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MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender
ISSN : 20858353     EISSN : 25025368     DOI : -
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Muwazah adalah jurnal kajian gender dengan ISSN Print: 2085-8353; Online: 2502-5368 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Gender (PSG) IAIN Pekalongan. Kata Muwazah berasal dari bahasa Arab yaitu (??????) yang memiliki arti kesetaraan. Jurnal ini fokus pada isu-isu aktual dan kontemporer yang berkaitan dengan kajian gender lokalitas dalam berbagai perspektif. Redaksi mengundang para ilmuwan, sarjana, professional, praktisi dan peneliti dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu yang konsern terhadap kajian gender berupa analisis, aplikasi teori, hasil penelitian, terjemahan, resensi buku, literature review untuk mempublikasikan hasil karya ilmiahnya setelah melalui mekanisme seleksi naskah, telaah mitra bebestari, dan proses penyuntingan. Jurnal ini terbit setahun dua kali setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Articles 415 Documents
PEREMPUAN DAN POLIGAMI DI INDONESIA ( Memotret Sejarah Gerakan Perempuan Dalam Menentang Poligami ) Trigiyatno, Ali
MUWAZAH Vol 3 No 1: Juni 2011
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract: Polygamous marriage has been practicing in various society and nation in this world. It is almost without suing and oposition at least to end of century XIX. But in the beginning of century XX, voices having side rejection and oposition to polygamy starts heard, especially from various woman movements. Later, polygyny has been limited with several conditions as we found on the Marriage Act 1/1974. This legal requirement, basically as a compromise attitude between gender actifist in one side and tradisionalist or fundamentalist ulama on the other side. So, it is not  surprising if nowdays, polygamy still debateable.
HAK POLITIK PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Usaha Memahami Nash Secara Kontekstual) Nelli, Jumni
MUWAZAH Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2013
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : There are two opposite opinions about the permissibility of women in politics. One opinion states that women should be at home, devoted to her husband, just have a domestic role, and should not be involved in politics. Another opinion states that women have the freedom to play, both inside and outside the home as well as in politics. This happens because they don’t understand the concept of women's rights that purely political, as well as in understanding the text verse Al-Qur`an is still gender bias. The differences of those opinions related to the differences in understanding the Islamic sources especially the verses of the Al-Qur`an about politics. This paper discusses political rights of women in Islam, so that people can understand and not considered taboo against women who were involved in politics. Based on the identification, classification, and analysis of the texts of the Al-Qur'an and hadith about politics, found that women in politics have the right according to Islam. Men and women are obliged to enjoining good and forbidding evil through several ways including the political media. Islam does not distinguish between men and women in individual rights and social rights especially political rights. However, it was noted that all rights must be placed within the limits of natural as women.       Abstrak : Terjadi dua pendapat yang berseberangan tentang kebolehan perempuan berpolitik.  Satu pendapat menyatakan perempuan harus di dalam rumah, mengabdi kepada suami, dan hanya mempunyai peran domestik dan tidak boleh berpolitik. Pendapat  lain menyatakan perempuan mempunyai kemerdekaan untuk berperan, baik di dalam maupun di luar rumah demikian juga dalam bidang politik. Hal tersebut terjadi karena belum difahaminya konsep tentang hak politik perempuan secara murni, juga karena dalam memahami teks ayat al-Qur`an masih bias gender. Perbedaan pandangan tersebut terkait dengan perbedaan dalam memahami sumber-sumber ajaran Islam  terutama ayat al-Qur`an yang berbicara tentang politik. Makalah ini  membahas  bagaimana sebenarnya hak politik perempuan dalam Islam, sehingga masyarakat dapat memahami dan tidak menganggap tabu terhadap perempuan yang terjun di dunia politik. Berdasarkan  identifikasi dan klasifikasi serta analisis  nash-nash dari  al-Qur’an dan hadis tentang politik dalam al-Qur`an, ditemukan bahwa perempuan mempunyai hak dalam berpolitik menurut Islam. Laki-laki dan perempuan berkewajiban untuk amar makrûf nahî munkar melalui beberapa cara termasuk diantaranya dengan media politik. Islam tidak membedakan laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hak-hak individu dan hak-hak kemasyarakatan utamanya hak politik. Namun demikian, yang perlu dicatat adalah semua hak tersebut harus diletakkan dalam batas-batas kodrati sebagai perempuan.
MUWAZAH Vol 2 No 2: Desember 2010
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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The process of empowerment of women involves several components but the most responsible and the key is the women themselves. Instruments or other dimensions that are beyond the individual merely as a facilitator and motivator of the process of empowerment of women. In addition, women's empowerment process also involves the social climate or atmosphere that occurs in society, and environmental conditions within and outside the community who become the object of women's empowerment. Therefore, the approach made possible the participation of women could participate actively involved in development. The assumption is that knowing the needs of women, resources and problems that exist in women is the women themselves. So women have a very large contribution to development of successfully
Teknik Konseling Individual Berwawasan Gender Zulfa, Nadhifatuz
MUWAZAH Vol 9 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.173 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v9i2.1127


Individual counseling techniques that are gender-sensitive, are individualized counseling techniques that are inserted by Gender Aware Counseling (GAC) techniques. That is, the counselor's assistance to the counselee (male and female), to increase gender awareness and sensitivity, broaden insights about gender roles, and help improve skills overcoming career development challenges in the background of gender relations. This technique includes, among others: attending behavior with gender insight, responding behavior, personalizing and initiating. GAC techniques that go into individual counseling techniques, among others: the conceptualisation of problems in responding, counseling interventions in personalizing, and termination after initiating. It is hoped that with this technique, able to solve problems based on gender equality, so that it will produce solutions that are gender sensitive
MUWAZAH Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2012
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : The understanding of concept taklik talak especially on gender perspective is still limited to certain people; therefor socialization should be continously done. Taklik talak intended to guarantee the wives right and to protect them from discrimative and arbitrary of husbands. But then, the couple have the same role to guard againts taklik talak violation. This statement is reverting to the cople’s right and duty formulation that based on equality principle. On this gender perspective, the cople’s right and duty are equal. Reasons that will make the difference their roles were just about reproduction duty like pregnant, bearing children and suckling (to wives) and protect to wive physically and economically (to husband). Abstrak : Pemahaman konsep taklik talak terutama pada perspektif gender masih terbatas pada orang-orang tertentu; sosialisasi untuk itu harus terus dilakukan secara. Taklik talak dimaksudkan untuk menjamin istri yang tepat dan untuk melindungi mereka dari tindakan diskrimatif dan sewenang-wenang dari suami. Pasangan memiliki peran yang sama untuk menjaga terhadap resiko pelanggaran taklik talak. Pernyataan ini kembali kepada perumusan hak dan kewajiban pasangan suami istri yang berdasarkan prinsip kesetaraan. Pada perspektif gender ini, hak suami istri dan kewajiban yang sama. Alasan yang akan membuat perbedaan peran mereka hanya tentang tugas reproduksi seperti hamil, melahirkan anak dan menyusui (untuk istri) dan melindungi istri dan mencari nafkah (suami). 
MUWAZAH Vol 7 No 2: Desember 2015
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Gender issues is the discourse and movement to achieve equality role, This gender movement rovelves around problems that occur against women, are like stereotyping, marginalization, subordination and the double burden of violence. This article discusses how reinterpretation hadith about female stereotypes according to Muhammad Al-Ghazali that will be discussed more detail the text of hadith impressed bias gender to be understood comprehensively by the readers and eliminate the negative lebel against women.Isu gender merupakan wacana dan pergerakan untuk mencapai kesetaraan peran, pergerakan gender ini berputar sekitar permasalahan yang terjadi terhadap perempuan, yaitu stereotip, marginalisasi, subordinasi, beban ganda dan kekerasan. Artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana reinterpretasi hadis Nabi tentang stereotip perempuan menurut pemikiran Muhammad Al-Ghazali yang akan dibahas secara mendalam mengenai teks hadis yang terkesan bias gender agar dapat dipahami secara komprehensif oleh pembaca dan menghilangkan label negatif terhadap perempuan.
ISLAM DAN FEMINISME (Perspektif Rekonstruksi Hukum Islam) Syukron, Ahmad
MUWAZAH Vol 1 No 2: Desember 2009
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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We have almost all walks of life, echoes of the emancipation of women is sticking up all for human rights as a woman who has not had a chance they occupy the position, honor, glory and freedom is equal to a man of many dimensions of life. Islam as part of a religion, it is just very concerned with aspects of the “humanization of women”. Women are no longer just as an object of her husband and family services, but also it also depends on the human figure. Their responsibility before God is the same as men. They are also creatures who have the sacred nature of glory is not measured based on gender, but from their faith mission.
Efektivitas Bimbingan Kelompok Berbasis Islami Zulfa, Nadhifatuz
MUWAZAH Vol 9 No 1: Juni 2017
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.953 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v9i1.1116


This study aims to knowing attitudes toward the double bourden of Muslim women who work (pretest and posttest) and the effectiveness of the implementation of Islamic-based group guidance to improve attitudes toward the double bourden of women. Location of research in Noyontaasari. Research approach is quantitative with experimental methods. The results showed that, the guidance of Islamic-based groups effectively increased attitudes toward the double bourden of woman Muslim workers. This is evident from the statistically significant wilcoxon test (probability <0.05). Therefore, there needs to be an Islamic-based group guidance service to improve attitudes toward women's double bourden, or to prevent the negative impact of Muslim women's  double bourden on themselves and their families.
MUWAZAH Vol 4 No 1: Juni 2012
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : The Center of hegemony, which is built on the common values  common interests between the rulers and capitalists who incidentally are in the sex of "males", makes women workers turn out to be worse in the encirclement of the corruptors. In fact, corruption that is rampant in this country, become a series of chains of the impoverishment of women workers, therefore women workers are affected by the domino effect as caused by the corrupts. Hence, the real movement against corruption on the basis of the women becomes an urging agenda to be realized immediately, in order to give effective contribution as linked to the rampant corruption in the country and also its impact on women workers. Abstrak : Pusat hegemoni, yang dibangun di atas nilai-nilai umum kepentingan bersama antara penguasa dan kapitalis yang notabene berada di jenis kelamin "laki-laki", membuat pekerja perempuan berubah menjadi lebih buruk dalam pengepungan dari para koruptor. Bahkan, korupsi yang merajalela di negeri ini, menjadi serangkaian rantai pemiskinan pekerja perempuan, oleh karena itu pekerja perempuan dipengaruhi oleh efek domino yang disebabkan oleh korup. Oleh karena itu, gerakan nyata melawan korupsi atas dasar perempuan menjadi agenda mendesak untuk segera diwujudkan, untuk memberikan kontribusi yang efektif terkait dengan korupsi yang merajalela di negeri ini dan juga dampaknya terhadap pekerja perempuan.
MUWAZAH Vol 7 No 1: Juni 2015
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Narcotics are substances causing change of consciousness. Psychotropic is a substance that causes changes in mental activity and behaviour. There is negative impacts on its users. Surprisingly, the demand for narcotics is increasing. Some starts it as trial and error, to have fun, be used under certain conditions such as sadness, tense and disappointed, abuse / deviation and addicts. With the increasing demand, drug sellers attempt to increase their market in various ways including using women as couriers, although the death penalty confronting. The issue needs to be discussed further is the reasons these women becoming drug couriers. Data shows some women are trapped by drug sellers and they are victims of human trafficking promised to be married.Poverty is one factor of this problem. Thus, among the solutions is to fight against poverty by means of entrepreneurship education facilitated by government to become independent generation. Poverty is one of casualties in war against drug. Parents awareness to monitor and educate their children needs to be strengthen in order to prevent becoming targets of drugs' mafia, both becoming user or dealers. Meningkatnya animo konsumen, produsen terhadap narkotoka dan psikotropika, mengakibatkan mereka melakukan pemasaran dengan berbagai cara, antara lain, memanfaatkan perempuan menjadi pemasok/pengedar, meski hukuman mati menghadangnya. Persoalan yang perlu diurai adalah apa yang menjadi penyebab mau menjadi pengedar? Para perempuan yang menjadi pemasok/pengedar terjadi karena korban perdagangan manusia oleh oknum tertentu yang memanfaatkan celah kelemahan perempuan, yakni dinikah untuk dijadikan tumbal pengedar narkoba. Kemiskinan menjadi faktor penyebab menjadi korban. Dengan demikian, jalan awal yang harus dicari solusi adalah memerangi kemiskinan warga dengan cara pendidikan kewirausahaan agar menjadi generasi yang mandiri dan pemerintah memfasilitasinya. Bila kemiskinan masih akut, memerangi korban pengedar narkoba menghadapi jalan terjal. Perlunya kesadaran orangtua dalam mengawasi dan mendidik anaknya untuk dioptimalkan agar tidak menjadi target mafia narkoba, baik menjadi pengonsumsi, pengedar atau pemroduk narkoba. Ketegasan pemerintah dalam menindak kejahatan narkoba dengan hukuman mati yang prosedural jangan surut di tengah pro-kontra dari publik.

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