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Jurnal IPI menyajikan informasi mutakhir hasil kajian dan penelitian bidang kepustakawanan, yang mencakup: - Ilmu perpustakaan—profesi pustakawan, organisasi pustakawan, tata ruang perpustakaan; koleksi perpustakaan, manajemen koleksi, otomasi perpustakaan, dan perpustakaa digital. - Ilmu dokumentasi—preservasi koleksi, manajemen database, metadata, katalogisasi, klasifikasi, warisan budaya/dokumenter, kemas ulang informasi, digitalisasi koleksi, alih media, dan pengelolaan pengetahuan. - Ilmu informasi—organisasi informasi, manajemen informasi perpustakaan, publikasi ilmiah, bibliometrik, altmetrik, webometrik, dan sistem informasi perpustakaan.
Articles 102 Documents
Kajian Literasi Kebencanaan Koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional Retno Andini; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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This paper describes the definition of disaster, disaster data throughout 2020, the National Library as a center of knowledge that presents various kinds of scientific subjects. This research method uses a description method based on the online catalog data of the national library The results showed that the national library had disaster literacy of 1,594 titles with various types of collections, such as monographs, electronic sources, cartographic materials, manuscripts, and so on.
Pengembangan dan Pemanfataan iPusnas untuk Masyarakat di Era Milenia Arief Wicaksono
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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scientifically related to its use. The method used is literature review. Subjective analysis was carried out on existing research in the last year when this study was conducted. Subjectivity occurs because the researcher is a librarian at the National Library. The results show that iPusnas, at the age of 3 years, has advantages and disadvantages that are normal. High utilization in the midst of mediocre promotions is an indication that people can make good use of e-books.
Analisis Sitiran Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara Periode 2017 -2021 Rochani Nani Rahayu; Ainun Noor
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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ABSTRACT Reference analysis was carried out in the Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara for the period 2017 – 2021, using the bibliometric method. The purpose of the research is to find out the type and year of publication of the references used by the Journal of Aerospace Technology articles for the period 2017 – 2021. The data is downloaded from the address, to record the number of articles, as well as the references used in articles published in the journal. Furthermore, references are grouped based on the type of document and the year of publication. The results showed that during 2017-2019, the total number of references at home and abroad was 146 titles consisting of 264 books (18.38%), 734 journal titles (51.11%), proceedings 226 titles (16, 05%), report 64 titles (4.46%), final study 33 titles (2.29%), periodical 25 titles (1.74%), website 66 addresses (4.59%), patent 5 titles ( 0.39%), and others 19 titles (1.32%). In the grouping of years, it can be seen that the first position is in 2015 - 2017 which is 414 titles (28.83%), the second is the 2012 -2014 range, 308 titles (21.45%), and the third is 2018 - 2018 namely 233 titles (16.23%). The least used references were references in 1980 – 1982, which were 6 titles (0.42%). The oldest references < 1970 were found to be 18 titles (1.25%), and 27 titles (1.88%) were found without yearly references. It is concluded that foreign references are used more than domestic references. The most used type of information is journals for both domestic and foreign sources of information. And patents are the least used source of information. Thus, the reference used is relatively new because the most published time span is 2015 - 2017. Key words: Citation analysis, Journals; Bibliometric; Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara. ABSTRAK Dilakukan analisis referensi pada Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara periode 2017 – 2021, menggunakan metode bibliometrika. Tujuan dai penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis serta tahun terbit referensi yang digunakan artikel Jurnal teknologi Dirgantara periode 2017 – 2021.Data diunduh dari alamat,untuk dicatat jumlah artikel, serta referensi yang digunakan dalam artikel yang diterbitkan pada jurnal tersebut. Selanjutnya referensi dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis dokumen serta rentang tahun terbit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama 2017-2019, secara keseluruhan diketahui jumlah referensi dalam dan luar negeri adalah sebanyak 146 judul terdiri atas buku 264 judul (18,38%), jurnal 734 judul (51,11%), prosiding 226 judul (16,05%), laporan 64 judul (4,46%), studi akhir 33 judul (2,29%), berkala 25 judul (1,74%), situs web 66 alamat (4,59%), paten 5 judul (0,39%), dan lain-lain 19 judul (1,32%). Pada pengelompokkan rentang tahun, terlihat bahwa posisi di urutan pertama adalah pada 2015 - 2017 yaitu 414 judul (28,83%), urutan kedua adalah rentang 2012 -2014, 308 judul (21,45%), dan urutan ketiga adalah 2018 – 2018 yaitu 233 judul (16,23%). Referensi paling sedikit digunakan adalah referensi pada tahun 1980 – 1982 yaitu 6 judul (0,42%). Referensi paling tua < 1970 ditemukan berjumlah 18 judul (1,25%), juga ditemukan referensi tanpa tahun sebanyak 27 judul (1,88%). Disimpulkan bahwa referensi luar negeri lebih banyak digunakan dibandingkan referensi dalam negeri. Jenis informasi terbanyak digunakan adalah jurnal baik untuk sumber informasi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.dan paten merupakan sumber informasi paling sedikit digunakan.Dengan demikian referensi yang digunakan tergolong baru karena rentang waktu terbit terbanyak adalah 2015 – 2017. Kata kunci : Citation analysis, Journals; Bibliometric; Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara.
Meningkatkan Sikap Dan Keterampilan Wirausaha Bagi Pemuda Melalui Literasi dan Pelatihan Sablon Di Desa Pasir Jaya Kecamatan Cigombong Kabupaten Bogor Syarimah Syarimah
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Bonus demografi perlu disikapi secara serius agar produktifitas kerja penduduk usia kerja dapat terserap dengan baik. Salah satunya adalah memberikan kemampuan literasi informasi dan memiliki sikap serta keterampilan berwirausaha. Kemampuan literasi informasi dan kemampuan berwirausaha dapat dibangun melalui beragam pelatihan. Berdasarkan analisis awal lingkungan para pemuda yang tergabung dalam mahasiswa baru penerima beasiswa Pancakarsa dari Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Bogor,mereka memiliki potensi mengembangkan produksi merek kemasan perusahaan. Untuk itu, pelatihan sablon menjadi pilihan untuk memberikan stimulus kemampuan pemuda untuk berwirausaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode The Experiental Learning Cycle atau Kolb’s Learning cycle. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan melalui pelatihan sablon, pendekatan kemampuan literasi informasi peserta memiliki motivasi mengikuti pelatihan dan dapat menyerap dengan baik materi pelatihan sablon yang diberikan instruktur. Selanjutnya, ada pelatihan pengembangan, magang, dan pembelajaran secara mandiri dengan memanfaatkan literatur yang tersedia di perpustakaan dan internet agar peserta pelatihan dapat siap membangun usaha dan mengembangkan kewirausahaan secara mandiri.
Analisis Strategi Konten YouTube Pusbiola dalam Berbagi Informasi dan Pengetahuan Nasrullah
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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All library organizations are compelled to reevaluate how they manage material that is retained for public distribution due to the current development of information. In the modern information era, a strategy that maximizes information and communication technologies and new media to disseminate all of the information or material that the library holds has arisen. One of the new media utilized as a platform is YouTube, which offers an attractive opportunity for people or organizations like Pusbiola to transmit information and expertise with a larger audience via the use of information technology in the social media era. This research will investigate Pusbiola's content strategy for distributing information and knowledge on YouTube. A descriptive, qualitative technique is employed in the data collecting process, which includes internet data searches, and observation. The study's results show how successful Pusbiola's content strategy using YouTube social media is at building the organization's brand, and by arranging and taking into consideration the dispersed materials, the reach of knowledge exchange may be enhanced.. The findings suggest that there are still issues with implementing content production strategies that are developed with a range of target audiences and have not established screening or quality control for material to be published on YouTube social media
Strategi Peningkatan Kompetensi Pustakawan Di Masa Krisis Dengan Pendekatan Spiritual, Intelektual, dan Emosional Amalliah Kadir
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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The role of librarians is as Human Resources (HR) who work as organizers of library activities by providing services to the community in accordance with the duties of the institutions they are sheltered and their knowledge. Librarians are required to always improve competence and professionalism in carrying out their duties and functions. This is intended so that librarians can compete and collaborate with other information professions, especially to advance the world of librarianship. Competence and professionalism are the most important things for librarians in specialized libraries in maintaining and improving their existence in their work environment. In early 2020 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has been declared a pandemic that has hit Indonesia. This has an impact on all sectors including the field of education from the level of basic education to higher education, thus affecting the quality of services in the Library. This study aims to explain strategies for increasing the competence of librarians in times of crisis with spiritual, intellectual, and emotional approaches. The research method used is literature research with a qualitative approach to case studies and exploratory research data analysis techniques. The data collection techniques carried out are editing, organizing, and finding. The research instrument is the researcher himself (human instrument) with data sources from primary data and secondary data. The results of the study that increasing the competence of librarians during a crisis: (1) the Covid-19 pandemic affects library services, thus requiring changes to certain rules that are clear in their mechanisms, (2) Rule changes made during a crisis must be reviewed from the readiness of staff and the readiness of supporting devices, (3) The importance of utilizing IT equipment to support library services in times of crisis, (4) innovating services in times of crisis, (5) strategies for increasing the competence of librarians in times of crisis with spiritual, intellectual, and emotional approaches. Librarians will be able to produce innovation and maximum work in all fields they carry out, which can be proven through how much the existing services are accessed by the wider community directly or digitally.
Kemas Ulang Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Animasi Digital Sutarsyah Sutarsyah
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Animation-based visual media is an option in repackaging information in the library because visual media is more attractive than text. This paper describes the creation of animated film digital content in the Bogor Botanical Gardens Library. The content or materials are made based on publications of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, historical places, and environmental phenomena around the library. Making animation aims to optimize the use of books and library facilities. The method steps used are identification of collections, phenomena, and user behavior in the library. Animated films made by the Bogor Botanical Gardens Library show representations of libraries, book collections, clippings and environmental phenomena around which will add insight to users. There are 8 films made from 2013-2019 that were uploaded on Youtube with the keyword "Film Animasi Perpustakaan Kebun Raya Bogor". The animated films that were made: 1). Kantong Semar: Ayo Banyak Tahu dengan Membaca Buku di Perpustakaan, 2). Yuk Mengenal Buah Langka di Kebun Raya Bogor, 3). Yuk ke Perpustakaan: Pengenalan Koleksi Biji Terbang, (4). Perpustakaan Kebun Raya Bogor: Makam Belanda di Kebun Raya Bogor), 5) Perpustakaan Sumber Ilmu, Banyak Baca Banyak Tahu, 6) Serunya di Perpustakaan: Ngobrol dengan Buku, 7) Perbedaan Amorphophallus titanum dan Rafflesia patma, and 8) Manfaat Kelelawar bagi Penyebaran Tanaman. The animated films produced is grouped into 6 aspects as follows: 1) information on library facilities and services, 2) introduction to guest books and electronic catalogs, 3) friendliness of librarian, 4) storytelling, 5) introduction to library collections, and 6) introduction to plants, animals and places history in the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
Pemustaka Milenial Dalam Peradaban Digital Agung Nugrohoadhi; Esmi Triningsih
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Advances in information technology bring consequences for a change in the system of order and structure of world society. Service transformation is a hope for service users to get access quickly without the limitations of space and time. The library as the unit responsible for knowledge sharing should hurry to take advantage of digital technology as an effort to provide assistance to users to obtain information. Electronic information that can be accessed online. The method used is descriptive qualitative, in order to explore and understand the meaning of the existing problems. The theoretical basis used is the theory of change and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results obtained are that digital technology has become an inseparable part in the lives of millennial users. Millennial users have benefited from the use of digital technology, namely access to information quickly and precisely. Users feel comfortable and helped by using online services that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are. For this reason, libraries are expected to always update information about digital literacy education so that users will get information as expected. Digital technology is also used in various social media and has become part of the millennial lifestyle. In this case, the professionalism of the librarian is at stake in order to face the implementation of information technology in the library which cannot be denied. Librarians are expected to be able to adapt to technological developments, so that they can design, develop and package information that will be served digitally as a retrieval system that makes it easier about users to find information.
Upaya Pustakawan dalam Mendukung Keterbukaan Data Penelitian di Jurnal Ilmiah peringkat Sinta 1 di Universitas Gadjah Mada Sri Junandi; Seno Yudhanto
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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Librarians have a significant role in publishing scientific journals. But on the one hand, scientific journals are also a means of ensuring the availability of research data for the public. This study aims to identify the policy of openness of research data and the efforts that can be made by librarians in scientific journals ranked SINTA 1 in the UGM environment. The research method used is qualitative research. The research was carried out in September 2022. Data collection techniques were in the form of virtual interviews, observation, and information retrieval on journal websites. Analysis and presentation of data was carried out descriptively based on coding according to the research objectives. The results obtained show that most of the scientific journals ranked SINTA 1 at UGM have a policy of openness to research data. Three journals that involve librarians in scientific journal activities are Indonesian Journal of Geography, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry and ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development. The efforts that can be made by librarians are to be actively involved in the management of scientific journals, to be involved in the formulation of research data policies, and to be active in disseminating the importance of openness of research data in scientific journals. The conclusion hows the policy of openness of research data in scientific journals, especially at Gadjah Mada University has become an inseparable part that must be stated in the journal policy. Librarians as managers of scientific journals as well as information managers can play an active role in making research data openness policies.
Perlindungan Data Privasi dan Kebebasan Informasi dalam Platform WhatApp Umi Sugiyanti; Agung Pambudi
Jurnal IPI (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia

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The change of human communication behaviour has been influenced by internet. Communication, interaction, access, and sharing information have been facilitated by social media. The development of Information Techonology helps and improves the civilization of human. However, it causes negative side effect on the law violation. The privacy of personal data in internet, as a part of human right, is not properly secured or protected. One of the popular social media is WhatssApp, where the platform is still the subject to the leak of information of privacy of its users. Therefore, the writer researches on the protection of private data and on the freedom of information in WhatsApp platform. The research method used in this research is normative analysis. This research method does not require field reserach because the subject of the research is the materials of law or the research of bibliographic law. The result of the research shows the warranty of law protection on private data in WhatsApp platform is still very low. The formulation of procedure in using private data should provide law certainty which can protect users’ private data. Furthermore, the comprehensive law is considered important to produce. The abuse of private data in WhatsApp platform are still concerning to the law enforcement. In general, the government provides guaranty on the freedom of information of virtual world, yet in the emergency situation the government restricts the features of social media. The freedom of information in WhatsApp platform provides freedom in acessing information to its users considering the rules and the regulation of WhatsApp.

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