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Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika
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Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika: Jurnal penelitian PNUP sebagai wadah komunikasi ilmiah antar akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi dalam menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian bidang rumpun elektro dan informatika yaitu teknik listrik, energi, elektronika, kontrol, telekomunikasi, komputer dan jaringan, dan Multimedia.
Articles 146 Documents
Analisis Spektogram Sinyal Suara Asli dan Suara Hasil Konversi Berbasis Derivative Gelombang Glotal Sriwijanaka Yudi Hartono; Saidah Suyuti; Bambang Panji Asmara; Bayu Adrian Ashad; Nurul Khaerani Hamzidah
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v20i2.4525


Ucapan manusia yang dihasilkan oleh suatu sistem produksi yang dibentuk oleh alat – alat ucap manusia. Proses ini dimulai dengan formulasi pesan dalam otak pembicara (penutur), pesan tersebut selanjutny akan diubah menjadi perintah-perintah yang diberikan kepada alat-alat ucap manusia sehingga dihasilkan ucapan yang sesuai dengan pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Transformasi sinyal suara (speech) berbasis derivative gelombang glottal digunakan dengan metode Liljenctranct fant. Pada metode ini parameter yang berperang penting adalah open Quotient (OQ), Speed Quotiont (SQ), formant dan pitch.  Keempat parameter tersebut sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan kualitas konversi suara.  Spektogram adalah suatu representasi dari warna suara atau spektral yang bervariasi terhadap waktu yang menunjukkan tingkat insitas energi spektral (density Spectral). Berdasarkan dari data base sinyal suara yang diproses secara pengolahan sinyal digital diperoleh adanya perbedaan ketajaman spektral pada spektogram antara sinyal asli dengan sinyal konversi, dimana tingkat ketajaman spektral warna hasil konversi lebih tinggi dari pada spektral suara asli.  Hal ini dikarenakan adanya penguatan intensitas lebih dari spektral akibat transformasi derivative dari gelombang glottal akibat parameter OQ, SQ, formant dan pitch.  Sinyal suara yang dihasilkan tidak berubah baik bentuk sinyal maupun durasinya, yang berubah hanyalah warna suaranya. Untuk membedakan suara hasil konversi darri suara pria lain dan suara wanita yaitu dengan merubah besarnya nilai keempat parameter tersebut secara tepat.
Design an Automatic Condenser in Swallow Bird House Andi Aliem Adrian Asrul; Achamdi Syafaat; Baktiar Baktiar; Usman Usman
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 21, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v21i1.4792


This design is a system development carried out by swallow breeders in stabilizing the temperature and humidity of swallow houses. This design uses the principles of the Internet of Things (IoT), which will monitor temperature and humidity through internet media. This design aims to make a temperature and humidity control system in the swallow house automatically and find out the level of accuracy of temperature and humidity readings in the design made. This design uses a Wemos D1 Mini Board microcontroller that controls components such as DHT22 sensors, DS18B20 sensors and relays. The result of this design can control the condenser automatically, when the temperature and humidity are above the standard temperature, it will turn on the condenser automatically.
SENSOR MQ-2 DETEKSI ASAP ROKOK BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS Nuraeni Umar; Sahbuddin A. K.; Lidemar Halide; Maudy Imayanthi Rusjdi; Ismah Afifah Ijsam
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v20i2.4637


Cigarette smoke contains toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide (CO), nicotine and tar. The dangerous/poisonous ingredients in cigarettes cause health problems for those who smoke (active smokers) or those who don't smoke (passive smokers). To avoid the accumulation of cigarette smoke in the room, this research was created and carried out to detect cigarette smoke and reduce the levels of cigarette smoke in the room. Fan. will emit cigarette smoke into the room. The results of the detection of cigarette smoke levels will be sent to Labtop. This system was built using an MQ-2 sensor, ESP8266 microcontroller. The implementation of the cigarette smoke detection system is installed in 3 different rooms/places and is accessed by Internet of Things (IoT) network users. The research results show that every room where this system is installed will send data from cigarette smoke detection results to the lab. The MQ-2 sensor detects cigarette smoke, the data is sent to the internet network via the ESP8266, the data will be displayed on the laptop. From the sample test the tool responded well. This system will activate the fan at certain levels of cigarette smoke to reduce the level of cigarette smoke in the room. When the level is 0 ppm with the Green LED indicator on, the fan is not working or OFF. When the level shows 7 ppm the LED indicator lights up yellow and the fan will turn ON. For the red LED, the cigarette smoke level displayed is 32 ppm with the fan ON. These results prove that the system is functioning properly, detecting and controlling the operation of the fan to remove cigarette smoke from the room and transmit data to the internet network.
Simulation Model Design of VHF Omni-Directional Range (VOR) Based on Microcontroller Roby Tristiantoro; Usman Umar; Risnawaty Alyah
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 21, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v21i1.4754


The process of giving directional information to assist airplanes in making an accurate landing at the airport of destination is known as aviation navigation. The VHF Omnidirectional Range is a crucial navigation tool for guiding planes to the airport (VOR). Since it costs a lot of money to learn how to fly an airplane, a VOR simulator was developed that can mimic the movement of an aircraft passing through the VOR. The simulation that was produced is a prototype that sends and receives signals to the aircraft utilizing an antenna and microcontroller as supporting hardware. The VOR/DME flight navigation system is constructed in this study using mathematical modeling; a formulation representing the essential features of the system is expressed as a set of connected variables. The ESP32 module that powers the system serves as a DME by sending out Bluetooth radio signals. where one ESP32 module serves as a DME object (moving DME) and three ESP32 modules serve as DME stations (ground DME). Information on the distance between the DME station and the DME object will be communicated using the MQTT protocol, and this data will be processed using the trilateration method to predict the location and movement of the DME object. The measurement accuracy at DME station 1, DME station 2, and DME station 3 are 99.52%, 99.92%, and 99.98% respectively. The enhanced capabilities to estimate the position of objects observed from different directions or omni-directionally on a two-dimensional scale are made possible by the performance results of combining the performance of three ESP32 devices as Distance Measurement Equipment (DME). 
Analisis Sistem Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Aplikasi Wazuh pada Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Statistik dan Persandian Sulawesi Selatan Mardhiyah Nas; Farchia Ulfiah; Ulya Putri
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v20i2.4536


The South Sulawesi Communication Informatics Statistics and Standardization Office is an implementer of government affairs that assists in carrying out government affairs in the fields of communication, informatics, statistics, and signage. Currently, agencies are utilizing technological developments to maximize their performance, such as the use of web servers to provide information and provide services. But of course this can cause problems such as data theft. Because of the many threats that can attack at any time. Therefore, an application is needed that can prevent this from happening. In order to overcome this, a monitoring system is implemented using the Wazuh application which is an application of SIEM. to find out how this application works in the event of an attack, testing will be carried out using 2 types of attacks, namely Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Slowloris and Brute Force. In this test, data will be taken in the form of application responses, namely the response time of the Wazuh application and the classification of the Wazuh application level against DDoS and Brute Force attacks which will be displayed on the Wazuh application Dashboard. Based on the test results, the wazuh application successfully detects DDoS Slowloris and Brute force attacks and can classify these two attacks at levels 3 to 10.
Design and Construction of a Controlled Temperature Food Product Dryer Based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Kurniawati Naim; Sarma Thaha; Muhammad Noor Ichwal; Muhammad Akbar; Muhammad Taufik Iman
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 21, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v21i1.4802


Drying food products using traditional methods relying on sunlight takes a relatively long time, especially with unpredictable weather conditions. Essentially, artificial drying using heat-based equipment provides several advantages, including: independence from weather conditions, adjustable drying capacity, controlled temperature, no need for extensive space, controlled drying conditions, and guaranteed and uniform drying quality. Therefore, this design aims to create a food drying apparatus with PLC control. PLC is used as the controller for this drying apparatus, allowing automatic drying of certain types of food. In this design, we connect a DC motor to rotate the drying cylinder with a PLC device by creating a ladder diagram and determining the inputs and outputs in the CX-Programmer application. The design utilizes three inputs and two outputs. It is important that the I/O is readable by the PLC so that the system operates according to the programmed instructions.