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Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya
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Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya adalah jurnal ilmiah Interdisipliner yang memuat hasil-hasil penelitian dan pemikiran ilmu-ilmu Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya. Jurnal Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim, Mojokerto, Indonesia. Jurnal ini terbitk dua kali dalam satu tahun, pada bulan Januari dan Juni.
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Articles 159 Documents
Kontekstualisasi Teori Keadilan John Rawls Pada Konstelasi Kemasyarakatan di Indonesia Syukron Wahyudhi; Faza Achsan Baihaqi
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Islamic Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i2.3393


Next year Indonesia held a political election. Political actors may express their aspirations and hope within the public sphere. As consequence, political contestation increases dramatically. While the expression is abundant, it can be called the democratic feast. But previous democratic feasts taught us that the process of electoral politics seems so far from its idealized norms. For example, the relationship between minority and majority has worsened because of identity politics. Why this is happening? This article wants to address that problem from Rawlsian point of view. Equipped with a theory of justice, we would reflect the condition of Indonesia’s political world. To consider the effect of strong religious attainment and religious plurality, our analysis will be complemented with a doctrinal perspective, especially from Quran and Bible. We found that, within modern-state politics, majoritarian power is allowed because it is the best way to ensure regulation bills pass smoothly. It is consistent with Rawls’ argument that majoritarian power flourishes within rational calculation about the goals of principles of justice. It is not quite different from doctrinal perspectives which insist on citizen participation as an essential part of national building.
Penerapan Metode Dzikrulloh dalam Mengembangkan Akhlaqul Karimah Anak Didik Ponpes TQN Suryalaya Surabaya Muchamad Suradji; Endro Priyantono; Sampiril Taurus Tamaji
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Islamic Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i2.3371


This article is the result of qualitative research, which explains the meaning of the Dzikrulloh method and its application in developing the Akhlaqul Karimah of students at TQN Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School, Surabaya. The research data were obtained from several data collection instruments, including observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires which revealed the application of the Dzikrulloh method in developing good morals. Then the research data were analyzed using descriptive analytical techniques. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that in the application of the Dzikrulloh method in developing Akhlaqul Karimah for students at TQN Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School Surabaya, the teacher must adjust the material being taught and the learning atmosphere, considering that learning takes place in the last hour which makes students experience saturation and boredom. The Dzikrulloh method is a strategy that makes students not feel bored and become more active to increase student learning outcomes in the akhlaqul karimah subject to be more improved than before. The teacher's efforts in implementing the Dzikrulloh Method at the TQN Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School include; encouraging student motivation, creating variations in-class learning, serving student differences, increase student interaction.
Relasi Sosial Etnis Tionghoa-Melayu di Kota Tanjungbalai Pasca Konflik Tahun 2016 Raden Haitami Abduh; Aulia Kamal
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Islamic Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i2.3395


Artikel ini mengkaji tentang relasi sosial antar etnis Melayu dan Tionghoa di Kota Tanjungbalai. Relasi sosial antara etnis Melayu dan Tionghoa di Tanjungbalai memiliki dinamika yang menarik pasca konflik 2016. Hampir seluruh konflik yang terjadi di kota Tanjungbalai pasca reformasi banyak melibatkan perselisihan antar etnis khususnya etnis Tionghoa dan Melayu, meskipun banyak konflik yang terjadi bukanlah sepenuhnya berawal dari permasalahan etnis. Studi ini berfokus pada soal bagaimana dinamika relasi sosial antara etnis Melayu dan Tionghoa, sebab pasca reformasi sentimen dan gesekan antar keduanya kerap terjadi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriftif, data dikumpulkan melalui tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan data melalui proses wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka, dan di analisa menggunakan teori Miles-Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak sekali perubahan yang terjadi dari setiap konflik pasca reformasi. Perubahan yang terlihat jelas adalah perubahan non-realistis, dengan adanya perubahan tersebut, sangat memungkinkan bahwa konflik yang baru dan menimbulkan perang antar etnis kembali terjadi. Apalagi kehidupan sosial antar kedua etnis ini sangatlah terkesan tertutup, artinya mereka bisa untuk tidak saling berkomunikasi, jikapun terjadi komunikasi antara mereka bisa di pastikan sebagian besar komunikasi yang terjadi adalah formalitas semata, karena banyak yang menilai ada eksklusifitas yang terjadi dalam sistem hubungan sosial antar kedua etnis tersebut.
From Ru’yah al-Hilal to Maliek Bulan: The Determination of Ramadan in The Tarekat Syattariyah (TS) Ziaulhaq Hidayat
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Sociology of Islam
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i1.3401


This article presents ru’yah al-hilal as a marker for implementing Ramadan fasting among the Tarekat Syattariyah (TS). Ru’yah al-hilal is important for TS because it is one of the doctrines that must be implemented. The ru’yah al-hilal doctrine inspired the birth of the maliek bulan tradition, which is carried out openly every year by TS adherents and the general public. To understand the ru’yah al-hilal doctrine in TS, a research question is asked how the ru’yah al-hilal doctrine can become a maliek bulan tradition among TS. This study found that the doctrine of ru’yah al-hilal originates from the al-Qur’an and hadith, which speak of ru’yah al-hilal as the precursor of the beginning of Ramadan. However, this normative doctrine is still general. To understand the doctrine of ru’yah al-hilal, the TS group interprets it through the maliek bulan tradition, which is carried out every year to ensure the fasting time of Ramadan. The results of the maliek bulan will be conveyed to all TS networks in various regions in Indonesia to serve as a guideline for the start of the implementation of Ramadan fasting.
Pemaknaan Semboyan Keraton Matan-Tanjung Pura: Potret Simbol Agama di antara Tradisi Mitos dan Logos Andry Fitriyanto
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Islamic Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i2.3405


Mustike Indah Jaya Sempurna Dilupakan Pantang Dilangkah Tulah is a motto of the kingdom Matan-Tanjungpura, West Kalimantan. This sentence has a sacred value for the community. From a philosophical view, the motto is a symbol that has a specific meaning behind it. It is present as a cultural and religious symbol. The absence of an authoritative interpretation of this motto means that anyone can interpret it according to their capacity. The phenomenon of various tendencies in patterns of meaning is the main focus of this paper. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of field research that is strengthened by an analysis of scientific literature. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study resulted in several important points. First, the motto is identified as a cultural symbol that contains religious aspects as the basis of social norms or the philosophy of life of the people. Second, in the denotative aspect, the motto reflects aspects of art, mystery, preciousness, strength, luxury, beauty, and height, to the completeness contained in its vocabulary. Third, there is a tendency for connotative-normative meanings to view the motto as a social norm with all its recommendations and prohibitions, connotative-magical meanings to view the motto as a scientific symbol that is magical or supernatural in nature, and connotative-logical meanings to interpret the motto rationally. using historical literature. Fourth, there is a kind of shift in meaning between the elders who tend to interpret it mystically, and the younger generation who try to achieve objectivity in their interpretation. It is influenced by several factors, including age, knowledge, education, social status, and others.
Maqāṣid Al-Sharī‘ah: The Thoughts of Imam al-Shāṭibī in Tepung Tawar Ceremony at Melayu Traditional Marriage Reza Fahlevi; Muslihun Muslihun
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.2777


Tradition is a habit that people continuously carry out in a specific area. Carrying out traditions can be interpreted as realizing the process of socialization between each generation in a civilization. Each region has different traditions and cultures. One tradition still preserved from generation to generation by the people of Suka Maju Village is the Tepung Tawar ceremony. The purpose of this research is to critically examine the thinking of Imam al-Shāṭibī in Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah as an effort to measure the value of relevance between shariah and tradition; in this case, it is used to analyze the tradition of tepung tawar in traditional Melayu marriages in Suka Maju village. The results in this study indicate that the tradition of tepung tawar in the marriage of the Melayu community in Suka Maju Village, which was analyzed using Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah from the perspective of Imam Imam al-Shāṭibī is considered relevant, which is described on the validity and purpose of the procession. Furthermore, if based on the classification of Al-'awāid Imam al-Shāṭibī's idea to sharpen the analysis, then it strengthens that the tepung tawar tradition is the embodiment of Al-'awāid al-Jāriyyah’s conception of Al-shāṭibī. Tradisi merupakan kebiasaan yang secara kontinuitas dilakukan oleh masyarakat disuatu daerah tertentu. Melaksanakan tradisi dapat diartikan merealisasikan proses sosialisasi antar setiap generasi dalam sebuah peradaban. Setiap daerah mempunyai tradisi dan kebudayaan yang berbeda-beda. Salah satu tradisi yang masih terpelihara secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat Desa Suka Maju adalah upacara Tepung Tawar. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitiaan ini yaitu menelaah secara kritis pemikiran Imam al-Shāṭibī dalam Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah, sebagai upaya menakar nilai relevansi antara shariah dan tradisi, dalam hal ini digunakan untuk menganalisa tradisi tepung tawar pada perkawinan adat Melayu di Desa Suka Maju. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tradisi tepung tawar pada perkawinan masyarakat Melayu di Desa Suka Maju yang dianalisa menggunakan Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah perspektif Imam al-Shāṭibī dianggap telah relevan, yang terdeskripsi pada keabsahan maupun tujuan prosesinya. Lebih lanjut, jika berdasarkan klasifikasi Al-‘awāid gagasan Imam al-Shāṭibī untuk mempertanjam analisa, maka memperkuat bahwa tradisi tepung tawar merupakan perwujudan Al-‘awāid al-Jāriyyah konsepsi Al-shāṭibī.
Islamic Law Analysis of Chemical Castration Punishments Post The Decision of Mojokerto State Court No. 69/PID.SUS/2019/PN MJK Mgs M Hanief Fathurrahman; Muhammad Romli
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.2779


This research aims to determine the judges' views and basis for deciding the castration chemical sentence in the Mojokerto District Court and to know the review of Islamic Law on the castration chemical decision in the Mojokerto District Court. The research is included in the category of qualitative research based on library research using secondary data sources and descriptive-analytical approaches. The data sources of this study were classified into three parts, namely, primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. In comparison, the data analysis in this study uses the deductive method. The conclusions of this research result explain that First, the Panel of judges gave a legal assessment of the Defendant that he had admitted his actions included the Act against the Law, "intentionally committing violence forcing the child to have intercourse with him or with others" as evidenced by the testimony of witnesses under oath, the results of the post mortem and evidence and did the same thing nine times so that the castration chemical punished it. Second, Islamic Law considers that chemical castration is included in the jarimah ta'zir. Because jarimah ta'zir does not yet have provisions from syara' and there is no minimum or maximum limit, the determination of the sentence is the right of the ruler (leader or Judge). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan hakim dan dasar dalam memutuskan hukuman kebiri kimia di Pengadilan Negeri Mojokerto dan untuk mengetahui tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap putusan kebiri kimia di Pengadilan Negeri Mojokerto. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kualitatif berdasarkan penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder dan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Sumber data penelitian ini diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu data primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Adapun analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduktif. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa; Pertama, Majelis Hakim memberikan penilaian hukum terhadap Terdakwa yang mengakui perbuatannya termasuk Perbuatan melawan Hukum, “sengaja melakukan kekerasan memaksa anak melakukan persetubuhan dengan dirinya atau dengan orang lain” dibuktikan dengan keterangan saksi di bawah sumpah, hasil visum dan barang bukti serta melakukan hal yang sama sebanyak sembilan kali sehingga hukuman kebiri kimia itu. Kedua, Hukum Islam memandang bahwa kebiri kimia termasuk dalam jarimah ta'zir. Karena jarimah ta'zir belum ada ketentuan dari syara' dan belum ada batas minimal atau maksimal, maka penentuan hukuman adalah hak penguasa atau Hakim.
Islamic Law Review of Judge Considerations in Agreeing to Marriage Dispensation (Case Study in The Klaten Religious Court) Berlian Fajrul Falakh
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.2809


This study explains the review of Islamic law on the Judge's considerations in determining marriage dispensation at the Klaten Religious Court. This research is library research by writing and clarifying data from various written sources at the Klaten Religious Court. Moreover, it is supported by field research in the form of interviews with judges and data collection of primary legal information for the Judge's considerations in providing marriage dispensation for the underage bride and groom couples and normative, juridical reviews regarding the issue of judges' considerations in determining marriage dispensations. This research shows that the legal considerations of marriage dispensation by the judges of the Klaten Religious Court are Law Number 1 of 1974 Article 7, paragraphs (1) and (2) concerning marriage. Whereas normatively, it is the fiqhiyah rule of "maintaining benefit and rejecting harm" for all parties and society. The Judge's consideration in determining the dispensation of marriage has been in line with one of the fiqh rules, namely the Mashlahah Mursalah, which explains and stipulates the legal provisions. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dispensasi nikah yang ditetapkan oleh Hakim Pengadilan Agama Klaten pada pertimbangannya ditinjau dari Hukum Islam. Dengan sifat penelitian (library research) dari Pengadilan Agama Klaten berupa sumber tertulis, dengan cara mengklarifikasi data-datanya. Dan didukung (field research), dengan mewawancarai para hakim, dan mengumpulkan informasi pertimbangan-petimbangan Hakim pada penetapan dispensasi nikah terhadap pemohon dan tinjauan normative yuridis terkait pertimbangan pada penetapan dispensasi nikah. Dari penelitian ini, ditunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan-pertimbangan para Hakim Pengadilan Agama Klaten menurut yuridis ialah UU No1 1974 Pasal 7 ayat (1) dan (2) tentang Perkawinan. Sementara dari normative ialah kaidah fiqhiyah tentang “menjaga kemaslahatan dan menolak kemudharatan”. Dan pertimbangan terkait dispensasi nikah pada penetapannya telah searah dengan kaidah fiqh, yaitu Mashlahah Mursalah.
Prespectives of Social Interactions Between Islamic Boarding School and Rural Community Fedriana Oktaviani; Nurhadi Nurhadi; Saifuddin Zuhri
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.3368


This study aimed to examine the interaction between residents of an Islamic boarding school and the Tlepok village community and the community's perceptions of this interaction. The research utilized direct observation and interviews with community members who had interacted with the boarding school residents. Thematic analysis techniques were used to analyze the data, focusing on understanding the data, compiling codes, and identifying themes aligned with the research objectives. The study found that the interaction between the community and the Islamic boarding school residents has been positive. The boarding school residents displayed a polite attitude and respect toward the community, resulting in increased acceptance of the school's presence. The community has also benefited from the cooperative relationship with the boarding school, which has added to the trust and respect for the institution. The researcher used Max Weber's theory of social action, precisely the instrumental rationality action type, to explain this intertwined interaction phenomenon. This research highlights the importance of positive interaction and collaboration between Islamic boarding schools and the surrounding community. Building trust and mutual benefit can increase acceptance and a positive image for Islamic boarding schools. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji interaksi antara warga pondok pesantren dengan masyarakat dusun Tlepok serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap interaksi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengamatan langsung dan wawancara dengan anggota masyarakat yang pernah berinteraksi dengan warga pesantren. Teknik analisis tematik digunakan untuk menganalisis data, berfokus pada pemahaman data, menyusun kode, dan mengidentifikasi tema yang selaras dengan tujuan penelitian. Studi ini menemukan bahwa interaksi antara komunitas dan warga pesantren telah positif. Warga pesantren menunjukkan sikap sopan dan hormat terhadap masyarakat, sehingga penerimaan terhadap kehadiran pondok pesantren meningkat. Masyarakat juga diuntungkan dengan adanya hubungan kerjasama dengan pondok pesantren yang menambah kepercayaan dan respek terhadap lembaga tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber, tepatnya tipe tindakan rasionalitas instrumental, untuk menjelaskan fenomena interaksi yang saling terkait ini. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya interaksi dan kerjasama positif antara pondok pesantren dengan masyarakat sekitar. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa membangun kepercayaan dan saling menguntungkan dapat menyebabkan peningkatan penerimaan dan citra positif bagi pesantren.
Dampak Perselisihan dan Perceraian Orang Tua Terhadap Kehidupan Religius dan Spiritual Anak Ahmad Junaidi; Abdul Aziz Wahab; Muhammad Hifdil Islam
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Islam and Local Culture
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v6i3.3455


The purpose of marriage is sakinah, mawadah and warahmah. But, achieving these three things is not easy. The existence of disputes that occur repeatedly is the main factor in the breakdown of a marriage. This dispute can occur due to a lack of trust and communication between partners, so the final path chosen is divorce. The impact of this divorce is not only felt by husband and wife or parents but also by children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the impact of parental discord and divorce on the religious and spiritual lives of children. This research was conducted at MTs Miftahul Jannah, Wangkal Probolinggo with using a qualitative approach and purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation of 5 research subjects who met the research criteria. The result obtained is that disputes and divorce have an impact on the child's religious and spiritual life. From a religious perspective, children's obedience to religion, in this case, depends on parenting before and after divorce, while from a spiritual perspective, children tend to mature faster than their age. They are more independent and feel able to find their own solutions to life's problems.