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Jurnal Rupa
Published by Universitas Telkom
ISSN : 25031627     EISSN : 25031066     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
JURNAL RUPA is a peer-reviewed academic journal to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary forum in the area of visual arts. This journal welcomes submissions from artists, makers, designers, researchers, historians, and other writers in the field of visual arts. This journal is published two times a year by Telkom University.
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Cover Jurnal Rupa Volume 4 no 1 rupa manager
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2753


Pemanfaatan Limbah Biji Alpukat (Persea americana Mill) untuk Produk Modest Couture Adhindha Firdausa Ratnasari; Kahfiati Kahdar; Imam Santosa
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2172


Indonesia is one of the countries that has a major contribution to the total production of avocados (Persea americana Mill) in the world with a total production of 334,047 tons (5.64%) in 2017. So far, only the flesh of avocados are used for consumption, this causes waste from avocado seeds to accumulate with low utilization. In fact, avocado seed extract contains tannin which can be used as natural dyes for textile. This research aims to utilize avocado seed extract for coloring and creating motifs on silk fabric, as well to apply them in creating modest couture products. Modest couture is one of modest fashion markets which is couture. The consumers spend around US$ 270 billion in 2017 and it is estimated to reach US$361 billion in 2023, so it is expected that the use of avocado seed waste can be used regularly on a broad market, especially in Indonesia. In this study, the emphasis is on the different colors and motifs that can be produced through natural dyes from avocado seed extract, then proceed with designing the modest couture product according to the couture fashion criteria and the observation results of the existing couture products.
Colophon dan Daftar Isi Jurnal Rupa Volume 4 No 1 rupa manager
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2754


Studi Preferensi Masyarakat Jakarta Terhadap Genderless Fashion Nadiah Salsabila Hakim Pambudi; Achmad Haldani; Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2249


The evolution of clothing style always repetitive, one of them is genderless fashion. In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, genderless clothing is not exposed too much to the public. This research aims to find the meaning of genderless fashion which often indentify as androgyne fashion and people’s preference for genderless fashion. This research collects data through a literature review as well as using questionnaires to find out the preferences of the Jakarta people towards genderless fashion. According to data analysis, it can be interpreted that genderless fashion is a designing process for clothing without any specific gender orientation. The difference lies in one’s physical character, the concept of androgyne fashion is for individuals who has male and female characteristic. The results of questionnaires regarding the preferences are most people know the meaning of genderless fashion and this phenomenon can be accepted in society. However, there are limits that cannot be accepted yet, such as clothes with feminine silhouette and very bright colors. This research intended to be able to rectify public confusion over understanding genderless fashion and androgyne fashion as well as a source of knowledge for designer who wants to know the limitation and acceptence rate for genderless fashion in Jakarta.
Perbandingan Persepsi pada Material Upcycle Do It Yourself (DIY) dengan Pendekatan Material Driven Design Devanny Gumulya
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.1851


In the past five years, technology advances and fabrication feasibility like 3D printing has boost the do it your self-movement, and it is expanding beyond products to the materials that are labelled as DIY-materials. DIY- materials are created through individual or collective through self-production practices that involve a lot of creativity and innovative approach. One of these DIY-materials is upcycle-material. The pollution on landfill and ocean has encouraged us to be more responsible for the waste we create by recycling the waste and make it as new material. Eggshells and LPDE plastic bag waste are discussed in this paper. The perception between the two DIY-materials upcycle is compared using the material driven design approach (MDD). In MDD, sensorial, interpretation, affective and performative dimensions shape people’s perception and experience toward the materials. This approach is needed, to give waste material a new life and for it to be accepted on the market. Results from studies are the do and don’ts for product design process using eggshells and LDPE plastic bag waste. Imperfections through pattern, texture and colour are the qualities that people seek when interacting with DIY-upcycle materials. These qualities cannot be found in mass-produced industrial made material. Design principle such as balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety needs to be well planned in making pattern, texture and colour because if it is done wrong, the material will be perceived back as waste.
Pemanfaatan Kain Serat Alam Pada Busana Wanita dengan Tren Gaya Hidup "Back to Nature" Rima Febriani; Adinda Caturludysari; Vira Pritalia
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2316


Lifestyle trends “Back to Nature” are now widely adopted by people in Indonesia, especially urban residents who register a healthy and practical lifestyle, using nature-based products, for examples fashion products. As one of the largest sub-sector of the creative industry in Indonesia, the fashion industry has the potential and great contribution in efforts to meet the basic needs of society which can directly impact the country's economy. Although lifestyle can influence trends in clothing needs, the role of the designer is needed to direct and produce a variety of clothing that is in harmony with lifestyle needs that return to nature. To overcome this problem, there is an environmentally friendly method that is currently used by various fashion brands in Indonesia and the trend is the use of natural fibre fabrics in the clothing production process. Many local brand designers respond to this lifestyle by creating clothing based on natural fibre that can be used for daily activities. This study uses a qualitative method with a business opportunity approach. This study presents the background and development of natural fibre fabrics by various fashion brands in Indonesia to become the current trend, especially in the lifestyle of “Back to Nature” for women. The biggest reason is that the adoption of more environmentally friendly methods for the Indonesian fashion industry can provide many broad benefits.
The Night as We Know It Dike Nabila Trivinggar; Kurniawati Gautama; Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2155


Since the first invention of the light bulb, humans have increasingly been accustomed to living under excessive artificial light every night. Inappropriate use of artificial light causes light pollution that now affects more than 80% world’s population in densely populated cities, including Bandung City residents. The latest research shows that the rate of light pollution for a high category in Bandung City has experienced an increase of 13,79 km2/year during 2013-2017. This has resulted in the loss of Bandung night sky aesthetic because the lights coming from the ground form a skyglow dome in the atmosphere, blocking most of the astronomical object's light and rendering them invisible from earth. As a person who has always been interested in astronomy and is also a Bandung resident, I have concern over the long-lost Bandung night sky natural beauty due to light pollution caused by human activities. I desire to raise awareness of this issue through an installation art which explores lights, reflective paint, and video as the mediums.
Pengembangan Desain Batik Limbah Grajen di Bulakan Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah Fify Fitriani; Setyawan .
JURNAL RUPA Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v4i1.2158


Grajen (sawdust) Batik is batik made using a natural dye that comes from the waste of wood cutting that is in the form of timber powder (which is called Grajen in the Javanese Language). Grajen Batik is developed in Bulakan Sukoharjo Java Tengah. Batik craftsmen in Bulakan region have dozens of years to pursue the process of batik and they have a specialization in the batik motif of parang, kawung, kopi pecah and tirtotejo. Batik motifs that evolve in Bulakan do not portray the typical characteristics of the Bulakan region, because batik craftsmen in Bulakan for tens of years have only been making the development of motifs. Therefore it is necessary to develop batik which has typical characteristics of the neighbourhood where the craftsmen live in order to distinguish with batik existing in other regions. This research used the method of qualitative research with an approach to the design and ethnography, which aims for the design to be laid out as a product of the culture in which the existence of batik does not appear on its own, but there is the context of socio-culture as well as underlying history.

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