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PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services
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Core Subject : Agriculture, Social,
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services (disingkat PRIMA JCES). Kata-kata PRIMA dalam PRIMA JCES merupakakan singatan dari Pemberdayaan dan Rekayasa Ipteks untuk Masyarakat Agraris. PRIMA JCES (ISSN: 2579-5074) adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. PRIMA JCES mencakup semua hal terkait dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat, termasuk di dalamnya adalah di bidang pertanian. PRIMA JCES berupaya menjadi wadah publikasi kegiatan pemberdayaan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, khususnya di bidang pertanian. PRIMA JCES terbit secara online 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu pada periode Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember.
Articles 14 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December" : 14 Documents clear
Pelatihan Agro Eco-System Analysis Petani Ketela Pohon dalam Teknik Pengelolaan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Sri Wahyuni; Willybrordus Lanamana; Kristono Yohanes Fowo; Lourentius Dominikus Gadi Djou; Yohanes Pande
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.55869


Training on Agro Eco-System Analysis for Cassava Farmers in Plant Pest Organism Management Techniques. Pest population fluctuations in cassava plants tend to increase and spread rapidly in drought fields and a monoculture cropping pattern with close spacing therefore the presence of pests planted is highly dependent on agro-ecosystem conditions. Therefore ecological-based pest control is very necessary.  To maintain the stability of the plant ecosystem, basic skills are needed in conducting agroecosystem analysis (AESA). Based on the analysis results obtained recommendations for appropriate ecosystem management for each growing season and facilitate farmers in determining good cultivation techniques regarding pest control, cropping patterns, soil and water conservation as well as natural enemies that are appropriate for their plants. AESA activities are carried out so that farmers understand and are skilled in managing their cassava plantations because Randotonda Village is a producer of "Nuabosi" cassava which is known as a regional superior product. The activity is carried out in a participatory manner by directly involving the participating farmers as observers, fact seekers and decision-makers for the management of their agroecosystems through discussion and manifesting current real conditions with the hope that in the future they can manage their cropping agroecosystems properly. The highest increase in farmer understanding occurred in natural enemy components of 91.67% while the average increase in farmer understanding for all agro-ecosystem components was 57.14%. All participants were able to perform AESA very well which was indicated by the ability of farmers to make recommendations for managing cassava agroecosystems for the next planting season.
Penyuluhan Kesuburan Tanah, Pupuk Organik serta Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman bagi Kelompok Tani Baranuri Charly Mutiara; Yustina M.S.W Puu; Donatus Rendo; Josina I.B Hutubessy
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.55925


Counseling of Soil Fertility, Organic Fertilizers, Pests and Plant Diseases for Baranuri Farmers Group. The Baranuri Farmers Group (KT. Baranuri) is one of the providers of vegetables for the people of Ende City. The results of interviews with farmers obtained several problems, namely, there is no data on soil fertility and lack of understanding of soil fertility, organic fertilizers, pests and plant diseases. The solution given is to analyze soil pH and organic-C to be used as a reference for soil fertility conditions as well as counseling about soil fertility, organic fertilizers, pests and plant diseases. This service activity aims to provide information on soil fertility, increase farmers' knowledge regarding soil fertility, organic fertilizers and plant pests and diseases. The counseling method used is a group approach. Purposive soil sampling, samples were taken diagonally. The organic-C content was analyzed in the laboratory by Walkley and Black method, while soil pH was measured directly on the field using 4 in 1 Soil Survey Instrument and then matching with the criteria of assessment of soil analysis results by the Indonesian Soil Research Institute. The results obtained were the soil pH was 4-5 (very acidic-acidic) and soil organic C was 2.03-2.37% (moderate). The extension activities were succeeded in increasing public knowledge from 46.7% to 86.7% (an increase of 85.7%). The recommendation from this activity is to create a demonstration field to apply an organic fertilizer that can be observed directly by farmer groups.
Pelatihan dan ToT Ekologi Tanah untuk Penguatan Pertanian Organik pada Kelompok Tani Al-Barokah dan Walisongo di Desa Ketapang Supriyadi Supriyadi; Purwanto Purwanto; Sri Hartati; Galuh Mashitoh; Malihatun Nufus; Widya Aryani
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.43710


Soil Ecology Training and ToT for Strengthening Organic Agriculture in Al-Barokah and Walisongo Farmer Groups in Ketapang Village. In sustainable integrated agriculture, farmers are expected to be experts in managing agricultural ecosystems. To support this, training and empowerment of sustainable agricultural management can be carried out for farmers. The process of soil ecology training and training of trainers (ToT) is directed at strengthening organic farming and it is hoped that farmers can play a role as a farm manager, able to stand parallel and have an active relationship with the community and have a role in the system built by the community. Therefore, it is proposed the title of PKM-Training and ToT of Ecology Soil for Strengthening Organic Agriculture. The purpose of training and soil ecology ToT for strengthening organic agriculture is to increase farmers' understanding of the importance of ecology in soil management that has been applied so that there is renewal in soil management and building farmer knowledge. Through the Participatory Action Program approach, the Al-Barokah and Walisongo Farmer Groups farmers are very enthusiastic, which is indicated by an increase in understanding of soil ecology. Training and soil ecology ToT for farmers is very important so that soil management is in harmony with nature and increase the understood that soil ecology is part of the global ecosystem, and soil ecology is a process of interaction between ecological components on the level of fertility and crop production.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Petani Cokelat Desa Randualas Kecamatan Kare Kabupaten Madiun Melalui Edukasi Kualitas Kemasan Produk Cokelat Achmad Ridwan Ariyantoro; Choirul Anam; Raden Baskara Katri Anandito; Danar Praseptiangga; Anastriyani Yulviatun
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.45979


Increasing the Capacity of Chocolate Farmers in Randualas Village Kare District Madiun Regency through Education of Chocolate Product Packaging Quality. Cocoa is one of the largest commodities from Madiun Regency. Cocoa has the potential to be developed into processed chocolate products that will become typical souvenirs of Madiun Regency. The cocoa farmers in Randualas Village, Kare District, Madiun Regency have received counseling on the processing of cocoa beans into ready-to-consume chocolate products. However, the chocolate product was wraped in only an HDPE plastic layer which was less attractive to consumers, so it is necessary to improve the quality of the chocolate packaging. This community empowerment aims to increase the ability of cocoa farmers (partners) to package chocolate products properly and attractively so it will further increase the economic value of their chocolate product. The activities are education and counseling about the importance of packaging for chocolate products and how to design good and attractive packaging. Monitoring and evaluation were also carried out by filling out questionnaires by participants regarding the level of understanding of the material before and after being presented.  The result showed that the partners understand the importance of packaging in food products in general and packaging for chocolate products in particular. It was evidenced that after counseling, up to 50% of participants understand the importance of packaging in the food packaging process and 50% of participants understand the criteria for good packaging for chocolate products.
Peningkatan Usaha Budidaya Cacing Tanah Raden Rara Aulia Qonita; Erlyna Wida Riptanti
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.46714


Increasing of Earthworm Cultivation Business in Teras District Boyolali Regency. Earthworms are soft-bodied, invertebrates, and have many functions as decomposer organisms, fertilizer producers from organic waste, and animal protein sources. Earthworms have high economic value. This community service aims to increase the capacity of earthworm cultivation through improved feed, use of vermicompost, and improvement of business bookkeeping on partner SMEs. The community service method is socialization, earthworm cultivation training, the introduction of media (feed), bookkeeping management training, and mentoring. Community service activities are earthworm cultivation training, introducing palm dregs and tofu dregs as media (feed), vermicompost as organic fertilizer, simple bookkeeping training, and mentoring. This community service activity can increase earthworms' production capacity by 50 - 70% per two months. SMEs have other alternative media (feed), namely palm dregs and tofu dregs, for worm cultivation. SMEs are already using vermicompost as organic fertilizer. SMEs have simple bookkeeping because they have recorded the financial income and expenditure of earthworm cultivation. Overall, this service activity has provided additional knowledge for SMEs to run a business so that the business is expected to progress and develop.
Transformasi Kulit Singkong Menjadi Nata de Cassava dan Biostarter Kompos di Kecamatan Jatipuro Karanganyar Vita Ratri Cahyani; Rofandi Hartanto; Pardono Pardono; Feriana Dwi Kurniawati; Iqbal Firmansyah; Kynthavi Paramitha Lakshitarsari; Nadine Yuki Azzahra
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.51599


PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.46454


Community Assistance in Porang Cultivation in Agroforestry to Realize Alasombo as a Porang Center. Land conditions in Alasombo Village, Sukoharjo Regency, Central of Java potentially to be developed as a centre for porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume). The purpose of community service (PKM) is to introduce and improve skills in agroforestry cultivation of porang to realize Alasombo as a porang centre. PKM partners are ASSTI Farmer Groups and Youth Groups in Bende, Alasombo. The methods used were focus group discussion (FGD), cultivation practices, and evaluation. The activity was carried out from April to December 2020. Cultivation practices were carried out in Bende. The results of PKM activities show that 52.2% of the people know that for porang tubers have a high selling price and are very potential as an export commodity, 60.9% of the people do not know how to cultivate porang properly, 56.53% do not know that porang can be produced by agroforestry, and 95.5% people do not understand that the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil affect the growth and yield of porang. Assistance by universities is essential for the transfer of knowledge and technology to the community. Continuous assistance activities need to be carried out to make Alasombo a centre for Amorphophalus sp. `
Pemanfaatan Jerami Padi dan Arang Sekam sebagai Pupuk Organik dan Media Tanam dalam Budidaya Kedelai Aprilia Ike Nurmalasari; Supriyono Supriyono; Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti; Trijono Djoko Sulistyo; Sri Nyoto
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.44766


Composting of Rice Straw for Organic Fertilizer and Manufacturing Rice Husk Charcoal as Planting Medium in Soybean Demonstration Plot. Agricultural waste is the residue from an agricultural business activity, which if left unchecked can have a negative impact on the environment. Agricultural waste such as rice straw can be used for organic fertilizers because it has high potassium and lignin content. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the community and farmers about straw processing through the composting stage as organic fertilizer and burning rice husks into husk charcoal as a planting medium in soybean cultivation. Community service was carried out from July to August 2020 in Pengkok Village, Kedawung District, Sragen Regency, namely in the Subur and Sumber Agung farmer groups. Community service activities carried out are counseling or socialization of the use of straw and husk charcoal as organic fertilizer and planting media, then proceed with demonstrations or practices for making organic fertilizers and husk charcoal which are continued with planting soybeans in polybags with the application of compost and husk charcoal that have been made. The result of this service activity is that participants or farmer groups can make organic fertilizer from straw waste and husk charcoal independently and can be applied when cultivating soybeans in polybags as well as understanding the stages of making straw compost and burning husks into husk charcoal. The conclusion from the service activities that have been carried out is the understanding of the knowledge of community service participants about the methods or stages of composting in making organic fertilizer and making husk charcoal from rice husk waste for planting media as proven by farmers being able to make organic fertilizer from rice straw which initially becomes waste that is not optimal. used as compost which is made through the composting stage and the manufacture of husk charcoal using the burning method in a funnel and then applied in the soybean demonstration plot experiment in polybags.
Pemanfaatan Sistem Embung Sebagai Sumber Air dan Pangan Keluarga di Desa Cikalong Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat Kristiyanto Kristiyanto; Silvia Septhiani; Ihwan Zulkarnain
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.41255


Utilizing the Pond as A Water and Food Source in Cikalong Village Tasikmalaya West Java. Cikalong Village is administratively in the Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, often experiencing drought every year, chiefly in the dry season, when the local people have difficulty obtaining water to meet their daily needs. The method used in the activity was a direct observation, interviews, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The number of people involved is 10-15 people, in which there are community leaders and farmers. This activity aims to determine the contribution and benefits of the pond, especially in the dry season which is prone to drought. Ponds can be an alternative solution, apart from being a water source, their function can also be developed for fish cultivation with an aquaculture system and vegetables with an aqua-plants system. Both systems are able to meet food needs on a family scale well, with the integration of various types of fish such as Cyprinus carpio, Oreochromis mossambicus and vegetables such as chili, leeks, tomatoes. The results of the activity showed that the benefits of making ponds around the house with sizes of 10x10 m, 5x5 m, and 3x3 m and in gardens with sizes 10x20 m to 20x20 are as water storage, fish cultivation and plant cultivation. The pond was a form of adaptation and mitigation of local communities in responding to the effects of drought properly. The Cikalong Village community can be categorized as a community that has a fairly high sensitivity to the surrounding environmental conditions in recognizing and mitigating drought problems.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Telur sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair di Kecamatan Rumbai Bukit Saberina Hasibuan; Muhammad Rafi Nugraha; Aufa Kevin; Novan Rumbata; Syahkila Syahkila; Sekar Asmara Dhewanty; Muhammad Fajar Fadillah; Maya Kurniati; Nana Trilanda; Sherina Nur Afifah; Tevania Shafira
PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/prima.v5i2.54635


Utilization of Eggshell Waste As Liquid Organic Fertilizer in Rumbai Bukit District. Eggshell waste can be used for the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer. Eggshells can come from laying hens farm waste and household kitchen waste. The utilization of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from eggshell waste is done to minimize environmental pollution. In addition, eggshell waste recycling has economic value. The activity of making liquid organic fertilizer was carried out by 10 Kukerta students, Riau University. The location for making liquid organic fertilizer is in the yard of Mr. Masdi's house, the chairman of RW 7, Rumbai Bukit District. The method of making liquid organic fertilizer is by fermentation for 10 days at a temperature of around 40oC. The materials used are eggshells, EM4 solution, brown sugar, and water, while the tools needed are a basin, a bottle, a grinder, and a thermometer. The purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge of the residents of Rumbai Bukit on the benefits of eggshell waste in making POC. So far, eggshell waste has only been piled up on vacant land belonging to the village and as a source of air pollution. Making POC from 1 kg of eggshell powder produced 500 ml. During the practice, 7 bottles of POC were produced containing 500 mL per bottle with a capital of Rp. 5,000 per bottle. POC testing on chili and papaya plants planted in people's yards was carried out with qualitative observations of the leaves which showed wider leaves than plants that were not given POC. The results of the participation questionnaire to increase the knowledge and skills of the RW 7 Rumbai Bukit community in participating in activities and developing POC manufacturing increased by 87.5%. This outreach activity adds to the value of eggshell waste every 1 kg after it becomes a POC, which is sold for a profit of Rp. 10,000. Utilization of eggshell waste as POC can increase the economy of the Family Welfare Development (PKK) women's group by 50%.

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