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All Journal Farmasains : Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kesehatan Dinamik Katalogis Medicina Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Wacana Hukum Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Jurnal Buana Informatika Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN) Publica : Jurnal Administrasi Pembangunan dan Kebijakan Publik Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis REZ PUBLICA Enthalpy : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin JURISDICTIE Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah JAKPP : Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan & Pelayanan Publik Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Jurnal DIDIKA: Wahana Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Jurnal Perempuan JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik Universitas Medan Area Publikauma : Jurnal Administrasi Publik Universitas Medan Area Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum LEGALITY Jurnal Administrasi Publik : Public Administration Journal TEMATIKA: Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Dinamika Ilmu JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Jurnal Riset Golden Age PAUD UHO RJABM (Research Journal of Accounting and Business Management) Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Syariah: Jurnal Hukum dan Pemikiran Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture ASKETIK: Jurnal Agama dan Perubahan Sosial NUANSA Jurnal Riset Inspirasi Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Warta Penelitian Perhubungan SIGMA Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) JISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Journal Publicuho Jurnal Perempuan Al-Qalam Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Unnes Journal of Public Health Journal of Primary Education YARSI Medical Journal ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Jurnal Restorative Justice Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Reaksi WACANA Stabilita : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari JURNAL TEKNIK International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) PERSPEKTIF Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan (JPM-IKP) Journal of Bionursing Jurnal Da'wah: Risalah Merintis, Da'wah Melanjutkan Maspul Journal of Community Empowerment Jurnal Administrasi Negara Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik JIEB : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga Masyarakat Indonesia Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan (JPMIT) Aptekmas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Addabana: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Ar-Riyadhiyyat: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Jurnal Tatsqif Jurnal Median Arsitektur dan Planologi International Significance of Notary Teknomatika: Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer Jurnal Manajemen Rekayasa (Journal of Engineering Management)
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Romantisme Anak Muda dalam Lagu-Lagu Ambon Kadir, Hatib Abdul
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

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Abstract: This writing discusses about Ambonese youth romanticism that is mediated through local songs in cassette and VCD. For Ambonese lyouth, Indonesian populer sogs alsa have the same position as Ambonese local songs which are growing and almost always have new groups or singers every year. The most favorite song that Ambonese youth like most is romantic song. The construction of romanticsm presents through the personification of loving their parents, their lover and their homeland which is then extended to wider solidariy such as nationalism and similar religion. The substance of romanticism in the Ambonese songs aso experience changing since the 1999-2003 riots in Ambon. However, the romantic songs could becone means to neutralize the issue of segregation of religion because the love for mother and Ambon as their homeland is belongs to everyone and cannot be defeated by any kind of sentiments.
Prototipe Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Pusat dan Daerah Intanny, Vieka Aprilya; Santosa, Paulus Insap; Kadir, Abdul
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 6, No 3 (2015): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 6 Nomor 3 Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstract. Library has one of important resources to obtain information for research needs. The quality of a library information system needs to improve promptly because the information is needed quickly and accurately. In order to present library catalogue data that can be integrated with all central and local libraries, the library information system of Research and Development of the Human Resources Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Balitbang SDM Kominfo) needs to be well developed. The aim of this research is to design a prototype of library information system in order to present library data from central and local libraries accurately. Simulation tests are performed in eight research centers in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. The test is performed to analyze the perception of the users about the effectiveness of the system. The results show that the central library and information systems have good quality. Keywords: central library, local library, prototype, information system Abstrak. Perpustakaan merupakan sarana untuk mendapatkan literasi informasi melalui hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Peningkatan kualitas layanan sistem informasi perpustakaan yang tersaji dengan cepat, akurat dan aktual mutlak diperlukan. Untuk itu dipandang perlu suatu perbaikan sistem perpustakaan Balitbang SDM Kominfo agar dapat menyajikan data perpustakaan yang dapat terintegrasi antara perpustakaan pusat dan perpustakaan daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang prototipe suatu sistem informasi perpustakaan pusat dan daerah agar data perpustakaan pusat dan daerah dapat tersaji dengan cepat dan akurat. Pengujian dilakukan dengan simulasi sistem di delapan balai Kominfo. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi administrator pusat dan administrator daerah mengenai efektivitas sistem. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi perpustakaan pusat dan daerah memiliki kualitas yang baik. Kata Kunci: perpustakaan daerah, perpustakaan pusat, prototipe, sistem informasi
Charles J. Adams Antara Reduksionisme dan Anti-Reduksionisme dalam Kajian Agama Riyadi, Abdul Kadir
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 5, No 1 (2010): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.953 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2010.5.1.15-25


This paper is about a critical survey of Charles J. Adams’ insights concerning the definition and nature of religion. We are particularly interested in digging up the logic and methodological inconsistency of Charles Adams as far as his offer on religious studies is concerned. Initially we were impressed by the power of his allusions. But the deeper we go the more we found out that his thought is replete with methodological incongruence. First, he is not certain about the definition of religion; an uncertainty that leads to a lot of fundamental errors in the description of religion as a whole. Second, he is not sure what line of argument he follows, the fact that leads to confusion whether he is reductionist or anti-reductionist. It is about this confusion that this paper is concerned with. Although a major part of this paper deals with religions in general, its theme and problems are of particular importance to the study of Islam.
Dinamika Kemunculan dan Persinggungan Paradigmatik Tasawuf al-Hârith al-Muhâsibî Riyadi, Abdul Kadir
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.766 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2014.8.2.447-474


This paper tries to expose critically and analitically the historical dimension of tasawuf as far as its epistemological development is concerned. It argues that as a system of knowledge, tasawuf constitutes part and parcel of the larger Islamic epistemological system and shares with other forms of knowledge in its historical dimension. By referring in particular to the evolution of sufistic ideas in its early period as represented by the thought of al-Hârith al-Muhâsibî, the paper tries to show that tasawuf cannot be discussed in isolation from such knowledge as fiqh, kalam, and philosophy. All these are related to one another historically and may be understood as influencing each other in such a way that they—at some level—share the same epistemological roots. The paper, however, is not very much concerned with this similarity, as much as it is interested in finding out the dynamic tension between tasawuf and other forms of knowledge; tension that inevitably contributed in the very development and progress of this spiritual dimension of Islam.
Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah JURISDICTIE (Vol 1 No 2
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j.v0i0.1728


The teaching of alms is a comprehensive ritual for social responsibility. In Indonesia, the discussion about Islamic economy leads to the discussion of alms and its  implementation. The law base of alms is UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar is one center of alms collection in East Java. The collected data shows that the management of Bazda cannot work as effectively as it is expected. There are at least three main problems: limitation of facility, lack of professional human resources, and lack of political will. Ajaran sedekah adalah ritual komprehensif untuk tanggung jawab sosial. Di Indonesia, diskusi tentang ekonomi Islam mengarah pada diskusi tentang zakat dan pelaksanaannya. Dasar hukum zakat adalah UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar adalah salah satu pusat pengumpulan zakat di Jawa Timur. Data yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan Bazda tidak bisa bekerja secara efektif seperti yang diharapkan. Setidaknya ada tiga masalah utama: keterbatasan fasilitas, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang profesional, dan kurangnya kemauan politik.Kata kunci : efektivitas, Management Zakat, UU No. 38/1999
Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah JURISDICTIE (Vol 2 No 1
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j.v0i0.1584


The teaching of alms is a comprehensive ritual for social responsibility. In Indonesia, the discussion about Islamic economy leads to the discussion of alms and its  implementation. The law base of alms is UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar is one center of alms collection in East Java. The collected data shows that the management of Bazda cannot work as effectively as it is expected. There are at least three main problems: limitation of facility, lack of professional human resources, and lack of political will. Ajaran sedekah adalah ritual komprehensif untuk tanggung jawab sosial. Di Indonesia, diskusi tentang ekonomi Islam mengarah pada diskusi tentang zakat dan pelaksanaannya. Dasar hukum zakat adalah UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar adalah salah satu pusat pengumpulan zakat di Jawa Timur. Data yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan Bazda tidak bisa bekerja secara efektif seperti yang diharapkan. Setidaknya ada tiga masalah utama: keterbatasan fasilitas, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang profesional, dan kurangnya kemauan politik.Kata kunci : efektivitas, Management Zakat, UU No. 38/1999
Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Rasionalisasi Birokrasi Max Weber Pada Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Kadir, Abdul
JAKPP : Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan & Pelayanan Publik Volume 1 Number 1, July 2015
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UNHAS

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Abstrak : Penelitian ini Berjudul Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Rasionalisasi Birokrasi Max Weber Pada Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan menginterpretasikan penerapan karakteristik birokrasi Max Weber yang idealnya dapat menjadi sarana kontrol imperatif atas tindakan pejabat organisasi perangkat daerah Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif sistem rasional. Strategi penelitian  kualitatif yang digunakan adalah etnografi. Fenomena birokrasi dieksplorasi secara natural dalam dunia kerja para birokrat, kemudian membangun interpretasi berdasarkan metodologi Verstehen Max Weber melalui prosedur idiografik untuk membentuk idiographic knowledge. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip-prinsip dasar birokrasi Max Weber yang mencakup standardisasi dan formalisasi, pembagian kerja dan spesialisasi, hirarki otoritas, profesionalitas, dan dokumentasi tertulis pada organisasi perangkat daerah Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara kurang sesuai dengan tipe ideal Max Weber sehingga tidak dapat menjadi sarana kontrol imperatif atas tindakan  pejabat organisasi tersebut. Karakteristik birokrasi Max Weber yang kurang sesuai penerapannya pada organisasi perangkat daerah Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara mengakibatkan tindakan-tindakan pejabat kurang terkontrol. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan: pejabat memasukkan tatanan personal ke  dalam  perintah dan kepatuhan; tindakan-tindakan pejabat kurang berfokus pada  pencapaian efisiensi organisasi; anggota organisasi tidak terhubung dalam suatu struktur kontrol atasan-bawahan yang piramidal sehingga tidak terjadi kejelasan arah perintah dan kohesi serta kontinuitas pekerjaan di dalam organisasi; pelaksanaan kontrol tidak berbasis pengetahuan teknis; dan tidak terjadi kontinuitas operasional serta keamanan pejabat organisasi perangkat daerah.Kata kunci : Birokrasi Max Weber, Kontrol imperatifAbstract : This research entitled Fundamental Principles of Max Weber’s Rational Bureaucracy in Kendari City, South- East Sulawesi Province. The purpose of study is to explain and interpret the characteristics of Max Weber’s bureaucracy that canastas an imperative control for officials ‘actions of Kendari City, South-East Sulawesi Province. This study utilizes a rational system perspective and applies qualitative research strategy with ethnography. The phenomenon of bureaucracy was explored naturally in the bureaucratic system, and then develops an interpretation based on Max Weber’s Verstehen methodology through ideography procedure to form the idiographic knowledge. Data was collected through interview, observation and documentation. The data was analyzed by an interactive model. The study found that the bureaucracy of Kendari City did not effectively employ the Max Weber’s characteristics of bureaucracy-which covers standardization and formalization, division of labor and specialization, hierarchy of authority, professionalization, and written documentation–that make uncontrolled actions of officials. The characteristics of uncontrolled actions are the officials fulfilled by personal consideration; less focus at highest administration efficiency attainment; organizational member do not interconnected in a superordinat-subordinate structure of control so that so that cause the ill defined command direction,  no  cohesion and work continuity in organization; exercising  control not base on  the technical knowledge; and there is sustainable operational procedure and job security in organization.Key words : Max Weber’s bureaucracy; Imperatives control.
Encouraging dentists as agents of change in the fight against tobacco in Malaysia: An example of a dentist-psychiatrist collaborative effort Siddiq AN, Amer; NA, Yahya; Aiza H, Nazariah; IZ, Zul-Izzat; AR, Rusdi; Muhsin AZ, Muhammad; AR, Aisah; Z, Hazli; Zurani MHR, Noor; Kadir R, Abdul; H, Hussain
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 23, No 1 (2011): March
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

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Dentist has long been recognized as a formal health profession. Health professionals have an important role to play in the fight against tobacco. Smoking tobacco is dangerous because it related disease and also due to it being labeled as a gateway to illicit drug abuse. As individuals, the dentist can help educate the population, as community members they can support anti-smoking policies and at a societal level, they can influence national and global tobacco control efforts. The associations between tobacco use and diseases affecting the oral cavity, such as periodontal disease and cancer, are now well recognized. This has lead to proposals from some members of the profession that members of the dental team should provide smoking cessation services. Before exploring effective ways to help smokers quit, it is important to understand the nature of the addictive process and how it affects both nicotine use and cessation attempts. The potential influence of dentists as agents of change is clear from even a brief consideration of the nature and conditions of the dentist-patient relationship. The dental practice setting provides a unique opportunity to assist tobacco users in achieving tobacco abstinence. The role of psychiatrists to support the effort, therefore, becomes all the more important.
Peranan Partai Politik dalam Menanggulangi Golongan Putih (Golput) pada Pemilihan Legislatif 2009 Kadir, Abdul
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik Universitas Medan Area Vol 1, No 1 (2013): JPPUMA JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

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Fokus dari tulisan ini adalah peranan partai politik dalam menanggulangi golongan putih pada pemilihan Legislatif 2009. Pengurus partai politik yang ada menjalankan peranannya dengan berusaha sesuai UU No. 2 Tahun 2008 Tentang Partai Politik. Adapun usaha- usaha yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara sosialisasi di desa-desa, sosialisasi politik, pendidikan politik, kampanye dan mengajak masyarakat untuk menghadiri acara kampanye. Sebagai Negara yang demokrasi sudah sepantasnya golongan putih (Golput) tidak lagi mewarnai sistem pemilihan Legislatif Indonesia, akan tetapi karena partai politik belum menjalankan fungsinya dengan maksimal dan bertanggung jawab. Partai politik sebagai organisasi yang terorganisir dan memiliki tujuan untuk menyampaikan aspirasi masyarakat dan melakukan pendidikan politik dan juga sosialisasi politik sehingga masyarakat memiliki kesadaran politik yang tinggi dan menggunakan hak pilihnya pada pemilihan Legislatif 2009. Untuk mengurangi intensitas golongan putih diperlukan keikutsertaan pengurus partai politik dan bekerjasama dengan masyarakat, karena pemilihan umum bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemerintahan demokratis dan untuk mewujudkannya dibutuhkan peranan partai politik dan masyarakat Indonesia sehingga menggunakan hak pilihnnya pada penyelenggaraan pesta demokrasi tersebut. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan partai politik yang benar-benar menjalankan fungsinya
Peranan Tata Usaha Bagian Umum Kantor Bupati Deli Serdang dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Cahyadi, Beni; Kadir, Abdul
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik Universitas Medan Area Vol 3, No 1 (2015): JPPUMA JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

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This study aims to look at the role of public administration office part Regent of Deli Serdang in improving services to the public. Quality of service can also be viewed on the quality of services delivered. Quality of service is best called excellent service that is the best form of service exceed, surpass, surpass the services provided by the other party or of the service time ago. Office administration common parts is one of the spearheads of Deli Serdang regency government dealing directly with the public must be implemented efficiently and effective. Along with the rapid development and increasingly complex needs of people deli serdang resulted in increasingly critical public with the services provided by the government serdang deli that had not been optimal and have a number of effective and efficient. So most people expect government employees serdang deli Deli Serdang regency administration particularly common parts can provide the best service. The method used manifold qualitative descriptive approach through data collection methods that are based on a literature review and in-depth interviews. The results of this study found the presence of the weaknesses in local government personnel in achieving maximum performance.
Co-Authors ., kardjono Admin Hardiana Adriadi, Rekho Adris Ade Putra Adris Adi Putra Afifudin, Abdullah Ahmad Raihan Ahmad Syarif Sukri Aisah AR, Aisah Aisyah Oktaviana Putri Akhmad Fauzan Aldinoman Aldinoman Amer Siddiq AN, Amer Aminullah Aminullah Aminuyati Ansar Ansar Ansarullah Ansarullah Apriani Apriani Ardianto Larawa Ari Sumantoro Ariesty Fujiastuti, Ariesty Arif Budiman Arif Widodo Arifin Utha Asis Lawa Badaruddin Badaruddin Bahtiar Bahtiar BAMBANG ALI KUSUMO Banga, Wempy Batara, Suriyani Bunga Batubara, Beby Masitho BB, Suryani Beni Cahyadi, Beni Berutu, Budi Rasmianto Chintriany Hadiningsih Citra Fatrisia Lase Panggalo Dadan Erwandi Dauly, Sayed Muhammad Dedi Saputra T. Deni Anggraini Dina Nurhalizah Dini Rusqiati Dwirgo Sahlinal Dwirgo Sahlinal, Dwirgo Dyah Mustika, Dyah edi edi Edward Ngii Edward Ngii, Edward Efrianti, Kumara Eka Savitri Eka Suaib, Eka ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Enni Aisyah Erna Yulida Evi Arianti Fatma Lestari Fawandi Fuad Alkindi Fitria, Elfa Gumaisha Gumaisha Gunawan Gunawan Halistin, Halistin Handayaningsih, Anik Harahap, Adelia Rahmi Harahap, Dumasari Hardi, Hartina hardjono, Soegeng Hasan Hasan Hasmina Tari Mokui Hazli Z, Hazli Heber Heber Henny Septiana Amalia Herawati, Fauna Herawati, Riana Heri Kusmanto, Heri Hussain H, Hussain Hutagaol, Sahat Maniur I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Insap Santoso Iqbal Firdaus ISHAK KADIR Ishak Kadir, Ishak Isnaini Isnaini Isnaini Isnaini Iwan junaedi Jasmardin, Jasmardin Jonatan, Septian Jopang Jopang juliani dan juliani dan, juliani Kadek Ayu Erika Kamri, Riswan Kamto Kamto, Kamto Koko Mulyanto Angkat, Koko Kurniawan, Alexander A. L.M. Kaharuddin Riri La Boy La Husen Zuada, La Husen La Ode Bariun La Ode Kasad La Ode Muh Magribi La Ode Muhamad Magribi La Ode Muhamad Nurrakhmad Arsyad La Ode Muhammad Golok Jaya La Ode Muhammad Magribi La Ode Mustafa La Ode Restele Latupono, Amrollah Limardjo, Arief Linda Kodrat Lubis, Kartini Lukman Lukman Lukman Lukman Lusia Indrastuti Ma’ruf, Annas Mahadika, Gilang Mambang Manalu, Sahdin Boang Maria Ulfah Marlon Sihombing Masdiana Masdiana Masdin Masdin Melda Sari MINSON SIMATUPANG Mirab, Mirab Mirsan Dahsyat Muhammad Basri Muhammad Basri Muhammad Erfan, Muhammad Muhammad Hasbi Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Irwan Cahyadi Muhammad Junaid Muhammad Maladi Muhammad Muhsin AZ, Muhammad Muhammad Syarwa Sangila Muhammad Syaukani Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Zulfadhilah Muhibudin Muhibudin Munawir Munawir Musfirah Mustafa, Dian Tria Restika Najicha, Fatma Ulfatun Nasution, M Arif Nasution, M. Arif Nasution, Sahra Yusna Nazariah Aiza H, Nazariah Nikita Laurencia Nina Angelia Nina Siti Salmaniah, Nina Siti Nini Hasriyani Aswad Nirza Marzuki Husein Noor Zurani MHR, Noor Novita, Dilla Novitasari, Setiani Noviyanti Alfian, Noviyanti Novlentina Pasi, Novlentina Nur Anwar Nur Anwar Nur Dewi Nur Intan, Nur Nurjannah Nurjannah Nurkholis Nurkholis Oktaviana Putri, Aisyah Pane, Fatma Sani Paulus Insap Santosa Perkasa, Fajar Punda Susanto Pusaka, Semerdanta Putri, Dwi Nur Anisya Qomariyah, Erni quamila, resania Raden Sedjawidada Rahima Rahima Rakhmadhani, Irzal ramadani, anisa Rambe, Jenny Yelina Rasmida Rasmida Rauzatul Narita Ridwan, Ridwan Ridway Balaka Rifka Zulfiani Latinapa Rika Yulia Rio Adi Saputra Riskiana Djamin Rizkan Zulyadi Rochmad - Rodi Rodi, Rodi Rospianti, Ayu Rusdi AR, Rusdi Safrudin Safrudin Said, Burhan Samudro Samudro Samudro, Samudro Samudro, Samudro Sartono Sartono, Sartono Sedjawidada R Seira Rizqi Amelia Septyan Eka Prasetya Serli Lestari, Serli Sinaga, Asmah Syam Sirait, Masitoh Sirait, Novianti Diva Nilakrisna Sirojuzilam Hasyim Siti Mardiana Siti Nurjanah Ahmad Siti Rahmawati Siti Sanisah Situngkir, Biliater Sjahrul Meizar Nasri Sri Asmirani Sri Asnita Nurdin Sri Rahayu Amri St. Mayangsari Susi Hariyanti Sutisna, Deni Suyono Suyono Syahrul Sultan Syamsul Alam Syari, Neny Ratika Tandi, Rahman Tanjung, Mahmuddin Nur Taziruddin Taziruddin Teguh Bharata Adji utha, arifin Utomo Pranata Hardiansyah Vieka Aprilya Intanny Vieka Aprilya Intanny, Vieka Aprilya Wa Ode Rizky Amaliyah Warjio Warjio, Warjio Wedy Jhonson Simanjuntak, Wedy Jhonson Wijaksana, Muhamad Mahrus Setia Winner Agustinus Siregar Wiwik Hidayati Yahya NA, Yahya Yundari, Yundari Zakaria Umar, Muhammad Zakwani, Kholis Zul-Izzat IZ, Zul-Izzat Zulkifli Lubis