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The Social and Political Research Center (PKSP), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang proudly presents Journal Sospol (Sospol: Jurnal Sosial Politik). Journal Sospol cordially invites researchers, academicians, and experts to submit research on sociology, communications, international relations, governance, and social welfare sciences.
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Motivasi dan Culture Shock Mahasiswa Asing di STAIN KEDIRI Dalam Lingkungan Budaya Kediri Amanah, Siti
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.863 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i1.5254


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis motivasi mahasiswa Thailand belajar di Indonesia dan culture shock yang dialami. Sebagai penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, penentuan subjek penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan informan mahasiswa Thailand STAIN Kediri tahun ajaran 2013/2014, pimpinan STAIN Kediri, dan pihak-pihak lain yang relevan. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data digunakan model analisa data interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi yang mendorong mahasiswa Thailand belajar ke Indonesia khususnya di STAIN Kediri terdiri dari faktor instrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Faktor intrinsik antara lain: ingin mendapatkan pengalaman baru, ingin belajar bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Sementara, faktor ekstrinsik meliputi: mendapatkan beasiswa, Indonesia dekat, biaya hidup di Indonesia terjangkau, Indonesia aman & mayoritas muslim, kesamaan bahasa (rumpun Melayu), pengalaman dari alumni yang pernah belajar di Indonesia. Culture shock dialami oleh mahasiswa Thailand berkaitan dengan makanan, gaya hidup (kebiasaan-kebiasaan, pergaulan), cuaca, dan kegiatan sosial keagamaan. Sebagian besar mahasiswa Thailand berusaha mengatasi culture shock sendiri, lainnya membutuhkan bantuan orang lain seperti teman. Diperlukan proses dan latihan untuk dapat menyesuaikan budaya di Kediri baik terkait dengan cuasa, makanan, bahasa, dan gaya hidup masyarakat setempat. Masing-masing informan membutuhkan masa yang berbeda-beda yakni sekitar satu sampai tiga bulan mereka bisa beradaptasi dan berakulturasi dengan budaya Kediri.Kata Kunci: Culture shock, Indonesia, Mahasiswa, Motivasi, Thailand   AbstractThis study aims to analyze the motivation of Thai students studying in Indonesia and the culture shock experienced. As a qualitative descriptive research, the determination of research subjects using purposive sampling technique with informants consits of Thai students of STAIN Kediri academic year 2013/2014, head of STAIN Kediri, and other relevant parties. It used primary and secondary data. Data obtained from observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. This research used interactive data analysis model Miles and Huberman which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification. It found that Thai students keen on studying in Indonesia especially in STAIN Kediri motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors includes: spirit to gain new experiences, language and culture of Indonesia. Meanwhile, extrinsic factors involves scholarship support, Indonesia is geographycally near to Thailand, cost of living in Indonesia affordable, Indonesia is safe, majority of Muslims population, common language (Melayu), and encouraged by Thai alumni experiences. Culture shock experienced by Thai students related to the matter of food, lifestyle, habits, weather, and social activities. Most of Thai students try to overcome their own culture shock, yet others need friends to help. It takes process and practice in recognizing culture of Kediri in terms of local food, language, and lifestyle. Each informant requires a different period of about one to three months.Keywords: Culture shock, Indonesia, Motivation, Student, Thailand
Kata Pengantar Jurnal Sospol Vol. 2, No. 1, Juli - Desember 2016 Pengantar, Kata
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.597 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v2i1.3468


Kata PengantarJurnal Sosial dan Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) merupakan sebuah wadah akademik untuk menggali pengetahuan dan diskusi publik tentang fenomena domestik maupun internasional yang berdampak terhadap situasi dan kondisi di Indonesia. Jurnal Sospol UMM berada di bawah pengelolaan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) yang bertujuan memberikan referensi ilmiah maupun praktis bagi para akademisi dan pembuat kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan masalah dan kajian ilmu sosial-politik. Jurnal Sospol terbit dua kali setahun (volume) dengan periode Juli-Desember untuk edisi 1 dan Januari-Juni untuk edisi 2.Pembahasan dalam jurnal Sospol UMM berupaya dikemas dengan topik-topik yang menarik seputar isu-isu kebijakan pemerintahan, model dan tantangan pembangunan, interaksi kemanusiaan, dinamika sosial-budaya, media-komunikasi, dan masalah-masalah politik-ekonomi serta isu-isu politik kontemporer. Kami berharap Jurnal Sospol UMM menjadi salah satu kontributor dalam kemajuan pembangunan Indonesia melalui sumbangsih pengetahuan dan penelitian dari para akademisi serta praktisi baik berasal dari dalam maupun luar negeri.Malang, 2016Salam,Redaksi  
Sistem Noken Papua: Manifestasi Demokrasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Ronsumbre, Nelwan
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember (In Press)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v5i2.7388


The noken system, particularly related to the model of electoral balloting in Papua Province, has become an eternal topic that has been discussed and debated. The main point of the discussion is at least two aspects, namely the implementation of the noken system which is considered as local wisdom and the manifestation of deliberative democracy and in other parts that the system is considered to violate the principles of freedom and political rights of citizens. This research is a qualitative research with three research objects, namely the electoral system, deliberative democracy and political rights of citizens. This research shows that the implementation of noken in Papua is legitimate in the legal term and culturally the practice of the system is inseparable part of local wisdom and the manifestation of deliberative democracy. This study recommends the need for adjustments between the election noken system and the principles of justice, freedom and political rights of citizens through synchronization and harmonization of legal products regarding the noken system with protection of human rights in addition to the need to make incremental improvements to the system. 
The Relevance of Bandung Spirit in the Contemporary Global Trade Order Nurhasdy, Rio; Nurika, Rizki Rahmadini; Yekti, Septian Nur
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.42 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v2i1.4762


AbstrakKonferensi Bandung sudahdiadakan 60 tahun yang lalu. Kolonisasi telah resmi menghilang, Perang Dingin telah berakhir, dan Gerakan Non-Blok telah hampir kehilangan raison d'etre. Namun, sistem serupa dominasi kekuatan dalam tatanan dunia masih bertahan, perang terus mengancam kemanusiaan, dan kelaparan massal, penyakit, dan kemiskinan masih menjadi ciri sebagian besar negara di dunia. Ketidakadilan telah muncul dalam bentuk yang lebih canggih dengan dimensi yang lebih besar seperti sosial, hukum, dan ekonomi. Sebuah sistem dominasi dalam tatanan dunia dan ketidakadilan saat ini dapat ditemukan dalam konteks perdagangan global. Rezim dipelopori oleh Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO) sebagai tatanan baru telah meliberalisasi belahan dunia dengan menawarkan beberapa fungsi dan tujuan bermanfaat bagi negara, baik Utara dan Selatan. Bahkan, perintah ini tidak selalu membawa manfaat bagi mereka, terutama untuk negara-negara kurang berkembang yang sebagian besar berasal dari Selatan. Mereka dieksploitasi dan hanya mendapatkan sedikit manfaat dari liberalisasi perdagangan sementara negara-negara maju menuai banyak manfaat. Sebagai respon terhadap dunia kontemporer, makalah ini mencoba untuk menganalisis rasa perlunya Bandung Spiritsebagai wujud kehadiran postkolonial asli dan masa depan untuk Selatan. Pertanyaan mendasarnya adalah mengapa sistem dominasi masih ada hingga sekarang, di mana kekuasaan hegemonik dalam sistem perdagangan ditempati oleh Utara. Makalah ini juga mempertanyakan bagaimana Bandung Spriti perlu ditafsirkan karena tidak semua norma dan nilai-nilai yang ada di dalam Bandung Spirit bisa memungkinkan Selatan untuk memecahkan masalah global, terutama untuk isu-isu perdaganganKata Kunci: bandung spirit, liberalisasi perdagangan, selatan, WTO AbstractIt has been 60 years after the Bandung Conference. Colonization has officially disappeared, the Cold War has ended, and the Non-Aligned Movement has almost lost its raison d?être. However, similar systems of domination by the powerful in the world order still persist, wars continue to threaten humanity, and mass hunger, diseases, and poverty still characterize many parts of the world. Injustice has appeared in more sophisticated forms and larger dimensions such social, law, and economy. A system of domination in the world order and injustice today can be found in the global trade context. The regime pioneered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a new order has liberalized parts of the world by offering some beneficial functions and objectives for countries, both North and South. In fact, this order doesn?t always bring benefits for them, especially for less developed countries which mostly come from South. They were exploited and only get little benefits from trade liberalization while developed countries reap many benefits. As a response to the contemporary world, this paper attempts to analyze the sense of the necessity of Bandung Spirit for a genuine postcolonial present and future for South. This paper questions why system of domination still exists today, where hegemonic power in trading system is occupied by North. This paper also questions how the Bandung Spirit needs to be interpreted today because not all normsand values lies within the Bandung Spirit could enable South to solve global problem, especially for trade issues.Keywords: bandung spirit, trade liberalization, south, WTO
Lee Myung Bak’s Choice on Sunshine Policy: South Korean National Interests and North Korean Threat Mulyaman, Darynaufal
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.147 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i2.5867


Sunshine Policy that had been implemented by South Korean Government on Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyeon?s administration from 1998-2008. This policy started to do cooperative behavior for treating North Korea as a partner, not contrarily, yet the Sunshine Policy was considered as a failure by Lee Myung-Bak?s administration, thereupon stopped offhandedly despite recent cultural and cooperative diplomacy that had been done by his successor President Moon Jae-In. Then Why the South Korean government at the time of President Lee Myung-Bak stopped the Sunshine Policy offhand? In the scheme of National Interest idea, North Korea still a predominant threat that very paramount for South Korean national interest, even an accommodative and cooperative policy like Sunshine Policy could not emphasize South Korean national interests. This paper also tries to analyze the issue with explaining foreign policy decision making factors, such as the domestic and external factor, decision environment, and psychology factor of President Lee Myung-Bak at that time.  
Embargo Ekonomi sebagai Strategi Konfrontasi Uni Eropa terhadap Rusia pada Masa Konflik Ukraina 2013-2015 Hanifah, Ummu Ro'iyatu Nahdliyati Millati
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.59 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v3i2.5063


AbstraksiPosisi Ukraina yang strategis bagi Rusia maupun Uni Eropa seringkali menjadikannya sebagai medan konflik antara Rusia dan Uni Eropa. Seperti yang terjadi pada tahun 2013-2015, konflik domestik yang diawali oleh keluarnya Ukraina dari Perjanjian Asosiasi Eropa menjadi medan konflik antara Rusia dan Uni Eropa. Rusia yang merupakan negara pewaris Soviet merasa perlu untuk melindungi etnis Rusia yang berada di Ukraina menuntut Rusia untuk melakukan campur tangan dalam konflik domestik tersebut. Sedangkan Uni Eropa yang merasa kepentingan politiknya diganggu oleh Rusia pada akhirnya melakukan embargo ekonomi terhadap Rusia atas campur tangannya tersebut, sementara Uni Eropa memiliki ketergantungan terhadap Rusia dalam hal energi. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai embargo ekonomi yang diberikan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap Rusia serta latar belakang embargo tersebut dengan menggunakan teori foreign policy strategy dan konsep energy security. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksplanatif dengan menggunakan data kualitatif yang bersumber dari studi kepustakaan. Kebijakan embargo ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa tersebut merupakan strategi konfrontasi Uni Eropa terhadap Rusia yang di dasari oleh dua hal, yaitu kapabilitas Uni Eropa yang dirasa lebih tinggi daripada Rusia serta posisi Rusia yang dianggap sebagai ancaman oleh Uni Eropa.Kata Kunci: Perjanjian Asosiasi Eropa, embargo ekonomi, strategi konfrontasi, konflik Ukraina. AbstractStrategical position of Ukraine for Russia as well as European Union often make it be conflict area between Russia and European Union. As happened to the years 2013-2015, domestic conflict that begins by the discharge of Ukraine of the European Association Agreement became the conflict zone between Russia and the European Union. Russia that legacy of Soviet Union felt it necessary to protect Russians ethnic who were in Ukraine make Russia demands to intervene in the domestic conflict. Whereas the European Union felt harassed by the political interests of Russia finally of give economic embargo to the Russian on interference in the domestic conflict, while European Union dependence on Russian energy. In this research will be discussed about the economic embargo by the European Union on Russia and the background of the embargo by using the theory of foreign policy strategy and concept of energy security. This research use explainative methode with qualitative data that sourced by library research. The economic embargo is European Union confrontation strategy towards Russia that based on two reasons, capability the European Union is considered higher than Russia and Russia's position is seen as a threat by the European Union.Key Words: European Association Agreement, economic embargo, confrontation strategy, Ukraina conflict.
The Failure of MINUSCA as Peacekeeping Force in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2013-2015 SD, Hardi Alunaza; Sherin, Virginia
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.848 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i2.5232


Since Bozizé led the CAR from March 15, 2003, to March 24, 2013, there has been resistance from some of the rebel forces. The rebellion continues because of the economic and political weaknesses in the CAR government. One of them comes from an opposition coalition known as Séléka who staged a rebellion in 2013 with the aim of overthrowing the Bozizé regime. After the fall of Bozizé, CAR's condition has worsened because Séléka rebels have committed gross human rights violations in the CAR. This is where the conflict develops from the conflict that was originally just a conflict of government-opposition, then widened and turned to religious conflicts. As a result, questions arise about the efforts and involvement of third parties in conflict resolution within the CAR and the social impacts of the conflict. This article attempts to answer questions which focuses on the involvement of third parties as peacekeepers in conflict areas. In this case, the authors use qualitative research methods in the form of literature studies such as books, journals, and scientific articles in supporting the final explanation. The result of this paper shows that the failure of Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) as a peacekeeping force in the conflict in CAR in 2013-2015 is caused by human rights violation in the form of sexual exploitation. This has had a social impact on the lives of communities, especially women and children, suffer from physical and mental trauma resulting from conflict and become victims of human rights violations committed by MINUSCA.
Daftar Isi Jurnal Sospol Vol. 2, No. 1, Juli-Desember 2016 Isi, Daftar
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.169 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v2i1.3640


Kampanye Politik di Media Online: Analisis pada situs dan Rahadi, Rahadi
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.23 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v5i1.7655


Post-reform, mass media plays an important role in political life in Indonesia. Media power in presenting or reporting political events in the form of news often has a significant impact on political developments in the country. This study focuses on political news on and, regarding the construction of the Governor of Deputy Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java in 2018. The researcher used Robert N Entman's framing analysis of four media analysis strategies; (1) Problem identification (2) diagnose causes (3) make moral judgment (4) treatment recommendations. The news frame carried out by and clearly uses the figure of Kiayi as a way to get sympathy from voters, especially those in the horseshoe and Madura region which incidentally is NU's mass base. For the East Java region outside the horseshoe and madura area (arek and matraman), the framing of the news carried out was that the candidate pairs received support from community organizations and emphasized the figure who was able to win over the problems in East Java.
The United States and Latin America Regional Cooperation: Organization of American States (OAS) Kusumaningrum, Demeiati Nur
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.031 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i1.5566


AbstrakPenelitian ini berpendapat bahwa perjanjian kerja sama OAS menjadi instrumen Amerika Serikat untuk mencapai kepentingan keamanan dan ekonomi. Semangat untuk menyebarkan kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia dianggap sebagai karakter AS sebagai negara demokrasi liberal. Pemerintahan Obama mengambil kesempatan lebih besar untuk memperkuat kerja sama dengan negara-negara Amerika Latin melalui OAS sebagai sarana untuk merebut kekuasaan dan pengaruh yang berkaitan dengan masalah perjanjian perdagangan bebas Amerika Latin dan kontrol terhadap penyelundupan narkoba. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Data dan informasi diperoleh dari kajian pustaka. Peneliti menerapkan analisis konten dokumen melalui publikasi pemerintah, publikasi ilmiah, dan laporan. Perubahan kebijakan luar negeri AS di bawah pemerintahan Obama percaya pada reformasi pasar dan pragmatisme Amerika berdasarkan demokrasi dan liberalisasi perdagangan. Kemajuan ekonomi Mercosur memicu kepercayaan terhadap kemajuan pembangunan di antara negara-negara Amerika Latin dan membuat mereka menjauhi pengaruh politik AS. Sementara itu, keamanan nasional AS terancam oleh meningkatnya perdagangan narkoba dari Meksiko dan kawasan selatan sejak tahun 1980-an. Kerangka kerja kerja sama OAS dalam memerangi perdagangan narkoba yang dikembangkan oleh AS sebagai aktor dominan melegitimasi pengaruh AS dalam forum regional. Dengan memperkuat kerja sama AS dan Amerika Latin pada pengendalian obat-obatan, pemerintah AS mampu memanfaatkan berkembangnya ekonomi Mercosur dan merealisasikan kebijakan AS tentang pengendalian narkoba di seluruh kawasan Amerika.Kata kunci: Amerika Latin, Ekonomi Politik, Keamanan, Kepentingan, Regionalisme AbstractThis research argue on the OAS cooperation agreement becomes United States instrument to achieve the political economy and political security. The spirit to spread of freedom and human right perceived as the character of US as a liberal democratic country. The Obama administration take a greater chance to strengthened the cooperation with Latin American countries by the OAS as a means to seize power and influence dealt with the matter of Latin America free trade agreement and drugs control. This research used qualitative research method by descriptive analysis. The data and information obtained from library research. The researcher apply document content analysis through the government publications, scholars publications, IGO reports, and other research publication. The foreign policy changes of US foreign policy under Obama administration believe in market reform and American pragmatism based on democracy and trade liberalization. The economic advancement of Mercosur triger the confidence building among Latin America countries and let them survive without US political influence.Whereas, US national security threaten by the increasing of drug trafficking from Mexico and southern area since 1980s. The OAS framework of cooperation on combating drugs trafficking developed by US as the dominant actor to legitimate the US influence in American regional forum. By strengthening the US and Latin America cooperation on drugs control the US administration is able to contribute to the economic benefits of Mercosur and achieve US policy on drug control throughout the American region.Keywords: Interest, Latin America, Political Economy, Regionalism, Security

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