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Muhammad Zamroni Uska
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EDUMATIC: Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Published by Universitas Hamzanwadi
ISSN : -     EISSN : 25497472     DOI : 10.29408
Core Subject : Science, Education,
EDUMATIC: Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (e-ISSN: 2549-7472) adalah jurnal ilmiah bidang pendidikan informatika yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Hamzanwadi dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Adapun fokus dan skup jurnal ini adalah (1) Komputer dan Informatika dalam Pendidikan; (2) Model Pembelajaran dan Model TIK; (3) Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informatika; (4) Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer; (5) Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 284 Documents
Name Disambiguation Analysis Using the Word Sense Disambiguation Method in Hadith Prasetio, Ageng; Bijaksana, Mochammad Arif; Suryani, Arie Ardiyanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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Name disambiguation is the problem solving process to find similar names in sentences. The ambiguity of names can be found in hadith of Sahih Bukhari, names "Abdullah bin Amru" in hadiths no 27 and “Abdullah bin Amru” in hadith no 58, These names are the same, but there is no proof they are the same person. This problem is the early indication of ambiguity of name in the hadith. Based in this problem, this research aims to find name disambiguation of hadith narrators with classification by considering the perawi chain. To solved this problem the authors used Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), WSD is a process to assign the same meaning from the sentences, based on the context in which the word appears. To classify several names in the hadith, the authors used KNN algorithm, by combining the WSD and KNN method can reduce the ambiguity of names in hadith. The data used in this study came from the hadith of Sahih Bukhori through the pre-processing stage. After conducting the research showed a collection of hadith numbers with the same name prediction with an accuracy of 99% at k = 1. Thus, this method can be used for name disambiguation.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Multimedia Interaktif terhadap Hasil Belajar Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer di Universitas Hamzanwadi Fathoni, Ahmad
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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The aims of this research were to describe and analyze the influence of interactive multimedia-based learning media toward learning outcome of computer human interaction (HCI) course. This research is a survey research with quantitative approach to a research survey. The population and sample in this research is the entire semester III students among them is a class IIIA and IIIB totaling 50 students. The instrument of data collecting in this research is a questioner. The method used for data analysis in this research is descriptive statistics. The results of this research show that the variables X and Y approach the high category with the percentage of successively 71.72%, and 75%. The application of interactive multimedia-based learning media in various learning is one of the solutions to create interesting, innovative, challenging and able to think independently.
Usability Testing Method: Efisiensi, Efektivitas dan Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Website SMKN 1 Praya Uska, Muhammad Zamroni; Usuluddin, Usuluddin; Sriatni, Siti
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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This research aimed to know the level of efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction for users of the website of SMKN 1 Praya using the usability testing method. This research was quantitative descriptive. The populations were all students and teachers at SMKN1 Praya which consisted of 1543 people. The samples were 10 people. The technique of data collection of this research used Performance Measurement, Retrospective Think Aloud (RTA), documents, and SUS questionnaires (questionnaire). This research showed that the level of the efficiency on the website of SMKN 1 Prayawhich was measured by the man Whitney u-test obtained 1 ≤ 2 results so that the website of SMK 1 Praya was categorized inefficient. The effectiveness of the website at SMKN 1 Praya had been effective with success results of 88.3%. Furthermore, the level of satisfaction of users of website of Praya SMKN 1 was good category with a score of SUS score was 69.1≥68 with grade B. Based on the result of this research, the researcher Recommend the improvement of the website of SMKN 1 Prayaon case display the information of the school data completely and the school activities to support the learning process.
Efektivitas Penggunaan Game Analisis Training terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Induktif Remaja Novayani, Wenda; Sasmita, Heri
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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Inductive-reasoning is a step to draw general conclusions from individual matters. IR can be measured using the Intelligent Structure (IST) sub-ZR using a number pattern and using an Inductive Reasoning Test (IRT), which is an image pattern. One of the learning methods that are interesting and fun and student-cantered learning is Educational Game media. This study aims to see the effectiveness of games in learning to improve the students' inductive thinking skills at SMP YKPP Sungai Pakning. This study used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest conducted on 30 students of class IX B as the experimental subject. The data collection technique was implemented using a test instrument in 20 essay questions for IST and 30 objective questions for IRT. The material used in this game has also passed the validation stage carried out by a psychologist in Pekanbaru. Data were analyzed using the T-Test and score gain. Based on the study results, this game is believed to be 95% effective in improving adolescent inductive thinking skills, with an average increase of 26.6 points in the IST form and 17.8 points in the IRT form. Learning media with games are effectively applied to inductive-learning and can be used as an alternative to learning inductive-thinking at SMP YKPP Sungai Pakning. 
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Tutorial Mata Pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis Pada Kelas X Multimedia di SMK Negeri 1 Sakra Giana, Gebi Juan; lutfi, Samsul; Jamaluddin, Jamaluddin
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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This study aims to development of tutorial video-based learning media on subject of basic graphic design for student of tenth grade of Multimedia at Vocational High School I Sakra,  The level of video-based learning media feasibility tutorial on subject of basic graphic design for student of tenth grade of Multimedia at Vocational High School I Sakra, and Students' response to video-based learning tutorial on subject of basic graphic design for student of tenth grade of Multimedia at Vocational High School I Sakra. The study method used was R & D (Research and Development) with the development model of ADDIE. The instrument of data collection used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data used was qualitative data and quantitative data. Data collection used was observation, interview, and questionnaire. The analysis technique used was through the feasibility test of media expert and material expert. The result showed that the video tutorial-based learning media developed were feasible to use with the result of the feasibility of media experts 70% with eligible criteria, while the material expert 78% with eligible criteria. Meanwhile, the product trial obtained a percentage score of 65%. Thus this video tutorial based learning media is worthy of being used as a learning medium for the student of the tenth grade of the multimedia major for Photoshop material on Basic Graphic Design subject.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Pada Mata Pelajaran Simulasi Digital Kelas X TKJ Kurniawati, Widia; Ismatulloh, Kholida; Kholisho, Yosi Nur
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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The purpose of this study is (1) to find out the development of interactive multimedia-based learning media on digital simulation subjects of class X TKJ at SMK 3 Selong; (2) knowing the feasibility of media experts and material experts on interactive multimedia-based learning media products; (3) knowing students responses to interactive multimedia-based learning media. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method. The development model used in the research is Sugiyono's research and development model. Data collection used is observation, interview, and questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative data. The results showed that the interactive multimedia-based learning media developed were very feasible to be used in the learning process. From the feasibility media experts, interactive multimedia-based learning media obtained a feasibility percentage from media experts by 89% with very decent criteria. Meanwhile, the material feasibility experts obtained a percentage of eligibility from material experts by 91% with very feasible criteria. From the students response to media feasibility in product trials obtaining a percentage of student response values by 95% with very high criteria and in the trial of usage obtaining a percentage of student response values by 94% with very high criteria.
Implementasi One Time Password (OTP) Menggunakan Fungsi Hash Algoritma SHA-512 Pada Aplikasi Penagihan Hutang PT. XHT Rizki, Rizki; Mulyati, Sri
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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PT. XHT is a private company engaged in debt collection. This company has a web-based debt collection system. However, there has been a theft of usernames and passwords on the running system. This is due to many things, including passwords that are too easy. One solution to overcome this is to increase authentication security, which is a One-Time Password system. In this research, login security system is created using the SHA-512 hash function. In build this system using the Waterfall method as the life cycle of software development (SDLC). This system is a random code can only be used once. The test involved several parties, including Media Expert and Material Expert, and using the black box method. Black box test results indicate the feasibility of the function from the input and output buttons. Meanwhile, the results from the test by the Media Expert scored 82%, while the Material Expert was 75%. So it can be concluded that the One-Time Password login system using SHA-512 is suitable for user security.
Prototype Sistem Monitoring Infus Berbasis IoT (Internet Of Things ) Akbar, Taufik; Gunawan, Indra
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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The development of increasingly sophisticated medical science and technology has an impact on the development of science and technology in the field of medical-devices. One of the existing equipment and is often used in hospitals, one of which is an IV. Currently in the world of health, infusion is still controlled manually. Because it takes time if the nurse has to go back and forth throughout the patient room. Not only is it time consuming, but there will be risks if it is too late to treat a patient whose infusion has run out. Technology needs to be used to minimize risks in the medical world, one of which is the application of IoT technology. This study aims to make it easier for nurses to control infusion conditions in real time using the concept of IoT ( the Internet of Things). The method used is the Waterfall method. This research uses hardware consisting of Load Cell with the HX711 module as a weight sensor, NodeMCU V3 as a processor, and Thingspeak Web server as the interface with the user. The results of the measurement of the tool made have an error of 0.25 Gram, sending data to the Server requires a good connection for maximum results.
Pengembangan Media Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Web Pada Mata Pelajaran Jaringan Dasar Abadi, Juaeni; Arianti, Baiq Desi Dwi; Wirasasmita, Rasyid Hardi
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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The aims of  this study is to develop teaching materials in the form of Web-Based Student Worksheet on the subjects of Basic Network at SMK Negeri 1 Sikur through web design development process and performance testing and system feasibility. The development model used in this research is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model with Waterfall method consisting of 4 main stages of development. The first stage is the analysis requirement that is divided into 2 namely the functional analysis and development analysis. The second stage is Design, consisting of system design using UML, interface design as well as database design. The third stage is the implementation and the fourth stage is testing, Based on the results of software testing that has been developed shows the results as follows: (1) manufacture of teaching materials in the form of Web-Based Student Worksheet has been through the process of web development from analysis to testing in accordance with web check list and system functions, (2) the performance of teaching materials in the form of Web-Based Student Worksheet as a whole fall into the category of "Eligible" with a percentage rate of 78.94%.
Penerapan Data Mining Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori Terhadap Data Transaksi Penjualan Bisnis Ritel Takdirillah, Robby
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edumatic : Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

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Retail business in West Java province ranks fourth most. This indicates that there is an increase in retail business competition followed by an increase in information technology implementation. The problem of stacking stocks that could harm retail store entrepreneurs is quite common; to overcome such a precise sales strategy is indispensable. In determining the right sales strategy requires the availability of useful data and information. In order to be more efficient data of sales transaction can be processed by applying data mining technique. The method applied by researchers to design the program is the approach of knowledge discovery in the database, including data analysis to the determination of the a-priori algorithm. The purpose of this research is to obtain information about the relation between products that support the sales strategy of the sales transaction data. The linkage information between the products can later be used to support the decision of the retail business sales strategy by adjusting the product to be packaged, product offerings to the buyer and the placement of the product. The results showed that the priori algorithm can be used to process the data of sales transactions into new information in relation between products based on testing with Orange tools. The associative rules established are tested using the lift ratio, so it is important to know the association rules among the most powerful products.

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