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Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan
Published by Politeknik Jambi
ISSN : 26852276     EISSN : 26857014     DOI : -
Jurnal ELTI (Elektronika, Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan) merupakan jurnal peer review yang difokuskan kepada tiga cakupan utama, yakni bidang Elektronika, Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi. Untuk bidang Elektronika mencakup Implementasi Sensor Elektronik (Electronics Sensor Implementation), Pengukuran Cerdas (Smart Measurement), Sistem Kontrol (Control System), Otomatisasi dan Robotika (Automation and Robotic). Dalam bidang Listrik cakupan jurnal meliputi Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (Renewable Energy), Distribusi Energi Listrik (Energy Distribution), Kontrol Industri (Industrial Control). Untuk bidang Teknologi Informasi cakupan bahasan meliputi Internet of Thinks (IoT), Pemrograman Berbasis Website (Web Programming), Pemrograman Android (Android Programming), Pengolahan Sinyal dan Citra (Signal and Image Processing).
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Articles 89 Documents
Prototipe Mesin Penghitung Potongan Botol Plastik Kemasan 1,5 Liter Yudhi Agussationo; Mahmud Idris; Andri Arianto
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.235


Especially ornamental fish farmers. This bottle a function as a medium for freshwater ornamental fish containers. hardware bottle-cutting tool to be controlled using programming software using an Arduino microcontroller with the help of an infrared sensor. This Arduino microcontroller will make it easier for users to calculate the bottles that have been cut and the cost of cutting bottles that will be displayed on the 20 x 4 LCD without having to calculate manually which will take more time. In addition to the many features obtained by the owner/user, they can also benefit from selling bottles that will be traded to freshwater ornamental fish farmers. With this innovation, besides simplifying human tasks, can also educate the user community so that they can innovate for the development of the ornamental fishery sector.
Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Dokumen Online Untuk Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal Pada Politeknik Jambi Fortia Magfira
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.239


Documents at a tertiary institution are one of the important factors in the internal quality assurance system to measure the level of achievement of organized activities within the tertiary institution. ‘Documents ‘can ‘be ‘used‘ as‘ a ‘reference‘ in ‘making decisions, formulating policies, ‘planning, ‘regulation, ‘monitoring ‘or ‘monitoring ‘the ‘achievements ‘of ‘activities ‘and ‘evaluating these activities. Document management at the Jambi Polytechnic is carried out using a file sharing system. The use of file sharing in document management results in limitations on document storage and access by stakeholders, where stakeholders can only store and access documents using the local network at the Jambi Polytechnic. This has hampered the process of decision making, policy formulation, planning, regulation, monitoring by stakeholders when they are not connected to the Jambi Polytechnic local network. Existing problems can be solved by having an information system that is devoted to managing documents in the form of storing and accessing documents at the Jambi Polytechnic. Modeling an online document management information system can be used as a reference before developing an information system. Modeling of this document information system will be carried out by means of visual modeling which will give an overview of how the components are connected and interact so that detailed information from an information system can be seen clearly.
Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal ELTI V
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronika Listrik dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/elti.v5i1.226


The Betawi Traditional House, especially the Kebaya House, has a large terrace which is used for entertaining guests and as a place for family relaxation. In ancient times, the Betawi people made a well in front of their house and a cemetery next to the house. And, the walls of his house are made of panels that can be opened and shifted to the edges. This is intended to make the house feel more spacious. The purpose of this research is to design emergency lights that can be used when the power goes out, so that this spacious kebaya house has at least lighting. The design starts from assembling the devices connected with tenol and solder, then the design of the kebaya house and finally the application
Perancangan Prototyping Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Tanto Tanto; Fery Purnama; Ikbal Ramadhani
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.240


Higher Education Governance is very important in achieving its Vision and Mission, one of which is in managing Human Resources (HR) in this case are Lecturers, Lecturers can carry out many tasks that are carried out both in the Tridarma of Higher Education and Structural, in this case many obstacles are faced faced in assessing lecturer performance, so far monitoring of work is still done manually still collecting hardcopy reports, and evaluating lecturer work takes a long time. In this research, a Prototyping Design of Higher Education Lecturer Performance Assessment Information System will be made that can be used to evaluate and evaluate the performance of Higher Education lecturers to support Accreditation where this system can be used as a reference in decision making. The next goal is to implement a lecturer performance appraisal system in tertiary institutions. Thus, higher education accreditation can be increased
Rancang Bangun Water Level Control Berbasis Sonoff Smart Switch Yudhi Agussationo; Sepdian Sepdian; Andi Rajanudin
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.234


The prototype of an automatic water tank filling system based on a sonoff smart switch that works based on the volume of water level in a tank based on a sonoff smart switch has been successfully created. This study aims to determine the working principle of the sonoff switch and automatic water tank filling system. The water sensor used in this study is a float switch type that works based on changes in the value of the high volume of the tank water. For automatic filling of the water tank, a sonoff smart switch and also a float switch has been used as a switch to drain and disconnect the electric current to the pump. The design results show that this automatic water tank filling system can work well, where if the water tank level is below 20% then the water pump will turn "ON" and if the water level in the tank is above 90% then the water pump will turn "OFF".
Rancang Bangun Alat Pemantau Berat Menggunakan Android Berbasis Mikrokontroler Ahmad Nur Fauzi; Agil Candra Ramadhan; M.Ridwan Arif Cahyono
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.231


Digital scales are measuring instruments to measure the mass weight of objects or substances with a digital display. In its use, scales are used in various fields, from trade, industry to service companies. In this case, digital scales have many advantages, including: the mass of the scale itself is lighter than manual scales, the results of measuring the measured load are more accurate, suitable for measuring small objects, in terms of design digital scales seem more modern and in terms of maintenance required it is very easy to do. Measuring instruments are designed and made by prioritizing the ability of measuring instruments such as accuracy, accuracy, and reading ability. There are two category systems in scales, namely Analog Scales and Digital Scales. Load cell is the core component contained in the Digital Scale which functions as a pressure sensor that will convert the analog signal generated by the Load Cell to the amount of electricity. The reading of the load cell data will be processed by Esp 8266 through the HX711 system to convert the amount of potential that occurs in the load cell into digital data. This method uses the measurement principle carried out by Loadcell using the pressure principle that utilizes the Strain Gauge as a sensor. This is evidenced by the results of testing the condition of the tool in good condition and in accordance with the accuracy when the object is weighed to get a result of 99%.
Rancang Bangun Miniatur Control Room Pada Budidaya Jamur Tiram Mahmud Idris; Sigit Kurniawan; Rizki Ramadhoni
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.241


This research focuses on the design and control room miniatures to reduce room temperature and increase humidity values in oyster mushroom cultivation. This miniature control room is designed to be able to maintain a temperature of 15-35°C and 50-80% humidity required by oyster mushrooms. In maintaining the temperature and humidity of the cultivation room, a tool is needed in the form of a fog maker and fan as well as a DHT 11 sensor. The DHT 11 sensor detects the temperature and humidity around the room and the cooling fan will be rotated by a DC motor according to the drive signal given by the fuzzy logic controller and the mist maker. functions to produce dew or increase the humidity of the room, the mist maker will be active if the actual value of humidity is below 85%, but if the actual value of humidity is above 85% then the mist maker itself will not be active. In the results of the temperature and humidity experiment for 2 hours, the initial temperature was 29°C and 81% humidity, for the initial temperature set point value was 26°C and 80% humidity.
Kajian Tempat Letak Kenderaan Pelajar di Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah Nurhuda Binti Ismail; Asiah Binti Ariffin; Muhammad Nafis Syahmi Bin Mohd Yusoff
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.265


Tempat letak kenderaan (TLK) adalah satu keperluan kepada para pelajar, pensyarah dan juga staf sokongan di Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah. Kajian ini dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti tahap kepuasan pelajar di PTSB terhadap fasiliti dan keselamatan TLK yang disediakan untuk pelajar. Melalui soal selidik yang dijalankan, masalah tempat parkir pelajar di PTSB dapat dikenalpasti. DI samping itu juga, tahap keselamatan kawasan parkir juga dapat dikaji melalui soal selidik yang dijalankan. Berdasarkan pemerhatian yang dijalankan secara fizikal, didapati terdapat banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar iaitu kenderaan yang tidak berada dalam petak dengan betul dan kes kehilangan barang peribadi pelajar. Pemerhatian yang dibuat juga mendapati banyak kenderaan yang diletakkan dalam keadaan yang salah sehingga menyebabkan gangguan kepada pemandu lain. Kajian ini juga dijalankan untuk mencadangkan rekabentuk baharu yang lebih sistematik untuk menambahkan keselesaan pelajar PTSB. Seramai 91% daripada responden bersetuju supaya kemudahan loker barang untuk pelajar disediakan di kawasan parkir. Berdasarkan nilai puratan skor mean yang dibuat dalam analisis kajian ini menunjukaan perkaitan yang sederhana iaitu 2.63 sahaja. Ini menunjukkan ramai pelajar tidak berpuas hati dengan tahap fasiliti dan keselamatan di TLK pelajar. Rekabentuk ruang parkir yang baharu juga telah dicadangkan bagi memperbaiki rekabentuk parkir yang sedia ada
Mendedahkan Ciri Terpilih Yang Mempengaruhi Pengecaman Botnet HTTP Wan Ahmad Ramzi Y.W; Nur Hidayah M. S; Faizal M. A
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.266


Botnet dikenalpasti sebagai salah satu ancaman yang paling banyak muncul kerana penjenayah Siber berusaha gigih untuk menjadikan sebahagian besar pengguna rangkaian komputer sebagai sasaran mereka. Oleh itu, ramai penyelidik telah menjalankan banyak kajian mengenai botnet dan cara untuk mengesan botnet dalam trafik rangkaian. Kebanyakan mereka hanya menggunakan ciri di dalam sistem tanpa menyebut pengaruh ciri dalam pengesanan botnet. Pemilihan ciri adalah penting dalam pengesanan botnet kerana ia boleh meningkatkan ketepatan pengesanan. Selain itu, penyelidikan sedia ada lebih menumpukan kepada teknik pengecaman daripada mendedahkan tujuan di sebalik pemilihan. Dalam penyelidikan ini, kaedah pembelajaran mesin yang diselia telah digunakan dan fokus utama adalah pada teknik pemilihan ciri yang akan mendedahkan ciri pengaruh dalam pengesanan botnet menggunakan kaedah statistik. Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan ketepatan adalah kira-kira 91% yang boleh diterima untuk menggunakan ciri pengaruh dalam mengesan aktiviti botnet seterusnya mengesahkan pendekatan statistik terbukti membezakan kehadiran botnet HTTP dalam trafik rangkaian
Penilaian Terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Ex-Net bagi Kursus DFC20143 - Introduction to Network dalam Kalangan Pelajar Politeknik Mersing Noradilah Binti Sukor; Nor Zamira Binti Othman; Irma Binti Maaman
Jurnal Elektronika, Listrik, dan Teknologi Informasi Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ELTI VI
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37338/e.v4i1.267


Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti penilaian pelajar terhadap penggunaan aplikasi digital Explore The Network (Ex-Net) dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi kursus DFC20143 - Introduction To Network di Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (JTMK), Politeknik Mersing. Ex-Net mengaplikasikan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) seiring dengan perkembangan Revolusi Industri 4.0 (IR 4.0) dengan terapan elemen multimedia yang terbukti mempengaruhi keberkesanan proses pembelajaran pelajar. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif berbentuk tinjauan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen. Responden terdiri daripada 60 orang pelajar yang mengambil kursus tersebut bagi menjawab objektif kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pelajar mempunyai penilaian yang positif terhadap pengunaan aplikasi Ex-Net dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) dengan purata skor min adalah 4.70 bagi aspek kebolehfungsian dan kualiti antaramuka Ex-Net. Manakala bagi aspek kepuasan dan penggunaan pada masa hadapan memperolehi skor min 4.81. Kaedah ini jelas mampu meningkatkan minat dan fokus, selain memudahkan pemahaman konsep asas rangkaian serta dapat mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang lebih aktif yang menerapkan elemen kolaboratif semasa proses PdP dilaksanakan. Secara keseluruhannya, penggunaan teknologi ICT dengan terapan elemen multimedia dan aplikasi teknologi AR dalam PdP dapat meningkatkan kemahiran pembelajaran pelajar dengan gaya pembelajaran baru yang lebih fleksibel dan sekaligus mempengaruhi prestasi pelajar dalam kursus tersebut