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Jurnal Studi Budaya Nusantara (SBN) adalah media komunikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Seni dan Antropologi Budaya, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan untuk mewadahi hasil penelitian dan kajian ilmiah di bidang seni dan budaya Nusantara sebagai bentuk sumbangan masyarakat ilmiah bagi pengembangan wawasan seni dan budaya dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih luas. Terbit 2 kali setahun (Juni dan Desember).
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Articles 78 Documents
Strategi Enkulturasi Nilai-Nilai Anti Tindakan Kekerasan Dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Berbangsa Dan Bernegara Amry Marzali
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.01.01


Negara Indonesia didirikan dalam setting negara multikultur untuk mengakomodir berbagai keragaman yang ada di dalamnya. Itulah sebabnya, Pancasila dipilih sebagai dasar negara guna mengatur tata hidup bersama sebagai bangsa. Pengalaman hidup berbangsa di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa idealisme multikultur itu sering ternodai oleh tindakan kekerasan karena gesekan antar elemen-elemen yang saling berbeda di dalamnya. Selama ini, penekanan pada tindakan pencegahan dan public policy diandalkan sebagai strategi penanganan konflik dan kerusuhan. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi sumbangan pemikiran tentang bagaimana caranya agar nilai-nilai anti tindakan kekerasan dapat ditanamkan dan dijaga dalam masyarakat multietnik Indonesia. Dengan memandang “budaya tindakan kekerasan” dari sudut tiga tataran, yaitu tataran struktural, kultural, dan institusional, strategi enkulturasi nilai-nilai anti kekerasan mendapat wujudnya secara berbeda-beda. ABSTRACTIndonesian state was founded in the multicultural country setting to accommodate a wide range of diversity that exists in it. That is why, Pancasila chosen as as the national principle to govern the diverse lives of the people as a nation. However, during the life of this nation as Indonesian, it has shown that the ideals of multiculturalism is often marred by acts of violence caused by friction between elements that differs from each others. All this time, the strategy of handling conflict and violence is emphasised on prevention and public policy. This paper is intended to contribute thoughts about how the values of anti-acts of violence can be implanted and maintained in a multiethnic society. By looking at the "culture of of violence" in terms of three levels, i.e. the level of structural, cultural, and institutional, the strategy of enculturation of non-violence values got its differs forms.  
Eksplorasi Metode Penciptaan Seni Rupa Komunitas kentjingandjing Melalui Proyek Seni Rupa Unreasonableness” Di Kota Malang Aditya Nirwana; Tegar Andito
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.139 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.01.06


Proyek seni rupa “Unreasonableness” dilaksanakan dengan bertolak dari beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh komunitas Kentjingandjing, yakni (1) Permasalahan seputar menejemen pameran seni rupa, yang meliputi permasalahan pendanaan, sumber daya manusia, dan infrastruktur kesenian, (2) Pandangan publik seni kota Malang terhadap “fungsi” seni, serta (3) Penumbuhan kesadaran seniman sebagai seorang ilmuwan. Proyek dilaksanakan dengan mengimplementasikan metode penciptaan seni rupa yang bersifat ilmiah, yang terdiri dari 3 tahap yakni : (1) Internalisasi dan Inkubasi Gagasan; (2) Rumusan Konsep Penciptaan; dan (3) Eksekusi Penciptaan Karya Seni. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari aktivitas ini bahwa kegiatan ini telah secara efektif menjadi solusi dari permasalahan seputar manajemen seni rupa, namun untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran seni di kalangan masyarakat, kegiatan semacam ini masih memerlukan massifikasi, atau setidaknya merupakan kegiatan yang berkesinambungan dimana berbagai disiplin ilmu dapat terlibat. Disamping itu, metode ilmiah yang diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan ini dinilai cukup efektif oleh beberapa orang seniman yang terlibat, namun sebagian berpendapat penggunaan metode yang ‘rigid’ seperti ini justru membelenggu eksplorasi ide dan gagasan penciptaan, disamping itu kurang fleksibel bagi fluktuasi-fluktuasi yang akan sangat mungkin terjadi dalam proses penciptaan seni. ABSTRACT"Unreasonableness" art project conducted by starting from some problems faced by the Kentjingandjing, which is (1) The problems of an art exhibition management, which includes issues of funding, human resources, and infrastructure of the arts, (2) public view towards the "function"of art, and (3) artist awareness as a scientist. This projects conducted by implementing scientific methods of art creation, which consists of three stages: 1) Internalization and Incubation of Idea; 2) The formulation of the concept of Creation; and 3) Creation of Art. The conclusion that this activity has effectively become the solution of the issues surrounding the management of art, but to raise awareness of the arts in society, this activity still requires massification, or at least is sustainable activities in which various disciplines can be involved. Besides, the scientific method that implemented in this activity is effective by some of the artists, but some argue the use of methods that 'rigid' like this, would handcuff the idea of creation, in addition to the lack of flexibility for the fluctuations which may occur in the process of artistic creation.  
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.205 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2018.002.01.02


The arrival of Laksama Cheng Ho to Indonesia in the past with friendship has actually laid the foundations of a very harmonious relationship between ethnic-ethnic in Indonesia with ethnic Chinese.A multiculturalism approach would be a strategic bid to change other approach models that once existed. By taking the spirit of Cheng Ho’s voyage, this approach is a good new model but not yet tested, the government should wisely adopt a wise civic policy by providing facilities for infrastructure such as moral appeals, encouragement or in the form of conducive legislation. Even if later will happen acculturation process or assimilation let happen by itself and can not be forced.
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.336 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.02.06


AbstractThe role of the heart is very important in human life. The heart is not only synonymous with feeling but also has a rational intuitive. With careful human life develops in a balanced and meaningful. Thereby heart being one of the central human strength that should be put forward. Forward the heart does not mean ignoring other powers such as seeing, feeling, thinking, and acting up to the soul and spirit in relation to the Supreme Being. Putting forward the 'heart' means "heart is central" (central) in all human activities done with various abilities that exist in him. In this reflection I will show that the heart must be a shaft for all human strength. The location of the heart at the central point can connect the whole reality of human power to enable man to lead to the wisdom of his life. Humans who only rely on the ratio is not necessarily wise or who just rely on feelings are also not necessarily wise. Similarly a diligent man, not necessarily wise. Man is said to be wise when all elements of humanity function in a balanced way. It is the heart that unites all the elements of humanity.
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.308 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2018.002.02.04


AbstrakRadio Republik Indonesia (RRI) sebagai stasiun radio milik pemerintah membentuk saluran tersendiri bagi siaran-siaran budaya dari seluruh Indonesia yang ditayangkan dalam Programa 4 RRI. Pembentukan Programa 4 RRI yang mengkhususkan pada siaran-siaran budaya tersebut merupakan suatu bentuk akomodasi pemerintah terhadap keanekaragaman budaya di Indonesia, termasuk di RRI Kendari sebagai perwakilan RRI di Sulawesi Tenggara. Tulisan ini akan memaparkan akomodasi dan kontestasi siaran kebudayaan dari berbagai etnis di Programa 4 RRI Kendari. Programa 4 RRI yang menyiarkan kebudayaan dari berbagai kelompok etnis besar di Sulawesi Tenggara, yaitu etnis Tolaki, Buton, Muna, Moronene, Bugis, Makassar, Bajo, Jawa, Sunda, dan Bali. Namun demikian, ternyata siaran budaya di Programa 4 RRI Kendari tidak hanya sebagai sarana akomodasi dari berbagai etnis di Sulawesi Tenggara, tetapi juga terjadi kontestasi budaya antar etnis di udara dalam program tersebut. Sebelum ditayangkan di Programa 4, siaran budaya ini ditayangkan di Programa 1 RRI Kendari, yang daya jangkau siarannya lebih luas serta fasilitasnya lebih lengkap, termasuk sarana siaran interaktif. Sementara itu, Programa 4 merupakan saluran yang belum lama dibentuk oleh RRI Kendari, sehingga daya jangkau siaran serta fasilitasnya masih terbatas, termasuk belum adanya sarana interaktif. Keterbatasan fasilitas Programa 4 inilah yang menyebabkan masing-masing etnis di Sulawesi Tenggara merasa tidak lagi terakomodasi ruang budayanya dalam siaran-siaran RRI Kendari bila dibandingkan waktu masih disiarkan di Programa 1.AbstractRadio Republik Indonesia (RRI) as state-owned radio station creates a special channel for cultural programs from various ethnic groups in Indonesia in Programme 4. The establishment of Programme 4 as the special channel for cultural programs is a form of accommodation from Indonesian government toward various ethnic groups in Indonesia, including in RRI Kendari as a branch of RRI in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This paper will describe the accommodation and contestation of cultural programs in Programme 4 RRI Kendari. Programme 4 RRI Kendari broadcast cultural programs from main ethnic groups in Southeast Sulawesi: Tolaki, Buton, Muna, Moronene, Bugis, Makassar, Bajo, Java, Sunda, and Bali.However, the cultural programs in Programme 4 RRI Kendari not only serve as a means for accommodation toward various ethnic groups in Southeast Sulawesi, but contestation is also happened among themselves in these cultural programs. Before they are broadcasted in Programme 4, these cultural programs were broadcasted in Programme 1, which has wider range and has more complete facilities, including interactive facility. Meanwhile, as a new channel, Programme 4 do not have wide range of broadcasting capacity as in Programme 1, and its facilities are still limited. The limitation of Programme 4 facilities makes various ethnic groups in Southeast Sulawesi feel no longer accommodated in cultural programs of RRI Kendari as it was broadcasted in Programme 1 before.  
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.922 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2019.003.01.02


In the people of Kawengen Village, “mblandong” is  the best economy activity. They have ignored legal or illegal rules, because at the reality, mblandong can develop of the other sector of economy at their village, to the agriculture, carbon industies, industries of handicraft and furniture. Beside that, mblandong also can available to the building material. In this case, mblandong very important for economic, and than mblandong will be custom or folkways of The Kawengen people.
Dangdut Koplo: Memahami Perkembangan hingga Pelarangan Michael H.B. Raditya
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.38 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.01.02


Dangdut Koplo kini telah menjadi produk massal, yang terus terkomodifikasi oleh industri musik tanah air. Terlahir di pesisir pantai utara pulau Jawa –Pantura–, Dangdut Koplo telah berkembang sejak Dangdut televisi mengemuka. Hingga pada tahun 2003, fenomena Inul merebak, dan menggantikan posisi bintang Dangdut yang tenar saat itu, seperti: Rhoma Irama. Namun Rhoma Irama tidak menerimanya, pelbagai cara mencekal Inul dan Dangdut Koplo dilakukan. Bertolak dari ihwal tersebut, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwasanya Dangdut Koplo berkembang karena pelarangan. Pelbagai usaha pelarangan dari Rhoma Irama dan kolega, hingga kalangan yang mengatasnamakan agama turut mempersoalkan Inul dan musiknya, Koplo. Namun kuasa komodifikasi berkerja, Inul dan banyak penyanyi Pantura berjaya. Pada tahun 2016, pelarangan kembali terjadi. Giliran KPI ambil bagian mencekal tigabelas lagu Dangdut Koplo. Bertolak dari ihwal tersebut, maka artikel ini akan membahas perkembangan dan pelarangan yang telah terjadi. Alih-alih diposisikan untuk mendukung kubu yang saling berkonfrontasi, artikel ini lebih diarahkan sebagai artikulasi atas makna yang terkandung dari Dangdut Koplo itu sendiri. Hasil dari artikel ini adalah sebuah tawaran alternatif dalam menyikapi pelarangan di kedua belah pihak. ABSTRACTNowadays, Dangdut Koplo has become a mass product, which commodified by industry music of Indonesia. Was born in the northern coast of Java -Pantura-, Dangdut Koplo has develop since Dangdut Television become popular. In 2003, Inul phenomenon was replacing Dangdut star whose fame at the time, such as: Rhoma Irama. But Rhoma and colleagues didn't accept that, and try to ban Inul and Dangdut Koplo in Dangdut Industry.  It is undeniable that Dangdut Koplo developed by ban process. Rhoma Irama and Many Groups who has a corelation with religion tried to ban Dangdut Koplo, and Inul. But the commodification's power worked, Inul and singers from Pantura more popular. In 2016, KPI do the ban Dangdut Koplo. Thirteen songs Dangdut Koplo blocked. Regarding from these thing, this article will discuss about existance of Dangdut Koplo, about developing and barriers. And this article isn't support group who confronted each other, this article who i wrote it, is trying to articulate about essence that contained on Dangdut Koplo. The result of this article is an alternative point of view's to face the problem in holistic way.
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.109 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2017.oo1.02.02


This thesis entitled "The Construction of Cultural Identity of Wong Ngapak through the consumption of local media in Banyumasan dialect" which studied the use of radio Programme "Curanmor" by three students from Cilacap in Yogyakarta and the positioning of their cultural identity through central and periphery perspective. The study applied ethnographic research methods in the context of data collection and to explain the patterns and cultural practices of the student from Cilacap in consuming media. In order to analyse the data, author implemented theory of Media Consumption, Cultural Identity and Central – Periphery Perspective. The approach used in this audience study is based on the model of audience-as-agent which considers the audience as an active agent. Audiences consumed media "Curanmor" to construct their cultural identity in Yogyakarta by (1) "Curanmmor” as a cultural symbol for Banyumasan community; (2)" Curanmor” is used as a 'going back home’ experience, (3) "Curanmor" as the media to strenghten Banyumasan Culture dan dialect, (4) Curanmor "as a 'cultural distinctiveness' ; (5)" Curanmor "as soft-resistance of the marginalization of Banyumasan culture. The five ways of the use of these media are forms of the construction of cultural identity that may erode the negative images and stereotypes of the Banyumasan language and culture in the region of Yogyakarta as a result of the unequal binary perspective, central and periphery. Yogyakarta and its culture is considered as central ( "the Self"), while the culture and Ngapak language regarded as "the Other". By constructing and reconstructing cultural identity, it is expected that the culture and Ngapak language are no longer marginalised in the context of Javanese culture itself. Each culture may raise without any domination of one culture to others.
Struktur Formulaik Tayangan Sinetron Indonesia nanang bustanul fauzi
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.26 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2018.002.01.03


Abstrak Program hiburan di TV telah menjadi konsumsi hiburan keseharian masyarakat. Lebih dari itu hiburan TV telah menjadi ‘kebenaran’ baru bagi nilai kehidupan masyarakat pemirsa.Kehadiran beragam varian program hiburan seperti komedi situasi, sinetron dan infoteinmen mampu masuk ke dalam pola pikir pemirsa TV.Disadari atau tidak varian program hiburan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi pola hidup masyarakat yang mengkonsumsinya.Selanjutnya, diyakini bahwa kehadiran varian hiburan dalam ragam tayangan televisi tidak tanpa struktur tertentu yang formulaik.Seperti halnya berbagai aspek kehidupan, gerak peradaban manusia diyakini memiliki struktur kerangka yang memanifestasikan beragam bentuk hidup dan kehidupan. Mengikuti pandangan strukturalisme modern yang dimunculkan oleh ahli bahasa dari Swis, Ferdinand de Saussure, keberadaan segala yang ‘menyata’ dan tersentuh oleh indera manusia tersusun atas dua bagian penting yaitu struktur dalam dan struktur luar. Dalam paradigma bahasa yang menjadi dasar pemikiran Saussure, bahasa memiliki dua bagian penting yaitu Langue(struktur dalam)dan Parole(struktur luar/permukaan) yang menjadi manifestasi strutur dalamnya.Penelitian  mengenai struktur yang formulaik atas tayangan hiburan tersebut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana struktur langue atas berbagai parole yang kita nikmati sekaligus melihat bagaimana media berkontribusi pada penciptaan struktur formulaik tersebut. Kata kunci: sinetron, struktur formulaik 
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.331 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2018.002.01.05


 Abstract God's salvation mission for mankind has been carried out by Jesus Christ throughout life and work in this world. The Holy Spirit also animates the entire work of God's salvation so that the love of God displayed by Christ is increasingly experienced by human beings in a concrete way. Today the Catholic Church as its Mystical Body takes part in the mission of the Triune God for the salvation of mankind on this earth as well as the salvation of life in the afterlife. Thus, the Church continues to proclaim Christian values to all tribes including the Migani tribe. In the process of preaching the Church is certainly dealing with the context of local culture. This context will affect the pattern of the Church's preaching. Therefore inculturation efforts become very important because the Church realizes that every culture has positive values that deserve appreciation and then become a means of proclaiming Christian values. This paper will show a number of cultural values of the tribe of Migani who have sameness with Christian values in order to enrich each other so that their preaching is contextual.