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International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)
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The theme of this Conference is on The ASEAN Prespective Policy Economic and Law. Thank you very much for Keynote Speakers from Indonesia PEMBANGUNAN PANCA BUDI UNIVERSITY AND PERBANAS Prof Dr Haryono Umar, Ak., M.Sc., CA, From Malaysia IIUM Associate Prof Tajul Aris Ahmed Bustami, From Brunei Darussalam UNISSA, From Australia Sidney University Wayne Palmer, PhD.Thank You Very Much For All Presenters From UNPAB and another university. Thank you very much for All quest invitation and all participants.The purpose of this conference is to discuss how ASEAN Policy in economics and Law to face MEA and international relations of ASEAN Country.
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Analyza Legal Protection of Copyright to the Creator of Books By Law Number 28 Year 2014 on Copyright in Medan Dina Andiza
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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A Books as protected creations have been regulated in Article 40 paragraph or sub-paragraph an of Copyright Act no. The UUHC has arranged for the recording of the work in Article 64, so that the creator may record his book creation to the Director General of HAKI in Jakarta or through the Provincial Dept. of Regional Officers (as an extension of the registration process in the region). A Based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number M.09-PR.07.06 of 1999, the person whose name as registered in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as considered as the creator (centralized system), which can facilitate proofs in case of dispute. This study aims to find out why the creators of the book do not record his creation and the barriers to register his production and the protection of copyright law on book creation gave the Copyright Act No. 28 of 2014.In this research an conducted by using descriptive qualitative research model and information will be an extracted from various data sources and types of data sources that will utilize in this research, including secondary data related to Copyright, legislation, scientific journals, papers and others. Primary Law Material in this research consists of UUHC 2014, Government Regulation, Ministerial Decree and Ministerial Regulation. Secondary Law Material comprises of literature books related to Copyright. The Tertiary Law material comprises of the Great Indonesian Dictionary. An output of scientific publication in the form of writing in Journal of Abdi Ilmu which has ISSN, obtained the level of understanding on the protection of Copyright law on the book's creation regarding Law no. 28 of 2014 on Copyright.
Family Communication in Qur'an Nurhalima Tambunan
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Communication is the essential part of family life; family relationships will be harmonious if established good communication in family members. It can also be seen and understood from the meaning of communication derived from the Latin word “communicatio.” It has the same meaning. From some communication that happened in family,the author only discuss communication between child and parent in the family according to Al-Quran Surah Al Isra 23-24 and Al-Luqman 14-15. Family communication is an organization that uses words, gestures, the intonation of sounds, actions to create image expectations, expressions of feelings and mutual understanding. Words, posture, the intonation of sounds and actions, contain the intent to teach, influence and give understanding. The main purpose of this communication is initiating and maintaining interaction between one member with other members to create effective communication. The communication between the child and the parent in verse is to instruct, to require and oblige the duties of both parents by not showing contradiction or rebellion to both. The devotion to parents is not special when both parents are Muslim. Even if both unbelievers, worship and do good to both remain obligatory.
The Comparison of Education System in The World Waliyul Maulana Siregar
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Each country has a different educational system with an emphasis on certain variables in education. In the variable contained goals that will be achieved both long and short term. So that will provide direction for the country to create the human and the shape of the State they want based on the human resources they plan based on the education system. The author tries to compare the three countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Finland with the hope that eventually the author will know what things to consider when determining an education system. This is in line with Kendall and Nicholas Hanc's suggestion that the purpose of comparative education is to know what principles actually underlie the regulatory development of the national education system. The progress of a State is certainly accompanied by progress in education. The better of education quality of course it makes the better of quality of human resources that produces. Otherwise, if only the low quality of education Human Resources produced is also low. Once the importance of educational role in advancing a State, it takes a variety of ways to advance education. For a nation that wants to move forward, education must be seen as inseparable from the role of progress of a nation. Of course a nation's education has different educational conditions, both within the scope of history, education system and policy. Three countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Finland as a country that always follow the development of education issues in advancing a nation. In line with that, of course, each country has similarities and differences in education model in developing the quality of education is getting better.
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of the quality of service, Relational Marketing and corporate image against the loyalty of Suppliers in PT Putra Manggala King. Research methods the research done is associative, where variables are measured by Likert scale. Method of data collection is done with the now list of questions and interviews. The population in this research is the entire supplier (the supplier) on the PT Raja Putra Manggala totalling 66 people. Withdrawal of samples with the method of saturated sample. In this study the number of samples as many as 66 people. Data processing using the software SPSS version 16, with descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis of hypothesis testing. The results showed that: (1) partially variable positive effect the quality of service and Loyalty towards Suppliers may at PT Raja Putra Manggala; (2) partial variable positive effect of relational Marketing and Loyalty towards Suppliers may at PT Raja Putra Manggala; (3) partially positive influential corporate image and Loyalty towards Suppliers may at PT Raja Putra Manggala; (4) simultaneous variable service quality, Relational Marketing and influential positive corporate image and Loyalty towards Suppliers may at PT Raja Putra Manggala.
An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting the Compulsory of Personal Income Tax on Personal Information Tax Services Pratama, West Medan Yunita Sari Rioni
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of awareness of paying tax, knowledge and understanding of the tax rules, service quality of tax office, modernization of tax administration system, and administrative sanction for the compliance level of individual taxpayers. This study used primary data and the population of this study was 124.872 individual taxpayers in the office of Pratama Tax Service West Medan. The sample in this study were selected through Slovin formula. The data processed through multiple regression model. The result of F-test showed that awareness of paying tax, knowledge and understanding of the tax rules, service quality of tax office, modernization of tax administration system, and administrative sanction have the significant influence on the compliance level of individual taxpayers, simultaneously. However, the result of t-test showed that awareness of paying tax, service quality of tax office, and administrative sanction have the significant influence on the compliance level of individual taxpayers, partially. Meanwhile, the knowledge and understanding of the tax rules, and modernization of tax administration system did not have influence on the compliance level of individual taxpayers.
The Liability Of Bank Employees On Fictitious Credit Case Of Civil Servants (The Research At Branch Of Bank Aceh, Located In Kuala Simpang) Fadhil Mulyananda
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Corruption is one of the criminal cases causing the harm to the State. Article 2, Verse (1) of Corruption Eradication Constitution regulates the substances of corruption cases. However, the argument rises related to the corruption case on Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (hereafter BUMN) or Indonesian: Regionally-Owned Enterprises (hereafter BUMD). The argument rises due to the financial separation of State on BUMN or BUMD that government acts as the shareholder that deserves to gain the consequences of profit and loss. This paper intends to find out three issues which are: 1) What is the responsibility of bank employees on the criminal offense of fictitious credit done by civil servants 2) What are the factors taken into consideration by the judge on verdict number18/Pid.Sus-TPK/2017/PN.Bna 3) How is the legal analysis on the liability of bank employee on the criminal case of fictitious credit done by civil servants? The research reveals that: 1. The Aceh Bank employees on the case number 18/Pid.Sus-TPK/2017/PN.Bna according to the Judge Panel, is stated guilty due to the negligence of employees and are not abided to Standard Operating Procedures (hereafter SOP) that had been set up when the credit was issued which resulted the fictitious credit that caused the loss of State finances. 2. The factors taken into consideration by Judge Panel in deciding verdict number 18/Pid.Sus-TPK/2017/PN.Bna are: the factors that meet the whole substances of indictment, the negligence factors of legal subjects (culpa), and the potential losses of the State. 3. Legal analysis of bank employees on the criminal case of fictitious credit as mentioned on verdict Number18/Pid.Sus-TPK/2017/PN.Bna is that the employees cannot be criminalized because they do not have bad intention (mensrea) and they had worked based on the certificate issued by Director of Company based on the business concept which has the consequences of profit and loss. Besides, the application of profit and loss of state on Bank Aceh can be acknowledge from the report of profit and loss provided at the end of the year.
Analysis Policy Protection of Women and Children Tradecomparative Study of Indonesia Malaysia Karolina Sitepu
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Trafficking of women and children is a global issue that is warmly discussed at present not only as a national crime but also a transnational offense which is a violation of human rights. The purpose of this study is to analyze the laws governing the prevention and protection of victims of trafficking of women and children in Malaysia and Indonesia. This research method uses normative juridical research that is comparative. By content analysis, it describes and analyzes the content material and the validity of data found in the legislation between two different legal systems. The results of this study found that in prevention efforts of PTPPO Indonesia and APOAPM Malaysia there are similarities. In the protection effort, there are significant differences where PTPPO Indonesia regulates the protection of both physical and material victims with the provision of compensation and restitution to the victims. While APOAPM Malaysia does not restrict it, both Lamaya time protection PTPPO Indonesia does not distinguish between citizen and foreign citizen otherwise APOAPM Malaysia differentiates between citizen two years while foreign citizen only three months. Conclusion expected to Malaysia add one article in APOAPM to give gantirugi and restitution to victims of trafficking. As per human rights there should be no discrimination in protection. Both countries are expected to increase the MOU in a sustainable manner to achieve the full protection as mandated by human rights.
Responsibility of Maya World Crimes in Indonesia's Legal System Henny Saida Flora
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Information and communication technology has changed the behavior of society and human civilization globally. In addition, the development of information technology has caused the world to be indefinitely and cause significant social change to take place so quickly. Information technology is now a double-edged sword, because in addition to contributing to the improvement of welfare, advancement, and human civilization as well as an effective arena of action against the law one of which is cyber crime. In Criminal Law any person who commits a crime, especially a cyber crime, remains to be observed whether the perpetrator may be subject to criminal liability if committing a crime or a violation of a crime. A person who commits a criminal offense may be liable to a crime if it satisfies all elements contained in criminal liability, whereas if the person does not fulfill any of the elements of criminal liability, it can not be punished by any lawsuit. This criminal liability issue is closely related to the error. The entire laws and regulations contained in the Criminal Code as well as the special law outside the Criminal Code, in this case is the Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, in essence a unity a punishment system consisting of general rules and special rules. The general rules are contained in the Criminal Code and special rules are contained in the Information and Electronic Transactions Act, all of which will be imposed on the cyber crime if there is an element of criminal responsibility in the perpetrator.
Influence of Current Ratio, Inventory Turnover, and Debt to Equity Ratio to Return on Assets on the Company's Property that are Listed in theIndonesia Stock Exchange Hade Chandra Batubara
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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The purpose of this research was conducted to find out the influence of the current ratio, inventory turnover, and debt to equity ratio against the return on assets on the company's property that are listed in the indonesia stock exchange.The approach used in this study is the assosiatif approach. While the types of data used in this research is quantitative data in the form of financial statements from the years 2011-2015, the sample used amounted to 7 companies and sources of data from these studies is a report on the company financial property listed on the indonesia stock exchange. Technique of data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression, classic assumption test, test hypotheses and test the coefficient of determination. Processing of data in this study using program SPSS (statistical product and service solution) 22 for windows.The results of this proof proves that partially current ratio was not significant effect against the return on assets, inventory turnover is also partially do not affect significantly to return on assets and debt to equity ratio partially no significant effect against the return on assets. Simultaneously current ratio, inventory turnover and debt to equity ratio effect significantly to return on assets.
Performance-Based Budget Implementation in Improving Local Government Performance in Datuk Bandar, Tanjung Balai Anggi Pratama Nasution
International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASEAN PERSPECTIVE AND POLICY (ICAP)
Publisher : International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP)

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Performance-Based Budgeting can be interpreted as a form of budget whose sources are linked to the results of government-level services. The budget itself is structured on a performance-oriented approach to output. The budget cycle is the period or timeframe from when the budget is drafted up to the time law passes the calculation of the budget. The budget cycle consists of several stages, preparation, ratification, implementation and evaluation reporting. This research was conducted at all offices in Datuk Bandar Subdistrict, Tanjung Balai City. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of Performance Based Budget in improving the performance of local government with case studies in Datuk subdistrict Bandar Kota Tanjung Balai. Data were taken using questionnaires on those obtained from Budget Authorities and Treasurer at five urban villages and one subdistrict. This data is processed by using the descriptive-analytic method with the qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that all performance-based budget activities that include planning, implementation, reporting and evaluation as a form of performance improvement at all agencies in Datuk Bandar, Tanjung Balai has been in accordance or running well.