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Journal Publicuho
Published by Universitas Halu Oleo
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Journal Publicuho is peer-reviewed Open Access Journal published by Universitas Halu Oleo. This journal dedicated publishing article on research results as a support for all academic community, civil society and practitioners who care with public and governmental issues and aims for the development of science, especially social science. The results of published research include the study of state administration, management and public policy, politics, government, global issues, community development and social issues as well as various studies of other social sciences.
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Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 2 (2018): May - July
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.074 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i2.5828


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine : (1) Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform through Institutional Arrangement at the Regional Secretariat of Kendari City, (2) Factors Affecting the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform Through Institutional Arrangement at the Regional Secretariat of Kendari City. The location of this study is the Regional Secretariat of Kendari City, Jl. Drs. H Abdullah Silondae No. 8 Kendari City. The type of this study is Qualitative Description. The informants in this study were 6 people who were employees of the Regional Secretariat of Kendari City. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews and document studies. Data Analysis techniques of the study were form of data collection, data reduction, data display or data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform through Institutional Arrangement at the Kendari City Secretariat was viewed from the dimensions of structur and culture (work culture) of the bureaucracy. Factors that influence the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in the Regional Secretariat of Kendari City are Effectiveness, Efficiency and Productivity of the Regional Devices Organization of Kendari City, the Process of Delegating Apparatus Authority to officials below, and Bureaucratic Culture. As a government actor, bureaucrats are expected to be able to run the bureaucratic arrangement as well as possible following the principles of reform proclaimed to achieve a clean, effective, efficient, productive and highly competitive bureaucracy in order to realize the bureaucratic reform that has been aspired so far.  Keywords : Bureaucratic Reformation, Institutional Arrangement, Structure and Bureaucratic Culture
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal Publicuho
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of service quality on customer loyalty mediated by Customer satisfaction and customer value addition, it also examines, the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, which is mediated by the effect of customer value and customer satisfaction and customer value on customer loyalty mediated by trust. The population in this study are household customers in Kendari who use the services of PDAM for 17,607 households spread are over 10 (ten) districts. The samples in this study are 391 household customers are taken with a precision of 5 % Data Collection techniques utilities questionnaire. Data are analyzed by using. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with the help of the program, some of the important findings in this study are : (1) better service improvement of Kendari  Regional causes trust, (2) customer loyalty improvement is also achievable of the provided service is able to enhance customer value. Besides, this research also proves that trust has a mediating role between satisfaction and loyalty of are customers as well as between customer value and loyalty. Keywords : service quality, customer satisfaction, customer value, customer trust and customer loyalty.
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 1 (2018): February - April
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.057 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i1.5846


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Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 2 (2018): May - July
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.778 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i2.5938


This study aims to find out: the existence, income, and income of the local workforce of PT. Putra Intisultra Perkasa before and after the enactment of the smelter development policy. This research was conducted in Konawe Selatan District. The study was conducted by the 27 families who were a local workforce of PT. Putra Intisultra Perkasa. The analysis used is the Paired Sample Test t-test analysis and descriptive analysis.The results of this study indicate that: The existence of a local workforce PT. Putra Intisultra Perkasa after the enactment of the smelter development policy requires local workers to survive and find work after losing their profession, known to the average local worker PT. The son of Intisultra after the layoffs worked as a traditional rock miner in C and continued to work in the mining sector instead of returning to work in the agricultural sector. The income generated by the respondents of the local workforce PT. Putra Intisultra Perkasa before the enactment of the smelter development policy averaged Rp. 1,851,000 / month, revenue after the enactment of the smelter development policy, which averaged 1,525,773 (Rupiah / Month). There is a significant difference between the income of the local workforce of PT. Putra Intisultra Perkasa, before and after the enactment of the smelter development policy.
Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Di Kecamatan Binongko Kabupaten Wakatobi La Ode Muhammad Elwan
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 2 (2018): May - July
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i2.5825


Poverty reduction is an issue that should be resolved by the Government to soon completed and disconnected the chain of causes. Poverty reduction is currently oriented material so its sustainability depends greatly on the availability of the budget and the Government's commitment. The policy measures were undertaken by the Government to abolish it one is the family Program expectations. Welfare is the ultimate goal of the Family Expectations Program, namely to improve the quality of life of the family is very poor with access to health services and education. With the unsettled Family, Hope Program is expected to improve the social life of economy, education and public health, especially in poor community groups. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of a programme of Family expectations, find supporters and restricting factors and efforts to overcome it in the Wakatobi Binongko. Theory approaches used in this research is policy implementation approach Daniel Mazmanian and Paul Sabatier. The theory sees variables easy to control, the issue of whether or not the variable policy capabilities in the implementation process to manage appropriately and the variable outside the policies that affect the process of implementation. The research method used is descriptive research methods with qualitative approaches. Data collection was done through observation and interview. Research results showed the Family Hope Program Implementation in district Binongko Wakatobi many experience obstacles and have not been implemented properly. Socialisation has not been comprehensive so that less had the support of the parties concerned. It captures the recipient's Family Hope Program participants is not yet comprehensive, there are still many who have not to get family Program expectations. This has not been done well and the use of funds the Program Families Hope by very poor Households often used outside the conditions. For the long term cannot change the mindset and behaviour of very poor Households significantly.    Keywords: Implementation Of Policy, Family Expectations Program
KEBIJAKAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) PERTAMBANGAN DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus pada Desa Koeono, Kecamatan Palangga Selatan, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan) La Ode Muhammad Elwan; Irfan Ido; La Ode Alwi; Hendrik Wanda P
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 1 (2018): February - April
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.864 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i1.5849


ABSTRACTResearch has been conducted which aims to find out how the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of Mining and Its Influence on Community Welfare in Koeono Village, South Palangga Subdistrict of South Konawe Regency. The data used in this research is qualitative. Determination of the number of samples taken from 110 head of household with an error rate of 5%, so gets 87 respondents. The variables used in this research are CSR fund transfer mechanism, target accuracy, community involvement in CSR program planning implementation, CSR value transparency, transaction cost and monitoring and community welfare.The results of the analysis show that the mining CSR program simultaneously has an influence on the welfare of the community. Partially, however, only CSR fund transfer mechanism variables affect the level of community welfare, while the accuracy of targets, community involvement in the implementation of CSR program planning, CSR value transparency, transaction costs and supervision does not affect the level of community welfare. Based on the determinant coefficient of percentage of influence of CSR policy on mining where CSR fund transfer mechanism, target accuracy, community involvement in CSR program implementation, transparency of CSR value, transaction cost and supervision on community welfare of Koeono Village, South Palangga Subdistrict of South Konawe Regency is 34.4 %, the remaining 65.6% influenced by other variables not examined in this research.  
Journal Publicuho Vol 2, No 1 (2019): February - April
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.117 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v2i1.5941


ABSTRACTTondasi Village is one of the Villages in the North Tiworo Sub-District West Muna District as a producer of sand extraction. This study aims to find out: (1) Sand mining business in Tondasi Village, North Tiworo District, West Muna Regency; (2) Determine what factors cause people to change their livelihood patterns. The sample in this study used the Non Probability Sampling technique that was chosen which was saturated sampling (census). In this study, the samples taken were 229 Tondasi villagers. Data were analyzed with 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study show that sand mining in Tondasi Village initially used traditional tools, but technological development is increasingly rapid, so sand mining in Tondasi Village uses a sand suction machine. There are 3 factors that cause the community to change their livelihood to become sand miners, namely the income factor, the lack of catches for the people who are fishermen background, and the failure of the crop due to uncertain seasonal factors for the people who are farmers. However, there are 3 factors that have caused the community to leave their livelihood as sand miners, namely the emergence of new technology to mine the sand which makes traditional sand miners unable to compete with miners who use vacuum cleaners, the absence of mining permits from the government and the emergence of awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.Keywords: Sand Mining Business, Livelihood Changes 
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 2 (2018): May - July
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (647.479 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i2.5826


ABSTRACTThe shift in the principle of setting of the principle of "decentralization" and "residuals" on previous legislation became the principle of subsidiarity and the principle of recognizing in Act No. 6 of the year 2014 of the village became hope and renewed energy for the village to be able to determine the position, role and authority over him. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the budget of the village Fund in the field of community empowerment in Wowonii Island.This research uses qualitative descriptive approach. The subject specified in purposive that describe the representation of topology village (the region of mainland coast, and inland). The technique of data collection was done through interviews, the study document, Focus Group Discussions and observations. The technique of data analysis performed with the interactive approach in the form of model reduction data, display data, verification and conclusion.The results of showing the budget of the village during the time brackets 4 (four) years have contributed to the village and community in the County Wowonii Island. Although the budget of the fund of the village in the field of development and the empowerment of the community very small but their impact is very beneficial for community interests. The Village Government and the Improved Quality in 2014 The Village Government and the Improved Quality in 2014, the Village Fund Budget Year 2014, 2015 and 2016, do not contribute directly to the community. of community service. The village Fund Budget activity 2015-2017 year, especially through the village of interior Shield, is considered to be highly contributing to society, especially the poor and women. Surgical program home and Businesses Productive is the flagship program of the community throughout the village District Wowonii Island.    Keywords: Implementation, Allocation Of The Village Fund, Community Empowerment
Journal Publicuho Vol 2, No 1 (2019): February - April
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.582 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v2i1.5854


ABSTRACTThe Problem that will be worked through deep observational is aff motivation effect and organization climate to employee performance at Educational Quality Guarantee Institute of Southeast Sulawesi Province.   This research variables analyze motivation which covers identification dimension, employee placement appropriately, attention to employee self-respect, attention to work condition and give chance to go forward. Whereas, a variable of  Organizational climate cover privacy aspect and acclimatization harmony, reward on employee work and their job clarity. While employee performance covers job sharpness. There is dimension even of clerk performance cover job quality, job quantity and also work time timing.  Population in this research is overall of employee  which  amount  123 person, and this research design use data collection technic by use of questioner, interview and documents study. Whereas data analysis to hypothesis test by use of double linear regression analysis and partial analysis uses t-tests t and simultan analysis uses f-test The result of this research pointed out that 1)  Motivation was positively influence to employee performance. 2) Organizational Climate was positively influencing to employee performance. 3) Motivation and organizational climate positive ly influence toward employee performance simultaneously on Educational Quality Guarantee Institute of Southeast Sulawesi Province as big as 27,30%. Meanwhile, 72,70% regarded by other factors.   Keywords: Motivation, Organizational climate, and employee performance
Implementation of the KOTAKU Program: Case Study in Kendari Andi Muhammad Bathari; Rekson Solo Limba; La Ode Mustafa
Journal Publicuho Vol 1, No 2 (2018): May - July
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.592 KB) | DOI: 10.35817/jpu.v1i2.5827


ABSTRACTThis study aimed to find out and analyze program implementation cities without slums in handling slum houses in Kendari, as well as to investigate and analyze what factors influence implementation city programs without slums in handling slum houses in Kendari. The design of research is descriptive qualitative, the technique of determining internal informants this research is using purposive sampling technique and set at 10 informants. The data collection technique used in this study is a technique observation, interviewing techniques, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study was a descriptive data analysis technique, through the technical stages of interactive analysis including reduction data, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of the KOTAKU program in Kendari, which included improved sanitation, repaired to uninhabitable homes and provision Clean water had been running, but it had not been fully implemented according to the target because of it the program is 100-0-100 and the target of free slum in 2019 has not been achieved. Implementation of the KOTAKU program in Kendari was influenced by four factors which included Communication, Disposition, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure. All of these factors were resulting in a lack of maximum implementation of the KOTAKU program in Kendari.    Keywords: Implementation, Program, No Slum City (KOTAKU)

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