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MUWAZAH: Jurnal Kajian Gender
ISSN : 20858353     EISSN : 25025368     DOI : -
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Muwazah adalah jurnal kajian gender dengan ISSN Print: 2085-8353; Online: 2502-5368 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Gender (PSG) IAIN Pekalongan. Kata Muwazah berasal dari bahasa Arab yaitu (??????) yang memiliki arti kesetaraan. Jurnal ini fokus pada isu-isu aktual dan kontemporer yang berkaitan dengan kajian gender lokalitas dalam berbagai perspektif. Redaksi mengundang para ilmuwan, sarjana, professional, praktisi dan peneliti dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu yang konsern terhadap kajian gender berupa analisis, aplikasi teori, hasil penelitian, terjemahan, resensi buku, literature review untuk mempublikasikan hasil karya ilmiahnya setelah melalui mekanisme seleksi naskah, telaah mitra bebestari, dan proses penyuntingan. Jurnal ini terbit setahun dua kali setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Articles 415 Documents
MUWAZAH Vol 8 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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The article discusses the role of women and it is characteristic in forming organizations and maintaining social communication establishment in order to actualize and articulate their existance within socciety. So far, we knew that gender’s role during the new order regime, what we called Suharto’s military regime, in which totally marginalized and isolated from development, politics,culture and other social activities. Therefore, the local communities in Aceh, has grown and developed organizations as a mechanism for fulfilling the needs and solving problems for the people at the local level, especially women.paper ini membahas tentang peran perempuan dan karakteristik dalam membentuk organisasi dan mempertahankan pendirian komunikasi sosial dalam rangka aktualisasi keberadaan mereka di masyarakat, karena selama rezim orde baru, atau disebut dengan rezim militer Suharto, perempuan terpinggirkan dan terisolasi dari pembangunan, politik, budaya dan kegiatan sosial lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pada masyarakat lokal di Aceh, telah tumbuh dan berkembang organisasiorganisasi sebagai mekanisme pemenuhan kebutuhan dan pemecahan permasalahan bagi masyarakat pada tingkat lokal, khususnya perempuan.
MUWAZAH Vol 2 No 1: Juni 2010
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract: Violence against women is always connoted with gender-based violence. It is not without cause, because the reality of violence against women in any context and the domain is due to the cultural dominance of men against women. Cultural domination is what ultimately makes the lame pattern of relationships between men and women, with a pattern of inferiority and superiority. This is actually happening behind the acts of violence against women is highly implicated in the reality of society over the years.
MUWAZAH Vol 6 No 1: Juni 2014
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : This study discusses about what and how the patriarchal system perpetuates gender inequality in the reality of social life, with women as victims. Patriarchy is the magic system because of its ability to power that is no longer in the realm of the family but in all areas of the world that demonstrate extraordinary cognitive. This system is a system of male dominance and superiority -laki for control and domination of women. Gender roles are deliberately constructed by this ideology, understood by women as something natural or nature, so that in many areas of life this system perpetuates gender inequality. Abstrak : Penelitian ini membahas tentang apa dan bagaimana sistem patriarki melanggengkan ketidaksetaraan gender dalam realitas kehidupan sosial, dengan perempuan sebagai korban. Patriarki adalah sistem ajaib karena kemampuannya untuk kekuasaan yang tidak lagi di ranah keluarga tetapi dalam semua wilayah di dunia yang menunjukkan kognitif yang luar biasa. Sistem ini adalah sistem laki-laki dominasi dan superioritas -laki untuk kontrol dan dominasi perempuan. Peran gender sengaja dibangun oleh ideologi ini, dipahami oleh perempuan sebagai sesuatu yang alami atau alam, sehingga dalam banyak bidang kehidupan sistem ini melanggengkan ketidaksetaraan gender.
MUWAZAH Vol 5 No 2: Desember 2013
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : Women have a vital role for the welfare of the community, both on a small scale such as family formation and in such large-scale development of the country. Islam asserts that, the identity of a nation with close ties to the role of women, even the existence of a benchmark for the success of women of the country, if a woman becomes both, then the country will go forward, otherwise if she does not act well then the country will be destroyed. Although women have made significant contributions in development, but the role of women has not been proportional to the number of existing female population. Currently various problems still disturbing existence of women in society. To overcome these authors offer some views, such as relocating back function submit completely to the woman and the woman herself, but still adhere to the instructions of the Qur'an and Hadith. Abstrak : Perempuan memiliki peran penting bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat, baik dalam skala kecil seperti pembentukan keluarga dan dalam pembangunan skala besar seperti negara. Islam menegaskan bahwa, identitas bangsa memiliki hubungan dekat dengan peran perempuan, bahkan keberadaan tolok ukur keberhasilan perempuan dari negara, jika seorang wanita menjadi baik, maka negara akan maju, sebaliknya jika dia tidak tidak bertindak dengan baik maka negara akan hancur. Meskipun perempuan telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam pembangunan, namun peran perempuan belum sebanding dengan jumlah penduduk perempuan yang ada. Saat ini berbagai masalah masih mengganggu keberadaan perempuan dalam masyarakat. Untuk mengatasi penulis ini menawarkan beberapa pandangan, seperti relokasi kembali fungsi menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada wanita dan wanita itu sendiri, namun tetap mematuhi instruksi dari AlQur'an dan Hadis.
MUWAZAH Vol 3 No 1: Juni 2011
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract: Through political education of women are expected to know and understand the rights and obligations as citizens, so that women have a significant role in developing democracy and intelligent in determining political attitudes. It is time women are placed as the subject in the political arena, not solely as a political object, which appears to be merely exploit them for elite interests or political party. Conditions, due to a lack of political education for women. For that a good political education, are expected to materialize the political role of women in the life of society, nation and the state towards the realization of a democratic civil society and justice. Thus the urge strengthening women's political rights should be increased primarily through the regulation / legislation in favor of women. Empowerment of women in various aspects of social life and civic culture, very urgent to increase women's political role.
MUWAZAH Vol 5 No 2: Desember 2013
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : This study departs from the reality show of Miss World 2013, which was opened in Bali. This event raises controversy from many quarters, even as the contest was accused of pornography. However, it is not normative according to the terminology of the law, especially RI.Nomor Act 44 of 2008 on Pornography. Therefore, the Pancasila as the nation's way of life provides an ideal solution to bridge the controversy of most elements relevant to the community are the pros and cons of such activities, through open dialogue and avoid violent means. Abstrak : Penelitian ini berangkat dari reality show Miss World 2013, yang dibuka di Bali. Acara ini menimbulkan kontroversi dari banyak pihak, bahkan saat kontes dituduh pornografi. Namun, tidak normatif menurut terminologi hukum, terutama UU RI.Nomor 44 tahun 2008 tentang Pornografi. Oleh karena itu, Pancasila sebagai cara hidup bangsa menyediakan solusi ideal untuk menjembatani kontroversi unsur yang paling relevan dengan masyarakat yang pro dan kontra dari kegiatan tersebut, melalui dialog yang terbuka dan menghindari cara-cara kekerasan.
MUWAZAH Vol 2 No 2: Desember 2010
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Institutional become an empowerment approach pattern lately has been able to lift the poor to be empowered and grow. Communities are organized in a container group (institution), and the group became a learning medium multifunction members at the exchange of information, knowledge, attitude and even to overcome the problem with both economic and social problems. Slowly, the power of individuals will come into force group and that's where the ongoing process of strengthening and empowerment
Keluarga Sakinah Berwawasan Gender Arma, Muslim
MUWAZAH Vol 9 No 2: Desember 2017
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Every adherent of a religion, believes in the truth of every doctrine that is in his religion, whether in worship or in daily life, such as life in marriage. According to Muslim femenis that the interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet related to women often discriminate against women, resulting in the abuse of violence against women. The conclusion is, the content of truth contained in religion (especially Islam), if carried out in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and Sunnah, it will gradually give a positive influence on every Muslim individual, including in realizing a sakinah family of gender perspective.
MUWAZAH Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2012
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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Abstract : This study moved from the reality of the problems that have been the subject of conversation in forums network PSG / PSW throughout Indonesia, both PTAIN/S and Public Higher Education, regarding the condition of lack of response to campus officials agenda promoted by the PSG/ PSW in their respective campuses. Even in some of the Islamic university, menganggab that the PSG / PSW is only a collection of the women (read: wife) against men (read: husband). Although the reality is not as extreme in the STAIN Pekalongan, but in this study the authors wanted to see, rather than despite not prove but at least read the truth of the conclusion of the friends network. The author did not conduct in-depth research with a particular approach to scientific method, but the writer is trying to read the reality of everyday experience of the author as part of the academic community in the STAIN Pekalongan. This study is intended as a preliminary description in order to be a reference for the development of ideas STAIN Pekalongan and also be a reference for researchers who want to conduct in-depth research or create a baseline study on gender sensitivity in STAIN Pekalongan toward campus of Rahmatan Lil’Alamin. Abstrak : Penelitian  ini berpinjak dari realitas masalah yang telah menjadi subyek pembicaraan di forum jaringan PSG / PSW di seluruh Indonesia, baik PTAIN / S dan Perguruan Tinggi Umum, mengenai kondisi kurangnya respon terhadap agenda pejabat kampus dipromosikan oleh PSG / PSW di kampus masing-masing. Bahkan di beberapa universitas Islam, menganggap bahwa PSG / PSW hanya koleksi wanita (baca: istri) terhadap laki-laki (baca: suami). Meskipun kenyataannya tidak seekstrim di STAIN Pekalongan, tetapi dalam penelitian ini penulis ingin melihat, daripada meskipun tidak membuktikan tapi setidaknya membaca kebenaran kesimpulan dari jaringan teman-teman. Penulis tidak melakukan penelitian mendalam dengan pendekatan tertentu untuk metode ilmiah, tetapi penulis mencoba untuk membaca realitas pengalaman sehari-hari penulis sebagai bagian dari civitas akademika STAIN Pekalongan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan sebagai gambaran awal untuk menjadi acuan bagi pengembangan ide-ide STAIN Pekalongan dan juga menjadi acuan bagi para peneliti yang ingin melakukan penelitian mendalam atau membuat studi baseline pada sensitivitas gender dalam STAIN Pekalongan menuju kampus rahmatan lil'alamin.
HUKUM PERKAWINAN DI INDONESIA (Kajian Hukum Berkeadilan Gender dalam Kerangka Feminis Legal Theory) Fakhri, Moch.
MUWAZAH Vol 7 No 2: Desember 2015
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

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This study set out from the issue of marriage law in Indonesia were inactiveness of women. This happens because the legal culture of the legislators was built with a base value of  patriarchy. The consequence is the demand for gender equality and equity. Gender equality can not be achieved within the institutional structures that currently applies ideological, because the condition of women are still regarded as inferior then the need for a democratic legal system that allows women to be able to define themselves. Thus the legal system can not be implemented in authoritarian (centralized) by a certain group or nation.Kajian ini beranjak dari isu hukum Perkawinan di Indonesia yang tidak berpihak pada kaum perempuan ( bias gender). Hal tersebut terjadi karena budaya hukum pembentuk undang-undang dibangun dengan basis nilai patriarkhi. Sifat patriakhal dalam masyarakat dan ketentuan hukum merupakan penyebab ketidakadilan, dominasi dan subordinasi terhadap perempuan, sehingga sebagai konsekuensinya adalah tuntutan terhadap kesetaraan dan keadilan gender. Kesetaraan dan keadilan gender tidak akan dapat tercapai dalam struktur institusional ideologis yang saat ini berlaku, karena dalam kondisi perempuan masih dianggap sebagai inferior maka perlu adanya sistem hukum demokratis yang memungkinkan kaum perempuan dapat mendefinisikan diri mereka sendiri. Sistem hukum demikian tidak dapat dilaksanakan secara otoriter (sentralistik) oleh kelompok tertentu ataupun negara.

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