more influencing in adolescent, but parent role is still important. The purpose of this study is to see gadget usage among adolescent in their daily life, and to find out how it affects the attachment to their parent. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA Revision) is used to assessed the attachment between adolescent to their parent and peer (n=115). The result shows that gadget usage among early adolescent, gives an effect to the attachment between early adolescent and parent. It is suggested to do more investigation such as doing interview and observation for the next research in order to get more information regarding what is the effect of this attachment style to early adolescent well-being.

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