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Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia)
ISSN : 23558962     EISSN : 26214873     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Jurnal IPI menyajikan informasi mutakhir hasil kajian dan penelitian bidang kepustakawanan, yang mencakup: - Ilmu perpustakaan—profesi pustakawan, organisasi pustakawan, tata ruang perpustakaan; koleksi perpustakaan, manajemen koleksi, otomasi perpustakaan, dan perpustakaa digital. - Ilmu dokumentasi—preservasi koleksi, manajemen database, metadata, katalogisasi, klasifikasi, warisan budaya/dokumenter, kemas ulang informasi, digitalisasi koleksi, alih media, dan pengelolaan pengetahuan. - Ilmu informasi—organisasi informasi, manajemen informasi perpustakaan, publikasi ilmiah, bibliometrik, altmetrik, webometrik, dan sistem informasi perpustakaan.
Articles 102 Documents
Pemetaan Pengetahuan Pustakawan Terhadap Layanan Pendukung Riset Santosa, Faizhal Arif; Arumdini, Savira; Widuri, Noorika Retno
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.147


In the environment of special libraries, the library service ecosystem is developing very rapidly as one of the research supports. The competence of the librarian also follows the development of the ecosystem needed. After the merging of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), a review of the knowledge and skills possessed by librarians within the BRIN is needed to support functions and tasks. This study aims to map the librarian's knowledge ability to research support services, especially in information discovery and bibliometric services using the x-means algorithm. Using questionnaire data that was distributed to 85 BRIN librarians and library staff. The questionnaire is divided into two (2) parts, namely information discovery services and bibliometric services. The statement uses a numerical scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means incapable or not understand a concept and 10 has the meaning of being very capable of understanding a proposed concept. The x-means and k-means algorithms are used to classify librarians based on their abilities in each service using a Euclidean distance numerical measure. The results showed that the use of the x-means method for mapping the knowledge of librarians at BRIN was able to work better than k-means in the cluster range tested, both for information discovery services and bibliometric services. In total, five clusters became the most optimal cluster model in this study. In general, most BRIN librarians have the ability to provide research support services.
User Engangement Pada Perpustakaan dan Pustakawan di Era Ekonomi Digital: Sebuah Narrative Literature Review Rahayu, Rochani Nani
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.148


Research to find out the methods used to involve users in libraries and librarians, was conducted using the narrative literature review method. Starting with a literature search, the Scopus database was selected, which is the largest database for abstracts, citations, and peer-reviewed scientific literature. A search strategy was carried out using the keywords: "user engagement" and (library or librarian), and the limitations for 2012-2022, with title, abstract and keyword fields. Found as many as 35 article titles. Furthermore, the articles were read carefully and researched, to select articles relevant to the research objectives, and obtained as many as 12 article titles. Based on the results and discussion of the 12 articles, it is known as many as 5 ways to involve users in library services as follows. The use of social media is in the first position with a total of 8 studies, the next is the use of Gamification, user campaigns and surveys, building collaboration and personal relationships, and the use of the LibraryThing application, each with 1 research title.
Transformative Librarian: Strategi Transformasi Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia Dalam Mewujudkan Librarian 4.0 Zaidan Abdurrahman Qois; Rina Tri Utami; Shiddieq Adhityarahman
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.158


Today, transformation is not a new thing; in fact, it has become a necessity for every organization and even individuals in order to survive in conditions full of uncertainty as it is today. Libraries as information institutions are also required to change and transform into libraries 4.0 that are able to maximize the potential of digital technology in building social inclusion to improve people's welfare. Librarians as the life and core of the library must transform into a more advanced direction. Therefore, an effective librarian transformation strategy is necessary as a guide and direction for librarians to achieve their ideal form in the future. Based on that, this study aims to explore and explain in detail the transformative librarian concept, which needed in the process of transforming librarians to librarian 4.0 as an ideal form of future librarians. This research uses a qualitative approach through the literature study method on reference sources in the form of books, scientific articles, and information contained on social media such as YouTube, and direct observation at the Bank Indonesia’s Library. The results present in detail the transformative librarian concept—the values, attitudes, and character of a proactive librarian to become a learner, mentor, servant, and agent of changes for the society or their potential community—which is a key strategy for the successful transformation of librarians into librarian 4.0. In addition, the results of the study also explore knowledge related to librarians and their development, the form of librarian 4.0 as an ideal form of future librarians, understanding of the role and function of librarians, and of course the best practices carried out by the Bank Indonesia’s Library in the transformation and competency development of Bank Indonesia librarians.
Engagement Pustakawan Dengan Pemustaka Melalui Instagram Perpustakaan PTKI Medan Sitanggang, Marianna
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.160


Libraries need to increase engagement rate on Instagram by having a strategy to increase engagement with their followers. There are many indicators of successful engagement rate by measuring likes, comments and shares. It takes personnel who have the ability and competence in managing Instagram. This is usually done by a librarian who is usually the person who manages the activities in the library. Then the librarian must have the ability, expertise and skills in managing Instagram accounts. This study aims to determine the engagement of librarians with users through social media Instagram owned by the PTKI Medan Library. User involvement through various reactions is needed to strengthen user relationships, increase user retention, and loyalty to the library. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that the Engagement Rate of the PTKI Medan Library's Instagram Account grew from 23.8% to 24.4%. The engagement of librarians with users on the PTKI Medan Library Instagram account 23.8% is very good. This means that Instagram accounts are seen by users and really like Instagram content and are encouraged to interact continuously.
Strategi Pustakawan Membangun Engagement dan Ruang Berkarya Bagi Pemustaka Dalam Medium Digital Pada Layanan Perpustakaan Umum Irsan
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.166


Librarians are expected to have the will and ability to build engagement with users in digital media. The purpose of this research is to find out the librarian's strategy in building engagement with users in the digital world, especially in encouraging the publication of digital content through services and media owned by public libraries. The research method in this study uses descriptive research using data from books, journals and various websites related to the research topic. The results show that librarians can build engagement with users through digital media so that interactive and productive communication can be established. The involvement of digital library users by engaging in library services will support the digital media ecosystem as a space to work and share knowledge. Meanwhile, increasing digital libraries to expand the social inclusion based library transformation that needs to be developed through the creation of new spaces for millennial users to produce digital content, use social media with e-books, and link literacy products, so as to support empowering knowledge transformation.
Pemanfaatan Reels Instagram Untuk Meningkatkan Fungsi Informasi di Perpustakaan PEVITA Nurhayati, Anna; Ria Dyan Rahayu
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.167


The function of library information has the meaning of a library as a place for providing all kinds of information in various forms and formats. The current information society raises the behavior of seeking information with various technological media. This article is the result of action research with 2 cycles on the use of Instagram reels to improve the function of library information on the @pevita library account. Collecting data using questionnaires, observations and interviews. This action research data analysis is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the use of Instagram reels was considered effective in improving the information function of the PEVITA library. Cycle 1 shows 76% of respondents agree, and in cycle 2 it increases to 86%. The strategies used by librarians in utilizing these reels are to: (1) carry out initial coordination with the core social media team; (2) determine content; (3) implementation of content creation; (4) monitoring and evaluation.
Membangun Komunikasi Digital dengan Pemustaka UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Andalas (Unand) sebagai Penciptaan Ekosistem Digital Syahrial Nupin, Iswadi
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i1.178


This study aims to explain the strategic steps taken to create a digital ecosystem at UPT Library Unand. The analytical method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The technique of taking the subject in this study used a purposive sampling technique, namely the sampling technique of data sources with certain considerations. The results showed that conveying messages to library users through Facebook, Instagram and Zoom Meeting was relatively ineffective because the use of digital platforms was not managed properly. there is no special staff that manages the digital communication platform. Therefore, staff with a Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (DKV) and D4 Software Engineering background are needed to manage digital communication platforms.
Penggunaan Instagram sebagai Media Promosi Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 20 Surabaya: Bahasa Indonesia Permata Wahyuniarti; Hartini, Pri
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i2.161


Promotion activities are carried out to introduce library information products and services to school residents and the wider community who is using social media. The library where a place for knowledge and information center, it can be used to attract the interest of the school residents to visit the library by social media. Through the promotion using social media, the library will be able to reach users widely so, the collections and services can be utilizest optimally. These includes facilitating the dissemination of information and the agenda of library activities that will be implemented. Social media also can be used as an interactive place and an active participation of users in library development through critics and suggestions. This study discuss the use of Instagram as a media promotion for the library of SMA Negeri 20 Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to determine the use of Instagram in promotion activities and the features that is used by the SMA Negeri 20 Surabaya library. The benefits of this research are being able to manage and utilize social media as a promotion media for library activities. This research method use a descriptive approach and a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were the students and teachers of SMA Negeri 20 Surabaya. Data collection techniques in this study are questionnaire on google form, literature study and documentation. The result of this research is the library in SMA Negeri 20 Surabaya has used Instagram as a medium for promoting facilities, collection materials and library activities with the @smandaluhlib account. The features used in Instagram are photos and videos and comment fields.
Pengembangan Repositori Data Primer Riset Nasional: Studi Kasus Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Suminarsih, Eka Meifrina; Afandi, Sjaeful
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i2.163


The spread of various repositories in institutions of Indonesia of course does not make it easy for data owners and data users to access data that has been stored in various repositories. In addition, different types of data, metadata and software used in storing research data are also a problem in the process of accessing all data in each institution. Therefore we need a national scientific repository that integrates all scientific data scattered, namely the National Scientifc Repository (NSR). NSR has been developed by BRIN. It is necessary to make observation about RIN to find out contribution of RIN in preserving research in Indonesia. The method in this research is a qualitative descriptive research. The result that RIN BRIN has roles in the process of collecting, processing, storing and accessing research primary data. RIN BRIN also facilitates data exchange and dissemination of research results so that it can support government program in one data in Indonesia. The development of RIN BRIN continues to be carried out so that data is maintained, safe and accessible according to developments in information technology.
Analisis Pemanfaatan Website X-Reading di SMA Alfa Centauri Adinda Khoerunnisa Aprilia; Ardiansah
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jurnal ipi.v8i2.168


Schools in Indonesia have begun to instill the importance of literacy to the school community. The School Literacy Movement is one of the programs held in almost every school in Indonesia. At SMA Alfa Centauri using a paid website called X-Reading. X-Reading was only used at Alfa Centauri High School in the middle of the school year. The purpose of this research is to find out how to use X-Reading and how to use X-Reading. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with the type of observational research analyzed based on two main variables in TAM theory, namely perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of use. The use of X-Reading at SMA Alfa Centauri is used as a GLS and as a facility for students to improve their English skills. With a clear and easy to understand display and many useful features, it can make it easier for students and teachers to use X-Reading. The many benefits obtained by using X-Reading are making it easier to read books, improving English skills, making it easier for teachers to give English assignments, as LMS, and as additional recreation for students. Obstacles as additional recreation for students.

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