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Anita Munir
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Journal of Management and Leadership
ISSN : 26209942     EISSN : 26212935     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
Journal of Management and Leadership (JML) is a scientific journal managed by a Management Study Program of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITAS, and fully refereed journal with ISSN 2620 –9942 (Printed Version) ISSN 2621–2935(Online Version). This journal is freely distributed on the internet and mobile digital media. The journal focusing on Human Capital Management, Leadership, Finance, Marketing, Operation and Supply chain Management, and business strategy.
Articles 50 Documents
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Volume 1 - Nomor 2 - November 2018
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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This study aims to analyze recruitment strategies to fulfil human resource needs. This study uses theory and research results to explain the implications of the recruitment process to meet human resource needs.. Research result explain that the recruitment strategy starts by determining manpower planning which includes job design, job specification, and job description. The next process of determining recruitment strategies includes recruitment sources, recruitment methods, and recruitment stages. Positive implications of recruitment are high motivation, job satisfaction, and performance improvement. So the recruitment strategy is the main activity of human resource management to hire the best talent and own superior competence in achieving the business target of the company.
Bankruptcy Prediction Models Applied on Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) Harsono Yoewono SE,AK,BBA hons,Mak
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Volume 1 - Nomor 2 - November 2018
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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This study tries to determine the best BPM (bankruptcy prediction model) method in predicting the bankruptcy (delisting) event amongst the delisted companies from the IDX for the period of 2011-2015. To verify the acuracy rate of those 4 BPMs, that is Altman, Springate, Zmijewski, and Grover, we apply these 4 BPM methods in predicting the non-bankruptcy (non-delisting) event of the paired companies used as the sample. This also mean that we need to measure the Error Type-II (ET-II). On average, the acuracy rate of 4 BPMs in predicting 7 companies NOT to be bankrupt (still-listed) was 82.14%, and coupled with the relevant ET-II at 17.86%. By restricting the prediction only on the bankruptcy (delisting) event, Altman is the best BPM method with an acuracy of 71.43%. Altman becomes the best BPM in predicting the bankruptcy (delisting) event as it has an error rate by 14.29%, lower than the Springate. Although Springate has an acuracy of 71.43%, it has an error rate higher than Altman, that is by 28.57%. Grover and Zmijewski took the third and fourth place respectively in the overall acuracy and in predicting the bankruptcy (delisting) event. By companies, the 4 BPM can predict the bankrupty (delisting) event of PWSI (Panca Wiratama Sakti), that is with ET-I = 0, but not with the delisting event of KARK (Dayaindo Resource International) whose acuracy rate was 0%.
From Penrose to Sirmon: The Evolution of Resource Based Theory Diin Fitri, SE., MM.; Rolan Mauludy Dahlan; Samudra Sukardi
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Volume 1 - Nomor 2 - November 2018
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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RBT has grown rapidly and become one of the most important theories in strategic management. This paper examines the development of RBT from the initial concept to several contemporary ideas that have grown rapidly in recent years. The exploration uses literature study approachs. This study is expected to provide a comprehensive overview of the historical roots, definitions, relationships between concepts and the direction of contemporary development. The contemporary direction of RBT leads to the integration of resources orchestration with economic theory, the exploration of the microstructure of RBT and the practical implementation of resources orchestration.
The Roles of Financial Reporting and Self-Concept of Cooperative’s Managers in Using Accounting Information Yustina Triyani; Masripah -
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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A lot of cooperatives do not use adequate accounting information in preparation of financial reporting. Lack of knowledge and understanding in accounting principles, also a low level of selfconcept of the employees are the possible main reasons behind it. Thus, this study aims to find evidence on the effect of accounting knowledge and self-concept of cooperative managers on the use of accounting information. The object of this research is the managers of the cooperative members Dekopinda in North Jakarta, which consists of 100 respondents from 49 cooperatives. The methods of this research are field survey and data analysis using validity test, reliability, classical assumption and regression test. The test results show that all the data pass the validity, reliability and classical assumption test. F test results show the number 0.001, t-test results for accounting knowledge variables obtained 0.023 and self-concept 0.031. This study concludes that there is sufficient evidence that accounting knowledge and self-concept of cooperative managers have a positive effect on the use of accounting information.
Analysis Internal Factors Of Bank Performance On Bank’s Profitability in Indonesia Liliani Reskita; Purwanto -
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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This research aims to analyze internal factor n bank performance was influenced by usingmacroeconomic factor as control variable. The determinants used for internal factor ofbank consist of size, liquidity, capital and credit risk with control variable such as GDPand inflation. Quantitative method is used and for the sample suddenly stand up from 15banks with specific criteria that include in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Based on themultiple regression conclude that concluded size, capital, credit risk and inflation havesignificant positive effect on Return on Asset, while liquidity and GDP have a significantnegative effect on Return on Asset.
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Adaptation, and Homesickness toward Stress Level Meickel Peterson; Liswandi -
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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As freshmen, first semester of university life can be really challenging, being away from family and adapt to completely new environment. However if student can prevent stress, transition can be so much easier. The purpose of this study is to examine The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Adaptation, and Homesickness toward the Stress Level of President University freshmen. This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. For the data collection this research used questionnaire. The samples collected in this study consisted of 113 freshmen. The result of this study showed that Emotional Intelligence has a negative significant influence toward Stress Level, Adaptation also has a negative significant influence toward Stress Level, and Homesickness has a positive significant influence toward Stress Level. This study suggested that by improving the Emotional Intelligence of a student, it will help adaptation process of freshmen, and reduce homesickness, President University student stress level can decrease significantly which will lead to boost of performance in academic and social.
Application of QFD in Tanri Abeng University Amanah Pasaribu, ST, MM
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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The university produces employee to work in industry. The challenge for the university isproducing the graduate who has a skill that industry need. The university needs to developquality of services. This research applies a Quality Function Development (QFD) method todevelop quality improvement of university. The finding of this reasearch shows that theuniversity has to develop curriculum, facility availability, lecturer capability andextracurricular activities.
PT Sido Muncul,Tbk as an Alternative Investment in 2019 Anita Munir, M.Fin
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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This study aims to analyze the performance of PT. Sido Muncul, Tbk as a consideration to determine the fair price of shares in 2019. PT. Sido Muncul, Tbk has succeeded in penetrating the export market by marketing products to countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, South Korea, Nigeria, Algeria, Hong Kong, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia and Russia. The research method used in this study is a descriptive study method. In this study the author used secondary data by taking PT Sido Muncul, Tbk Financial Report published from 2013-2018. As the result, the performance appraisal of liquidity ratios as a whole from 2013-2019 considered Liquid, and the Leverage ratios is solvable. Besides, profitability ratios, return on asset, return on equity and profit margin is quite high. EV / EBITDA ratio from 2013-2019 is still below the industry average so it is very possible for companies to pursue industry averages which cause stock prices to rise in the future. The results of this study indicate that companies have strong fundamentals.Keywords: Liquidity, Leverage, Profitability and Market Value.
Analysis of The Effect Of Working Capital Rules On Levels Of Agricultural Companies Profitability In Indonesia Stock Exchange Kristi Andari; Ahmad Azmy
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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This study aims to analyze the effect of Working Capital Turnover, Inventory Turnover, and Accounts Receivable Turnover to the Profitability of the Company, either partially or simultaneously and to analyze how big the effect on agricultural companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The object of this study were 16 agricultural companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used are secondary data obtained and the publication of financial statements for five years, the period of 2012 to 2016. The method used in this study is the method of multiple regression analysis. From this research it can be seen that partially Receivable Turnover variable has a significant positive effect on Return On Assets and Inventory Turnover have a significant negative effect on Return On Assets. But the Working Capital Turnover variable has no significant effect. Simultaneously all independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The result of determination coefficient is 0.195320, meaning the ability of independent variable in explaining the dependent variable is 19,5%, while the rest 80,5% is explained by other variable not included in research equation model.
A Synthesis Paper: How a Destination Capturing Value from the Its Visitors ? Diin Fitri, SE., MM.
Journal of Management and Leadership Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 - Nomor 1 - May 2019
Publisher : Management and Leadership Study Programme

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As well in other business, the destination should able to improve their strategy in order to becompetitive in the market. This paper aims to deliver a synthesis papers that shows on how adestination able do its marketing strategy to capture value for its visitors based on the work doneby Yang & Tan, (2017) Li, et al., (2017), Mariani, et al., (2015). It is found that visitors havedifferent needs and wants, and the destination able to doing STP by first understand the motivationfor the tourist to, In doing integrated marketing program, the destination should able to provideinnovative events and to incorporated the destination products/service to capture more than onesegments. For promotion, supplying information to the visitors also important for promotion. Theorganization able to use the social media to maintain the relationship with the customers, thedestination will be able to gain some value from the customers as it able to enhance corporateimage, customers loyalty and corporate revenue.