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MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender
ISSN : 20858353     EISSN : 25025368     DOI : -
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Muwazah adalah jurnal kajian gender dengan ISSN Print: 2085-8353; Online: 2502-5368 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Gender (PSG) IAIN Pekalongan. Kata Muwazah berasal dari bahasa Arab yaitu (??????) yang memiliki arti kesetaraan. Jurnal ini fokus pada isu-isu aktual dan kontemporer yang berkaitan dengan kajian gender lokalitas dalam berbagai perspektif. Redaksi mengundang para ilmuwan, sarjana, professional, praktisi dan peneliti dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu yang konsern terhadap kajian gender berupa analisis, aplikasi teori, hasil penelitian, terjemahan, resensi buku, literature review untuk mempublikasikan hasil karya ilmiahnya setelah melalui mekanisme seleksi naskah, telaah mitra bebestari, dan proses penyuntingan. Jurnal ini terbit setahun dua kali setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Articles 14 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 12 No 1 (2020)" : 14 Documents clear
Pengaruh Perempuan Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Laki-laki dalam Novel Al Faris Al Jamil Karya Ali Ahmad Baktsir Akmaliyah, Akmaliyah; Syasi, M.; AB, Moch. Naqieb
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.338 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2511


This research aims to reveal how the women's influence on the men's decision making in the novel Al-Faris Al-Jamil by Ali Ahmad Baktsir and the factors taht inlfuence it. The women’s influence here is how the female figures contained in the novel Al-Faris Al-Jamil influence Mushab as the main character who is a leader in making a decision. This research uses an analysis of feminist literary criticism. Meanwhile, the method used in this research is library research. The results of this study indicate that the women’s influence on male decision making in the novel Al-Faris Al-Jamil by Ali Ahmad Baktsir is shown by Sukainah, Mush'ab’s wife and Umrah, his enemy's wife. This influence is seen in the public domain because the situations and conditions told in the novel is the war. The factors for women that can influence men's decision making in the novel Al-Faris Al-Jamil by Ali Ahmad Baktsir are intelligence and beauty.
Maskulinitas Perempuan dalam Cerita Rakyat Indonesia Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan Dari Pulau Kupang Sar, Siswantia
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.527 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2354


This paper aims to explore the female masculinity in Indonesian folklore from Central Kalimantan, Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang. This research uses gender study, masculinity. The material object in this study is a folklore originating from Kupang Island, Central Kalimantan, entitled Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang. The formal object of this research is gender study, masculinity. Data analysis was performed through qualitative descriptive techniques by interpreting the data found in Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang folklore and linked to masculinity data. Masculinity is generally associated with men. However, masculinity is not nature carried by children when they were born. It does not only belong to men. Females can also have masculine traits as it is not something absolute and fixed but merely a construction. Women and men are labeled with gender identities and values by culture and society. This paper tries to highlight how masculinity in Nyai Undang is relevant to the masculinity that exists in Dayak women in Central Kalimantan. Nyai Undang is a Dayak woman who has some traits that are considered masculine including leadership skills, courage, and assertiveness. This research eventually finds out that these masculine qualities that are found in Nyai Undang can also be found in Dayak women in Kalimantan.
Analisis Wacana: Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Politik di Indonesia Tahun 2018 - 2019 Saputra, Herdin Arie; Mutiarin, Dyah; Nurmandi, Achmad
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1005.135 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2502


In Indonesia, the role of women in the political world is not statistically arguably contributing massively, due to several resistance that must be considered. Women's participation in politics should be balanced with men who are massively dominant in political positions. Because the rights between men and women's rights have the same recognition in state life in Indonesia based on the 1945 Constitution. The Islamic view is to always pay attention to the concepts of justice, wholeness, harmony, the balance of fellow human beings with nature. The purpose of this study is to determine women's participation in politics in Indonesia and to be a reference for women to participate in politics (executive and legislative). This type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The analysis used from this paper is descriptive analyzes. Analyzes were performed using the Nvivo 12 plus software. The results of the study are the lack of women's education on politics, regeneration of political parties, issues of permission from spouses, financial capital, descendants of political figures, patriarchal beliefs and culture that are still thick. This is an obstacle for women in participating in politics.
Pengaruh Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Faktor Sosial Demografi Terhadap Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Modern di Jawa Barat Alhamuddin, Alhamuddin; Adwiyah, Rabiatul; Suhenda, Dadang
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.81 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2463


The using of contraception in women is closely related to decreased fertility. In the Internation al Conference on Population and Development (1995), it is expected that women will absorb more information about the using of contraception and participate in using it, as the status of women's empowerment increases. This study aims to determine the effect of women's empowerment and socio-demographic factors on the using of modern contraception in West Java in 2017. The data used are acquired from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017. The research method uses binary logistic regression methods. It is a statistical method that uses binary data, where binary data is data that has only two possible outcomes. Ie results (0) fail, (1) success. Binary logistic regression tries to see how the relationship of some predatory variables with binary variables that have the possibility of failure and success. In this study the variable use of the contraception tool for the fertility rate of women aged 14-45 years. There are nine social demographic variables and five women's empowerment variables that significantly influence the use of modern contraception. The socio-demographic variables that significantly influence are age, female education, work status, husband's education, number of live children, ideal number of children, wealth index, area of residence, and family planning visits.
The Implementaion of Habituation Method of Early Age Students and the Characteristics in the Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah Muhlisin, Muhlisin; Sholikhatun, Sholikhatun
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.146 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2727


This research is based on facts about the increasing of Islamic boarding school for early age students. Does the existence of the increase can be an institution that can accommodate the development of the mental of children? As a golden age, early ages become a very strategic entrance to the continuing of children education in the stage of elementary school to the next stages. To determine the level of effectiveness, it certainly depends on many factors, among which is the method that is applied by the manager of the boarding school. This study aims to explore and analyze the implementation of the habituation method to the early age students in Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah, Proto, Kedungwuni, Pekalongan Regency. To uncover the data comprehensively, the researchers applied a qualitative approach, referring to the standard of field research. The source of data is obtained from the caretaker, teachers, and the representative of early age students randomly, through interviews, observations, and documentation study. To examine the validity of data, the researchers use triangulation of source of data, observation and theories. The technique of analyzing data is conducted through reduction, display, and verification of data. The results of the research showed that the application of the habituation method in daily activities for early age students emphasize on amaliyah diniyah yaumiyah. The habituation of students prioritizes daily ethics, taking ablution, praying in congregation, reciting the Koran, daily prayers, and maintaining cleanliness. However, the habituation has not concerned the cognitive domain in a standardized manner as the cognitive instructions are handed over to schools where students study formally; the boarding school is paid more attention to the affective and psychomotor domains. Their habitual characteristics take place naturally without any obvious standards. As a boarding school of early age students of Salafiyah, the students are more directed at habituation to live in the family as is usual. While the caretaker and teachers have run optimally like their parents themselves.
Urban Women, Their Religion, and Response to Environmental Crisis: Empirical Evidence in Green School and Majlis Taklim Ulin Nuha Ahmad, Maghfur
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.825 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2591


This study argues against the thesis that environmental crisis occurring today is due to masculine men’s domination over women in managing natural resource. Through an in-depth analysis on environmental conservation movement conducted by women in Pekalongan City, this study is projected to be antithesis on feminist’s perspective on the response to environmental crisis issue. This research focuses on the environmental action in religion and gender’s perspective in Green School and Majelis Taklim Ulin Nuha communities. Methodologically, data of this case study research was obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. The result of research shows that the ideology of environmental conservation has diverse paradigms: developmentalistic, constructivistic, and emancipatory. In the context of movement issue and model, urban women’s action in the research location also provided various topics: education, economics, and social movement, by involving school institution, majelis taklim, and non-government organization (NGO). Urban women in Pekalongan make religion and expedient technology the basis for resolving environment crisis by integrating masculinity into femininity harmoniously.
Representasi Perjuangan Perempuan dalam Novel Wedding Agreement Karya Mia Chuz Widianti, Nurhannah; Rivaldi, Sacandra Aji; Labibah, Shopa; Solihin, Nia
MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2462


This article analyzes the novel Wedding Agremeent which tells the struggle of a woman named Tari in defending her household. Although he did not obtain birth, mental and cheating rights, he still carried out his responsibilities as a wife. The purpose of the analysis, which is to describe the religious values ​​implemented by Tari in dealing with domestic conflicts. This study also illustrates the forms of his struggle in rejecting contract marriages. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative approach to criticism of feminism. The results of the analysis show that the Islamic values ​​that appear in the person of Dance, which is always closer to God, patient, independent, obedient to the husband, and polite. Meanwhile, the form of struggle carried out by Tari as a wife, among others (1) did not rashly make decisions by asking advice from the closest people; (2) always looking for ways to maintain the household; (3) trying to use the time to be a good wife by meeting the various needs of her husband.
Maskulinitas Perempuan dalam Cerita Rakyat Indonesia Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan Dari Pulau Kupang Siswantia Sar
Muwazah Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2354


This paper aims to explore the female masculinity in Indonesian folklore from Central Kalimantan, Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang. This research uses gender study, masculinity. The material object in this study is a folklore originating from Kupang Island, Central Kalimantan, entitled Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang. The formal object of this research is gender study, masculinity. Data analysis was performed through qualitative descriptive techniques by interpreting the data found in Nyai Undang Ratu Rupawan dari Pulau Kupang folklore and linked to masculinity data. Masculinity is generally associated with men. However, masculinity is not nature carried by children when they were born. It does not only belong to men. Females can also have masculine traits as it is not something absolute and fixed but merely a construction. Women and men are labeled with gender identities and values by culture and society. This paper tries to highlight how masculinity in Nyai Undang is relevant to the masculinity that exists in Dayak women in Central Kalimantan. Nyai Undang is a Dayak woman who has some traits that are considered masculine including leadership skills, courage, and assertiveness. This research eventually finds out that these masculine qualities that are found in Nyai Undang can also be found in Dayak women in Kalimantan.
Representasi Perjuangan Perempuan dalam Novel Wedding Agreement Karya Mia Chuz Nurhannah Widianti; Sacandra Aji Rivaldi; Shopa Labibah; Nia Solihin
Muwazah Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2462


This article analyzes the novel Wedding Agremeent which tells the struggle of a woman named Tari in defending her household. Although he did not obtain birth, mental and cheating rights, he still carried out his responsibilities as a wife. The purpose of the analysis, which is to describe the religious values ​​implemented by Tari in dealing with domestic conflicts. This study also illustrates the forms of his struggle in rejecting contract marriages. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative approach to criticism of feminism. The results of the analysis show that the Islamic values ​​that appear in the person of Dance, which is always closer to God, patient, independent, obedient to the husband, and polite. Meanwhile, the form of struggle carried out by Tari as a wife, among others (1) did not rashly make decisions by asking advice from the closest people; (2) always looking for ways to maintain the household; (3) trying to use the time to be a good wife by meeting the various needs of her husband.
Pengaruh Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Faktor Sosial Demografi Terhadap Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Modern di Jawa Barat Alhamuddin Alhamuddin; Rabiatul Adwiyah; Dadang Suhenda
Muwazah Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v12i1.2463


The using of contraception in women is closely related to decreased fertility. In the Internation al Conference on Population and Development (1995), it is expected that women will absorb more information about the using of contraception and participate in using it, as the status of women's empowerment increases. This study aims to determine the effect of women's empowerment and socio-demographic factors on the using of modern contraception in West Java in 2017. The data used are acquired from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017. The research method uses binary logistic regression methods. It is a statistical method that uses binary data, where binary data is data that has only two possible outcomes. Ie results (0) fail, (1) success. Binary logistic regression tries to see how the relationship of some predatory variables with binary variables that have the possibility of failure and success. In this study the variable use of the contraception tool for the fertility rate of women aged 14-45 years. There are nine social demographic variables and five women's empowerment variables that significantly influence the use of modern contraception. The socio-demographic variables that significantly influence are age, female education, work status, husband's education, number of live children, ideal number of children, wealth index, area of residence, and family planning visits.

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